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Intermediate MK Umum 3 1
AUTHORIZED PERSON Lecturer Designing Syllabus Course Group Head of Study
Coordinator Program

Learning Outcomes PLO

PLO1 Demonstrate the ability to listen, speak, read and write in English with advance
accuracy and fluency for a variety of purposes.
CLO1 Students are able to do scanning.
CLO2 Students are able to do skimming.
CLO3 Students are able to predict the outcomes of the text they read.
CLO4 Students are able to preview the text.
CLO5 Students are able to differentiate facts and opinion.
CLO6 Students are able to make inferences and draw conclusions.
CLO7 Students are able to make generalization.
CLO8 Students are able to paraphrase.
Course Description This course aims at providing theoretical knowledge and skills on intermediate reading in order to
understand various texts in English.

Materials/Topics 1. Introduction
2. Review of understanding paragraphs
3. Scanning
4. Skimming
5. Predicting outcomes
6. Previewing
7. Facts and opinions
8. Inferences and drawing conclusion
9. Generalization
10. Paraphrasing
References Main:

Adam, W. Royce. 1981. Developing Reading Versetality. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
Drapper, G,G. 1993. Great American Short Stories. Regents Prentice Hall. Englewood Cliffs New
Drayto, Anne Marie. 1985. In Good Company. Massachusetts: Addison Wesley Publishing Comp.
Troyka, Lynn Quitman and Joseph Wayne Thweatt. 2009. Structured Reading: Seventh Edition.
New Jersey: Pearson Education LTB.
Seal, Bernard. 2001. Academic Encounters: Reading, Study Skills and Writing. New Aster:
Cambridge University Press.

Anderson, Mark. 2003. Text Types in English. Australia: McMillan Education Australia PTY LTD.
Anderson, Neil J. 2003. Active Skills in Reading: Book 3. Singapore: Heinle.
Langan, John. 2012. English Skills with Reading. New York: McGraw Hill.
Media Software: Hardware:
- Laptop, LCD
Team Teaching Zainuddin Amir, Yetti Zainil, Ratmanida, Fitrawati, Leni Marlina, Yati Aisya Rani
Prerequisite ---

Week Lesson Learning Outcome Indicators Methods of Methods of Materials Percentage

Assessment Learning (%)
Introduction to the Course

2 Students are able to review  Ability to  Participation  Lecturing  Reading

and discuss the elements of identify main  Oral Test  Question and theories about
paragraphs; main ideas, ideas of  Written Test Answer (Q-A) elements of
supporting details, and paragraphs  Exercise  Discussion paragraphs
patterns.  Ability to  Reading
identify materials about
supporting elements of
details of paragraphs
 Ability to
identify various
3 Students are able to scan  Ability to  Participation  Lecturing  Reading
various types of text. explain the  Oral Test  Question and materials about
concept of  Written Test Answer (Q-A) scanning
scanning in  Exercise  Discussion
reading various
types of texts
 Ability to apply
how to scan
various types of
4 Students are able to skim  Ability to  Participation  Lecturing  Reading
various types of text. explain the  Oral Test  Question and materials about
concept of  Written Test Answer (Q-A) skimming
skimming in  Exercise  Discussion
reading various
types of texts
 Ability to apply
how to skim
various types of
5 Students are able to predict  Ability to use  Participation  Lecturing  Hands out
the outcomes of the text they information  Oral Test  Question and about
read by using the information from the text  Written Test Answer (Q-A) predicting
from the text and their they read  Exercise  Discussion outcomes
personal experiences. including titles,  Reading
headings, materials about
pictures and predicting
diagrams outcomes
 Ability to relate
their personal
with the
they got in the
 Ability to make
predictions of
the outcomes of
the text
6-7 Students are able to able to  Ability to  Participation  Lecturing  Hands out
preview various type of text preview various  Oral Test  Question and about
by analyzing the title, first types of text  Written Test Answer (Q-A) previewing
sentences, first from the titles  Exercise  Discussion  Reading
paragraphs/last paragraphs,  Ability to materials about
and pictures/graphs. preview various previewing
types of text texts
from the first
 Ability to
preview various
types of text
from the first
paragraphs and
last paragraphs
 Ability to
preview various
types of text
from the
pictures or
graphs found in
the text
8 Mid Semester Test
9-10 Students are able to  Ability to  Participation  Lecturing  Hands out
differentiate facts and explain the  Oral Test  Question and about facts and
opinion they found in the differences of  Written Test Answer (Q-A) opinion
text. facts and  Exercise  Discussion  Reading
opinion materials about
 Ability to differentiating
identify facts facts and
and opinion that opinion
they found in
various types of
11-12 Students are able to make  Ability to  Participation  Lecturing  Hands out
inferences and draw explain the  Oral Test  Question and about making
conclusions from various concept of  Written Test Answer (Q-A) inferences and
types of text. making  Exercise  Discussion drawing
inferences and conclusions
drawing  Reading
conclusion materials about
 Ability to apply making
how to make inferences and
inferences and drawing
how to draw conclusions
13 Students are able to make  Ability to  Participation  Lecturing  Hands out
generalization based on the explain the  Oral Test  Question and about making
various types of text they concept of  Written Test Answer (Q-A) generalization
read. making  Exercise  Discussion  Reading
generalization materials about
based on the making
text generalization
 Ability to apply
how to
information in
various types of
14-15 Students are able to take  Ability to  Participation  Lecturing  Hands out
author’s ideas in the text and comprehend the  Oral Test  Question and about
paraphrase them by using author’s ideas in  Written Test Answer (Q-A) paraphrasing
their own words. the text they  Exercise  Discussion  Reading
read materials to be
 Ability to paraphrased
paraphrase the
author’s ideas
by using their
own words
16 Review
A. Evaluation/Assessment
Students’ grades are based on:
Mid-Test 30%
Final Test 35%
Assignment 25%
Classroom Participation 10%

Range Grade
85-100 A
80-84 A-
75-79 B+
70-74 B
65-69 B-
60-64 C+
55-59 C
50-54 C-
40-49 D
<39 E

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