Brief History of Burgers Equation

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Pramana – J. Phys.

(2018) 90:69 © Indian Academy of Sciences

A systematic literature review of Burgers’ equation with recent

1 Department of Energy Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay,
Powai, Mumbai 400 076, India
2 Department of Mathematics, National Institute of Technology Calicut, Kozhikode 673 601, India
∗ Corresponding author. E-mail:

MS received 21 June 2017; revised 30 November 2017; accepted 1 December 2017; published online 30 April 2018

Abstract. Even if numerical simulation of the Burgers’ equation is well documented in the literature, a detailed
literature survey indicates that gaps still exist for comparative discussion regarding the physical and mathematical
significance of the Burgers’ equation. Recently, an increasing interest has been developed within the scientific
community, for studying non-linear convective–diffusive partial differential equations partly due to the tremendous
improvement in computational capacity. Burgers’ equation whose exact solution is well known, is one of the
famous non-linear partial differential equations which is suitable for the analysis of various important areas. A
brief historical review of not only the mathematical, but also the physical significance of the solution of Burgers’
equation is presented, emphasising current research strategies, and the challenges that remain regarding the accuracy,
stability and convergence of various schemes are discussed. One of the objectives of this paper is to discuss the recent
developments in mathematical modelling of Burgers’ equation and thus open doors for improvement. No claim is
made that the content of the paper is new. However, it is a sincere effort to outline the physical and mathematical
importance of Burgers’ equation in the most simplified ways. We throw some light on the plethora of challenges
which need to be overcome in the research areas and give motivation for the next breakthrough to take place in a
numerical simulation of ordinary/partial differential equations.

Keywords. Burgers’ equation; non-linear convection–diffusion equation; Hopf–Cole transformation; numerical


PACS Nos 12.60.Jv; 12.10.Dm; 98.80.Cq; 11.30.Hv

1. Introduction tool for solving a wide variety of modern engineer-

ing problems. CFD provides quantitative as well as
The numerical simulation of non-linear convective– qualitative analysis of the system. It helps in the
diffusive partial differential equations encountered in simulation of solid–fluid interaction. More and more
computational fluid dynamics (CFD) has been a sig- complex PDEs are developed to consider various real
nificant research topic for many decades, both in heat life parameters affecting the engineering systems. It
transfer and in fluid mechanics. CFD has been exten- is necessary to have a deep understanding of the
sively used for various engineering analysis. Since the mechanism of fluid flow through a pipe, as it is
time of Newton, people have been aware of numerical extensively used in advanced engineering systems,
methods. During this period, various solution meth- industry and our day-to-day life. In human body,
ods of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) and the blood is flowing continuously through the arter-
partial differential equations (PDEs) were conceptu- ies and veins. All the modern biomedical instruments
ally conceived on paper by the scientific commu- like artificial hearts and dialysis systems work on
nity. Owing to extraordinary progress in computational the basis of fluid flow through pipes. In refrigera-
capacity, computer speed has improved much more tion and air conditioning application, refrigerants are
rapidly compared to its cost. A CFD is a powerful flowing through pipes. On a broader scale, PDEs
69 Page 2 of 21 Pramana – J. Phys. (2018) 90:69

Figure 1. Historical milestones in the development of Burgers’ equation.

explaining all these physical processes play important modelling of turbulence with the help of eq. (1). Burgers
roles in the design and analysis of modern engineering went on to become one of the leading figures in the
systems. field of fluid mechanics. To honour the contributions of
In 1915, Harry Bateman (1882–1946) [1], an English Burgers, this equation is well known as the Burgers’
mathematician, introduced a partial differential equa- equation. Eberhard Hopf (1902–1983) [5] and Julian
tion in his paper along with its corresponding initial and David Cole (1925–1999) [6] independently introduced a
boundary conditions given by eqs (1)–(3) transformation to convert Burgers’ equation into a linear
heat equation and solved exactly for an arbitrary initial
∂u ∂u ∂ 2u condition. Hence, the transformation is famously known
+u = ν 2 , 0 < x < L , 0 < t < τ, (1)
∂t ∂x ∂x as the Hopf–Cole transformation given by eq. (4).
u(x, 0) = ψ(x), 0 < x < L , (2) θx
u(0, t) = ζ1 (t), u(L , t) = ζ2 (t), 0 < t < τ, (3) u(x, t) = −2ν , (4)
where u, x, t and ν are the velocity, spatial coordinate, where θ satisfies the famous heat equation
time and kinematic viscosity, respectively. ψ, ζ1 and ζ2 ∂θ ∂ 2θ
are prescribed functions of variables depending upon = ν 2. (5)
the specific conditions for the problem to be solved. ∂t ∂x
Later in 1948, Johannes Martinus Burgers (1895–1981) The historical milestones in the development of Burgers’
[2–4], a Dutch physicist, explained the mathematical equation is given in figure 1.
Pramana – J. Phys. (2018) 90:69 Page 3 of 21 69

