Written Task 1 - A Dolls House

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Written Task 1

IB2 Language & Literature SL

IB Exam Session: _______

Rationale Word Count: 260

Written Task Word Count: 886


English A: Language and Literature SL


25 September 2014


This written task focuses on the A Doll’s House written by Henrick Ibsen which

is a section being studied in Part 3: Literature - Texts and Contexts. I will be using A

Doll’s House as my source text, which leads to my diary entry about Nora’s complaints

on how she is being treated as an object, and having no equal rights. There is a recurring

theme in Ibsen’s book of, social status and reputation. This theme will be expressed

through the diary entries that are written in Nora’s point of view. In this diary entry Nora

will discuss how frustrated she gets with Torvalds, though then realizing that it is all her

fault and not knowing whether it is best for her to be controlled or left alone.

The audience of this diary entry would be Nora, as she would have kept this diary

all to herself. The purpose of this text is to describe the way which women were treated

during 19th century marriage norms, due to the controversies at the time. The diary entry

takes place in the 1960’s, as that is when the play took place. The written task will consist

of three diary entries, which is on Nora’s complaints of how she was and still is being

treated, and wants to be independent though doesn’t know if that is the best idea. Three

diary entries will be written in order for Nora to describe her thoughts on every day of the

play. The diary entries will imitate Nora’s style of language through the use of her


Word Count: 260

Sunday, December 23rd, 1962

Dear Diary,


that, maybe a little but not the way he describes it. I only do what’s best for my family

and nothing else. I barely spend anything on myself, and I save as much as I can, but it’s

never enough. I’ve never stopped to think about what my point is living in this life. I have

never thought about my actions before doing them, and now I know I am going to be

punished for my actions.

My parents always told me to think about my decisions before I made them,

though being thoughtless, and not taking them seriously got me stuck in my own mess of

troubles. I have always been so madly in love with Torvald that I never realized that he

saw me as an object, trophy, pet! I am not Nora; I am just a doll, a pet, always obeying

Torvald, my master. I left my family for him, so that I could be independent and have

more freedom. Though since I have left, nothing has gone to my plan. Nothing is mine,

and everything is for my husband, Torvald. He is my husband, but I don’t think he

considers me as his wife, because he does not love me. He only thinks of me as his doll,

living in his doll’s house.

At first I was happy being called cute little animal names, because I thought that

is the way he showed his affection, but no! I was convinced to love and care for him,

follow his orders as if I was a doll living in his dollhouse.

I must go now, Torvald has come home and I cannot let him see what I am

writing… I will write more tomorrow.

Monday, December 24th, 1962

Oh, dear diary,

I know what I’ve done is wrong, but didn’t know I would get in this much trouble

for it. Borrowing money from Krogstad, and not being to give him all the money back!

My plans were going so well until Krogstad found out that he may lose his job, because

of Torvald’s new job. If Krogstad loses his job, everything can go wrong and Torvald

will know absolutely everything. This situation will bring shame to my family and me.

Good lord! What am I going to do? Help! If I weren’t stuck with the loan I wouldn’t

mind Krogstad getting fired, in fact I wouldn’t have any worries at all. I cannot raise any

suspicions and have to continue today as if nothing is wrong.

Keep calm Nora, keep calm. Nothing is wrong; no one is going to find out what

you have done, everything will be fine when Torvald starts his new job at the bank.

Should I ask Torvald to give Krogstad job back? I shouldn’t even bring it up, he could get

very suspicious. Once Christmas comes and goes everything will be back to normal.

NO! NO! NO! Krogstad came today to my home to threatened me, and said that

he will blackmail Torvald with the loan that I had from him, so that he gets to keep his

job and even get a promotion. I am so ashamed and do not know what to do, I have

brought big shame. My family was right to tell me to think of my decisions before I make

them, and I should not be left by myself because I don’t know how to do things by


Mrs. Linde came to our house today and after I had told her what had happened

she told me that she knew Krogstad and maybe her past could be the light to my
darkness. I hope that their past can help my life, and my future as she can convince him

to take back the letter or something. Thinking this late cannot help me now and I have to


Monday, December 25th, 1962

Dear diary,

I have nothing left, the party is near and I must try not to act suspicious and I must

keep Torvald far away from our mailbox. I may have brought shame to the Helmer name

though I thought it was for the best. The only thing that I can want now is to have a

Christmas miracle.

Nothing seems to matter anymore, because now I can do anything I want. I am no

longer a featherhead, skylark, or a squirrel. I am no longer with Torvald; I am no longer

Nora Helmer, just Nora. I can be a spendthrift, and eat all the macaroons and sweeties

that I want. How can I be so stupid and think of such things at this horrible time? I have

left Torvald, and my kids. I know I will be shunned, and forgotten, though I forgive

myself for what I have done. That is the past. I shall begin a new life, to take care of

myself, knowing that things may go wrong again, due to me not being able to take care of

myself much before.

It is now Christmas, and nothing can be better than a new year with a new

beginning. I will miss my family, yet will not. Because I am now free, and no longer a


Here’s to a new beginning.

Word Count: 886

Works Cited

Ibsen, Henrik, and Micharl Leverson Meye. A Doll’s House, Bloomsbury, 2013.

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