The Calculation of CCT Diagrams For Engineering Steels PDF

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Archives Volume 39 International Scientific Journal

Issue 1 published monthly by the

of Materials Science September 2009 World Academy of Materials
and Engineering Pages 13-20 and Manufacturing Engineering

The calculation of CCT diagrams

for engineering steels
J. Trzaska, A. Jagie³³o, L.A. Dobrzañski *
Division of Materials Processing Technology, Management and Computer Techniques
in Materials Science, Institute of Engineering Materials and Biomaterials,
Silesian University of Technology, ul. Konarskiego 18a, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
* Corresponding author: E-mail address:
Received 21.02.2009; published in revised form 01.09.2009


Purpose: of this paper is to present numerical methods for calculation of CCT diagrams for engineering steels.
Design/methodology/approach: The presented numerical methods for calculating the anisothermic diagrams
of supercooled austenite are based on physical, statistical or artificial intelligence methods. In many cases input
data are chemical composition and austenitising temperature. The results of calculations consist of temperature of
the beginning and the end of particular transformation, the volume fraction of structural components and hardness
of steel after heat treatment.
Findings: Numerical methods are an alternative to experimental measurement in providing the material data
required for heat treatment process simulation.
Research limitations/implications: All presented methods for calculation of CCT diagrams for engineering
steels are limited by ranges of mass concentrations of elements.
Practical implications: All presented methods may be used in computer steel selection systems for machines
parts manufactured from engineering steels subjected to heat treatment.
Originality/value: The presented methods can be used for selecting steel with required structure after heat
Keywords: Computational material science; Artificial intelligence methods; Neural networks; CCT diagrams
Reference to this paper should be given in the following way:
J. Trzaska, A. Jagiełło, L.A. Dobrzański, The calculation of CCT diagrams for engineering steels, Archives of
Materials Science and Engineering 39/1 (2009) 13-20.


containing the quantitative data pertaining to the dependence of

1. Introduction
Introduction steel structure and hardness on temperature and time of the
supercooled austenite transformations are used for determination of
The overall continuous cooling transformation kinetics can be the structure and hardness of the quenched, normalised, or fully
readily described by the continuous cooling transformation (CCT) annealed steels. Locations and shapes of the supercooled austenite
diagram. The CCT diagram is constructed by plotting a series of transformations’ curves, plotted on the CCT diagrams, depends
cooling curves onto a temperature against time diagram and then mostly on the chemical composition of the steel, extent of austenite
connecting the transformation start temperatures and transformation homogenising, austenite grain size, as well as on austenitising
finish temperatures with separate lines. The CCT diagrams temperature and time. [1]