2. Physical significance

During the last few decades, significant efforts have been

oriented towards the development of robust computa-
tional schemes to handle non-linear PDEs found in fluid
mechanics and heat transfer. One of the most celebrated
equation involving both non-linear propagation effects
and diffusive effects is the Burgers’ equation. Burgers’
equation, being a non-linear PDE, represents various
physical problems arising in engineering, which are Figure 2. A multidisciplinary approach.
inherently difficult to solve. The simultaneous presence
of non-linear convective term (u(∂u/∂ x)) and diffusive
term (ν(∂ 2 u/∂ x 2 )) add an additional feature to the Burg- Burgers’ equation, having much in common with the
ers’ equation. When ν approaches zero, eq. (1) become Navier–Stokes equation, plays a vital role in analysing
inviscid Burgers’ equation, which is a model for non- fluid turbulence. Murray [7] found that there is an ulti-
linear wave propagation. The unsteady heat equation mate steady turbulent state. The author concluded that
without internal heat generation arises in the mathemat- small disturbances ultimately grow into a single large
ical modelling of many physical phenomena occurring domain of relatively smooth flow, accompanied by a
in nature. When u approaches zero, eq. (1) becomes the vortex sheet in which strong vorticity is concentrated.
heat equation. When temperature varies with respect to The interface of the control theory and fluid dynamics
time in a solid material, there will be a corresponding has a large number of practical applications includ-
variation of the rate of heat transfer within the solid as ing feedback control of turbulence for drag reduction.
well as at its boundary. In many practical engineering A non-linear Galerkin’s method was used by Baker
problems, the determination of temperature distribution et al [8] to propose a methodology for the synthesis
is required to calculate the local heat transfer rate, ther- of non-linear finite-dimensional feedback controllers.
mal expansion and thermal stress at some crucial loca- They used one-dimensional Burgers’ equation (6) with
tion. Burgers’ equation, which is a fundamental partial distributed control
differential equation from fluid mechanics, proves to be ∂U 1 ∂ 2U ∂U
a very good example because of the following reasons: = −U + b(z)u(t), (6)
∂t Re ∂z 2 ∂z
1. The exact solution of the partial differential equa-
where b(z) is the actuator distribution function. A spa-
tion is well known.
tially periodic inviscid random forced Burgers’ equation
2. It can be thought of as a hyperbolic problem with
in arbitrary dimension and the randomly time-dependent
artificial diffusion for small kinematic viscosity ν
Lagrangian system related to it was considered by Itur-
and heat equation for very small u.
3. It can be used in boundary layer calculation for the riaga and Khanin [9]. Bogaevsky [10] showed that
matter accumulates in the shock discontinuities. Bec
flow of viscous fluid.
and Kahanin [11] explained Burgers’ turbulence as the
4. It forms a standard test problem for the PDE
study of solutions to the one- or multidimensional Burg-
ers’ equation with random initial conditions or random
5. It is suitable for analysis in various fields like
forcing. The study of random Lagrangian systems, of
sedimentation of polydispersive suspensions and
stochastic partial differential equations and their invari-
colloids, aspect of turbulence, non-linear wave
ant measures, the theory of dynamical systems, the
propagation, growth of molecular interfaces, lon-
applications of field theory to the understanding of dissi-
gitudinal elastic waves in isotropic solids, traffic
pative anomalies and of multiscaling in hydrodynamic
flow, cosmology, gas dynamics and shock wave
theory. turbulence have benefited significantly from progress
in Burgers’ turbulence. Recently, it become a point of
Hence, a multidisciplinary approach is required to study attraction to many researchers due to the new emerging
Burgers’ equation as shown in figure 2. application of a Burgers’ model to statistical physics,
cosmology and fluid dynamics. Navier–Stokes turbu-
2.1 Viscous flow and turbulence lence has one important property: sensitivity to small
perturbations in the initial data and thus the spontaneous
Several important developments have been made in the rise of randomness by chaotic dynamics.
field of viscous flow and turbulence describing aero- The results obtained by Chekhlov and Yakhot [12]
dynamic flow at standard temperatures and pressures. in a simple one-dimensional system, were similar
69 Page 4 of 21 Pramana – J. Phys. (2018) 90:69

