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SEPTEMBER 09, 2019


I. Objective:
Visualizes addition and subtraction of similar fractions. (M4NS-IIf-82.1)

II. Content
Addition and Subtraction of Similar Fractions.

Leaning Resources
A. References
1. Teachers Guide: pp. 142-146
2. Leaners Material: pp. 112-115
B. Teaching Materials
Powerpoint presentation, cellular phones, kahoot app
C. Integration
Health-Exercise, ICT

III. Instructional Procedures

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Drill (Given a picture, name the shaded part. Write your answer in your group board.)
Name the shaded part of the following:

d. _______ d. _________

b. _______ e. _________

c. ________ f. _________

2. Review
Change the given number to mixed fraction or improper fraction
1. 4 1/2
2. 15/3
3. 6 2/3
4. 35/10
5. 40/8

3. Motivation
Show a picture of children running/jogging.
Talk about ways of keeping physically healthy.
Do you like to jog? Are you jogging alone?
Why do you have to exercise?
What benefits can you get from jogging?

B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation
Present the problem to the class.
John and Raul jog regularly. One morning, John jogged 5/8
kilometer while Raul jogged 3/8 kilometer. How many kilometer did
John and Raul jog altogether? How much father did John Jog than
2. Discussion
Who jog regularly?
What parts of a kilometer did John jog one morning? What about Raul?
What does the problem ask you find?
How will you solve for the answer to the problem?

Show a video presentation on how to add and subtract similar fractions.

3. Performing the Activities

5/8 + 3/8 = n
5/8 + 3/8 = 8/8 – jogged by John and Raul altogether.
5/8 – 3/8 = 2/8 – John jogged 2/8 or 1/4

4. Guided Practice

Present the rubrics in doing group work

5. Generalization
• In adding and subtracting similar fractions, simply add or subtract the
numerators and write the sum over the common denominator.

6. Application
Play the
 At, students enter game-pin 586359 and nickname on their own devices
(phone, tablet, or computer).
 Press “Start now” to let the fun begin!
 Students answer questions on their own devices by selecting one of the four answer

Find the sum or difference and express in lowest term if possible.

1. 3/8 + 4/8 = 2. 7/20 + 9/20 = 3. 32/60 – 11/60 =

4. 1/21 + 12/ 21 + 7/21 = 5. 2/9 + 7/9 – 5/9 = 6. 22/42 – 10/42 – 8/ 42 =

IV. Assessment
Find the sum or difference and express in lowest term if possible.
1. 3/6 + 1/6 = 2. 7/20 + 4/20 = 3. 5/10 + 3/10 =

4. 5/6 – 3/6 = 5. 7/10 – 3/10 =

V. Agreement
Find the sum or difference and express in lowest term if possible.
1. 8/12 – 5/12 =
2. 15/20 – 10/20 = 5-
3. 20/24 – 4/24 = 4-
4. 8/15 + 2/15 =
5. 4/8 + 2/8 =

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