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University of Dhaka

Department of Nuclear Engineering

MS 3rd Semester Final Examination – 2014
Course Number: MNEOP 513 Time: 3 Hours
Course Title: Nuclear Material Science and Engineering Total Marks:

(Answer any five of the following questions)

1. (a) Determine the number of vacancies needed for a low alloy RPV steel (BCC iron) crystal 08
to have a density of 7.87 g/cm3. The lattice parameter of BCC iron is 2.866 x 10-8 cm and
Atomic Weight is 55.847 g/mol.
(b) Describe the interstitial defects of crystal structure. 06

2. (a) Derive the bending stress equation of a solid specimen described in the following figure. 06


Figure: Rotating Cantilever Beam

(b) Describe DBTT for BCC (RPV) and FCC (RCS) steels under LWR environment. 08

3. (a) Explain binding energy and coefficient of thermal expansion. 03

(b) Illustrate the effect of interatomic energy (IAE) separation curve to assess the intensity 02
coefficient of thermal expansion.
(c) Why is the modulus of elasticity considered a relatively structure intensive property? 03
(d) Distinguish between composition and structural material. 02
(e) Explain the terms packing factor and theoretical density of material with respect to crystal 04

4. (a) Explain and deduce activation energy for diffusion. 04

(b) Discuss the significance of Fick’s first law. 04
(c) An impermeable cylinder 3 cm in diameter and 10 cm long contains gas that includes- 0.5 06
x 1020 N atoms per cm3 and 0.5 x 1020 H atoms per cm3 on one side of an iron membrane
(as shown in the following Figure). Gas is continuously introduced to the pipe to assure a
constant concentration of nitrogen and hydrogen. The gas on the other side of the
membrane includes a constant 1 x 1018 N atoms per cm3 and 1 x 1018 H atoms per cm3.
The entire system is to operate at 700 0C, where the iron has the BCC structure. Design an
iron membrane that will allow no more than 1% of the nitrogen to be lost through the
membrane each hour, while allowing 90% of the hydrogen to pass through the membrane
per hour. [At 700 0C, diffusion coefficient in BCC iron, DN = 3.64 x 10-7 cm2/s and DH =
1.86 x 10-4 cm2/s]
1., 10 ern 10 cm

3 cm
/ \
0.5 x 10211 N atoms Iron 1.0 x 1018 N atoms
em3 membrane cral
0.5 x ion H atoms thickness 1.0x 1018 atom
cm ,rAx.. cm1
Figure: Design of a BCC Iron Membrane
5. (a) A light water reactor coolant pipe steel plate, which has a plane strain fracture toughness 10
of 80 MPa √m, is alternately loaded in tension to 500 MPa and in compression to 60 MPa
(As shown in the following figure). The plate is designed to survive for 40 years, with the
stress being applied at a frequency of one every 5 minutes. Design a manufacturing and
testing procedure that assures that the component will serve as intended. [Assume an
internal surface flaw, f = 1]
2 ( )( )/ − ( )( )/
= /
(2 − ) ∆

Power law behavior
C (AK)"

No crack

Rapid unstable--
crack growth

Slow crack

0.4 0_8 100
Stress-ii tensity factor
range AK (MPa Ni-n)
Figure: Crack growth rate versus stress intensity factor range for a high-strength steel
[C = 1.62 x 10-12 and n = 3.2]
(b) Describe the term creep. 04

6. (a) Describe the major differences among plain carbon steel, low alloy steel, stainless steel, 14
and nickel base alloy used for various parts of reactor components.
Composition (at% C)
10 15 20 25

— 2500
Temperature C•Ft

— 2000

Y Fl3C


a • Fe3C
Cementite (Fe3C)...______T.1000

3 4 5 6 6.70
C.omposition (wi%

Figure: The Eutectoid Point of the Fe – Fe3C phase diagram

7. (a) Describe the irradiation behavior of oxide fuels used for LWR. 06
(b) Describe the pellet-cladding interaction (PCI) problem and also its mitigation techniques. 08

8. (a) Discuss the advantages of Zr alloy for reactor materials. 04

(b) Explain the irradiation effects of Zr alloys. 04
(c) Give an analysis on water radiolysis 06
University of Dhaka
Department of Nuclear Engineering
Subject:•M.S. in Nuclear Engineering
M.S. ri Batch, Final Semester Examination-2016
Course Name: Nuclear Material Science and Engineering (MNEOP-513)

Time : 3 Hour Answer Any Five oC the Following Questions Total Marks: 5 x 14 = 70

0.1 Briefiy describe the materials' class, their degradation mechanisms and aging mitigation 14
techniques listed in Figure shown below.