to the outcome of experimental investigations of the 2.2 Shock theory

real-life three-dimensional turbulence. They considered
the dynamics of velocity fluctuations driven by a white- Burgers’ equation is similar to the Navier–Stokes
in-time random force, in the one-dimensional Burgers’ equation without the pressure term. For low kine-
equation, which showed a biscaling behaviour [13]. matic viscosity, there can be velocity discontinuities, i.e.
WKB calculations are very useful for understanding the shocks. From a physical point of view, viscous model
behaviour of the randomly driven Burgers’ equation. better explains what happens in actual than in inviscid
The instanton solution, which describes the exponential equation. Kreiss and Kreiss [23] considered the viscous
tail of the probability distribution function of veloc- Burgers’ equation with the initial and non-homogeneous
ity differences for large positive velocity differences, Dirichlet boundary conditions to study the effect of
was found by Gurarie and Migdal [14]. The properties shock on the convergence of steady-state solution.
of the probability density function of velocity differ- 1
ences were investigated for the three different cases by u t + (u 2 )x = u x x + f (x),
Yakhot and Chekhlov [15]. In turbulence, the deviation 2
t ≥ 0, 0 ≤ x ≤ 1,  > 0, (7)
of the probability density function tails from Gaussian
was regarded as a manifestation of intermittency [16]. u(x, 0) = g(x), (8)
Particular interest, of solutions, of the randomly forced u(0, t) = a, u(1, t) = b (9)
Burgers’ equation, were the asymptotic properties of
and the corresponding steady-state problem
probability distribution functions associated with veloc-
ity gradients and velocity increments. Weinan et al [17] 1 2
(y )x = yx x + f (x), 0 ≤ x ≤ 1,  > 0, (10)
studied the asymptotic behaviour of the probability dis- 2
tribution of velocity gradients and velocity increments y(0) = a, (11)
using a new and direct approach for analysing the scal- y(1) = b. (12)
ing properties of the various distribution functions for
the randomly forced Burgers’ equation. They investigated uniqueness, the existence and prop-
The randomly forced Burgers’ equation, which is erties of the steady-state solution. It was proved that the
periodic in x with period 1, and with white noise steady-state problem has a unique solution and for suffi-
in t, is a prototype for a very wide range of prob- ciently large , the steady-state equation has a solution.
lems in non-equilibrium statistical physics, where strong Moreover, steady-state equation has a unique solution
non-linear effects are present [18]. Bec et al [19] pre- for all  > 0. To speed up the convergence to steady
sented the fast Legendre transform numerical scheme state, the shock should be located at the boundary. On
for space-periodic kicked Burgers’ turbulence with the other hand, location of shock in the interior leads to
spatially smooth forcing. Bec et al [20] had shown theo- very slow convergence. The speed of convergence was
retically and numerically that the shocks have a universal studied by analysing the corresponding eigenvalue prob-
global structure which was determined by the topology lem. The non-linear Burgers’ equation was solved by
of the configuration space. They studied the dynam- using shock-capturing schemes for problems involving
ics of the multidimensional randomly forced Burgers’ formation and propagation of shocks, shock collisions
equation in the limit of vanishing viscosity. Bec and and expansion of discontinuities [24].
Khanin [21] studied the inviscid randomly forced Burg- Reyna and Ward [25] were motivated by the work of
ers’ equation with non-periodic forcing on the whole Kreiss and Kreiss on the initial boundary value problem
real line started at t = −∞. They introduced varia- for Burgers’ equation. They investigated the shock layer
tional approach to Burgers’ turbulence and presented behaviour associated with the following viscous shock
results on the existence and uniqueness of the main problem in the limit  → 0:
shock and the global minimiser. Gomes et al [22] pre- u t + [ f (u)]x = u x x , 0 < x < 1, t > 0, (13)
sented a very simple and soft approach, which allows to
construct stationary distributions for randomly forced u(x, 0) = u 0 (x), u(0, t) = α, u(1, t) = −α. (14)
viscous Hamilton–Jacobi and Burgers’ equations and Here α is a positive constant and the convex non-
proved convergence of this distributions in the limit of linearity f (u) satisfies f (0) = f  (0) = 0, u f  (0) > 0
vanishing viscosity. The global solutions satisfy uniform for u  = 0 and f (α) = f (−α). For Burgers’ equation
Lipschitz and semiconvexity properties. The nature of f (u) = u 2 /2. Their main goal was to analyse the slow
the fluctuational mechanism is very general, but it guar- shock layer motion for eq. (13) analytically in the limit
antees only a very slow rate of convergence. It was used  → 0. Analytical explanation for the exponentially
for the uniqueness of global solutions and convergence slow phase where the shock layer drifts to its equilibrium
of the solutions to the Cauchy problems. point was given. The method of matched asymptotic
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expansions (MMAE) was used to construct equilibrium u t + uu x = νu x x − λu; x ≥ 0, t ≥ 0, λ ≥ 0, (18)

