CoMP Feature

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ZTE LTE FDD CoMP Feature Guide

Version Date Author Reviewer Notes

V1.0 2015/01/22 Luo Su Li Nana First Release version

1. Add function restriction in Chapter 8
2. Add inter-eNodeB CoMP limitation in
V2.0 2015/08/30 Luo Su Li Liang Chapter 3.4
3. Add DL CoMP CS, UL CoMP JR, etc
4. Doc structure is modified
1. Add new features
V3.0 2016/03/30 Luo Su Li Liang 2. Parameters are classified according to
© 2016 ZTE Corporation. All rights reserved.
ZTE CONFIDENTIAL: This document contains proprietary information of ZTE and is not to be disclosed or used without the prio
permission of ZTE.
Due to update and improvement of ZTE products and technologies, information in this document is subjected to change without notice.

1 Introduction
1.1 Feature Attribute
1.2 Related Feature List and License Control
1.3 Correlation with Other Feature

2 Function Description
2.1 General Introduction
2.1.1 ZLF34-00-003 Downlink Intra-eNodeB CoMP (Coordinated Scheduling)
2.1.2 ZLF34-00-012 Uplink Intra-eNB CoMP (Joint Reception)
2.1.3 ZLF34-00-026 Uplink inter-eNB CoMP (Joint Reception)
2.1.4 ZLF34-00-040 Inter-eNB JR based on relax transmission delay
2.1.5 ZLF34-00-044 Intra-eNB JR between Macro and Micro
2.1.6 ZLF34-00-045 Inter-eNB JR between Macro and Micro
2.2 Networking for CoMP

3 Technical Description
3.1 Definitions
3.2 Basic Principle
3.2.1 Downlink CoMP
3.2.2 Uplink CoMP
3.3 CoMP Categories
3.3.1 DL CoMP/UL CoMP
3.3.2 Intra-board CoMP/ inter-board CoMP/ Inter- eNodeB CoMP
3.3.3 Inter-eNodeB CoMP Limitation
3.4 Combination of CoMP and CA
3.5 Selection Principle for CoMP Coordinated Neighbor Cell
3.6 Self Configuration for CoMP Neighbor Cell
3.7 Inter-board CoMP with/without CR0
3.8 CoMP between Macro and Micro
3.8.1 Types of CoMP between Macro and Micro
3.8.2 Definitions of Macro and Micro Cells
3.8.3 Site Types of Macro and Micro Cell
3.8.4 Decision of CoMP between Macro and Micro
3.9 Inter-eNB JR Based on Relax Transmission Delay
3.9.1 Concept of Relax Transmission Delay
3.9.2 The Technical Principle for Uplink JR Relax Transmission Delay
3.10 The Cloud IRC of Inter-eNodeB
3.11 CR0 and CC with the Same Port and IP

4 Engineering Guide
4.1 Related parameters
4.2 Related Counters, KPI and Alarms
4.2.1 Related Counters
4.2.2 Related KPI
4.2.3 Related Alarm
4.3 Application Scenarios
4.3.1 Hardware Requirements
4.3.2 EPC Requirements
4.3.3 Frequency Band, Frequency and Bandwidth Requirements of Frequency
4.3.4 UE Requirement
4.3.5 Transmission Bandwidth Requirements
4.4 Parameter Configuration Procedure
4.4.1 Enabling the Feature
4.4.2 Data Synchronization
4.4.3 Deactivate feature

5 Impact on the Network

6 Function Validation
6.1 DL CoMP Test
6.1.1 Topology
6.1.2 Fixed Location Test
6.1.3 Mobile Test
6.2 UL CoMP
6.2.1 Topology
6.2.2 Intra-eNodeB UL CoMP Fixed Location Test
6.2.3 UL CoMP Mobile Test
6.3 Intra-eNB JR between Macro and Micro Test
6.3.1 Topology
6.3.2 Test Specification
6.3.3 Test Result
6.4 Inter-eNB JR between Macro and Micro Test
6.4.1 Topology
6.4.2 Test Specification
6.4.3 Test Result
6.5 Inter-eNB JR Based on Relax Transmission delay Test
6.5.1 Topology
6.5.2 Test Specification
6.5.3 Test Result

7 Abbreviations

8 Restrictions

Figure 2-1 Cloud Radio

Figure 2-2 CoMP Policies
Figure 2-3 BBU distributed and centralized networking
Figure 3-1 DL CoMP CS Principle
Figure 3-2 UL CoMP JR
Figure 3-3 CoMP category
Figure 3-4 CoMP category (based on cell distribution)
Figure 3-5 Combination of CA and CoMP
Figure 3-6 Inter-board CoMP with CR0
Figure 3-7 Inter-Board CoMP Coordination without CR0
Figure 3-8 Cloud IRC Procedure
Figure 3-9 CR0 standalone IP address and standalone transmission port
Figure 3-10 CR0 and CC with the same port and same IP
Figure 4-1 Configuration of the Cells frequency and bandwidth
Figure 4-2 Connet the BBU’s GE port of CR0 board
Figure 4-3 Add CR0 board
Figure 4-4 Configure the parameters of CR0 board
Figure 4-5 Complete the creation of the CR0 board
Figure 4-6 Configure the CR0’s Port Working Mode
Figure 4-7 Open[X2+IP Configuration (FDD)-List]
Figure 4-8 Configuration [X2+IP Configuration (FDD)] parameter
Figure 4-9 Complete the configuration of [X2+ IP Configuration (FDD)]
Figure 4-10 Complete the local eNodeB [Co-eNodeB X2+Port IP Link Table] configuration
Figure 4-11 Complete the Co-eNodeB’s X2+IP configuration
Figure 4-12 Complete the Co- eNodeB’s [Co-eNodeB X2+Port IP Link Table] configuration
Figure 4-13 Open Configuration Interface of Neighbor Cell Management
Figure 4-14 Complete Neighbor relation configuration
Figure 4-15 Enter Cell Coordination Management interface
Figure 4-16 Query Cell
Figure 4-17 Group the cell’s CoMP coordination relation.
Figure 4-18 Neighbor Cell List dialog box
Figure 4-19 Select CoMP cell
Figure 4-20 Complete CoMP configuration
Figure 4-21 Modify the Cell Mode to Mode 0
Figure 4-22 Modify the Switch of SRS Configuration to open
Figure 4-23 SRS Bandwidth Configuration
Figure 4-24 SRS Initial Bandwidth Configuration
Figure 4-25 Number of SRS Resource Over the Threshold of SRS PL for UE
Figure 4-26 Add FS5C board
Figure 4-27 FS5C Parameters Configuration
Figure 4-28 Complete the FS5C configuration
Figure 4-29 X2+ IP Configuration
Figure 4-30 Complete X2+ IP configuration
Figure 4-31 co-eNodeB X2+Port Link Table configuration
Figure 4-32 Complete the Co-eNodeB X2+Port IP Configuration
Figure 4-33 SON Management Interface
Figure 4-34 CoMP Control Switch Set Interface
Figure 4-35 CoMP Control Switch Configuration
Figure 4-36 Complete CoMP Control Policy
Figure 4-37 Send FDD SON Control Policy
Figure 4-38 FDD CoMP Policy
Figure 4-39 FDD CoMP Policy Configuration
Figure 4-40 Complete FDD CoMP Policy
Figure 4-41 Send FDD CoMP Policy
Figure 4-42 Open [UE E-UTRAN Measurement List] configuration interface
Figure 4-43 Modify UL COMP Measurement
Figure 4-44 Modify A3 Event Offset (dB) of UL COMP Measurement
Figure 4-45 Modify DL COMP Measurement
Figure 4-46 Modify A3 Event Offset (dB) of DL COMP Measurement
Figure 4-47 Modify the PBR Satisfaction Threshold for UE Entering DL CoMP
Figure 4-48 Modify the MAX Request RB Number for Each DLCoMP Neighbor Cell
Figure 4-49 Open Comp for Micro and Macro Switch
Figure 4-50 Open UL Comp Selected Merge Switch
Figure 4-51 Open Switch of TTI Bundling
Figure 4-52 Open UL Comp CloudIrc Switch
Figure 4-53 Split CoMP Coordination Relation
Figure 4-54 Open the Switch of Potential User for Comp
Figure 4-55 Close FDD SON Control Policy
Figure 6-1 CoMP Function Test Networking
Figure 6-2 Fixed Test Location Selection under Single Neighbor Cell
Figure 6-3 Fixed Test Location Selection under Multi Neighbor Cells
Figure 6-4 RSRP Distribution on CXT Tool
Figure 6-5 SINR Distribution on CXT Tool
Figure 6-6 Compare Results of Throughput, Spectrum Efficiency, RB and MCS
Figure 6-7 Throughput of CDF
Figure 6-8 Fixed Test Location Selection under Single Neighbor Cell in UL CoMP
Figure 6-9 Fixed Test Location Selection under Multi Neighbor Cells in UL CoMP
Figure 6-10 RSRP Distribution on CXT Tool
Figure 6-11 SINR Distribution on CXT Tool
Figure 6-12 Compare UL CoMP ON or OFF Results of Throughput, SINR, RB and MCS
Figure 6-13 Throughput CDF of Mobile UE before UL CoMP ON and OFF
Figure 6-14 MCS CDF of Mobile UE before UL CoMP ON and OFF
Figure 6-15 MCS PDF of Mobile UE before UL CoMP ON and OFF
Figure 6-16 Uplink Throughput of UE1 after UL COMP Function Enabled
Figure 6-17 UL CoMP Coordination RB Number
Figure 6-18 Uplink Throughput of UE1 after UL COMP Function Disabled
Figure 6-19 Uplink Throughput of UE1 after UL COMP Function Enabled in Inter-eNB Scenario
Figure 6-20 The UL CoMP Coordination RB Number after UL CoMP Enabled in Inter-eNB
Figure 6-21 Uplink Throughput of UE1 after UL COMP Function Disabled in Inter-eNB Scenario
Figure 6-22 Check the Box of X2+ Link Status Query (L)
Figure 6-23 Transmission Delay


Table 1-1 Related Feature List

Table 1-2 Correlation with Other Feature
Table 3-1 Terms and their Definitions
Table 3-2 Transmission Delay for Different CoMP Types
Table 3-3 Transmission Bandwidth for Different CoMP Types
Table 4-1 SRS Parameters Configuration Rule
Table 4-2 UL CoMP Parameters Configuration Rule
Table 4-3 DL CoMP Parameters Configuration Rule
Table 4-4 UL CoMP Related Counters
Table 4-5 DL CoMP Related Counters
Table 4-6 SRS parameter configuration
Table 6-1 DL CoMP Fixed Location Test
Table 6-2 DL CoMP Fixed Location Test Result
Table 6-3 DL CoMP Mobile Test
Table 6-4 Intra-eNodeB UL CoMP Fixed Location Test
Table 6-5 UL CoMP Fixed Location Test Result
Table 6-6 UL CoMP Mobile Test
Table 6-7 Test Result under UL CoMP ON and OFF
Table 6-8 Intra-eNB JR between Macro and Micro Test
Table 6-9 Compared Results between UL COMP Enabled and Disabled
Table 6-10 The Compared Results between UL COMP Enabled and Disabled in Inter-eNB
Table 6-11 Inter-eNB JR Based on Relax Transmission delay Test
Table 8-1 Restrictions for CoMP function
1 Introduction

This document provides the introduction, technical descriptions, parameter

configuration, counters, alarms, and validation procedure of the LTE FDD COMP

The parameters, alarms and counters in this document are the same as those of
the latest software version when this document is released. To obtain the MO,
parameters, alarms, and KPIs of the existing software version, please refer to the
product manuals of the existing software version.