Figure: Primary Structures, Systems. and Components (SS s) of a PWR Pant,

Q2 Describe the phenomenon "embrittlement" and Dynamic Strain Aging (USA} of nuclear 14
reactor structural materials. What are the propertiesiquality requirements for RPV
materials that need to be addressed during design? During fabrication of Fargo and
complex forgiiigs of RPV materials what arc the final desired mechanical properties'?

Q3 Describe the function, material requirement and material used for Fuels, Cladding 14
materials, Control rods, RPV,. Reactor inner parts, Steam generator. and Turbine set in
nuclear power plants

Q.4 A large steel plate piping used in a nuclear reactor has a plane strain fracture toughness 14
behavior described by the - figure given and is exposed to a combined stress 0131 0 N.1Pa
during service. Design a testing or inspection procedure capable of detecting a crack at
the edge of the plate before the crack is likely to grow at a catastrophic rate. [Assuming f

X 150

510%1 Wino Notre
Oneeti3le. keg lecomms Slurs
ibthlakol C elcal (eel tea) fllaPtl
1 2 0.1:6 0119
XIV aftlfile 6-1 VC
Thianess taro r ktr eke*/ ow 424 ON 4t0
01racric beptcrni 0013 115 OAS 6Xo

Figure : Plane strain fracture toughness behavior of a steel plate piping

Q5 In reactor piping materials (high alloy steels), carbon atoms are located at octahedral
sites at the center of each edge of the unit cell (1/2. 0, 0) and at the center of the unit cell
(112, 1/2, 1/2). In RPV materials (low alloy steels), carbon atoms enter tetrahedral sites,
such as 1/4, 1/2, 0. The lattice parameter is 0.3571 nm for FCC iron and 0.2866 tun for
BCC iron. Assume that carbon atoms have a radius of 0.071 nm. (1) Would we expect a
greater distortion of the crystal by an interstitial carbon atom in FCC or BCC iron? (2)
What would be the atomic percentage of carbon in each type of iron if all the interstitial
sites were filled?

Q.6 A light water reactor main coolant pipe steel plate (Figure 3), which has a plane strain
fracture toughness of 80 MPa Nim, is alternately loaded in tension to 500 MPa and in
compression to 60 MPa. The plate is designed to survive for 60 years, with the reactor
heat up - cool down procedure being applied at a frequency of 5 times a year. Under
light water reactor coolant environment, design a manufacturing and NDE procedure
that assures that the component will serve as intended_ [ Assume an edge flaw, f = 1.12].

N :442-4)12 - (61 ir-n°

(2 - 0Cf",6ko-iiir"'2

1 i No omit
1.04). growth

Rapid unstable
crack growth

Slow crack

0,4 0.8 110411

Stress-Literally factur
range liK (MN GI
Figure: Crack growth rate versus stress intensity factor range for a high-strength steel
[C=1.62x10-12 and n T 3.2] under room environment.

Q.7(a) Derive the bending stress equation of a solid specimen given in the figure below. 10


Rotating Cantilever been

7(b) What are the advantages of annular fuel pellets? 4

Q.8(a) Describe the importance of Fracture Mechanics [FM] 4

Q.8(b) What is the basic difference between FM and recent Probabilistic Fracture Mechanics 5
(Pf M) methodology used for designing present generation Reactor Pressure Vessel
(RP\') and piping systems?
Q.8(c) Describe the DSA mitigation techniques of RPV materials 5
tiniVerSit ► of-Dhaka
Department of Nuclear Engineering
M.Sc. 3" SemesterFinal Exam-2011
Course Title: Nuclear Material Science arid Engineering
Course Code: MNEOP 513
Time: 3 hours Full Marks: 70

1, a) What is the significance of dislocations? 3

b) Define ductility. How can we measure the ductility? 2
c) Describe the term Dint. Explain how neutron irradiation shifts DBTT of the 2+2
reactor pressure vessel material.
d) An aluminum Kid is to withstand an applied force- of -200,200. N. To assure 5
sufficient safety, the maximum allowable stress on the rod. is limited to 172 YIPa,
The rod must be at least 375 cm long but must deform elastically no. more than
0.625 cm when the force is applied: Design an appropriate rod.