solution to Burgers’ equation. From symmetry, the equi- u(0, x) = φ(x), u(t, 0) = f (t). (19)
librium shock layer solution for eq. (13) is at x = 1/2.
Using MMAE, they obtained one-parameter family of The term λu in eq. (18) represents the heat released
approximate solutions parametrised by x0 . in the boundary layer. Analytical solution in paramet-
ric form of the Burgers’ equation with source term was
u = −α tanh[α −1 (x − x0 )/2]x0 . (15) constructed. Lagrange subsidiary equations and split-
ting of the second-order non-linear PDE were used for
In the case of equilibrium problem, to eliminate the inde- constructing solutions. As a result, Monge’s equation
terminacy in the MMAE solution for the location of the was generated.
shock layer, projection method was used. Burgers’ equa-
tion is applicable for time-dependent problems. Hence, 2.4 Cosmology
they used projection method to derive an equation of
motion for the trajectory of the slow moving shock layer. The expanding Universe is irregular and clumpy com-
The result shows that the solution to eq. (13) is given pared to its uniform initial state [28]. Three-dimensional
asymptotically by u ∼ −α tanh[α −1 (x−x0 (t))/2], dur- Burgers’ equation describes the characteristics of a ran-
ing the slow evolutionary phase, where x0 (t) satisfies the dom potential vector field, which was investigated by
ODE Gurbatov and Saichev [29]. In this paper, they dis-
dx0 −1 −1
cussed the possible relationship between the large-scale
= α[e−α x0 − e−α (1−x0 ) ]. (16) structure of the Universe and the cellular structure. The
dt three-dimensional Burgers’ equation
Their main contribution is to show that even if the bound- Vt + (V )V = ν V (20)
ary operator is changed by small value it may destabilise
the equilibrium solution. It results in hitting the shock V (r, t = 0) = V0 (r ) (21)
layer to one of the physical boundaries instead of drifting may also be an acceptable model for the turbulence
to its equilibrium position. Numerical method based on theory. The way the field V (r, t) behaves described by
preliminary WKB-type transformation of eq. (13) was eq. (20) is similar to the growth of the Universe lies in the
formulated to study the shock layer behaviour for 
1. fact that the field V (r, t) acquires in the time a universal
It is advantageous because it magnifies the exponentially cellular structure, the presence and reason of formation.
weak interactions and exponentially long time-scale As per the author, one of the mechanisms of formation
associated with the shock layer motion becomes trans- of cellular structure of the Universe, the inertial insta-
parent. Simple finite-difference method can be used on bility, can be described by analysing the dynamics and
the well condition equilibrium transformed problem to statistics of the fields described by eq. (20). They inves-
study the shock layer behaviour numerically for rather tigated the dynamics and statistics of random potential
small . fields, described by eq. (20). The possible connection of
their characteristics with the large-scale structure of the
2.3 Gas dynamics Universe was discussed. The adhesion model of large-
scale distribution of matter in the Universe is formulated
The Burgers’ equation shows the interplay of convection by Burgers’ turbulence [30–32].
and diffusion present in viscous fluid flow engineering Peebles [33] explained that right after the decoupling
problem [26]. Also, Burgers’ equation with source terms between baryons and photons, the promotive Universe
appeared in the aerodynamics theory [27]. is a rarefied medium without pressure composed mainly
of non-collisional dust interacting through Newtonian
u t + uu x = νu x x − λu. (17) gravity. The initial density of this dark matter fluctua-
tion is responsible for the formulation of the large-scale
The contribution was the manipulation of a mathemat- structure in which both the dark non-baryonic matter and
ical problem from the gas dynamics theory, which was the luminous baryonic matter concentrate. A hydrody-
related to the heat exchange in the boundary layer. Heat namical formulation of the cosmological problem leads
can be released in physical application of gas dynamics, to a description where matter evolves with a velocity V̄ .
which can be presented in chemically reacting bound- Molchanov et al [34] studied the dynamics of the struc-
ary layer or in the propagation of the detonation wave. ture of shock fronts in the inviscid non-homogeneous
Near-equilibrium boundary layers of a gas by present- Burgers’ equation in R d in the presence of random forc-
ing heat source terms can be considered using Burgers’ ing due to a degenerate potential. The influence of the
equation, i.e., clusters through their gravitational field was considered
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by Burgers’ equation with external force field F as given exists a minimum time interval in the time-dependent
by eq. (22). The development of cluster is a relative slow dynamics. The measurement steps are dispersed periodi-
process. cally in time and across all the elements of the quantum
system. Yepez [48] presented an analysis of an open
∂ v 1 v ∈ R 3 .
+ (
v )
v = μ 2 v − F, (22) quantum model of the time-dependent evolution of a
∂t 2 flow field governed by the non-linear Burgers’ equation
in one spatial dimension. This allows to use the quan-
2.5 Traffic flow
tum algorithm for modelling highly non-linear shock
formation, even severely under-resolved shock fronts,
Burgers’ equation shows a strong connection between
without the model breaking down. The flow field evolv-
fluid dynamics and traffic flow models. In the theory
ing under the Burgers’ equation develops sharp features
of traffic flow, use of Greenshields [35] model leads to
over time. Therefore, it is a better test of liquid-state
the formation of Burgers’ equation. Traffic current on
nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) implementations of
expressway is defined as the number of cars passing at
type-II quantum computers than examples using the dif-
a reference point per unit time [36]. If vehicle concen-
fusion equation. The practicality of implementing the
tration is linearly related to the drift speed in the one-
quantum lattice gas (QLG) algorithm using a spatial
dimensional case, then vehicle concentration on the road
NMR technique was proved by the numerical data and
can be explained by Burgers’ equation in a moving frame
the exact analytical results for the non-linear Burgers’
of reference [37]. From the sophisticated level of fluid-
equation [49].
dynamical approach, no traffic jam forms spontaneously
from a state of uniform density. Leibig [38] has studied
how a random initial distribution of steps in the density
profile evolves with time. If we treat traffic as an effec- 3. Further significance
tively one-dimensional compressible fluid, then in anal-
ogy with the hydrodynamic theory of fluids, a ‘macro- The Burger’s equation has been used as a benchmark
scopic’ theory of traffic can be developed [39]. Traffic problem in parallel and distributed numerical computa-
flow can be treated as an effectively one-dimensional tion, i.e., algorithms can be tested with the help of known
compressible fluid (a continuum) when viewed from a analytical solutions of Burger’s equation. An OpenMPI-
long distance [40]. Second-order model of very light based hybrid space–time parallel algorithm is discussed
traffic flow is given by Aw and Rascle [41]. The den- in [50]. GPU-based parallel computing algorithm for the
sity wave in traffic flow, which gradually changes from numerical solution of one-dimensional Burger’s equa-
non-uniform to uniform distribution, is described by tion is presented in [51]. In [52], CUDA Fortran was
Burgers’ equation [42]. Equation (23) is considered used for the problem presented in [51]. A parallel com-
as one-dimensional non-linear non-homogeneous Burg- puting technique for two-dimensional Burger’s equation
ers’ equation, which is applicable to other physical is discussed in [53] with OpenMPI and GPU implemen-
phenomena such as design of feedback control [43], tation. To find solutions of non-linear partial differential
electrohydrodynamic field in plasma physics [44] and equations, Puffer et al [54] have used the cellular neural
wind forcing the build-up of water waves [45]. network and Hayati and Karami [55] have used feedfor-
ward neural network learning algorithms. It was tested
u t + uu x = νu x x + F(x, t). (23) and validated for Burgers’ equation.
Zueco [56] has introduced a new idea for the simu-
2.6 Quantum field lation of Burger’s equation through network simulation
method based on an electrical motion analogy. It was
The Burgers’ equation is the simplest example where described that the discretised equation was analogous
a quantum computer was demonstrably more efficient to an electric network model, and hence, solved using
at numerically predicting the time-dependent solutions an electrical circuit simulation software called Pspice. In
[46]. The Burgers’ equation is derived as an effective a study by Hetmanczyk and Ochs [57], inviscid as well
field theory governing the behaviour of the quantum as the viscous Burger’s equations were simulated using
computer at its macroscopic scale, where both the lattice wave digital simulation technique. First, they derived
cell size and the time step interval become infinitesimal. an electrical circuit corresponding to the equations and
A microscopic scale algorithm for a type-II quantum then found wave-digital realisation by using a circuit
computer was presented for modelling the time evolu- equivalent to a Gears 2-step backward differentiation
tion of a continuous field governed by the non-linear formula. The results were compared with exact solution
Burgers’ equation in one spatial dimension in [47]. and solutions from the trapezoidal rule. They found that
The quantum model is a system of qubits, where there Gears method handles discontinuities efficiently.
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Figure 3. Process map for numerical simulation.