This document is applicable to LTE FDD mode. "LTE" and "eNodeB" mentioned in
this document respectively refer to "LTE FDD" and "LTE FDD–based eNodeB".

1.1 Feature Attribute

 For FDD single-mode eNodeB V3.30.20.20 series:

EMS: V12.15. 30

OMMB: V12.15.30

 For GUL multi-mode eNodeB V4.15.10.20 series:

EMS version: V12.15.30

OMMB version: V12.15.30


FDD single-mode V3.30.20.20 corresponds to GUL multi-mode V4.15.10.20, and

LTE technology description and operation requirements in the corresponding
versions are the same.
Involved NEs:
- √ - - - - - -

*-: Not involved
*√: involved
1.2 Related Feature List and License Control

Table 1-1 Related Feature List

No Feature List No. Feature List Name License Control

or not
1 ZLF34-00-012 UL intra-eNB CoMP Yes
(Joint Reception)
2 ZLF34-00-026 UL inter-eNB CoMP Yes
(Joint Reception)
3 ZLF34-00-003 DL intra-eNB CoMP Yes
(Coordinated Scheduling)
4 ZLF34-00-024 DL inter-eNB CoMP(Coordinated Yes
5 ZLF34-00-040 Inter-eNB JR based on relax Yes
transmission delay
6 ZLF34-00-044 Intra-eNB JR between macro Yes
and micro
7 ZLF34-00-045 Inter-eNB JR between macro Yes
and micro

1.3 Correlation with Other Feature

Table 1-2 Correlation with Other Feature

Feature Feature Name Required Exclusive Affected

ID Feature Feature Feature

ZLF34-00-012 UL intra-eNB ZLF31-14-001 ZLF31-15-004

CoMP Basic Super cell
(Joint Reception) Physical
Layer Support
ZLF34-00-026 UL inter-eNB ZLF31-14-001 ZLF31-15-004 ZLF31-00-010
CoMP Basic Super cell Support UE
(Joint Reception) Physical category 6
Layer Support
ZLF34-00-003 DL intra-eNB None ZLF31-15-004 None
CoMP Super Cell
ZLF34-00-024 DL inter-eNB None ZLF31-15-004 None
CoMP Super Cell
ZLF34-00-040 Inter-eNB JR ZLF31-14-001 None None
based on relax Basic
transmission delay Physical
Feature Feature Name Required Exclusive Affected
ID Feature Feature Feature

Layer Support
TTI bundling

ZLF34-00-044 Intra-eNB JR ZLF31-14-001 None None

between macro Basic
and micro Physical
Layer Support
ZLF34-00-045 Inter-eNB JR ZLF31-14-001 None None
between macro Basic
and micro Physical
Layer Support

2 Function Description

2.1 General Introduction

The challenge that the LTE mobile communication system is facing is the inter-cell
interference from same frequency network. On the one hand, the users of different
cell on cell edges may interfere with each other. On the other, the throughput of
users on cell edges determines the throughput of the entire network and the user
experience. Therefore, how to improve the QoS for users on cell edges without
more frequency resources is a problem that troubles all operators and

ZTE's Cloud Radio solution covers a series of products and solution that provide
optimal wireless performance for various transmission scenarios (the transmission
resources available to a carrier). With the exchanging of coordinate information
between cells or between base stations, the interference of neighboring cells can
be mitigated or avoided, and the throughput and the user experience of users on
cell edge can be improved.
Figure 2-1 Cloud Radio

One of the key technologies used by the Cloud Radio solution is Coordinated
Multipoint transmission/reception (CoMP). This technology is used for processing
interference between cells or between base stations to improve UE’s SINR and
throughput at the cell edge.

CoMP is the application of the Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) technology in

multiple cells. By cooperating between cells, it avoids or mitigates the inter-cell
interference. From the perspective of interference processing, CoMP has two
policies. One is called Coordinate Schedule/Beamforming (CS/CB). This policy
separates signals’ main lobe to different directions by precoding them on the BS
through CB, or ensures that users in the same direction and frequency are not
scheduled at the same time through CS. In this way, co-channel interference of the
same frequency shared between cells is avoided or mitigated, thereby
guaranteeing the QoS link of users and improving the demodulation performance.
The second policy is called Joint Reception (JR). This policy may get power and
diversity gain by combining signals from cooperation cell in the serving cell. It
improves the signal-to-noise ratio to guarantee the demodulation performance.

Figure 2-2 CoMP Policies

COMP is an implementation solution and it does not have influence on air interface
protocols, and it has no special requirements for terminals. Therefore, it is
completely compatible with terminals of R8 or below R8. From the perspective of
terminal, it does not know the eNodeB uses COMP solution.
2.1.1 ZLF34-00-003 Downlink Intra-eNodeB CoMP (Coordinated Scheduling)

This feature mitigates inter-cell downlink interference and improves the UE’s
downlink SINR and throughput at the cell edge.

This feature supports Coordinated Scheduling (CS) for DL CoMP, and mitigates
inter-cell downlink interference through multi-cell downlink coordinated scheduling.
Only the serving cell sends data, and cooperative cells do not use the same
physical resources to send service data based on the scheduling information of the
serving cell.

This feature supports only intra-eNodeB downlink CS, meaning that the serving cell
and cooperative cells must belong to the same eNodeB.

2.1.2 ZLF34-00-012 Uplink Intra-eNB CoMP (Joint Reception)

This feature improves the UE’s uplink demodulation performance and throughput at
the cell edge.

Multiple cooperative cells can jointly receive and process the data from the same
UE to obtain the gain, thus improving uplink coverage and throughput.

This feature supports only intra-eNodeB uplink JR, meaning that the serving cell
and cooperative cells must belong to the same eNodeB.

2.1.3 ZLF34-00-026 Uplink inter-eNB CoMP (Joint Reception)

Multiple cooperative cells can jointly receive and process the data from the same
UE to obtain the gain, thus improve uplink coverage and throughput.

This feature supports only inter-eNodeB uplink JR, meaning that the serving cell
and cooperative cells must belong to different eNodeBs.

2.1.4 ZLF34-00-040 Inter-eNB JR based on relax transmission delay

Help to deploy Inter-eNB JR in scenario which transmission delay exceed 0.3ms

but less than 4ms

Deployment of Inter-eNB JR is limited by the transmission delay of 0.3ms. When

TTI Bundling is combined with JR, the requirement of transmission delay will be
expanded to 4ms, so more user can get the JR gain. As illustrated in below picture,
if a UE enter into TTI Bundling state, the feedback for uplink will be delayed to the
7th sub-frame from the first TTI Bundling sub-frame, then the first sub-frame uplink
data will endure less than 4ms delay for transmission before it be joint receive

2.1.5 ZLF34-00-044 Intra-eNB JR between Macro and Micro

Help to mitigate the interference between macro and micro in the uplink, and also
improve edge user throughput.

The macro cell and the micro cell in one BBU can jointly receive and process the
data from the same UE to obtain the gain, thus improving uplink coverage and

This feature supports only intra-eNodeB uplink JR, meaning that the serving cell
and cooperative cells must belong to the same eNodeB.

2.1.6 ZLF34-00-045 Inter-eNB JR between Macro and Micro

Help to mitigate the interference between macro and micro in the uplink, and also
improve edge user throughput.

The macro cell and the micro cell in different BBU can jointly receive and process
the data from the same UE to obtain the gain, thus improving uplink coverage and

This feature does not support integrated micro.

2.2 Networking for CoMP

ZTE supports two kinds of network design listed as follows:

1. BBU distributed networking: interconnection and interworking among BBUs are achieved
by means of the public transport network (as shown in the figure below eNodeB C-D).

2. BBU centralized networking: interconnection and interworking among BBUs are achieved
by means of single switcher or direct optical fiber connection (as shown in the figure below
eNodeB A-B)

Figure 2-3 BBU distributed and centralized networking

3 Technical Description

3.1 Definitions

Table 3-1 Terms and their Definitions

Term Definition
CoMP Coordinated multi-point operation .This technology is used to mitigate
inter-cell interference, improve the UE’s SINR and throughput at the
cell edge.
Serving cell Cell to which a UE is connected.
Coordinated This cell may overlap the serving cell. This cell and the serving cell
cell can operate as the neighbor cells for CoMP
Channel If the received signal of a BS is Y, the sent signal of a UE is X, the
estimate stimulus response of the channel is H, and the interference is S, then
Y = HX + S. The estimation of H on the BS means channel
Channel If the received signal of a BS is Y, the sent signal of a UE is X, the
equalization stimulus response of the channel is H, and the interference is S, then
Y = HX + S. The procedure for calculating S is referred to as channel
Soft If the received signal of a BS is Y, the sent signal of a UE is X, the
information stimulus response of the channel is H, and the interference is S, then
Y = HX + S. X calculated on the BS is the soft information, or soft bit.
Soft The BS obtains the weight of each channel in accordance with the
information SINR of the soft information of each channel. It then sums the
combination weighted signals of all channels. This procedure is called soft
information combination.
Multiuser Y = HX + S. Where each item is a matrix and each dimension
joint indicates a user. The BS resolves the matrix to obtain the information
processing of each user. This process is called multiuser joint processing.
ZTE defined interface for CloudRadio coordination information
XC interface
interaction between eNodeBs. It is also called X2+ interface.

3.2 Basic Principle

CoMP (Coordinated Multipoints) transmission/reception technology is mainly used

to avoid interference or convert interfering signals into useful signals by
interference coordination between different cells or base stations.

The CoMP function is scheduled on the eNodeB side and is irrelevant to the UE
type. The UE cannot know whether or not it enters a CoMP scheduling procedure.

The downlink CoMP and uplink CoMP use totally different scheduling technologies.
The technical principles are respectively described as follows.
3.2.1 Downlink CoMP

The DL CoMP uses multipoint joint transmission technology, which means that
downlink data is jointly transmitted among multiple cells or eNodeBs so as to
decrease the interference and improve the channel quality of cell edge users, and
increase the downlink throughput in cell edges. The DL CoMP demonstrates the
application of the MIMO technology in multiple cells.