2. a) Define and describe differed types of point. defects. 4

b) Define: Fracture toughness, critical stress intensity factor and plane strain \fracture 3
c) Discuss how does the fracture mechanics allows ugtto.dssign and select materia1s 3
while taking into account the inevitable presence of flaws.
4) A solid shaft for a cement kiln produced from tool steel must be 240 cm long and 4
Mast survive continuous operation for one year with an applied load of 55,600 N.
The shaft makes one revolution pert-minute during operation. Design a shaft that
will satisfy these requiremeuts. The Sdikl curve for the tool steel is shown in Figure.
Tool slcit. elite.
700 Stela
et 600
--Endlitidieflm it .4141411/4

P. 400
,,fc6 20C I
0 -44.-tfil I I U- j_ t
Er$ l 10k 107 lOs
Number of cycles
Figure: The stress-number of cycles to failure (S-N) curves of a tool of steel and an
aluminum alloy.

3. a) Define Zirconium alloy. Why is Zircaloy used as cladding material in nuclear 1+2
b) Discuss about the short coming of metallic zirconium when it is used as cladding 4
c)' Write down the properties and applications of austenitic stainless steel and terrific 5
stainless steel.
d) Why is FCC structured material preferred for the core region of the nuclear reactor 2
pressure vessel?

4. a) Write down the structural material, their degradation and their mitigation of the 10
primary system components of PWR reactor shown in following figure.

b) Draw a table by showing properties/qualities requirements for material correlated 4

with components and systems of PWRs.

5. a) Define dpa and Embrittlement, 2

b) Describe the interactive phenomena operating in fuel during irradiation. 4
c) What are the properties that may change due to neutron irradiation in reactor 3
pressure vessel?
d) Why does fatigue occur in structural component of reactor? Discup about different 5
types of fatigue that may occur different parts of the reactor component .

6. a) by is rdcket content controlled in Zlrcalloy-4 whigh is used as fuel cladding and 2

structural materials of PWR fuel assembly?
b) Why is water not used in FBI as a coolant although it has much higher figure of 2
merit than other liquid and gaseous coolants?
c) Why is graphite block necessary for slowing down neutrons in CO2 cooled thermal 2
reactors although there are carbon atoms in the coolant?
d) In high temperature CO2 cooled reactor (e.g. AGR), reaction of coolant with 3
graphite slowly removes the moderator from the reactor, decreasing the strength of
the graphite core which in turn alters the aliglinent of the fuel channel. How can
this chemical reaction rate be minimized? -
e) A fast reactor fuel rod, in which heat is being generated uniformly at a rate of 5
1.9 x 109 wiin3 , is clad with stainless steel; the inner radius of the cladding is

2.56 rain and the outer radius 2.92 mm. The fuel pellet has a radius of 2.45 mm.
Calculate the thermal stress in the cladding during operation. At the operating
temperature of about SOOT, the properties of the stainless steel are as follows;
Thermal expansion coefficient = 1.8 x 10-5/T; Poitonrs Ratio = 0.32
Young's Modulus = 1,5 x 10 11 Pct; Thermal conductivity =• 23 k

7. a) Explain flow assisted corrosion and strain induced corrosion cracking (SICC). 4
What are the best ways to reduce the flow assisted corrosion in a nuclear power
b) PWRs use soluble boron in the primary cooling water to regulate the corers 2
reactivity. Is this method of reactivity control available to BWRs? Why or why
c) Explain how chemical shim in PWR add positive reactivity if primary coolant 2
temperature increases.
d) Describe the reasons and methods of controlling the following LWR (Light Water 4
Reactor) water chemistry parameters.
pH, dissolved oxygen, total gas content, conductivity
e) A piece of corroded steel plate was found in a submerged ocean vessel. It was 2
estimated that the original area of the plate was 10 in.2 and that approximately 2.6
kg had corroded away during the submersion. Assuming a corrosion penetration
rate of 200 rnpy for this alloy in seawater, estimate the time of submersion in
years. The density of steel is 7.9 gicm3.
8. a) What is the difference between a phase and a microconstituent? 2
b) What thermodynamic condition must be met for a state of equilibrium to exist? 2
c) Briefly .eitplain why, upon solidification, an alloy, of eutectic composition forms a 4
microstructure consisting of alternating layers of the two solid phases.
d) A 90 wt% Ag-10 mot% Cu alloy is heated to a temperature within the 3 4. liquid 6
phase region. If the composition of the liquid phase is 85 vet% Agi determine:
i. The temperature of the allay
ii. The composition of the fi phase
iii. The mass fractions of both phases
Coppniticol {a t% As)

(Cu) CastipmItion PAM Pgj

University of Dhaka
Department of Nuclear Engineering
M.Sc. 314 Semester Jr. course Exam-2017
Course Title: Nuclear Material Science and Engineering
Course Code: MNEOP 513

Time: 1 hour Full Marks: 28

I. (a) LIST the four radioactive materials that fission by thermal neutrons and are 1.5
used as reactor fuels.
(b) Though Uranium fuel can he used in the form of pure metal, as a constituent of 2.5
an alloy or as an oxi%.1e, carbide, or other suitable compound but oxide fuel is the
prime choice to the Nuclear linginoer. Discuss why?
(c) Why is cladding used in nuclear reactor? What are the essential requirements 1+2
tOr cladding material?
(d) How many typo of ruel-Cladding interaction can happen in nuclear reactor?