In 1995, Esipov [58] derived and studied the physics 4. Mathematical significance
of coupled Burgers’ equation and considered it as a
simple model of sedimentation or evolution of scaled Consequently, numerical solution of the PDEs has been
volume concentrations of two kinds of particles in fluid a significant research topic for many decades, in both
suspensions or colloids under the effect of gravity. heat transfer and fluid mechanics. Process map for
The study of the fluctuations of concentration during numerical simulation is shown in figure 3. First step
sedimentation may lead to an experimental realisa- in this process is to understand the physics of the
tion of Burgers’ turbulence. Tsai et al [59] employed problem, which lead to the formation of a mathemat-
inviscid Burgers’ equation for the validation of a paral- ical model with the help of equations. In most of the
lel domain-decomposed Chebyshev collection method cases, these equations are either ODEs or PDEs. Some
developed for atmospheric model simulations. In [60], assumptions have to be made, because the real life prob-
Kalman filter of Burgers’ equation is used to examine lems in engineering are a bit complex to analyse. After
the problems associated with atmospheric data assim- this, these equations are solved by numerical methods
ilation and numerical weather prediction. The forced like finite-difference method, finite-element method and
Burgers’ equation is considered in [61] for studying vari- finite-volume method.
ous errors encountered in the simulations of atmospheric Rodin [75] studied some approximate and exact solu-
flow. Propagation of high-intensity noise in the atmo- tions of boundary value problem for Burgers’ equation
sphere can be simulated using Burgers’ equation [62], with the help of Hopf–Cole transformation. Benton
and this is the key idea used for the prediction of propa- and Platzman [76] have given 35 distinct analytical
gation of noise from jet aircraft and helicopters [63–65]. solutions of Burgers’ equation with different initial con-
A recent study [66] describes Burgers’ equation as a ditions. Wolf et al [77] discovered a procedure to extend
mathematical model for one-dimensional groundwater the analytical solution of Burgers’ equation to the n-
recharge by spreading. dimensional problems by employing group actions on
Control problems have broad applications in the real coset bundles. Nerney et al [78] extended the solutions
life, but introducing a control variable in the governing to the curvilinear coordinate systems. Kudryavtsev and
equation such as non-linear partial differential equa- Sapozhnikov [79] proposed a method to find exact solu-
tion like Burgers’ is not easy. Plenty of articles are tion of inhomogeneous Burgers’ equation using Hopf–
available for the control problems in Burgers’ equa- Cole and Darboux transformations. In [80], analytical
tion, boundary control techniques, and its numerical solutions of (1+n)-dimensional Burgers’ equation have
methods are discussed in [67–69] and various dis- been computed using various semianalytical methods
tributed control methods can be found in [70–72]. like homotopy perturbation method, Adomian decom-
Smaoui [73] studied boundary and distributed control position method and differential transform method. The
of Burgers’ equation and conducted numerical and ana- closed form of the solution has been successfully com-
lytical stability analysis. Glass and Guerrero [74] have puted for (1 + n), (1 + 3) and (1 + 2) dimensions with
proposed a boundary control for the viscous Burgers’ an initial condition equal to the sum of its spatial coordi-
equation for small kinematic viscosity, and proved the nates, i.e., u(x1 , x2 , . . . , xn , t = 0) = x1 + x2 +· · ·+ xn
exact controllability property to a non-zero steady-state and for (1 + 1) dimension with an initial condition
situation. u(x, t = 0) = 2x. In [81], Elzaki transformation and
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homotopy perturbation method have been combined to

