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Healthcare Explorations | Graded Assignment | First Aid

Name: Date:

Graded Assignment
First Aid
Total score: ____ of 60 points

Follow the instructions to complete the assignment, then submit your assignment for grading. Use complete
sentences and check your spelling, grammar, and punctuation for accuracy. Review the following case histories.
Write the correct first aid care that should be used to treat each victim.
1. You are slicing a cucumber and cut off the end of your finger.
The amputated part should be cleaned with water, wrapped in gauze and placed in a plastic bag, which should be
placed on ice. The patient and his amputated part should be transported to the emergency room, where the
doctor will examine and clean the wound. He may X-ray the hand and administer anesthetics, antibiotics and a
tetanus shot.

2. You are playing tennis on a hot summer day with a friend. Suddenly your friend collapses on the tennis court.
When you get to her, her skin is hot, red, and dry. She is breathing but she is unconscious.
1. First you should realize, your friend has had a heat stroke. Once you realize your friend is unconcious, you
need to call EMS.

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Healthcare Explorations | Graded Assignment | First Aid

2. The second thing you need to do is cool your friend off. You need to place her in a tub of cool water, or sponge
her skin with cool water.. Third, ice packs should be placed on the victim's wrists, ankles, in each armpit area, and
in the groin.. Be alert for signs of shock. After she recovers, you need to tell her to avoid hot temperatures for
several days. You also need to tell her to stay hydrated and drink plenty of water.

3. You find your 2-year-old brother in the bathroom. An empty bottle of aspirin tablets is on the floor. His mouth
is covered with a white powdery residue.
Give several glasses of water to drink to dilute. If large amounts were swallowed, get medical advice.My next
suggestion would be to determine his weight and call the U.S. National Poison Control Center with an estimate of
the volume ingested. Their ingestion database information is routinely used by emergency rooms across the U.S.
If his ingestion volume was small relative to his weight and he did not accidentally inhale a significant amount,
then he may not require emergency room care. If he shows breathing difficulty, altered mental
status/consciousness or seizure, or any of the oral/digestive symptoms listed above, then promptly call 911 or go
to an ER.

Criteria Points Points

Possible Earned
Listed five first aid steps for bleeding wounds. 15
Listed the three first aid steps for heat stroke. 15
Listed six first aid steps for ingestion poisoning. 15
Complete sentences are used. Spelling, grammar, and punctuation are correct. 15
Total Points 60

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