2. (a) What types of materials arc considered as effective moderating material? 2

(b) Suggest which one is the best among the following moderating material and 2
also give the reason behind your suggestion.
112 0, D20, He, C

(c) Calculate the moderating ratio of D20. (liven that, el = 0.180 and 14 = 1
0.0000307 .
(d) Write down the reasons and methods of enntrol of the following chemistry 3
parame:ers i r. nuclear rcaclor cookint. PH and hydrogen.

3. (a) Write down the chemicAil properties of U. 2

(b) lkscrihe the fuel rod Inantan:uring process with a flew chart. 2.5
(c) Why is He gas tilled inside the fuel rod instead of keeping it vacuum or filled 1
with air?

4 (a) Write down three problems r)s Idght writer that may associate if it is used as 2
coolant material in light water nuclear reactor.
(b) A nett organic coolant is heinr .7onsidcred for reactor cooling. At the condition /
kg r
elataincill in the proposed reakintlt. its density is 062 im3, its viscosity is 1.5 x
10 4 Pir,5/ 3" and its pecific heat is 2710 -i jk ic . Cakculatt thr; figure cif merit

for this ncv... Coo:arir,

(0 What types or matrtiiiis ■

rE compatible with !he water chemistry in Ihi.

Secondary system of PWRO specially Co SC, tube. COndenSer pipe, ► er,

University of Dhaka
Department of Nuclear Engineering
M.Sc. 3rd Semester In course Exam-2017
Come Title: Nuclear Material Science and Engineering
Course Code: MNEOP 513

Time: 70 minutes Full Marks: 32

I. (a) What is packing factor? Calculate the packing factor for the FCC cell. 1+2

(h) Why is FCC structured material preferred for the core region of the nuclear 1.5
reactor pressure vessel?
(c) Define the following terms: Point defect, surface defect, Plane strain fracture 4
toughness, Fatigue.
2. (a) Draw the stress strain curve for different materials Metal, Thennoplasiii 3
material and Elastomcr).
(b) Define ductility. How can we measure the ductility?
(0 What do you mean by Dilill Explain how neutron irradiation shifts DRTI. of 4

the reactor pressure vessel material.

3. (a). The iron-iron carbide phase diagram has shown in the following figure. From 3
' ant pet•ietrite mint and hence define Eutectic and
this lure identify the Etrteet-i-o-
peritectic transformation with showing proper reaction and carbon composition
10 IS 20 25



Orr=prIalIiu1Cl IC91

.1. I I J I I
2 6 620
Complizinn cam CI

(h) Why is the carbon Noluhility in y — austentic greater than CC — Ferrire 7 I

(c) For a 99.65 wt% Fe-105 wt% C alloy at a temperature just below the cutemoid.
determine the fractions of total ferrite and cementite phases:

4 (a) What is the principal difference between congrtient and incongruent phase 2
(b) Using the isothermal transformation diagram for an iron—carbon alloy of
cutectoid composition (Figure), specify the nature of the final microstructure (in
terms or micro constituents present and approximate percentages or each) of a
small specimen that has been subjected to the following time— temperature
treatments. In each case assume that the specimen begins at 7150 IT (140017 ) and

that it has been held at this temperature long enough to have achieved a complete

and homogeneous austenitic structure. 2

i. Cool rapidly to 700 'C (1290 °F), hold for 104 s, then quench to room

temperature. 2

ii. Reheat the specimen in part (a) to 700°C (1290 °F) for 20 h.
iii. Rapidly cool to 600 °C (1110 °F). hold for 4 s„ rapidly cool to 450 °C (840
°F), hold for 10 s, then quench to room ten.iperature.

_ _i _ Ale, Eutectoid temperature - 1400
A 1200

600 + P
• 8
A., 800
400 4p,
1111 -


• -
gm- •._ 400
AtA044) -

_ linr41_ L -- -.

10'1 10 102 10$ 104 106

Time (s)

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