get a semianalytic solution of Burgers’ equation. Vari-
ous numerical schemes and a few of the commonly used
analytical solutions are listed here.

4.1 Solution for a smooth initial condition

2π ν
u(x, t) =
∞ L
n=1 C n exp(−n π νt/L )n sin(nπ x/L)
2 2 2
∞ .
C0 + n=1 Cn exp(−n 2 π 2 νt/L 2 ) cos(nπ x/L)
Cole [6] has introduced this analytical solution (eq. (24))
of Burgers’ equation (eq. (1)) for a periodic initial distur- Figure 4. Physical behaviour of Burgers’ equation for
bance ψ(x) and boundary conditions ζ1 (t) = ζ2 (t) = 0. smooth initial conditions.
C0 and Cn are the Fourier coefficients and Cole [6] has
also provided a formula to compute coefficients for an Wood [82] has introduced a closed form of exact
arbitrary periodic initial condition. For a sinusoidal ini- solution for the Burgers’ equation over the domain
tial condition (25), these coefficients can be determined 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 and t ≥ 0, in the form
using eqs (26) and (27).
πx  sin(πx) exp(−π 2 νt)
ψ(x) = u 0 sin , (25) u(x, t) = 2π ν . (31)
L α + cos(πx) exp(−π 2 νt)
1 L u0 L  πx  Initial and boundary conditions can be derived from the
C0 = exp − 1 − cos dx, (26) exact solution (eq. (31)). Figure 4C shows the surface
L 0 2π ν L
   plot of u(x, t) for α = 2 and ν = 0.05. Cecchi et al
2 L u0 L  πx 
Cn = exp − 1 − cos [83] have considered an analytical solution analogous to
L 0 2π ν L the sinusoidal wave propagation in a viscous medium as
nπx given in eq. (32) for a homogeneous boundary condition
× cos dx. (27)
L and periodic initial condition ψ(x) = u(x, t = 0) over
0 ≤ x ≤ 2.
sin(π x) exp(−π 2 ν 2 t) + 4 sin(2π x) exp(−4π 2 ν 2 t)
u(x, t) = 2π ν . (32)
4 + cos(π x) exp(−π 2 ν 2 t) + 2 cos(2π x) exp(−4π 2 ν 2 t)

The solution corresponding to this initial condition is For μ = 0.01, the behaviour of u(x, t) is plotted in
plotted in figure 4A for u 0 = 1 and ν = 0.01 over a figure 4D.
space domain 0 ≤ x ≤ 1.
4.2 Shock and travelling wave solutions
ψ(x) = u 0 x (L − x). (28)
For an initial condition like eq. (28), the coefficients C0
and Cn can be determined as u 1 (x − x1 − U t)
  u(x, t) = U − u 1 tanh . (33)
1 L u 0 x 2 (3L − 2x) 2ν
C0 = exp − dx, (29)
L 0 12ν Equation (33) represents a shock wave with a velocity U .
  u 1 and x1 are constants, such that u 1 = u(−∞, 0), u 2 =
2 L u 0 x 2 (3L − 2x)
Cn = exp − u(+∞, 0) and u 1 > u 2 , x1 = x at which discontinuity
L 0 12ν occurs. This problem is presented in Cole’s study [6] and
nπx he mentioned that Bateman [1] has used eq. (33) with
× cos dx. (30)
L U = 0 as a steady-state solution. Many researchers have
Physical behaviour of the solution corresponding to this been using a simplified version of eq. (33) by making
initial condition is plotted in figure 4B for u 0 = 4 and U = u 1 = λ/2 and x1 = 0 as given in eq. (34). Equation
ν = 0.1 over a space domain 0 ≤ x ≤ 1. (34) is plotted in figure 5A for λ = 1 and ν = 0.01.
Pramana – J. Phys. (2018) 90:69 Page 9 of 21 69

Figure 6. Examples of shock wave and rarefaction wave

solutions of inviscid Burgers’ equation.