The DL CoMP has multiple implementation policies, for example, Joint

Transmission (JT), Coordinate Schedule (CS), Coordinate Beamforming (CB) and
NUll Forming (NF). This document only describes the Coordinate Schedule (CS)
policy. DL CoMP CS

The DL CoMP CS refers to the coordinated scheduling between coordinated cells

to avoid interference from each other. The CS requests the local cell to notify the
neighbor cell not to send any data on the same time-frequency resource to totally
avoid interference through the XC interface when the local cell schedules a certain
time-frequency resource for the UE at the cell edge.

For the principle of the DL CoMP CS is shown in the following figure

Figure 3-1 DL CoMP CS Principle

1. Cell 1 and Cell 2 are two coordinated cells of Cloud Radio, and UE1 and UE2 are in the
overlapped coverage of these two cells. UE1 is the cell edge user who initiates a call and
camps on Cell 1, and UE2 is the cell edge user who initiates a call and camps on Cell 2.

2. At the specified TTI (Transmission Time Interval) n hour, Cell1 allocates frequency-domain
RB resources (highlighted in blue) to UE1, and informs coordinated Cell2 through the XC
interface. Cell2 keeps the frequency-domain RB resources idle instead of allocating them
to other UEs. There is no overlapped RB resource in these two cells, thus decreasing intra-
interference of UE1.

3. Similarly, at the specified TTI (Transmission Time Interval) n+1 hour, Cell2 allocates
frequency-domain RB resources (highlighted in red) to UE2, and informs coordinated Cell1
through the XC interface. Cell1 keeps the frequency-domain RB resources idle instead of
allocating them to other UEs. There is no overlapped RB resource in these two cells, thus
decreasing intra-interference of UE2.

In this way, intra-interference is decreased and SINR is increased, thus achieving

higher throughput and better user experience for cell edge UEs.

3.2.2 Uplink CoMP

Joint Reception (JR) based UL CoMP receives and processes the signals of a
user from multiple coordinated cells to obtain the diversity processing gain and
power gain to increase the signal-to-noise ratio of the received signals and the
demodulation capability of the base station and improve uplink throughput of cell
edge users.

Figure 3-2 UL CoMP JR

1. Cell 1 and Cell 2 are two coordinated cells of Cloud Radio. UE1 accesses serving cell Cell1
and camps on the overlapped areas of Cell1 and Cell2.
2. Cell1 and Cell2 receive and pre-process the uplink signals of UE1 respectively

3. The coordinated cells send the processed signals to the serving cell through the XC
interface. The serving cell jointly processes and combines the received signals to acquire
diversity reception gains.

4. Through RX diversity, the uplink SINR is improved and the uplink throughput is increased.

3.3 CoMP Categories

3.3.1 DL CoMP/UL CoMP

CoMP can be divided into DL CoMP and UL CoMP as shown below:

Figure 3-3 CoMP category

For a single cell, DL CoMP or UL CoMP can be enabled separately or


3.3.2 Intra-board CoMP/ inter-board CoMP/ Inter- eNodeB CoMP

Based on coordinated cell distribution on BBU, CoMP can be classified into the
following categories:
 Intra-board CoMP: two CoMP cells are distributed in the same baseband board, intra-
eNodeB CoMP;
 Inter-board CoMP: two CoMP cells are distributed in the different base band boards of
one BBU
 Inter-eNodeB CoMP: Two CoMP cells are distributed in the different BBU cabinets.

Figure 3-4 CoMP category (based on cell distribution)

1. When Cell1, Cell2 and Cell3 are configured to coordinated cells, they can form intra-board

2. When Cell1 and Cell4 are configured to coordinated cells, they can form inter-board CoMP.

3. When Cell1 and Cell7 are configured to coordinated cells, they can form inter-eNodeB

For a single cell, it can be configured to intra-board, inter-board and inter-eNodeB

CoMPs at the same time.

The DL CoMP can be classified into intra-board, inter-board and inter-eNodeB DL


The UL CoMP can be classified into intra-board, inter-board and inter-eNodeB UL


1. The coordinated cells of CoMP need to exchange information with each other. For inter-
board and inter-eNodeB CoMPs, CR0 board is required to exchange information between
the coordinated cells.

3.3.3 Inter-eNodeB CoMP Limitation

The coordinated cells of CoMP need to exchange information with each other.
Because the coordinated cells of inter-eNodeB CoMP are located in two different
eNodeBs, the clock synchronization mode, transmission delay and bandwidth of
these eNodeBs are under limitation Clock Synchronization

When inter-eNodeB CoMP is configured, all CoMP eNodeBs should be clock

synchronized. The GPS phrase synchronization or 1588+ Ethernet phase
synchronization should be used. Ethernet frequency synchronization cannot be
used independently because frequency synchronization cannot satisfy the CoMP
clock requirement. Transmission Delay

Transmission delay refers to the one-way directional transmission delay from one
eNodeB to another. The maximum transmission delay for DL CoMP and UL CoMP
coordinated cells are listed in the following table:

Table 3-2 Transmission Delay for Different CoMP Types

CoMP Types Transmission Delay

DL CoMP Less than 4ms
UL CoMP Less than 0.3ms

If the transmission delay between inter-eNodeB CoMP cells exceeds this value, the
CoMP does not take effect and there is no gain. Transmission Bandwidth

The transmission bandwidth refers to the physical bandwidth of the transmission

device from one eNodeB to another. The minimum transmission bandwidth for DL
CoMP and UL CoMP coordinated cells are listed in the following table:

Table 3-3 Transmission Bandwidth for Different CoMP Types

CoMP Types Average Transmission Bandwidth of a

Single CoMP Cell
DL CoMP CS 1.67Mbps
UL CoMP 100 Mbps
3.4 Combination of CoMP and CA

Carrier Aggregation (CA) and CoMP can be enabled at the same time. For the
same UE, the UE can perform CA with inter-frequency neighbor cell and CoMP
with intra-frequency neighbor cell.

Due to software memory limitation, when CA and CoMP are enabled at the same
time, for one serving cell, the total number of CA SCells and CoMP coordinated
neighbor cells is no more than 6.

Figure 3-5 Combination of CA and CoMP

3.5 Selection Principle for CoMP Coordinated Neighbor Cell

1. Before enabling the CoMP function, CoMP coordinated neighbor cells should be configured
on EMS. The principle for selecting a CoMP coordinated neighbor cell is the same with the
rules used to select a handover neighbor cell.

2. The number of CoMP coordinated neighbor cells is limited to 6. Therefore, not all handover
neighbor cells can be configured to coordinated neighbor cells. Only the cells with the
physically overlapped areas can be selected and configured to coordinated neighboring
3. A CoMP serving cell can be configured with 6 coordinated neighbor cells. According to the
A3 measurement, the serving cell can automatically select a neighbor cell with the
strongest interference as coordinated neighbor cell to perform CoMP so as to avoid

3.6 Self Configuration for CoMP Neighbor Cell

The CoMP neighbor cell list can be manually configured through the coordinated
cell configuration tool on EMS. However, in commercial scenarios, the list is
required to be configured automatically. Adding a CoMP neighbor cell automatically
can reduce the configuration work load and guarantee accuracy.

The self configuration for a CoMP neighbor cell is implemented through SON. After
the self configuration is enabled, the system automatically determines and adds
CoMP neighbor cells according to the handover times and delay and other factors.
Currently, the maximum number of CoMP neighbor cells is 6.

3.7 Inter-board CoMP with/without CR0

When inter-board CoMP is configured, two baseband boards in which CoMP

coordinated cells are located need to exchange information through the CR0
board. As shown in the following figure, Cell1 and Cell2 are coordinated neighbor
cells for each other. These two coordinated cells exchange information through the
CR0 board.

Figure 3-6 Inter-board CoMP with CR0

When the baseband boards of coordinated neighbor cells are in Slot 3 and Slot 8,
the coordinated neighbor cells can directly exchange information through the
backplane. Therefore, the CR0 board is not needed as shown in the following

Figure 3-7 Inter-Board CoMP Coordination without CR0


1. This function is only applied in the scenario that two baseband boards are in Slot 3 and Slot
8. Other slots do not support this function. The baseband board can be two BPLs or two
BPNs. The hybrid configuration scenario of BPL and BPN is not supported in this version

2. When two baseband boards are inserted in slots 3 and Slot 8, two methods can be adopted
for interaction:

 Do not insert the CR0 board in Slot 4. Two baseband boards directly exchange
information through the backplane.

 Insert the CR0 board in Slot 4 and configure it to Common mode rather than
CloudRadio Mode. Two baseband boards can exchange information through the
CR0 board
3.8 CoMP between Macro and Micro

3.8.1 Types of CoMP between Macro and Micro

CoMP between Macro and Micro means that the CoMP can be performed between macro
cell and micro cell. The version supports uplink and downlink CoMP between Macro and
micro cells.

3.8.2 Definitions of Macro and Micro Cells

The cell with lower transmit power is defined as micro cell and the cell with higher transmit
power is defined as macro cell.

 When the difference of E-RS (power of reference signal) of two cells is more than 6dBm,
the cell with higher transmit power is regarded as macro cell, and the other cell is
micro cell;

 When the difference of E-RS of two cells is less than or equal to 6dBm, there is no micro
cell, and two cells are regarded as normal macro cells.

3.8.3 Site Types of Macro and Micro Cell

Macro and micro cells can be of intra-eNodeB and inter-eNodeB. For inter-eNodeB, the
micro cell is limited to the site type of Macro BBU + Micro RRU excluding BS8922 and 8901
integrated base station because integrated micro station has no CR0 board, so the inter-
eNodeB data exchange cannot be supported. But for two micro cells of integrated base
station, intra-eNodeB COMP can be supported.

3.8.4 Decision of CoMP between Macro and Micro

The technical principle for CoMP between macro and micro is the same as that of CoMP
between ordinary cells. For uplink CoMP between macro and micro, one step is added, that
is, add Path loss judgment when judging whether UE meets the CoMP conditions:

When UE’s path loss in the serving cell is higher than the defined threshold, judge UE is in
the cell edge, and meet CoMP condition. Then the macro and micro cells perform joint
receiving to the UE.
3.9 Inter-eNB JR Based on Relax Transmission Delay

3.9.1 Concept of Relax Transmission Delay

Usually, the transmission delay of uplink Joint Reception (JR) is within 0.3ms in order to
meet the combination requirement of physical layer and achieve gain. But the value of
0.3ms is too strict for inter-eNodeB delay requirement, and even distributed BBU cannot
meet this demand. Therefore, relax transmission delay is introduced for uplink inter-eNodeB
JR: that is, uplink inter-eNodeB transmission delay is controlled within 4ms.

