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accelerated challenging Role -9 Pyail lite -t) agile demanding brisk grueling Grind K-9 puzzling quick rigi EST =1-1° arte) Siete LTTE YL} sofas Te ie) march courteous pace LT edi) EXT tg loving cit} Pees stroll sweet Bios thoughtful Wentli ery Ses dejected Prelit} f(t el corrs te) a Tai TES CET Tuto manageable alata) obvious gloomy Tuy oly glum snap aM tel uy ihre) WORDS TO USE INSTEAD OF "VERY" | xx XK KKK KKK KKK KKKKK Very bad Very smart Very sad Very upset Very cold Very strong Very bright Very busy Very careful Very clear Very colorful Very confused Very mean Very messy Very nice Very often Very old Very open GSRARA CRAG ASKR STOR SSS Awful % Very good v Excellent Intelligent |X Very stupid |v Idiotic Sorrowful | % Veryhappy |” Ecstatic Distraught | % Veryexciting |~ Exhilaratin Freezing % Very warm ~ Hot Forceful % Very weak © Frail Luminous % Very hungry | Starving Swamped | Very hurt v Battered Cautious % Very large v Huge Obvious % Very lazy © Indolent Vibrant % Very long © Extensive Perplexed | % Veryloose |v’ Slack Cruel % Very skinny | Skeletal Slovenly % Verysmooth |v Sleek Kind > Very soft v Downy Frequently | % Very sorry ~ Apologetic Ancient % Very special | ~ Exceptione Transparent | % Very sure v Certain <> ESLca WORDS TO USE INSTEAD OF "VERY" -2 % Very angry y Furious % Very beautiful ~ Gorgeous ‘% Very big ¥ Massive % Very boring ~ Dull % Very noise © Deafening % Very poor v Destitute % Very creative |v Innovative % Very crowded =~ Bustling % Very dear Y Cherished exXKRKXKKRK Very calm Very ugly Very small Very funny Very quiet Very rich Very accurate Very afraid Very clever vy Serene ¥ Hideous v Petite ~ Hilarious © Hushed ¥ Wealthy vy Exact © Fearful |v Intelligent WORDS TO USE INSTEAD OF "VERY" -5 % Very cheap Stingy % Very clean ¥ Spotless ‘% Very short Y Brief % Very difficult |“ Arduous % Very dry v Arid % Very quick v Rapid % Very pale v Ashen % Very perfect |” Flawless % Very powerful | Compelling x x x x x x x x x Very expensive . Costly Very dirty Very tall Very easy Very wet Very slow Very sweet Very talented Very tasty v Filthy ~ Towering © Effortless Soaked ¥ Sluggish ¥ Thoughtful Y Gifted Delicious A List of the most commonly used English idioms. ‘Speak ofan ise which many people ae talking aboot and which ie ssuallydipted ‘A penny for your thoughts ‘Away ofasking what someone's thinking ‘Actions speak louder than words People intention car be judged better by wat they do thas whet they ay. Add insu Tt to injury “Tourer alos with mockery or mdignty; te worses an unfavorable situation. [An armada ep ‘Very expensiveor cost. largeamount of mony. At the drop of 2 hat Meanirg: without any hesitation; instantly. Beck to the dewing board ‘When n attempt fails and it'stimetostart allover. Ballisin yourcourt Risupto you to makethe nex decision or step Barking up the wrong tree ‘ooking inthe wrong place. Azcasing he wrong person Be glad to see the back of ‘Be happy when a pers leaves. Best eround the bush Avoiding the main topic. Not speaking directly about theese Best ofboth worlds Meaning: Al te advantages: Best thing since sliced bread ‘A good invention or innovation. good idea cr plan. ‘Bite off more than youcan chew ‘Totakeona takthat evaytobie, Blasing in dioica ‘Something good that isn't recognized at fst. ‘urn the midnight ofl ‘Toworklat ino the night allading tothe time befor lactic Hihting, Can't judge a book-by its cover ‘Cannot judge something primarily on appearance. ‘Caught between two stools ‘Wien somsone fide it dificult to choose betwen to steratres Costs an arm and ales. “This iiom is used when

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