María Muela Bravo - ESSAY

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María Muela Bravo


Due to the different wars that occur in the world, thousands of refugees are forced to leave their
home of birth in order to seek asylum in Europe and consequently, this has already caused a
global humanitarian crisis. What is more, in many nations, there has been a great discrepancy
regarding the treatment that should be given to these people with many different opinions and

On the one hand, it is a well-known fact that European countries cannot afford to accommodate
a large majority of people because they do not have enough resources to meet all their needs. In
addition, it is acknowledged that when a country is open to hosting a large population, the number
of immigrants increases because others decide to follow their same steps.

Another area of concern is the security of European nations as it is worldwide believed that each
refugee can become a threat to the host country due to the fear that prevails today in relation to
Islamic terrorism. In this way, Islamic terrorism has become a perfect excuse for refugee refusal
and hate towards immigrants in many areas of the planet.

In contract with the previous arguments, several cooperatives, world organizations and human
rights activists argue that European countries must open their borders to refugees, since like any
other person in the world, they deserve to have the same rights and quality of life denying
therefore, that they truly constitute a threat to any nation. In fact, what they seek, is only to have
better standards of living and education for their sons and daughters in a new world. Moreover,
they affirm that it is necessary that empathy and affection prevail towards these people in order
to help them survive in a fairer and kinder world, since if the host countries rejected them, they
would be destined to die.

To sum up, it is normal to be afraid of the idea that immigration can produce a shortage of
resources in developed countries or that even different terrorist groups can enter and attack the
territories. But as far as I am concerned, it would be necessary to leave prejudices behind as no
immigrant is guilty of being born in their origin country. So ,without any doubt, it must be the duty
of all nations to help them and be aware that the land does not belong to anyone but must be a
safe home for everyone.

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