3.9.2 The Technical Principle for Uplink JR Relax Transmission Delay

Based on uplink JR, TTIB is introduced. When performing uplink CoMP, enable
TTIB. The coordinated cells can delay 4ms to return the coordination information to
the serving cell and the serving cell performs soft information combination.
Therefore, when performing uplink inter-eNodeB JR, the requirements for inter-
eNodeB transmission delay increase from tolerating 0.3ms to tolerating 4ms.

3.10 The Cloud IRC of Inter-eNodeB

Cloud IRC means that the coordinated cell sends the scheduling information
(primarily RB resource information) of UEs to the serving cells. In this way, the
serving cells know the RB resource that may generate interference. The serving
cells use the IRC algorithm based on the scheduling information from the
coordinated cell to eliminate the interference from the UE in neighboring cells using
the same frequency. For the Cloud IRC procedure, see Figure 3-8.
Figure 3-8 Cloud IRC Procedure

In the Cloud IRC procedure, because message exchange between the serving cell
and coordinated cells is reduced, the requirement for transmission delay is
reduced. This policy is only suitable for CoMP between base stations. The gain
obtained by using Cloud IRC is less than that obtained by using JR.

3.11 CR0 and CC with the Same Port and IP

When inter-eNodeB CoMP is configured, two eNodeBs with coordinating cell will
transmit coordinating information by CR0 board. The coordinating information is
transmitted on XC interface which is newly added. Therefore, CR0 needs to be
configured standalone IP address that is different to IP address of CC board, and
CR0 needs to occupy a standalone transmission port.
Figure 3-9 CR0 standalone IP address and standalone transmission port

In order to save the resource of IP address and transmission port, CR0 and CC
with the same port and same IP is developed. CR0 is configured the same IP
address with CC instead of the standalone IP address. CR0 is linked to
transmission equipment from the port of CC instead of the standalone port. This
function needs CCE which is a new type of CC instead of CC16.

Figure 3-10 CR0 and CC with the same port and same IP
4 Engineering Guide

4.1 Related parameters

Table 4-1 SRS Parameters Configuration Rule

Parame Paramet
S ter er U Default
Parameter name Range value
N panel explanat nit value
name ion
The r
switch indicates
PhyChannel.srsEnabl enum(Close,Op N/
1 of SRS the Close[0]
e en) A
Configur switch of
ation SRS
tion is
n with
h (TS
SRS 36.211
Bandwi table
PhyChannel.srsBWCf N/
2 dth [0..7] 0[0]
g A
Configur Max srs
ation bandwidt
h must
Parame Paramet
S ter er U Default
Parameter name Range value
N panel explanat nit value
name ion
r is initial
h when
UE is
to cell.
r is
n with srs
Initial 0:0{0},1:1{1},2: N/
3 PhyChannel.srsIniBW configura 2[2]
Bandwi 2{2},3:3{3} A
tion. The
h must
than max
g to srs
Parame Paramet
S ter er U Default
Parameter name Range value
N panel explanat nit value
name ion
The number
Number of SRS
of SRS resource
Resourc over the
PhyChannel.srsLarge e Over threshold N/ 2[2];1[1
4 [0..24]
PowResource the of SRS A ];1[1]
Thresho PL for
ld of UE. It is
SRS PL one-
for UE dimensio

Note: For FDD UL CoMP, the parameter of The switch of SRS Configuration must
be open. For SRS parameters configuration, see Section

Table 4-2 UL CoMP Parameters Configuration Rule

Parame Parame Defa

S ter ter Range ult
Parameter name ni
N panel explana value valu
name tion e
Create 1
cell for 1
0: {Mode Mod
Cell MCS; N/
1 BoardAppliAttr.cellMod 0}, e
mode Cell A
1: {Mode 1} 1[1]
Create 2
cells for
Parame Parame Defa
S ter ter Range ult
Parameter name ni
N panel explana value valu
name tion e
er is
one of
GlobleSwitchInformation.comp Micro enum(Clos N/ Clos
2 is Micro
MicroAndMacroSwch and e,Open) A e[0]
one is
use the
switch to
The X2
ULCom enodeB
p is very
GlobleSwitchInformation.comp enum(Clos N/ Clos
3 Selecte large,
SelMergeSwch e,Open) A e[0]
d Merge use this
Switch switch to
The er is
Switch used to
of compare
GlobleSwitchInformation.potenti enum(Clos N/ Clos
4 Potentia the
alCOMPUserSwch e,Open) A e[0]
l User comp
for perform
Comp ance
comp off
Parame Parame Defa
S ter ter Range ult
Parameter name ni
N panel explana value valu
name tion e
er only
ed with
a set of
ation for
P. It
end to
CellMeasGroup.compMeasCfg EVENT N/ 220[
5 ement [1..65535]
UL trigger A 220]
for this
set to 1,
and do
end to

Note: For Parameter of CellMod configuration, see Section Parameter of

The Switch of Potential User for Comp is not only applied to UL CoMP, but also
applied to DL CoMP.
Table 4-3 DL CoMP Parameters Configuration Rule

Paramete Parameter Defaul

S Range Un
Parameter name r panel explanatio t
N value it
name n value
with a set
on for the
DL COMP recommen
Measurem d to use
CellMeasGroup.compMea [1..65535 N/ 221[22
1 ent EVENT
sCfgDL ] A 1]
Configurat trigger for
ion Index this
ent, and
amount set
to 1, and
do not
d to set
amount to
If the
equals 0,
that means
the max
request RB
num is
result. If
Number N/
2 PhyChannel.maxNhelpRB is not 0, [0..100] 0[0]
for Each A
is the MAX
request RB
(the sum of
all UE's)
for each
Paramete Parameter Defaul
S Range Un
Parameter name r panel explanatio t
N value it
name n value
PhyChannel.pbrThrforCo threshold [0..20000 N/
3 Threshold 0.8[80]
mp for UE 00] A
for UE

4.2 Related Counters, KPI and Alarms

4.2.1 Related Counters

Table 4-4 UL CoMP Related Counters

SN Counter No Counter Description

1 C373384370 Uplink COMP User Number

2 C373384374 Uplink COMP Average User Number

3 Initiate Coordination Number for User of Satisfy

Uplink Comp Threshold
4 Initiate Coordination RB Number for User of
Satisfy Uplink Comp Threshold
5 Cooperate Number for User of Satisfy Uplink
Comp Threshold
6 Cooperate RB Number for User of Satisfy Uplink
Comp Threshold
7 C373596990 PRB Number Used for UL Traffic of COMP

8 C373597035 Single RB SINR of CoMP UE

9 C373597036 MAX number of CoMP UE

10 C373597037 PRB number of ULCOMP UE

11 C373597038 PHY THP of ULCOMP UE

Table 4-5 DL CoMP Related Counters

SN Counter No Counter Description

1 C373384371 Downlink COMP User Number

2 C373384375 Downlink COMP Average User Number

3 Initiate Coordination Number for User of Satisfy

Downlink Comp Threshold
SN Counter No Counter Description
4 Initiate Coordination RB Number for User of
Satisfy Downlink Comp Threshold
5 Cooperate Number for User of Satisfy Downlink
Comp Threshold
6 Cooperate RB Number for User of Satisfy
Downlink Comp Threshold
7 C373596970 DL CS Scheduled Number

8 C373596989 PRB Number Used for DL Traffic of COMP

9 C373597039 PRB number of DLCOMP UE

10 C373597040 PHY THP of DLCOMP UE

4.2.2 Related KPI


4.2.3 Related Alarm


4.3 Application Scenarios

4.3.1 Hardware Requirements

Only support BPL1, BPNx, and BPL0 is not supported

4.3.2 EPC Requirements

No special requirements

4.3.3 Frequency Band, Frequency and Bandwidth Requirements of Frequency


Only support the same frequency and bandwidth.

4.3.4 UE Requirement

No special requirements
4.3.5 Transmission Bandwidth Requirements

See Section3.3.3.3 Transmission Bandwidth.

4.4 Parameter Configuration Procedure

4.4.1 Enabling the Feature

There are two CoMP configurations:

 -Intra-Board CoMP: the selected CoMP serving cell and cooperation cell belong
to the same Baseband board.

 -Inter-eNodeB/Inter-Board CoMP: the selected CoMP serving cell and

cooperation cell belong to the different eNodeBs or the selected CoMP Neighbor
Cell both intra-eNodeB and inter-Board.

The difference of two configurations is that Inter-eNodeB CoMP need to configure

the CR0 board and X2+IP, and Inter-Board CoMP just needs to configure the CR0
board. Others’ configurations follow Intra-Board. Configuring CoMP Cells Frequency and Bandwidth

Based on network planning, the serving cells and the neighbor cells must use the
same frequency and bandwidth. See the figure below.

Figure 4-1 Configuration of the Cells frequency and bandwidth Configuration of CR0 board and X2+IP(Optional, Inter-eNodeB/Inter-Board

The function of Inter-eNodeB CoMP need to configure CR0 board and X2+IP, but
the function of Inter-Board CoMP just needs CR0.

The Physical connection of Inter-eNodeB testing need to connect the BBU’s GE

port of CR0 board.See the Figure below.

Figure 4-2 Connet the BBU’s GE port of CR0 board Configuration of CR0 Board


Adding CR0 board is to realize the SRIO exchange of baseband data between the
BP boards.


The CR0 board is usually inserted in 3# or 4# slot. If the CR0 board is inserted in 3# or 4# slot, the air
outlet of the slot will not be any BP board. For example, if the CR0 board is inserted in the 3# slot, the BP
board cannot be in the 7# slot; or if the CR0 board is inserted in the 4# slot, the BP board cannot be in the
8# slot.


The CR0 board has been inserted in the corresponding slot according to the plan
of slot.


1. According to the plan of CR0 board slot, in the window of Physical View, click the right
button in the blank place in the slot, choose Add Board. See the figure below.
Figure 4-3 Add CR0 board

2. In the pop-up dialog box of [add board]. [Board type] is configured to CR0; [Board standard]
is configured to ALL; [Board function mode] is configured to LTE-FDD CloudRadio, see
the figure below.


If you want to enable the Inter-eNodeB/Inter-Board CoMP, the board function mode
of CR0 board must be configured to LTE-FDD CloudRadio.
Figure 4-4 Configure the parameters of CR0 board

3. Click the button to complete the creation of the CR0 board, see the figure

Figure 4-5 Complete the creation of the CR0 board

4. CR0’s Port Working Mode: The function of Inter-eNodeB UL CoMP suggests using
the optical module of 10Gbps, and configuration the Port Working Mode is
10Gbps. Otherwise it will affect the performance of UL CoMP. The function of
DL CoMP has no special requirements. See the figure below.

