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Meditative Central Apneas During Lucid

Satish C Rao, M.D., M.S.

56 year old successful corporate attorney recommended positional therapy.

A presented to the sleep cHnic for many
years of witnessed apneas, snort arousals and
During his return for sleep study results,
he remarked that he has had vivid dreams
mild snoring only in the supine position. and excellent dream recall since childhood.
These came to medical attention now Furthermore, he was a lucid dreamer and
because his wife thought it should be became lucid periodically. During some of
assessed as a relative was recently diagnosed the lucid dreams he interacts with relatives
with sleep apnea. He was not sleepy who have passed away, such as his father or
whatsoever, and slept well for eight hours an uncle. During those conversations he will
each night. His past medical history was hsten to their words so closely that it
unremarkable. Physical exam revealed a tall, becomes a "meditative" or "spiritual"
lean and athletic man with a moderately experience as he does not want to miss even
narrow oropharynx due to tongue position. a single word they are saying to him. During
There was some mild erythema on the uvula these periods, he sometimes notices he will
and soft palate. Otherwise, the exam was "forget to breathe" because of the profound
normal. state of relaxation the feeling creates. One of
Polysomnography was performed and these lucid dreams transpired the night of the
showed an overall apnea-hypopnea index of polysomnogram. There was a single central
three. Disordered breathing events emerged apnea during a REM period (figure). It is
frequently in the supine position. He was unknown if his dream occurred during that
instructed to maintain his weight and specific REM period.

¡. Tang H, Sharma N, Whyte KF. Lucid dreaming duiing Multiple
Sleep Utency Test (MSLT). Sleep Med. 2006; 7(5):462-3.

Address reprint requests to: Satish C. Rao. M.D., M.S.,

Center for Sleep Medicine, Mayo Clinic, 200 First Street SW
Rochester, Minnesota 55905

Accepted May 17.2009

Sleep and Hypnosis, 11:1, 2009 27

Meditative central apneas during lucid dreaming?


51 S1 S1 51 50 50 H 50 5Ï » 53 M M 54 S S3 53

Figure 1. Cannels 1-2:electro-oculogram (note: respiratory artifact in electrode Fpz), channels 6-7: EMG,
channel 8: ECG, channel 9: thermocouple, channel 10: nasal pressure, channel! 11: sonogram, channel 12: pulse oximeter,
channel 13-15 thoracic, abdominal and summed Respitrace (note: cardioballistic artifact during central apnea).

28 Sleep and Hypnosis, 11:1, 2009

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