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Physics 220 - Final Exam - Summer 2013

Version 47 - Answer Key

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1. 73.7 moles of nitrogen gas are contained in an enclosed cylinder with a movable piston.
If the gas has a temperature is 62.2 ◦ C and the pressure is 95.7 kPa, what is the volume
of the gas?

(a) 2.52 m3
(b) 3.33 m3
(c) 0.21 m3
4 2.15 m3
(e) 3.98 m3

P V = nRT
From the Ideal Gas Law, solving for volume gives:

nRT (73.7 mol)(8.31 J/(K mol))(62.2 + 273.15 K)

V = = = 2.15 m3
P 95.7 × 103 Pa
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2. The following wave is traveling on a string with a velocity of 71.9 m/s. What is the
frequency of the wave?

(a) 23.97 Hz
(b) 215.70 Hz
(c) 40.76 Hz
(d) 3.61 Hz
(e) 11.98 Hz

The wavelength (λ) is the distance between two peaks. From the graph above, λ =
3.0 m.
v = λf
Solving for the frequency gives:

v 71.9 m/s
f= = = 23.97 Hz
λ 3.0 m
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3. Two metal blocks are placed in a room and have the same initial temperature. Both
blocks have the same mass, but one block is made of aluminum while the other block is
made of steel. The steel block is heated by transfering an amount of heat (Q) while the
aluminum block is heated by twice as much (2Q). Which of the following is true about
the change in temperatures of the blocks?

(a) ∆Tal = 2 ∆Tsteel

(b) ∆Tal = 4 ∆Tsteel
(c) ∆Tal = ∆Tsteel /4
(d) ∆Tal = ∆Tsteel /2
4 ∆Tal = ∆Tsteel
From Table 14.3 on the Equation Sheet, cal = 900 J/(kg K) and csteel = 450 J/(kg K)

Qal 2Q 2Q Q
Qal = mal cal ∆Tal ⇒ ∆Tal = = = =
mal cal m cal m (900) m (450)

Qsteel Q Q
Qsteel = msteel csteel ∆Tsteel ⇒ ∆Tsteel = = =
msteel csteel m csteel m (450)
Both changes in temperature are the same.
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4. A cart with a mass of 8.5 kg is pushed to the right with a velocity of 5.6 m/s. A second
cart with a mass of 5.2 kg is in front of the first cart and is moving to the right with a
velocity of 4.2 m/s. The first cart collides with the back of the second cart so that the
two carts stick together in a totally ineslastic collision. What is the final velocity of the
two carts?

(a) 4.22 m/s

4 5.07 m/s
(c) 6.49 m/s
(d) 1.38 m/s
(e) 8.17 m/s
Momentum is converserved for all collisions. The carts stick together after the collision
so they have the same final velocity.

p~1,i + p~2,i = p~1,f + p~2,f

m1~v1,i + m2~v2,i = m1~v1,f + m2~v2,f
m1~v1,i + m2~v2,i = m1~vf + m2~vf
m1~v1,i + m2~v2,i = (m1 + m2 )~vf
m1 v1,i,x + m2 v2,i,x = (m1 + m2 )vf,x

This problem only has motion in one direction (the x-direction) so only the x-components
of the momentum are needed, and the notation can be simplified.

m1 v1,i + m2 v2,i = (m1 + m2 )vf

Solving for vf :

m1 v1,i + m2 v2,i (8.5 kg)(5.6 m/s) + (5.2 kg)(4.2 m/s)

vf = = = 5.07 m/s
m1 + m2 8.5 kg + 5.2 kg
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5. A suction cup has an air pressure of 72 kPa inside the suction cup when it is attached
to a ceiling. The suction cup covers an area of 8.01 cm2 , and a mass is hanging from
the suction cup. What is the largest mass that the suction cup can hold before falling?

(a) 23.47 kg
(b) 3.59 kg
4 2.39 kg
(d) 5.88 kg
(e) 1.27 kg
The suction cup is held up because of the force due to the difference of pressure inside
and outside of the suction cup. The pressure outside is atmospheric pressure. Sum of
the forces for the suction cup:

ΣFy : Fout − Fin − T = ma = 0

Pout A − Pin A − T = 0
(Pout − Pin )A = T

Sum of the forces for the hanging mass

ΣFy : T − Fg = ma = 0
T = Fg = mg

Substituting the second equation into the first and solving for mass gives:

(Pout − Pin )A (101.3 × 103 − 72.0 × 103 )(8.01 × 10−4 )

m= = = 2.39 kg
g (9.8)
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6. A source of sound waves of frequency 7,615 Hz is traveling through the air at a velocity
of 69.3 m/s. What is the frequency of the sound recieved by a stationary observer if the
source moves away from the observer?