Figure 4-6 Configure the CR0’s Port Working Mode Configuration of X2+ IP


Configuration of X2+IP of the local BBU and peer BBU for three-layer IP
communications between the BP boards.


CR0 board has been configured, and the [Board function mode] is configured to
LTE-FDD CloudRadio.


1. Click [Transmission Network->LTE FDD->X2+IP Configuration (FDD)], double-click to open

the configuration interface of [X2+IP Configuration (FDD)-List], see the figure below.
Figure 4-7 Open[X2+IP Configuration (FDD)-List]

2. Click the new button , open the configuration interface of [X2+IP Configuration (FDD)-
List]. In the configuration interface of [X2+ IP Configuration (FDD)], [Used X2+ Port]
defaults to XC:CR0 (1.1.X):0 of the system’s association.


The IP address of X2+ is proposed to configure the address of a local area

network. The purpose is to make the communication between BP boards and the
IP address. The IP configuration has no restrictions.
Figure 4-8 Configuration [X2+IP Configuration (FDD)] parameter

3. Click save button to complete the configuration of[X2+IP configuration (FDD)], see
the figure below.

Figure 4-9 Complete the configuration of [X2+ IP Configuration (FDD)]

1. If the configuration case is that inter-eNodeB does not share Physical Layer, it needs to
continue configuration Co-eNodeB X2+ Port IP Link, click [Radio Parameter->LTE
FDD->Resource Interface Configuration->Co-eNodeB X2+ Port IP Link Table], double-
click to open the configuration interface of [Co-eNodeB X2+Port IP Link Table], see the
figure below.

Figure 4-10 Complete the local eNodeB [Co-eNodeB X2+Port IP Link Table] configuration

5. Configuration of the Co-eNodeB’s X2+IP, see the figure below

Figure 4-11 Complete the Co-eNodeB’s X2+IP configuration

6. Configuring the Co-eNodeB’s [Co-eNodeB X2+Port IP Link Table], see the figure
Figure 4-12 Complete the Co- eNodeB’s [Co-eNodeB X2+Port IP Link Table] configuration Neighbor Relation Configuration


Configuration of neighbor relation.


1. Select Configuration Management->Special Function of Standard->Neighbor Cell

Management, double-click to open the configuration interface of Neighbor Cell
Management, configure the source eNodeB, Neighbor eNodeB, select the cell

combinations to add neighbor relation, then click button add neighbor relation, see the
figure below.
Figure 4-13 Open Configuration Interface of Neighbor Cell Management

2. Complete the configurationof two cell’s neighbor relation, see the figure below.

Figure 4-14 Complete Neighbor relation configuration Cell Coordination Management Configuration


To configure this two cell’s CoMP coorperative relationship by cell coordination

management, which is to group the two cells to a group CoMP cell.

1. In Configuration Management system, select Configuration->Special Function of

Standard->Cell Coordination Management, enter the Cell Coordination Management
interface, see the figure below.

Figure 4-15 Enter Cell Coordination Management interface

2. Select the target SubNetwork ID, click Query button as shown in the figure below.
Figure 4-16 Query Cell

3. Select one cell, click Group button.

Figure 4-17 Group the cell’s CoMP coordination relation.

4. Click Group, then Neighbor Cell List dialog box is displayed, tips for choosing which cells
and the main cell of the CoMP coordination. See the figure below.
Figure 4-18 Neighbor Cell List dialog box

5. Select Cooperative Relationship Type for ULCOMP or DLCOMP, or UL and DL COMP,

and then select the cells for CoMP based on network planning. See the figure below.

Figure 4-19 Select CoMP cell

6. Click OK, group CoMP Configuration is complete, see the figure below.
Figure 4-20 Complete CoMP configuration Configure Cell Mode and SRS parameters


If UL CoMP is enabled, the board type of BPL1’s cell mode must be Mode 0[0]
,that is Three Cells Eight Ants, and the BPN board need to configure this
parameter based on the fact RRU ants. SRS function needs to open.


1. Select [Radio Parameter->LTEFDD->Resource Interface Configuration->Board Application

Attribute], double-click to open the interface of Board Application Attribute-List, click the
modify button , enter the configuration interface, see the figure below.
Figure 4-21 Modify the Cell Mode to Mode 0

2. Click [Radio Parameter->LTE FDD->E-UTRAN FDD Cell->PUCH and PDCH], double click
to open the configuration interface of [PUCH and PDCH List], click the modify button
,enter [PUCH and PDCH] configuration interface,see the figure below.
Figure 4-22 Modify the Switch of SRS Configuration to open

3. click the save button ,complete the configuration of cell mode and SRS.

4. After enabling the SRS, it need to confirm the resouce configuration of SRS. There are
three parameters: SRS Bandwidth Configuration, SRS Initial Bandwidth and The Number
of SRS Resource Over the Threshold of SRS PL for UE. See the figure below.
Figure 4-23 SRS Bandwidth Configuration
Figure 4-24 SRS Initial Bandwidth Configuration
Figure 4-25 Number of SRS Resource Over the Threshold of SRS PL for UE

For these parameters configuration, refer to the table below.

Table 4-6 SRS parameter configuration

BandWidth/Paremete SRS SRS Initial The Number of SRS

r Bandwidth Bandwidth Resource Over the
Configuration Threshold of SRS
PL for UE
20M 0 2 0,0,0
15M 0 2 or 1 0,0,0
10M 0 2 or 1 0,0,0
5M 5 0 0,0,0 CoMP Neighbor Cell Self-Configuration

CoMP Neighbor Cell Self-Configuration is realized by SON function. To enable

CoMP Neighbor Cell Self-Configuration, two conditions needs to be satisfied:

 Configure FS5C board and X2+IP link

 Configure CoMP Neighbor Cell Self-Configuration policy


Intra-board CoMP does not need to configure FS5C board, but the Inter-board
CoMP needs to configure FS5C,and the Inter-eNodeB COMP needs to configure
X2+IP and co-eNodeB X2+IP link list. Configure FS5C board and co-X2+IP (Optional,Inter-board and Inter-eNodeB

need to configure)


Adding FS5C board is to realize the exchange of baseband data between the BPL


1. According to the plan of FS5C board slot, in the window of [Physical View], click the right
button in the blank place in the slot, choose [Add Board], see the figure below.
Figure 4-26 Add FS5C board

2. In the pop-up dialog box of [add board], [Board type] is configured to FS, [Board standard]
is configured to LTE FDD[16], Board function mode is configured to LTE-FDD
CloudRadio[5], Physical Board name is configured to FS5C. See the figure below.

Figure 4-27 FS5C Parameters Configuration

3. Click OK button, complete the FS5C configuration. See the figure below.
Figure 4-28 Complete the FS5C configuration

4. In the window of [Management Element->Transmission Network->X2+IP Configuration

(FDD)], configure the X2+IP. See the figure below.
Figure 4-29 X2+ IP Configuration

5. Click the add button , configure the IP Address, Network Mask, Gateway IP. See the
figure below.
Figure 4-30 Complete X2+ IP configuration

6. In the window of [Management Element->Radio Parameter->LTE FDD->Resource Interface

Configuration->Co-eNodeB X2+Port IP Link Table],configure the co-eNodeB X2+ Port Link
Table. See the figure below.
Figure 4-31 co-eNodeB X2+Port Link Table configuration

7. Click the add button , configure the Co-eNodeB X2+Port IP Link Table. See the figure
Figure 4-32 Complete the Co-eNodeB X2+Port IP Configuration CoMP Neighbor Cell Self-Configuration Policy Configuration


Configure CoMP Control Switch Policy and FDD CoMP Policy.


1. Select EMS->Configuration->SON Management, enter the interface of SON

Management. See the figure below.

Figure 4-33 SON Management Interface

2. Enter the interface of SON management, click [SON Management Tree->SON Policy
Management->SON Policy Set], then click [Management Element->LTE FDD->FDD SON
Control]. See the figure below.

Figure 4-34 CoMP Control Switch Set Interface

3. Click the add button . In the pop-up dialog box, Service Type is configured to CoMP.
Service Switch is configured to Open. See the figure below.
Figure 4-35 CoMP Control Switch Configuration

4. Click OK.

Figure 4-36 Complete CoMP Control Policy

5. Select the CoMP Policy, click button to send SON Policy.See the figure below.
Figure 4-37 Send FDD SON Control Policy

6. Click OK, complete SON Control Switch Policy.

7. In the interface of SON Management, select Management->LTE FDD->FDD CoMP Policy.

Figure 4-38 FDD CoMP Policy

8. Click the add button , CoMP Self Configure Switch is configured to Open, Cooperative
Relationship Type is configured to UL+ DL CoMP Support, Grade for CoMP Statistic is
configured to Week. See the figure below.
Figure 4-39 FDD CoMP Policy Configuration


Grade for CoMP Statistic is optional, if the parameter is configured to week, the
start time is Monday every week. If the parameter is configured to month, the start
time is 1st every month.

9. Click OK, complete FDD CoMP Policy. See the figure below.

Figure 4-40 Complete FDD CoMP Policy

10. Select the CoMP Policy, click button to send SON Policy.

Figure 4-41 Send FDD CoMP Policy

11. Click OK, complete FDD CoMP Policy. Other parameters Configuration (Optional)


The following parameters are not to be modified for this function. In general, for
CoMP test, the default parameters can meet the requirements. If you want to
change, please contact the network optimization personnel. UL COMP Measurement Configuration


Modify the parameters of UL CoMP Measurement according to actural needs.


1. Select Radio Parameter->LTE FDD->Measurement Parameter Configuration, double

click to open UE E-UTRAN Measurement List . See the figure below.
Figure 4-42 Open [UE E-UTRAN Measurement List] configuration interface

2. In the configuration interface of UE E-UTRAN Measurement-List, Enter the configuration

interface, See the figure below.

Figure 4-43 Modify UL COMP Measurement

3. Modify the parameter A3 Event Offset(dB) of UL CoMP Measurement according to actural

needs. See the figure below.
Figure 4-44 Modify A3 Event Offset (dB) of UL COMP Measurement

4. Click save button , complete the configuration of ULCOMP Measurement Parameter. DL COMP Measurement Configuration


Modify the parameters of UL CoMP Measurement according to actural needs.


1. Select Radio Parameter->LTE FDD->Measurement Parameter Configuration, double

click to open UE E-UTRAN Measurement List.

2. In the configuration interface of [UE E-UTRAN Measurement-List], enter the configuration

interface, See the figure below.
Figure 4-45 Modify DL COMP Measurement

3. Modify the parameter A3 Event Offset(dB) of DL CoMP Measurement according to actural

needs. See the figure below.
Figure 4-46 Modify A3 Event Offset (dB) of DL COMP Measurement

4. Click save button , complete the configuration of DLCOMP Measurement

Parameter. DL COMP Parameters Configuration


Modify the parameters of DL CoMP Parameters according to actural needs.