© Copyright by International OCSCO World Press. All rights reserved. 2009 13

J. Trzaska, A. Jagie³³o, L.A. Dobrzañski

Experimental elaboration of CCT diagram is time consuming determined if along the analyzed cooling rate path zones occur of:
and requires applying expensive testing equipment. It would be able ferrite, pearlite, bainite, and if the martensitic transformation occurs.
to calculate CCT diagrams from the chemical composition of the The range of the cooling duration time, characteristic for the
steel and its austenitising temperature. Therefore, many attempts of particular transformations, and types of the structure constituents
modeling austenite transformations in the steel during cooling are occurring in the steel after cooling were determined as a result of
being undertaken. The basis of temperature calculations and time of the classification process. Further, temperature values were
particular transformations of supercooled austenite and volume calculated of start and end of the particular transformations for each
fraction of the particular structural components, as well as hardness of the analysed cooling rates. Information regarding the types of the
obtained after cooling is finished, are most often physical models of structure constituents that originated in the steel as a result of its
processes proceeding in the steel during heat treatment or empirical cooling at a particular rate was used to determine steel hardness and
dependences elaborated according to sufficiently big number of volume fraction of ferrite, pearlite, bainite, and martensite with the
experimental data. The dependences allowing for modeling retained austenite. Total of 20 neural network models are used for
supercooled austenite transformations in isothermal cooling calculating the complete CCT diagram for the assumed chemical
conditions, are based most often on Jonson-Mehl-Avramy[2-3] and composition and austenitising temperature. The algorithm consists
Koistinen-Marburger [4] equations. The results of calculations of four modules: data entry module, classification module,
obtained using mentioned equations, in many cases differ from calculation module, set of conditional statements. The outputs from
experimental data. New relationships are published, describing the particular modules feature the data that unequivocally defines
various quantities connected to kinetics of supercooled austenite the form of the CCT diagram and are the basis for its graphical
transformations, just for the steel with wide range of alloying representation.
elements concentration or advised for specific steel grades. Computer program for calculating the anisothermic diagrams of
supercooled austenite is based on neural networks model. In order
to design neural networks, the Statistica Neural Network, version
4.0F, software was used. [11] Representative set of data was created
Neural networks
2. Neural networks model
models from the 400 of CCT diagrams, published in the literature. The
range of mass concentration of elements shown in Table 1 also
The artificial neural networks are a universal tool for a describes the scope of program usage.
numerical modeling capable of mapping of complex functions. The
adaptation of neural networks to fulfilling a definite assignment Table 1.
does not require the determination of an algorithm or recording it in Ranges of mass concentration of elements
the form of a computer program. This process replaces learning Mass concentration of elements, %
using a series of typical stimulations and corresponding to them
desirable reactions. The basic feature of neural networks is their C Mn Si Cr Ni Mo V Cu
capability to a generalization of knowledge for the new data not min. 0.08 0.13 0.12 0 0 0 0 0
presented in the training process.
max. 0.77 2.04 1.90 2.08 3.65 1.24 0.36 0.3
It was found out, basing on analysis of works [5-6], in which
neural networks were employed for determining the supercooled %Mn+%Cr+%Ni+%Mo”5
austenite transformation curves at the continuous cooling, that
development of a model making it possible to calculate the The program was developed in the Borland C++ Builder 6
complete CCT diagrams based on a simple mapping: chemical compiler. The input data for the program were mass concentration
composition and austenitising temperature ĺ CCT diagram, must of elements and austenitising temperature, which can be input by
be subject to a significant forecast error. Calculating curves of the the user or calculated by program as temperature Ac3+50°C.
start and end of the transformations using a single neural network Predicted values of steel hardness and calculated volumes fractions
forces using a big number of neurons in the output layer, which – at of phases give very well results. Shapes of the CCT diagrams
the limited number of the available training curves and relatively generated by program are very similar to experimental diagrams.
big changes of the input values’ ranges – does not allow to work out In work [5] the use of artificial neural network for the
a representative training set. A satisfactory increase of the training prediction of the transformation start and finish lines in Continuous
set size is difficult because of the lack of literature data, whereas a Cooling Transformation diagrams was described. The data were
significant limiting of the number of neurons in the output layer selected from a single source [12]. In total 89 steel grades were
must result in a loss of the important information pertaining the selected for training and validation of the neural network. The input
flow of the supercooled austenite transformation. In case of a parameters of neural network were the chemical composition and
complex task, there is a possibility of splitting it into some less the austenitising temperature. The chemical compositions was
complicated ones and using separate networks for solving each of characterised using 12 alloying elements: C, Mn, Si, P, S, Cr, Ni,
these problems. Therefore, while developing the algorithm for Mo, V, Cu, Al, N. The ranges of input parameters for the neural
evaluating the CCT curves using the neural networks, the tasks network are given in Table 2.
were isolated, that could be solved with networks having less The prior austenite grain size has an important effect on the
complicated structure, and structure of the training set makes it transformation kinetics, but as no information was available on this
possible to increase the number of examples with the number of the parameter for all steels, it could not be included as an input
CCT curves remaining unchanged. parameter. The output of the neural network was the transformation
In papers [7-10] the own authors’ method of CCT diagrams lines in the CCT diagram. The CCT diagrams had to be converted
calculation has been described. The CCT diagrams calculation from graphical to numerical format. In this model 23 cooling curves
process may be divided into two stages. In the first stage it was were superimposed on each CCT diagrams and the intercepts with

14 14 Archives of Materials Science and Engineering

The calculation of CCT diagrams for engineering steels

the boundary lines indicating the time temperature combination

leading to a particular transformation. The number of intercepts for
each cooling curves was 6. CCT diagram was determined basing on
the activation level of a 138 neurons in the neural network output
layer. The neural network was trained using back propagation of
error learning rule and cross-validation procedure. The neural
network with one hidden layer and numbers of neurons in these
layers as five was assumed to be optimal.

Table 2.
Ranges of input parameter for neural network. The mass
concentration of elements are expressed in % and the austenitising
temperature (Ta) in °C
Input parameter
C Mn Si S P Cr Ni

(a) min 0.10 0.50 0 0 0 0 0

max 0.44 2.25 1.0 0.08 0.044 1.95 2.0
Mo V Cu Al N Ta
min 0 0 0 0 0 850
max 0.55 0.45 0.48 0.068 0.050 1350

Presented results indicate to the correct representation by the

network of some transformation temperature change trends versus
cooling time; however, differ significantly from the experimental
results. The relative standard deviation in the prediction of start and
end temperatures of each transformation depended on the cooling
(b) rate. For the low and cooling rates it was ~40°C, for the
intermediate it rose to 90°C for the ferrite start transformation and
to 75°C for the pearlite and bainite transformations.[5] The
experimental and predicted CCT diagrams are show in Figure 1
(a,b). Figure 1c presents program window with the calculated CCT
diagram (authors’ method).