4 6,335
(a) Hz
(b) 7,374 Hz
(c) 1,219 Hz
(d) 5,443 Hz
(e) 9,543 Hz

1 ± vobs /vsound
fobs = fsource
1 ∓ vsource /vsound
The observer is stationary, and the source is moving away from the observor. This gives
the following:
1 1
fobs = fsource = (7,615 Hz) = 6,335 Hz
1 + vsource /vsound 1 + (69.3 m/s)/(343 m/s)
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7. You want to use a steel cable to tow your car. Your car has a mass of 3,000 kg. The
cable is solid steel with a diameter of 8 · 10−1 cm and a length of 32.2 m. If you are
pulling the car such that its acceleration is 2.3 m/s2 , how much will the cable stretch?
(Steel has a Young’s Modulus of 2.0 ×1011 Pa, a Shear Modulus of 8.1 ×1010 Pa, a Bulk
Modulus of 1.4 ×1011 Pa)

(a) 0.06 cm
4 2.21 cm
(c) 1.36 cm
(d) 4.14 cm
(e) 0.79 cm
F ∆L
A L0
Solving for the change in length (∆L) gives:
F L0 ma L0 ma L0
∆L = = 2 =
AY πr Y π(d/2)2 Y

ma L0 (3,000 kg)(2.3 m/s2 ) 32.2 m

∆L = 2
= 2
= 0.0221 m = 2.21 cm
π(d/2) Y π((0.008 m)/2) 2.0 × 1011 Pa
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8. A reversible heat engine has two reservoirs, one at a temperture of 473 K, and the other
at 870 K. If 5,520 J of heat is extracted from the hot reservoir, how much work is done
by the engine?

(a) 1,214 J
4 2,519 J
(c) 3,001 J
(d) 3,623 J
(e) 4,242 J
The efficiency for a reversible heat engine is given by:
TC 473 K
e=1− =1− = 0.4563
TH 870 K
The efficiency for a heat engine is also equal to the benefit over the cost:
Solving for work:
W = (e)(QH ) = (0.4563)(5,520 J) = 2,519 J
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9. A guitar player notices that one of the guitar strings is a little out of tune. The frequency
of the note played is higher than it should be. Which of the following should the guitar
player do in order to get the desired frequency?

(a) decrease the mass of the string

4 loosen the string
(c) decrease the amplitude of the wave on the string
(d) tighten the string
(e) increase the amplitude of the wave on the string
The velocity of a wave on a string is given by:
s r
v= =
µ M

The velocity of the wave is related to the frequency by:

v = λf

Loosening the string (decreasing the tension) will cause the velocity to decrease. A
decrease in velocity will result in a lower frequency.
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10. What should be the length of an organ pipe, closed at one end, if the fundamental fre-
quency is to be 845.2 Hz?

(a) 1.04 cm
(b) 246.41 cm
(c) 17.15 cm
(d) 20.29 cm
4 10.15 cm
The pipe has one end closed and one end open so the equation for frequency is given by:
fn =
The questions asks for the fundamental frequency so n = 1 and this is a sound wave so
the velocity is the speed of sound (343 m/s). Solving for the length gives:

nvsound (1)(343 m/s) (1)(343 m/s)

L= = = = 0.1015 m = 10.15 cm
4fn 4f1 4(845.2 Hz)
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11. A marble with a mass of 6.2 grams is rolling without slipping with a velocity of 5.56 m/s.
The marble then rolls up a ramp at a 23◦ angle above the horizontal. How high above
the ground will the marble be when it comes to a complete stop?

(a) 1.58 m
(b) 0.14 m
(c) 4.41 m
4 2.21 m
(e) 1.26 m
Energy is converserved. The marble is rolling without slipping which means the marble
is rotating and has rotational kinetic energy and also the marble is moving so it has
translational kinetic energy as well. The marble is a sphere so the moment of interia for
a sphere is used.