1. Select Radio Parameter->LTE FDD->E-UTRAN FDD Cell], double click to open PUCH
and PDCH.

2. In the configuration interface of PUCH and PDCH, enter the configuration interface, modify
The PBR satisfaction Threshold for UE Entering DL CoMP and The MAX Request RB
Number for Each DL CoMP Neighbor Cell. See the figure below.
Figure 4-47 Modify the PBR Satisfaction Threshold for UE Entering DL CoMP

The default value of the parameter The PBR Satisfaction Threshold for UE
Entering DL CoMP is 0.8, which means 0.8 times the value of the PBR rate, that is,
the UEs which do not meet 0.8 times PBR can Enter DL CoMP.

Note: The bigger the value is, the easier it is to get into the DL CoMP.
Figure 4-48 Modify the MAX Request RB Number for Each DLCoMP Neighbor Cell

The default value of the parameter The MAX Request RB Number for Each DL
CoMP Neighbor Cell is 0, which means the max request RB num is adaptive result.
If the parameter is not 0, the parameter is the MAX request RB number (the sum of
all UE's) for each DL CoMP neighbor cell.

Note: The greater the value is, the more RB numbers Request cooperation will be.
But the maximum value cannot exceed the bandwidth. Comp for Micro and Macro function


When one of the comp related eNodeB is Micro and another one is macro, you
must open the Comp for Micro and Macro Switch. Other features of UL CoMP
function such as Neighbor Relation Configuration,Cell Coordination Management
Configuration,Cell Mode and SRS parameters can follow the Chapter

1. Select Radio Parameter->LTE FDD->E-UTRAN Service Configuration, double click to

open Global Switch.

2. In the configuration interface of Global Switch, enter the configuration interface, open
Comp for Micro and Macro Switch. See the figure below.

Figure 4-49 Open Comp for Micro and Macro Switch Inter-eNB JR Based on Relax Transmission Delay


The X2 delay between the enodeBs is very large , use this switch to control the
Comp function. Other features of UL CoMP functions such as Neighbor Relation
Configuration,Cell Coordination Management Configuration,Cell Mode and SRS
parameters can follow the Chapter


This function only supports UL Inter-eNodeB JR, but BPL1 does not support this
function. For this function, you must open ULComp Selected Merge Switch and
Switch of TTIB Bundling at the same time.
Typically, this function is applied to the scenario that X2 delay is greater than 2ms
less than or equal to 4ms. And enable the ULComp selected Merge Switch and
Switch of TTIB Bundling.


1. Select Radio Parameter->LTE FDD->E-UTRAN Service Configuration, double-click to

open Global Switch.

2. In the configuration interface of Global Switch, enter the configuration interface, open
ULComp Selected Merge Switch. See the figure below.

Figure 4-50 Open UL Comp Selected Merge Switch

3. Select Radio Parameter->LTE FDD->E-UTRAN FDD Cell, double-click to open PUCH

and PDCH. In the configuration interface of PUCH and PDCH, enter the configuration
interface, open Switch of TTI Bundling. See the figure below.
Figure 4-51 Open Switch of TTI Bundling The Cloud IRC of Inter-eNodeB


ULComp CloudIrc Switch is to control the UL Comp CloudIrc function. Other

features of UL CoMP functions such as Neighbor Relation Configuration,Cell
Coordination Management Configuration,Cell Mode and SRS parameters can
follow the Chapter


This function only supports Inter-eNodeB. Typically, this function is applied to the
scenario that X2 delay is greater than 0.3ms less than or equal to 4ms.


1. Select Radio Parameter->LTE FDD->E-UTRAN Service Configuration, double click to

open Global Switch.

2. In the configuration interface of Global Switch, enter the configuration interface, open
ULComp CloudIrc Switch. See the figure below.
Figure 4-52 Open UL Comp CloudIrc Switch

4.4.2 Data Synchronization

After configuring the initial data (including CoMP Configuration), and checking the
configuration correct, click Data Synchronization button.

4.4.3 Deactivate feature

If you want to deactiveate the configured CoMP, you can split CoMP Coordination relation,
then perform data synchronization. If you want to deactiveat the function of CoMP Neighbor
Cell Self-Configuration, you need to close this function.

1. Split CoMP coordination relation.

Click [Configuration->Special Function of Standard->Cell Coordination Management],
Select the target SubNetwork ID, click Split button. See the figure below.
Figure 4-53 Split CoMP Coordination Relation

2. Open The Switch of Potential User for Comp

If you want to compare the performace of the CoMP function, only need to open The
Switch of Potential User for Comp, do not need to Spit CoMP Coordination Relation.
Select Radio Parameter->LTE FDD->E-UTRAN Service Configure->Global Switch, click
modify button , modify The Switch of Pontential User for Comp to open. See the figure
Figure 4-54 Open the Switch of Potential User for Comp

3. Close CoMP Neighbor Cell Self-Configuration Function.

In the interface of SON Management, select the FDD SON Control Template ,click Modify
button, modify the Service Swtich from Open to Close.Then re-send SON Policy .See the
figure below.

Figure 4-55 Close FDD SON Control Policy

5 Impact on the Network

Impact on Equipment Performance:


Impact on Network KPIs:

Advantages of this feature:

When this feature is enabled, the signal quality (SINR) of the cell edge UE will become
better, and the throughput of the cell edge users will increase and user experience will
be improved. In terms of KPI, E-RAB call drop will decrease and spectrum efficiency
will be promoted. (spectrum efficiency of cell edge= throughput of cell edge users/PRB
number of cell edge user)

Disadvantages of this feature:

 After UL CoMP of inter-eNodeB is enabled, the transmission bandwidth of

eNodeB will increase because soft bit information is required for inter-eNodeB

 After DL CoMP is enabled, cell throughput may be decrease a bit because the
cell needs some RB resources for neighbor cell coordination.

6 Function Validation

6.1 DL CoMP Test

6.1.1 Topology

For the test environment, see Figure 6-1.

Figure 6-1 CoMP Function Test Networking Fixed Location Selection

When DL CoMP function is configured, the test UEs must be on the fixed point of
cell edge, so the effect of DL CoMP could be reflected. The condition of test
location is neighbor cell’s RSRP-serving cell’s RSRP>-3dBm.

UE is connected to drive test software in field test. The RSRP can be seen on drive
test software. The test location should be satisfied below condition:

1. There is only one neighbor cell that UE can be measured, or there are more neighbor cells
but the strongest neighbor cell’s RSRP is more than other neighbor cell.

2. The RSRP of strongest neighbor cell is fundamentally the same as the serving cell, with a
difference of 3dBm. The signal is steady relatively.

Figure 6-2 and Figure 6-3 had shown the fixed test location selection on CXT tool.
Figure 6-2 Fixed Test Location Selection under Single Neighbor Cell

Figure 6-3 Fixed Test Location Selection under Multi Neighbor Cells Mobile Route Selection

The test mobile route is selected according to RSRP and SINR that measured by
drive test tool. The main principle is that there are as many test locations on the
mobile route belong to cell edge location as possible. Select the best CoMP
neighbor cell for the serving cell according to the RSRP of neighbor cell.
Figure 6-4 and 5 had shown the RSRP and SINR distribution on CXT tool.

Figure 6-4 RSRP Distribution on CXT Tool

Figure 6-5 SINR Distribution on CXT Tool

6.1.2 Fixed Location Test Fixed Location Test Specification

DL CoMP fixed location test specification is shown in Table 6-1.

Table 6-1 DL CoMP Fixed Location Test

Test Item DL CoMP fixed location test

Feature ID ZLF34-00-003
Verify that the throughputs of UEs in cell edge can be increased after
CoMP function is enabled.
Two UEs are prepared;
Two PCs that connected to UEs are prepared, and the CXT and FTP
Test Device
tools are installed;
Two test cars are prepared;
Prerequisites 1. The LTE system and UE work normally.
2. The transmission mode is DL 2*2MIMO and UL 1*2 SIMO;
3. FTP server works properly and there are enough large file to
satisfied the FTP download and upload;
4. UE1 is located to the overlapped of cell 1 and cell 2, and UE1
is camped on cell 1, UE2 is camped on cell 2. It is shown

Test Step 1 Place UE1 to the overlapped of cell 1 and cell 2, and UE2 to the
center of cell 2. Start downlink service.
2 Disable downlink CoMP function and make sure the RSRP of UE1
measured in cell1 is the same as cell2 as possible.
3 Record downlink MCS,RB number and throughput of UE1.
4 Enable downlink CoMP function, and record downlink MCS,RB
number and throughput of UE1.
5 Record and save the test data and log of UE and eNodeB side.
Test Data UE side: GPS information, DL RSRP, DL SINR, DL MCS, DL RB
number, DL throughput;
eNodeB side: DL throughput, MCS, RB number.
Data Compare the throughput of target UE before and after CoMP enabled.
Expected After CoMP function is enabled, the target UE’s throughput can
result increased. Test Result

Test UE does downlink traffic for 5 minutes and record the average RSRP, RB
number, SINR, MCS, and throughput. The test data is shown in Table 6-2.

Table 6-2 DL CoMP Fixed Location Test Result

Stronges Spectru
Serving Mean m
t Mea Mea Mean
334- Cell RB
Neighbor n n Throughpu Efficienc
E1 RSRP(dBm Numbe
Cell SINR MCS t (Mbps) y
) r
RSRP (bit/s/Hz)
-94~-98 -94~-96 3.6
l 10.1 5.8 0.459 0.46
-94~-99 -95~-98 6.6
On 5.2 15.9 1.09 2.12

Compare results of the throughput, spectrum efficiency, RB and MCS before and
after CoMP enabled are shown in Figure 6-6.
Figure 6-6 Compare Results of Throughput, Spectrum Efficiency, RB and MCS

6.1.3 Mobile Test Mobile Test Specification

DL CoMP mobile test specification is shown in Table 6-1.

Table 6-3 DL CoMP Mobile Test

Test Item DL CoMP mobile test (With 70% load)

Feature ID ZLF34-00-024
Verify that lower throughputs sampling point ratio of mobile UE along
the mobile route can be decreased after CoMP function is enabled.
Prerequisites 1. The cells on the test route are all configured as CoMP cells.
Test Step 1 Select a mobile route and attach UE.
2 Initiate FTP download service and make sure the cells along the
route and neighbor cells are all with 70% load.
3 Disable DL CoMP function.
4 Move the UE along the test route.
5 Record and save the downlink throughput of UE.
6 Enable DL CoMP function, and repeat steps 4~5.
Test Data UE side: GPS information, DL RSRP, DL SINR, DL MCS, DL RB
number, DL throughput;
eNodeB side: DL throughput, MCS, RB number.
Data Compare the throughput of UE before and after CoMP enabled.
Expected After CoMP function is enabled, the lower throughputs sampling point
result ratio of mobile UE on the mobile route can be decreased. Test Result

The throughput of CDF is shown in Figure 6-7.