The initial and boundary conditions related to the exact

solutions considered in this section can be deduced from
the exact solution itself, by proper substitution of x and
Figure 5. Examples of travelling wave and shock wave solu- t values. For more travelling wave solutions, refer to
tions of viscous Burgers’ equation. Salas [86].

  4.3 Shock and rarefaction waves in inviscid Burgers’

λ λ equation
u(x, t) = 1 + tanh (λt − 2x) . (34)
2 8ν
Christie et al [84] constructed a travelling wave Consider Riemann-type initial conditions as given in
analytical solution for Burgers’ equation in the form eq. (43), such that u 1  = u 2 at x = 0. Inviscid Burgers’
equation possesses a shock or rarefaction wave solution
μ + α + (μ − α) exp(η) depending on whether u 1 > u 2 or u 1 < u 2 in eq. (43).
u(x, t) = , (35)
1 + exp(η) For u 1 = 1 and u 2 = 0, the solution is given in eq. (44)
α(x − μt − β) and S = 1/2 represents the shock speed. The shock
η= , (36) propagation is captured in figure 6A.

where α, β and μ are constants, μ is the speed of the u 1 , x ≤ 0,

wave and β represents the point in x at which initial ψ(x) = (43)
u 2 , x > 0,
discontinuity occurs. In most of the articles, values of

these constants were chosen as α = 0.4, β = 0.125 1, x − St < 0,

and μ = 0.6. The behaviour of the solution (eq. (35)) u(x, t) = (44)
0, x − St > 0.
corresponding to these constants and ν = 0.01 is given
in figure 5B. An example of shock wave (eq. (37)) can When u 1 = 0 and u 2 = 1, inviscid Burgers’ equation
be found in [85] and its surface plot is given in figure 5C has a rarefaction wave solution given in eq. (45) and
for ν = 0.005. its propagation is captured in figure 6B. Simulation of
x/t the inviscid Burgers’ equation is a challenge for many
u(x, t) = , t ≥ 1, (37) numerical schemes because of the presence of disconti-
1 + (t/t ) exp(x 2 /4νt)
 0 nuity in the solution.
t0 = exp
. (38) ⎧
8ν ⎪
⎨0, (x/t) < 0
u(x, t) = x/t, 0 < (x/t) < 1. (45)
Another interesting shock wave solution of Burgers’ ⎪
equation is given in eq. (39) and in figure 5D for ν = 0.5. (x/t) > 1
0.1e−A + 0.5e−B + e−C
u(x, t) = − A + e−B + e−C
, (39)
e 4.4 Finite-difference method (FDM)

A= (x − 0.5 + 4.95t) , (40) Various methods proposed for mathematical modelling
 have their own advantages and disadvantages. Out of
B= (x − 0.5 + 0.75t) , (41) these, FDM, the discretisation method, is the most
ν simple and oldest method to solve ODEs/PDEs. In

0.5 1983, Fletcher [87] gave exact solutions of some
C= (x − 0.375). (42)
ν specified two-dimensional Burgers’ equation based on
69 Page 10 of 21 Pramana – J. Phys. (2018) 90:69