3. 3.
The Creusot-Loire
The System
Creusot-Loire System
Research workers at the Creusot Laboratory have been studying
the effect of chemical composition and austenitisation conditions on
the continuous cooling transformation diagrams for carbon and low
alloy steels.[14-17] They have derived the following equations:
(4.62·C+1.05·Mn+0.5·Cr+0.66·Mo+0.54·Ni+0.00183·PA) (1)
(4.04·C+0.96·Mn+0.58·Cr+0.97·Mo+0.49·Ni+0.001·PA) (2)
(4.13·C+0.86·Mn+0.41·Cr+0.94·Mo+0.57·Ni+0.0012·PA) (3)
(3.8·C+1.07·Mn+0.57·Cr+1.58·Mo+0.7·Ni+0.0032·PA) (4)
(c) logvB90=10.55-
(3.65·C+1.08·Mn+0.61·Cr+1.49·Mo+0.77·Ni+0.0032·PA) (5)
Fig. 1. CCT diagram for steel with concentrations: 0.43% C, 1.67%
(2.23·C+0.86·Mn+0.59·Cr+1.60·Mo+0.56·Ni+0.0032·PA) (6)
Mn, 0.28% Si, 0.32% Cr, 0.11% Ni, 0.03% Mo, 0.01% V, 0.06% logvFP=6.36-(0.43C+0.49·Mn
Cu, austenitised at temperature of 1050°C: a) experimental [13], b) +0.26·Cr+0.38·Mo+2·Mo0.5+0.78·Ni+0.0019·PA) (7)
calculated by the neural network [5], c) calculated by the authors’ logvFP90=7.51-
method [11] (1.38·C+0.35·Mn+0.11·Cr+2.31·Mo+0.93·Ni+0.0033·PA) (8)

Volume 39 Issue 1 September 2009 15

J. Trzaska, A. Jagie³³o, L.A. Dobrzañski

where: 100
C, Mn, Cr, Ni, Mo, – mass concentration of the alloying elements;
vi [oC/h] – critical cooling rates at 700oC are referred to as: 80

Volume fraction, %
vM-for martensite; vM90- denotes 90% of martensite with 10% of Ferrite
other constituents; vM50- denotes 50% of martensite with 50% of 60 Bainite
other constituents; vB-for bainite; vB90- denotes 90% of bainite with Martensite
10% of other constituents; vB50- denotes 50% of bainite with 50% of 40
other constituents; vFP-for ferrite-pearlite; vFP90- denotes 90% of
ferrite-pearlite with 10% of bainite;
PA is an austenitising parameter whose value in oC/h is given by: 0
1 10 100 1000 10000 100000
ª 1 nR t º
P «  log » (10) Cooling time, s
A « T 'H t » (a)
¬ o¼
where: 100

T-temperature, K,

Volume fraction, %
t – time,
to – unit of time, 60 Ferrite+Pearlite
R – gas constant 8.314 J/K·mol, Bainite
n – loge10, 40 Martensite
ǻH – the activation energy of the phenomenon which for grain
growth in most low alloy steels has a value of 460.55 kJ/mol. 20

The hardness of the microstructures produced are given by the 0

equations (11-13). 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000
Cooling time, s
HVM=127+949·C+27·Si+11·Mn+16·Cr+8·Ni+21·logvR (11) (b)
53·C-55·Si-22·Mn-20·Cr-33·Mo-10·Ni) (12) 80
Volume fraction, %

19·Si+8·Cr+4·Ni+130·V) (13) 60
where: vR is the cooling rate. Martensite
Maynier and coworkers have developed a useful method to Pearlite
predict steel hardness. Their equations were derived from 107 tests 20
on 40 industrial grades. The total hardness of steel is calculate
dependent on the volume fractions of the constituents of the 0
microstructure. 10 100 1000 10000 100000
Cooling time, s
HV=(%FP·HVF-P+%B·HVB+%M·HVM)/100 (14) (c)
A disadvantage of the Creusot-Loire method is that knowledge
Fig. 2. Fractions of the structural constituents in steel with
is required of the amount of the starting constituents of the
concentrations of : 0.46% C, 0.77% Mn, 0.23% Si, 1.13% Cr,
microstructure. This can be estimated by the equations (1-8).
1.49% Ni, 0.28% Mo, 0.18% V, austenitised at 860ºC: a)
A range of the accepted mass concentrations of the elements
experimental [13], b) calculated by the Maynier model [14], c)
has been presented in Table 3. An example of the comparative plots
showing changes of fractions of the structural constituents calculated by the authors’ method [11]
depending on time required to cooling the steel from the
austenitising temperature are presented in Figures 2,3. Figures 4,5
presents graphical comparison of the hardness curves calculated
using different methods and the experimental ones.[11,13,14]. 4. 
JMatPro software
4. JMatPro software
Table 3. The software tool JMatPro (Java-based Materials Properties)
Ranges of mass concentration of elements has been developed by Thermotech and Sente Software. JMatPro
Mass concentration of elements, % is now available as a commercial product. [18]