Figure 6-7 Throughput of CDF

1. When CoMP function is enabled, the performance is more enhanced than CoMP function is
disabled, no matter JT, CS or JT&CS adaption.

2. The lower of throughput is increased obviously no matter JT, CS or JT&CS adaption.

Because the CoMP function improves the throughput of UEs with strong interference in cell
edge and bad user experience. The test result is fitted to expected result.

3. The ratio of throughput less than 2Mbps is decreased from 8% to 1% with inter-eNodeB
CoMP function. The ratio of throughput less than 4Mbps is decreased from 20% to 8%.

4. The worst throughput which occupied 5% ratio is improved with 300% growing rate; the
worst throughput which occupied 10% ratio is improved with 100% growing rate.

5. On the average, the throughput improved by CS is larger than JT.

6. The worst throughput improved by JT is larger than CS. Because the PCI of serving cell
and coordinated cell mod 3 is different when UE is coordinated in the case of inter-eNodeB
or intra-eNodeB. In this case, the performance loss of JT is larger than CS. The test result
is fitted to simulation result.
7. CS and JT have the preferential usage scenario respectively. JT&CS adaption technology can
obtain the best effect, which can adapt to parameter and optimize further.

6.2 UL CoMP

6.2.1 Topology

Refer to Section 6.1.1 Topology. Fixed Location Selection

When UL CoMP function is configured, the test UEs must on the fixed point of cell
edge, so the effect of UL CoMP could be reflected. The condition of test location is
neighbor cell’s RSRP-serving cell’s RSRP>-6dBm.

UE is connected to drive test software in field test. The RSRP can be seen on drive
test software. The test location should be satisfied below condition:

1. There is only one neighbor cell that UE can be measured, or there are more neighbor
cells can be measured but the strongest neighbor cell’s RSRP is more than other
neighbor cells.

2. The RSRP of strongest neighbor cell is fundamentally the same as the serving cell,
with a difference of 6dBm. The signal is steady relatively.

Figure 6-8 had shown the fixed test location selection on CXT tool in the case of
two neighbor cells. The RSRP of PCI 41 is -96dBm, and the RSRP of PCI 39 is
-98dBm, which is satisfied the condition of fixed test location.
Figure 6-8 Fixed Test Location Selection under Single Neighbor Cell in UL CoMP

Fixed test location selection under multi neighbor cells is shown below. The RSRP of
PCI189 is -107dBm, the RSRP of PCI190 is -107, and there are two other neighbor cells
which RSRP is less than PCI189 and PCI190.

Figure 6-9 Fixed Test Location Selection under Multi Neighbor Cells in UL CoMP Mobile Route Selection

The test mobile route is selected according to RSRP and SINR that measured by
drive test tool. The main principle is that there are as many test locations on the
mobile route belong to cell edge location as possible. Select the best CoMP
neighbor cell for the serving cell according to the RSRP of neighbor cell.

Figure 6-10 and Figure 6-4 had shown the RSRP and SINR distribution on CXT

Figure 6-10 RSRP Distribution on CXT Tool

Figure 6-11 SINR Distribution on CXT Tool

6.2.2 Intra-eNodeB UL CoMP Fixed Location Test Test Specification

Table 6-4 is the intra-eNodeB UL CoMP fixed location test specification.

Table 6-4 Intra-eNodeB UL CoMP Fixed Location Test

Test Item Intra-eNodeB UL CoMP fixed location test

Feature ID ZLF34-00-012
Verify that the throughputs of UEs in cell edge can be increased after
CoMP function is enabled.
Two UEs are prepared;
Two PCs that connected to UEs are prepared, and the CXT and FTP
Test Device
tools are installed;
Two test cars are prepared;
Prerequisites 1. The LTE system and UE work normally.
2. The transmission mode is DL 2*2MIMO and UL 1*2 SIMO;
3. FTP server works properly and there are enough large file to
satisfied the FTP download and upload;
4. UE1 is located to the overlapped of cell 1 and cell 2, and UE1
is camped on cell 1, UE2 is camped on cell 2. It is shown

Test Step 1 Place UE1 to the overlapped of cell 1 and cell 2, and UE2 to the
center of cell 2. Start uplink service.
2 Disable uplink CoMP function and make sure the RSRP of UE1
measured in cell1 is the same as cell2 as possible.
3 Record uplink MCS,RB number and throughput of UE1.
4 Enable uplink CoMP function, and record uplink MCS,RB number
and throughput of UE1.
5 Record and save the test data and log of UE and eNodeB side.
Test Data UE side: GPS information, DL RSRP, DL SINR, UL MCS, UL RB
number, UL throughput;
eNodeB side: UL throughput, MCS, RB number.
Data Compare the throughput of target UE before and after CoMP enabled.
Expected After CoMP function is enabled, the target UE’s throughput can
result increased. Test Result

Test UE does uplink service for 5 minutes and record the average RSRP, RB
number, SINR, MCS, and throughput. Calculate the gain of throughput with the
below formula:

Throughput Gain= (Throughput CoMP on - Throughput normal)/ Throughput


The test result is shown in Table 6-5.

Table 6-5 UL CoMP Fixed Location Test Result

Servin Mean
CoMP Neighbor Mean Throughp
g Cell RB Mean Mean
ON/OF Cell Throughp ut
F RSRP ut (Mbps) Gain
(dBm) er
normal -96.69 -100.67 81.24 12.87 10.79 15.68 -
-96.33 -98.50 84.12 13.09 16.86 27.81 77.35%

Compare results of the throughput, SINR, RB and MCS before and after CoMP
enabled are shown in Figure 6-12.

Figure 6-12 Compare UL CoMP ON or OFF Results of Throughput, SINR, RB and MCS Result Analysis

1. The throughput of UE in center edge is increased observably; the uplink throughput gain is
77.35% when UL CoMP function is enabled.
2. The mean MCS and SINR of UE in center edge are increased observably when UL CoMP
function is enabled, which proved the channel signal condition getting better and so the
throughput was increased.

3. The test result is satisfied the expected result.

6.2.3 UL CoMP Mobile Test Test Specification

UL CoMP mobile test specification is shown in Table 6-6.

Table 6-6 UL CoMP Mobile Test

Test Item UL CoMP mobile test

Feature ID ZLF34-00-026
Verify that throughput gain of hotspot cells and whole LTE network
after UL CoMP function is enabled.
Prerequisites 1. There are 10UEs and test PCs are prepared;
2. The system bandwidth is 20MHz;
3. LTE system works normally, and there are 9 cells configured,
and one UE is in each cell, and there is one UE located in test
car. The test network is shown below:

4. The transmission mode is DL 2*2MIMO and UL 1*2 SIMO;

5. The AMC and HARQ function is enabled, MIMO adaption
function is closed, and the transmission mode is TM3;
6. The default QCI is QCI=8;
7. UEs, test cells and FTP PDN work properly;
8. The cells on the test route are all configured as CoMP cells.
Test Step 1 Located the UE in the center of each cell. If the number of UE is
enough, distribute the UEs as 0-2-0; if the number of UE is not
enough, distribute the UEs as 0-1-0.
2 Select a test route and make sure that the test UE can pass by all
the RF good/ medium/poor locations of cells.
3 Disable UL CoMP function.
4 Place the test UE on test car, and initiate the other UEs FTP
upload service. Move the UE along the test route with 3Km/h;
record each UE throughput, RB, and MCS.
5 Enable UL CoMP function, and repeat steps 4.
Test Data Record each UE throughput, RB, and MCS
Data Compare the instantaneous and mean throughput of fixed located
Analysis UEs before and after UL CoMP enabled.
Draw up the throughput CDF of mobile UE before and after UL CoMP
enabled Test Result

Table 6-7 shows the test result under UL CoMP ON and OFF.

Table 6-7 Test Result under UL CoMP ON and OFF

Servi Stronge
ng Mean Mea Mea Mean
UE CoMP st
UE RB n n Through
PCI Locati ON/O Cell Neighb
NO. Numb SIN MC put
on FF RSRP or Cell
er R S (Mbps)
(dBm) RSRP
middle 15.8 15.9
Off -76.53 -92.67 79.00 25.23
point 3 5
UE1 11
15.8 16.3
Middle On -73.58 -94.04 81.14 26.36
0 8
Middle 14.6 11.2
Off -91.56 -99.58 58.48 12.60
point 1 6
UE2 9
Middle 15.6
On -92.06 -106.02 50.48 9.80 11.31
point 9
Off -98.48 -112.16 26.74 9.01 6.52 2.07
UE3 39
Middle 10.5
On -96.15 -107.27 28.13 5.67 2.15
point 7
UE4 41 Middle 12.4
Off -99.09 -119.77 12.63 6.14 1.33
point 5
Middle On -97.97 -117.22 19.69 14.4 6.17 2.14
Servi Stronge
ng Mean Mea Mea Mean
UE CoMP st
UE RB n n Through
PCI Locati ON/O Cell Neighb
NO. Numb SIN MC put
on FF RSRP or Cell
er R S (Mbps)
(dBm) RSRP
point 2
Middle 17.9 16.6
Off -89.61 -100.50 90.76 30.23
point 4 3
UE5 16
Middle 18.6 15.9
On -89.44 -102.15 90.09 28.61
point 6 2
Middle 18.4 17.6
Off -79.80 -96.06 78.57 20.14
point 1 7
UE6 17
Middle 20.3 18.1
On -76.61 -93.72 89.70 29.01
point 5 0
Middle 13.0
Off 101.1 -116.06 67.07 7.79 9.31
point 3
UE7 14 0
Middle 15.6
On -99.08 -113.52 43.87 6.75 5.32
point 1
middle 15.4 20.9
Off -77.08   73.34 32.42
point 2 2
UE8 70
Middle 16.4 20.4
On -76.93 -83.18 77.25 33.79
point 2 7
Middle 12.3
Off -97.45 -113.55 39.48 7.20 4.95
point 1
UE9 125
Middle 12.2
On -95.84 -113.75 55.21 7.27 7.39
point 8
10.6 15.3
Off -79.96 -87.31 40.44 11.82
UE1 0 4
Mobile UE
0 10.8 15.4
On -79.05 -84.54 41.06 12.09
3 0
The total throughput off 150.09Mbps
of LTE network on 158.19Mbps

Figure 6-13 shows the throughput CDF of mobile UE before UL CoMP ON and
Figure 6-13 Throughput CDF of Mobile UE before UL CoMP ON and OFF

Figure 6-14 shows the MCS CDF of mobile UE before UL CoMP ON and OFF.