Ei = Ef
P Ei + KEtrans,i + KErot,i = P Ef + KEtrans,f + KErot,f
1 1 1 1
mghi + mvi2 + Iωi2 = mghf + mvf2 + Iωf2
2 2 2 2
1 2 1 2 1 1
mg(0) + mvi + Iωi = mghf + m(0) + I(0)
2 2 2 2
1 2 1 2
mvi + Iωi = mghf
 2  2 2 
1 2 1 2 vi
mvi + mR2 = mghf
2 2 5 R2
1 2 1 2
mv + mv = mghf
2 i 5 i
mv 2 = mghf
10 i
7 2
v = ghf
10 i
Solving for hf :
7 vi2 7 (5.56 m/s)2
hf = = = 2.21 m
10 g 10 (9.8 m/s2 )
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12. A large bucket is partially filled with water. After filling the bucket, a person noticed
that there is a hole in the side of the bucket at the very bottom. If the speed of the
water coming out of the hole is 4.32 m/s, what is the height of the water in the bucket?

(a) 190.43 cm
(b) 161.85 cm
4 95.22 cm
(d) 4.90 cm
(e) 22.04 cm
Point 1 is chosen to be at the top of the water in the bucket, and Point 2 is picked at
the hole in the bucket.

1 1
P1 + ρv12 + ρgh1 = P2 + ρv22 + ρgh2
2 2
1 1
Patm + ρ(0)2 + ρgh1 = Patm + ρv22 + ρg(0)
2 2
1 2
ρgh1 = ρv2
Solving for h1 :
v22 (4.32)2
h1 = = = 0.9522 m = 95.22 cm
2g 2(9.8)
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13. A certain grandfather clock uses a pendulum to keep time; however, the clock is running
fast so that the period of the pendulum needs to be increased. Which of the following
would fix the clock so that it runs on time?

(a) decrease the mass

4 increase the length
(c) decrease the length and increase the mass
(d) decrease the length
(e) increase the mass
The period of a pendulumn is given by:
T = 2π

In order to increase the period, the length of the period needs to increase. Changing the
mass has no affect on the period of the pendulumn.
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14. A 2.0 kg piece of aluminum is warmed so that its temperature increases by 2.9 ◦ C. If
the same amount of heat is used to melt ice, how many grams of ice would melt?

(a) 0.32 g
(b) 1.25 g
4 15.63 g
(d) 28.84 g
(e) 4.42 g
The heat from the aluminum goes into the ice.

Qal = Qice
mal cal ∆Tal = mice Lf ,ice

Solving for the mass of the ice gives:

mal cal ∆Tal (2.0 kg)(900 J/(kg K))(2.9 ◦ C)

mice = = = 0.0156 kg = 15.63 g
Lf ,ice 334 × 103 J/kg
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15. A 40 kg boy is standing on the edge of a stationary 30 kg circular platform that is free
to rotate. The boy tries to walk around the platform in a counterclockwise direction.
As he does:

(a) the platform rotates in a clockwise direction just fast enough so that the boy remains
stationary relative to the ground.
(b) the platform doesn’t rotate.
(c) the platform rotates in a counterclockwise direction while the boy also goes around
in a counterclockwise direction relative to the ground.
4 the platform rotates in a clockwise direction while the boy goes around in a
counterclockwise direction relative to the ground.
(e) both go around with equal angular velocities and in the same direction.
Angular momentum of the system is convserved.
~ boy,initial + L
L ~ platform,initial = L
~ boy,final + L
~ platform,final

Intially both the boy and the platform are stationary so the total angular momentum
of the system initally is zero.

Iboy,initial ω
~ boy,initial + Iplatform,initial ω
~ platform,initial = Iboy,final ω
~ boy,final + Iplatform,final ω
~ platform,final
Iboy,initial (0) + Iplatform,initial (0) = Iboy,final ω~ boy,final + Iplatform,final ω
~ platform,final
0 = Iboy,final ω~ boy,final + Iplatform,final ω
~ platform,final
−Iboy,final ω~ boy,final = +Iplatform,final ω ~ platform,final

This means that the final angular momentum is also zero and that the boy and the
platform rotate in opposite directions.
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16. An ideal gas is in a sealded container with volume (V). The container is then compressed
so that the new volume is half of the original volume (V’=V/2). The number of parti-
cles and temperature are kept constant. What happens to the pressure of the gas in the

(a) the new pressure is equal to the original pressure

(b) the new pressure is four times the original pressure
4 the new
(c) pressure is twice the original pressure
(d) the new pressure is one fourth of the original pressure
(e) the new pressure is half of the original pressure

P V = nRT
The number of particles and temperature are kept constant. This means that:

P1 V1 = P2 V2

The problem gives that the new volume is half of the original volume (V2 = V1 /2).
Plugging this in gives:
P1 V1 = P2
P1 =
Solving for the new pressure P2 gives:

P2 = 2P1
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17. A ball with a mass of 9.8 kg is thrown up at a 11.3◦ angle above the horizontal. The
ball initially has a velocity of 24.2 m/s and starts approximately on the ground. How
long is the ball in the air before it hits the ground?