JMatPro is a cross-platform software which calculates a wide

C Mn Si Cr Ni Mo V range of materials properties and is particularly aimed at multi-
components alloys used in industrial practice. These properties
min 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 0
include TTT and CCT diagrams, physical and thermophysical
max 0.5 2.0 1.0 3.0 4.0 1.0 0.2 properties, Jominy hardenability as well as high temperature
mechanical properties. All the properties are calculated using
%Mn+%Ni+%Cr+%Mo<5% physically based models which ensure consistent results. The

16 16 Archives of Materials Science and Engineering

The calculation of CCT diagrams for engineering steels

wide range of calculated properties can then be used as an input to JMatPro could be used to predict TTT and CCT diagrams for
processing simulation packages like Finite Element Modelling general steels, including medium to high alloy types, tool steels,
tools. [19]. 13%Cr steels. [22] Maximum level of the mass concentrations of
the elements has been presented in Table 4.
Table 4.
80 Maximum level of alloying elements in steels used for validation
Volume fraction, %

Ferrite of the model.[19]

60 Bainite Mass concentration of elements, %
40 Fe C Si Mn Ni Cr
min. 75.0 0 0 0 0 0
max. 100 2.3 3.8 1.9 8.9 13.3
10 100 1000 10000 100000
Mo V W Al Cu Co
Cooling time, s min. 0 0 0 0 0 0
max. 4.7 2.7 18.6 1.3 1.5 5.0

80 800 Maynier model

Volume fraction, %

700 Experimental curve

60 Ferrite+Pearlite
Bainite 600 Neural network model

Hardness, HV
40 Martensite 500
20 300
10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000 100
Cooling time, s
(b) 100 1000 10000 100000

Cooling time, s

Fig. 4. Comparison of the calculated hardness change curves as
Volume fraction, %

60 function of cooling time with the experimental one for steels
austenitised at 860ºC with concentrations of: 0.46% C, 0.77%
40 Mn, 0.23% Si, 1.13% Cr, 1.49% Ni, 0.28% Mo, 0.18% V

0 700 Maynier model
10 100 1000 10000 100000
600 Experimental curve
Cooling time, s
Hardness, HV

500 Neural network model

Fig. 3. Fractions of the structural constituents in steel with 300
concentrations of : 0.43% C, 0.82% Mn, 0.41% Si, 1.22% Cr, 200
0.04% Ni, 0.11% V, austenitised at 880ºC: a) experimental [13], 100
b) calculated by the Maynier model [14], c) calculated by the 0
authors’ method [11] 100 1000 10000 100000
Cooling time, s
The user simply inputs their choice of chemical composition,
austenite grain size and austenitising temperature. The
thermodynamic module calculates critical temperatures (Ae3 for Fig. 5. Comparison of the calculated hardness change curves as
ferrite and Ael for pearlite). Other critical temperatures, such as the function of cooling time with the experimental one for steels
formation temperatures for bainite and martensite, are calculated austenitised at 880ºC with concentrations of: 0.43% C, 0.82%
from empirical formulae. Finally, the software calculates the time Mn, 0.41% Si, 1.22% Cr, 0.04% Ni, 0.11% V
taken for a set amount of transformation at the desired temperatures.
[19]. JMatPro based on Johnson Mehl Avrami equation [2-3]. It is The purpose of the work [23] was to recognise the analytical
possible to convert TTT diagrams to continuous-cooling- potential of JMatPro software with relation to forecasting phase
transformation diagrams using Scheil's Additivity Rule [21]. transformation diagrams. The results of CCT diagram simulation

Volume 39 Issue 1 September 2009 17

J. Trzaska, A. Jagie³³o, L.A. Dobrzañski


(b) (b)


Fig. 6. CCT diagram for steel with concentrations: 0.42% C,

0.86% Mn, 0.26% Si, 1.03% Cr, 0.03% Ni, 0.23% Mo, 0.17% Fig. 7. CCT diagram for steel with concentrations: 0.13% C,
Cu, austenitised at 830°C: a) experimental [23], b) calculated 0.51% Mn, 0.31% Si, 1.5% Cr, 1.55% Ni, 0.06% Mo, austenitised
using JMatPro software [23], c) calculated by the authors’ at 870°C: a) experimental [13], b) calculated using EWI software
method [11] [24], c) calculated by the authors’ method [11]

18 18 Archives of Materials Science and Engineering

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