Figure 6-14 MCS CDF of Mobile UE before UL CoMP ON and OFF

Figure 6-15 shows the MCS PDF of mobile UE before UL CoMP ON and OFF.
Figure 6-15 MCS PDF of Mobile UE before UL CoMP ON and OFF Result Analysis

1. The cell total throughput is increased after CoMP function is enabled.

2. The throughput of mobile UE is increased obviously after CoMP function is enabled.

3. The throughput of cell edge is increased after CoMP function is enabled. The red line in
throughput CDF shows that lower throughput ratio is decreased, which means that
throughput of UE in cell edge is increased after CoMP function is enabled obviously. When
UE in cell center, the throughput is higher, the UE is not to regard as a CoMP UE and the
available RB is decreased, so the throughput is lower than CoMP function is disabled.

4. The test result is satisfied the expected result.

6.3 Intra-eNB JR between Macro and Micro Test

6.3.1 Topology

Refer to section 6.1.1 Topology.

6.3.2 Test Specification

The test specification of intra-eNB JR between macro and micro is shown in the
table below.
Table 6-8 Intra-eNB JR between Macro and Micro Test

Test Item Intra-eNB JR between Macro and Micro Test

Feature ID ZLF34-00-044
The performance of edge UEs can be improved after COMP function
was enabled between macro and micro cells.
Prerequisites 1. The LTE system and UE work normally.
2. The transport link between eNodeB and EPC is normal. The
macro cell1 and micro cell2 belonged to the same eNodeB
that are established successfully. Cell1 and cell2 are
configured as COMP Coordination cells and they work
3. The transmission mode is DL 2*2MIMO and UL 1*2 SIMO;
4. FTP server works properly and there are enough large file to
satisfied the FTP download and upload;
5. UE1 is located to the overlapped of cell 1 and cell 2, and UE1
is camped on cell 1, UE2 is camped on cell 2. It is shown

No Test Step Expected Result

1 Open the uplink COMP function Parameters configured
and open the Switch of Comp for successfully.
Micro and Macro.
2 UE1 is located to the overlapped of
cell 1 and cell 2, UE2 is located to
the center of cell2. Make sure that
the UE1’ RSRP of cell1 close to
3 Start best-effort uplink service to Record the throughput of UE1.
UE1 andUE2.
4 Close the uplink COMP function. Record the throughput of UE1.
Repeat the test step 2~3.
5 Record the test results on UE and
eNodeB side.
Expected The performance of edge UE will be improved after the COMP
Result function is enabled.
6.3.3 Test Result

Open the uplink COMP function, and do uplink FTP service on the UE1. Adjust the
location of UE1 and make sure the uplink COMP function enabled. The uplink
throughput of UE1 is 22.5Mbps, as shown in the figure below.

Figure 6-16 Uplink Throughput of UE1 after UL COMP Function Enabled

Figure 6-17 UL CoMP Coordination RB Number

Close the uplink COMP function, and do uplink FTP service on UE1. Make sure the
UE1 is in the same location of uplink COMP function enabled. The uplink
throughput of UE1 is 12.3Mbps, as shown in the figure below.

Figure 6-18 Uplink Throughput of UE1 after UL COMP Function Disabled

Table 6-9 Compared Results between UL COMP Enabled and Disabled

Serving Cell UL
CoMP Neighbor Cell RSRP Throughput
RSRP Throughput
Switch (dBm) Gain
(dBm) (Mbps)
Close -103 -102 12.3 -
Open -104 -104 22.5 82%

The uplink throughput of edge UE improved after UL CoMP function enabled, and
the gain is 82%.

6.4 Inter-eNB JR between Macro and Micro Test

6.4.1 Topology

Refer to section 6.1.1 Topology.

6.4.2 Test Specification

The test specification of inter-eNB JR between macro and micro is shown in the
table below.

Table 6-10 Inter-eNB JR between Macro and Micro Test

Test Item Inter-eNB JR between Macro and Micro Test

Feature ID ZLF34-00-045
The performance of edge UEs can be improved after COMP function
was enabled between macro and micro cells.
Prerequisites 1. The LTE system and UE work normally.
2. The transport link between eNodeB and EPC is normal. The
macro cell1 and micro cell2 belonged to different eNodeBs
that are established successfully. Cell1 and cell2 are
configured as COMP Coordination cells and they work
3. The transmission mode is DL 2*2MIMO and UL 1*2 SIMO;
4. FTP server works properly and there are enough large file to
satisfied the FTP download and upload;
5. UE1 is located to the overlapped of cell 1 and cell 2, and UE1
is camped on cell 1, UE2 is camped on cell 2. It is shown
NO. Test Step Expected Result
1 Open the uplink COMP function Parameters configured
and open the Switch of Comp for successfully.
Micro and Macro.
2 UE1 is located to the overlapped of
cell 1 and cell 2, UE2 is located to
the center of cell2. Make sure that
the UE1’ RSRP of cell1 close to
3 Start best-effort uplink service to Record the throughput of UE1.
UE1 andUE2.
4 Close the uplink COMP function. Record the throughput of UE1.
Repeat the test step 2~3.
5 Record the test results on UE and
eNodeB side.
Expected The performance of edge UE will be improved after the COMP
Result function is enabled.

6.4.3 Test Result

Open the uplink COMP function, and do uplink FTP service on the UE1. Adjust the
location of UE1 and make sure the uplink COMP function enabled. The uplink
throughput of UE1 is 6.57Mbps, as shown in the figure below.
Figure 6-19 Uplink Throughput of UE1 after UL COMP Function Enabled in Inter-eNB

Figure 6-20 The UL CoMP Coordination RB Number after UL CoMP Enabled in Inter-eNB

Close the uplink COMP function, and do uplink FTP service on UE1. Make sure the
UE1 is in the same location of uplink COMP function enabled. The uplink
throughput of UE1 is 5.27Mbps, as shown in the figure below.
Figure 6-21 Uplink Throughput of UE1 after UL COMP Function Disabled in Inter-eNB

Table 6-10 The Compared Results between UL COMP Enabled and Disabled in Inter-eNB

Serving Cell UL
CoMP Neighbor Cell RSRP Throughput
RSRP Throughput
Switch (dBm) Gain
(dBm) (Mbps)
Close -108 -105 5.27 -
Open -109 -105 6.57 25%

The uplink throughput of edge UE improved after UL CoMP function enabled, and
the gain is 25%.

6.5 Inter-eNB JR Based on Relax Transmission delay Test

6.5.1 Topology

Refer to section 6.1.1 Topology.

6.5.2 Test Specification

The test specification of inter-eNB JR based on relax transmission delay is shown

in the table below.
Table 6-11 Inter-eNB JR Based on Relax Transmission delay Test

Test Item Inter-eNB JR Based on Relax Transmission delay Test

Feature ID ZLF34-00-040
Verify that the LTE system supports inter-eNB JR in scenario which
transmission delay exceed 0.3ms but less than 4ms.
Prerequisites 1. The LTE system and UE work normally.
2. The transport link between eNodeB and EPC is normal. The
macro cell1 and micro cell2 belonged to different eNodeBs
that are established successfully. Cell1 and cell2 are
configured as COMP Coordination cells and they work
3. The transmission mode is DL 2*2MIMO and UL 1*2 SIMO;
4. FTP server works properly and there are enough large file to
satisfied the FTP download and upload;
5. UE1 is located to the overlapped of cell 1 and cell 2, and UE1
is camped on cell 1, UE2 is camped on cell 2. It is shown

NO. Test Step Expected Result

1 Open uplink COMP function, Parameters are configured
configure ULComp Selected Merge successfully.
Switch to Open, and configure
Switch of TTI Bundling to Open.
2 Query the transmission delay and
make sure the delay is from 0.3ms
to 4ms.
3 UE1 is located to the overlapped of
cell 1 and cell 2, UE2 is located to
the center of cell2. Make sure that
the UE1’ RSRP of cell1 close to
4 Start best-effort uplink service to Record the throughput of UE1.
UE1 andUE2.
5 Close the uplink COMP function. Record the throughput of UE1.
Repeat the test step 2~4.
6 Record the test results on UE and
eNodeB side.
Expected The performance of edge UE will be improved after the COMP
Result function is enabled.

6.5.3 Test Result

The test method is same with 6.2 UL CoMP. Compare the uplink throughput
between UL COMP function enabled and disabled.

The transmission delay can be checked in the below procedure.

1. Click the button in the Diagnosis Test window. The Combination Test dialog box is
displayed. Check the box of X2+ Link Status Query (L) as shown in the figure below.
Then click OK button to wait for the test result.

Figure 6-22 Check the Box of X2+ Link Status Query (L)

2. The transmission delay is shown in the figure below and it is 458 ns (transmission
delay is test in the lab, and it is hard to reach to the relax delay scenario in lab.).
Figure 6-23 Transmission Delay

7 Abbreviations
For the acronyms and abbreviations, see LTE Glossary.

8 Restrictions

Table 8-1 Restrictions for CoMP function

Scenario Support Note

Support BPL1,BPN0, BPN2 BPL0 is not
Baseband Board supported
Support BPL1 and BPN mixed insertion
Intra-board CoMP, Inter-eNodeB
Inter-board CoMP CoMP needs CR0
CoMP Type
Inter-eNodeB CoMP for board
Support 2, 4, 8 antennas Mixed
configuration for
Antenna Number different antenna
number is
Support CoMP between macro cells Refer to Section
Support CoMP between macro cell and 3.8.3 Site Types
Cell Type of Macro and
micro cell
Support CoMP between micro cells Micro Cell

One cell can support DL CoMP and UL

CoMP at the same time;
CoMP Cell
One cell can support intra/inter board and
inter-eNodeB CoMP at the same time.
One baseband board support co-existence
Single Baseband
of DL CoMP Cell, UL CoMP Cell, CA
Cell, and Normal Cell.
Cell BPL1 When UL CoMP is not enabled, DL CoMP CoMP Cell can
Number Cell Num + CA Cell + Normal Cell Num <= be: UL CoMP Cell
in Cell 6 or DL/UL CoMP
number in Cell
Scenario Support Note
BPL1 When UL CoMP is enabled, DL CoMP Cell
Num + CA Cell + Normal Cell Num <= 3
When UL CoMP is enabled, CoMP Cell
Num + CA Cell + Normal Cell Num <= 3
one CoMP Cell Num + CA Cell + Normal Cell
baseband Num <= 6
board CoMP Cell Num + CA Cell + Normal Cell
Num <= 12
Frequency Band Intra-frequency CoMP Inter-frequency
CoMP is not
Bandwidth Type Intra-band CoMP Inter-band CoMP
is not supported.
UL CoMP 1. For BPL1, cell mode must be configured 1 For other
to mode of 3 cells + 8 antennas boards or DL
2 SRS must be enabled. CoMP, there is no
limitation for cell
2 SRS is not
required for DL
Exclusive function CoMP cannot be enabled with Super Cell

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