(a) 0.55 s
(b) 1.92 s
(c) 0.48 s
4 0.97 s
(e) 2.42 s
The initial velocity in the x-direction and y-direction are given by:

v0x = v0 cos θ v0y = v0 sin θ

The ball is being thrown straight up. At the very top, the velocity in the y-direction
is zero (vfy = 0). The acceleration in the y-direction is -9.8 m/s2 . Use the kinematic
equation with velocity, time, and acceleration.

vfy = v0y + ay t

Solving for time gives:

vfy − v0y 0 − v0 sin θ −(24.2 m/s) sin 11.3◦
t= = = = 0.48 s
a a −9.8 m/s2

The total time the ball in in the air is twice the time it takes for the ball to travel to
the top of its path.
ttotal = 2t = 2(0.48 s) = 0.97 s
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18. A Pitot-Static tube is used to measure pessure in order

to find an airplane’s velocity. The pressure at 1, where
the velocity of air is zero, is 6.9 ×104 Pa, and the
pressure at 2 is 6.13 ×104 Pa. The airplane is flying
at an altitude where the density of air is 0.66 kg/m3 .
What is the velocity of the airplane?

(a) 126.04 m/s

(b) 319.09 m/s
4 152.76 m/s
(d) 522.46 m/s
(e) 457.27 m/s
The height of point 1 and point 2 are similar and aproximately zero. The velocity of
point 1 is zero. This gives the following:
1 1 2
P1 + ρv12 + ρgh1 = P2 + ρv + ρgh2
2 2 2
1 1 2
P1 + ρ(0)2 + ρg(0) = P2 + ρv + ρg(0)
2 2 2
P1 = P2 + ρv22
Solving for v2 :
s r
2(P1 − P2 ) 2(6.90 × 104 − 6.13 × 104 )
v2 = = = 152.76 m/s
ρ 0.66
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Refer to the following P-V diagram for Problem 19 and Problem 20.

In the figure above, P1 = 33.9 kPa, P2 = 45.5 kPa, P3 = 85.6 kPa, V1 = 2.41 m3 , and
V2 = 6.67 m3 .

19. A gas undergoes a two part process from A to C as shown in the P-V diagram above.
The first part is from A to B and the second from B to C. What is the work done by
the gas during this process (all parts from A to C)?

(a) −43.25 kJ
(b) +193.83 kJ
(c) −654.23 kJ
(d) +144.41 kJ
4 −364.66 kJ
The work done on a PV-diagram is the area under the curve.


WA→C = PAB (0) + PBC (VC − VB )
WA→C = 0 + P3 (V1 − V2 )

WA→C = P3 (V1 − V2 ) = (85.6 kPa)(2.41 m3 − 6.67 m3 ) = −364.66 kJ

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20. After going through the two part process from A to C as explained in Problem 19, the
gas undergoes another two part process. Part one is from C to D, and part two is from D
to A. The gas has now undergone one complete cycle and is back at A (where it started).
What is the work done by the gas during the entire cycle (all four parts A-B-C-D-A)?

4 −195.53 kJ
(b) −91.75 kJ
(c) −215.28 kJ
(d) +169.12 kJ
(e) +193.83 kJ
The work done on a PV-diagram is the area under the curve.


WA→A = PAB (0) + WBC + PCD (0) + WDA

From Problem 19:

WBC = P3 (V1 − V2 ) = (85.6 kPa)(2.41 m3 − 6.67 m3 ) = −364.66 kJ

The work for D → A is the area under the curve which can be broken up into a rectange
and a triangle. This gives the following:

WDA = P1 (V2 − V1 ) + (1/2)(P2 − P1 )(V2 − V1 )

= (33.9 kPa)(6.67 m3 − 2.41 m3 ) + (1/2)(45.5 kPa − 33.9 kPa)(6.67 m3 − 2.41 m3 )
= 144.41 kJ + 24.71 kJ
= 169.12 kJ

Now calculate the total work:

WA→A = WBC + WDA = −364.66 kJ + 169.12 kJ = −195.53 kJ

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