two-dimensional Hopf–Cole transformation. Unlike the second-order accurate difference scheme is discussed
one-dimensional Burgers’ equation, two-dimensional [95] in which the non-linear system is solved by both
Hopf–Cole transformation cannot be used to convert Newton’s method and predictor–corrector method. The
two-dimensional Burgers’ equation into a linear heat authors have also presented the uniqueness of the dif-
equation. For using two-dimensional Hopf–Cole trans- ference solution, the stability and L 2 convergence of
formation, the condition of potential symmetry must the difference scheme by the energy method. Pandey
be satisfied by the two-dimensional Burgers’ equation. et al [96] tried another method by reducing Burgers’
The characteristics of Burgers’ equation was studied equation to the heat equation and applying Douglas
by Aref and Daripa [88] using phase plane analysis. finite-difference scheme on the reduced equation. The
They have applied the finite-difference method for the method was shown to be unconditionally stable, fourth-
semidiscretisation of space variable over a few grid order accurate in space and second-order accurate in
points resulting in a system of coupled ODEs. Phase time. The modified local Crank–Nicolson (MLCN)
plane analysis of these systems of ODEs has been method for one- and two-dimensional Burgers’ equa-
conducted to study the characteristics of Burgers’ equa- tions was presented in [97]. The MLCN is an explicit
tion. Kutluay et al [89] used Hopf–Cole transformation difference scheme with simple computation and is
to convert Burgers’ equation to heat equation. The unconditionally stable. Liao [98] extended the method in
transformed heat equation with the insulated bound- [94] to solve two-dimensional Burgers’ equation using
ary conditions was solved by explicit and exact-explicit an unconditionally stable, compact fourth-order finite-
finite-difference method. In 2003, Bahadir [90] pro- difference scheme. The author has assumed potential
posed a fully implicit finite-difference scheme, while symmetry condition and hence used two-dimensional
the non-linear system is solved by Newton’s method. Hopf–Cole transformation to convert non-linear Burg-
Hassanien et al [91] developed a two-level three-point ers’ equation into two-dimensional linear heat equa-
finite-difference scheme, which was fourth-order accu- tion. The linear heat equation was then solved by an
rate in space and second-order accurate in the time. implicit fourth-order compact finite-difference scheme.
Stability using von-Neumann stability analysis showed The author has also developed a compact fourth-order
that the method is unconditionally stable. Kadalbajoo formula to approximate the boundary conditions of
et al [92] developed an implicit scheme for solving the heat equation, while the initial condition for the
the Burgers’ equation. They used a standard backward heat equation was approximated using Simpson’s rule.
Euler scheme with constant time step to discretise in A semi-implicit finite-difference method was used to
the temporal direction and a standard upwind finite- find the numerical solution of two-dimensional coupled
difference scheme to discretise in spatial direction on Burgers’ equation in [99]. In 2012, Mousa et al [100]
piecewise uniform mesh. The quasilinearisation pro- proposed combined compact finite-difference scheme
cess was used to tackle non-linearity. The sequence of for the treatment of one-dimensional Burgers’ equation.
solutions of the linear equations obtained after applying They have used Hopf–Cole transformation to convert
quasilinearisation was shown to converge quadratically non-linear Burgers’ equation to heat equation. They
to the solution of the original non-linear problem. A have implemented a compact finite-difference scheme
numerical method based on Crank–Nicolson scheme to approximate the space derivatives and a low storage
was put forward by Kadalbajoo and Awasthi [93], Runge–Kutta scheme to approximate the time integra-
where they first reduced the Burgers’ equation to a tion. In [101], Kweyu et al have generated three sets
linear heat equation using Hopf–Cole transformation of varied initial and boundary conditions from gen-
and then decsretised using Crank–Nicolson scheme. eral analytic solution obtained by using Hopf–Cole
The mesh size could be chosen without any restric- transformation and method of separation of variables.
tion. It was shown that the scheme was second-order Numerical solution was obtained by using Crank–
accurate in both space and time and also uncondi- Nicolson scheme and explicit scheme. The accuracy
tionally stable. Liao [94] proposed a method which in terms of consistency, convergence and stability was
transforms the original non-linear Burgers’ equation determined by means of L 1 error. Another scheme using
into a linear heat equation using Hopf–Cole transfor- Crank–Nicolson method was discussed by Wani and
mation, and transforms the Dirichlet boundary con- Thakar [102], where they approximated u t by forward
dition into the Robin boundary condition. The linear difference and uu x by central difference at t = tn and
heat equation is then solved by an implicit fourth- t = tn+1 . The scheme remained linear in u at t = tn+1
order compact finite-difference scheme. Descretisation and νu x x was approximated by usual Crank–Nicolson
in temporal direction was performed using Crank– expression. The results came out to be better than
Nicolson scheme and the accuracy was improved by those by Kadalbajoo and Awasthi [93]. Srivastava et al
Richardson extrapolation. Comparison proved the supe- [103] proposed an implicit logarithmic finite-difference
riority of the method over the existing schemes. A method, for the numerical solution of two-dimensional
Pramana – J. Phys. (2018) 90:69 Page 11 of 21 69

time-dependent coupled viscous Burgers’ equation on Navier–Stokes code based on the MOL approach with
the uniform grid points. Also in [104], an implicit a non-iterative algorithm for the pressure. The spatial
exponential finite-difference scheme has been proposed derivatives of dependent variables were approximated
for solving two-dimensional non-linear coupled viscous by using a 5-point Lagrange interpolation polynomial.
Burgers’ equations with appropriate initial and bound- Convective terms were discretised using upwinds and
ary conditions. diffusion terms were discretised centrally. 2D Navier–
Stokes equation was used by Selcuk et al [109] to test the
4.5 Method of lines (MOL) performance of MOL and FDM for checking solution
accuracy and CPU time. The results were compared with
In 1930, Rothe [105], who was from former Soviet the previously reported results in literature. A parabolic
Union, introduced method of lines (MOL) in his paper. algorithm was used, which removed the necessity of
MOL does not involve the discretisation of all variables. iterative solution and did not require the solution of a
MOL is used Poisson-type equation for the pressure. The method was
used to calculate
• to convert the system of PDE into ODE initial value
problem, • axial velocity and pressure distribution in pipe flow,
• to discretise the spatial derivatives together with the • steady-state reattachment lengths in sudden expan-
boundary conditions, sion flow on uniform grid distribution.
• to integrate the resulting ODEs using a sophisticated
ODE solver, which takes the burden of time discreti- Javidi [110] presented a new method for solving the
sation by choosing the time steps to maintain the Burger’s equation by combination of method of lines
accuracy and stability of the evolving solution. (MOL) and matrix-free modified extended backward
differential formula (MF-MEBDF), where a difference
The MOL semidiscretisation approach was used to scheme of O(h 4 ) was used to approximate u(x, t)
transfer and u x x (x, t). The resulting set of ordinary differen-
u t + uu x = νu x x (46) tial equation in t was solved by MF-MEBDF, where
an exact Newton method and then the IOM algorithm
into a system of first-order linear ODE. In the MOL is used to solve the resulting system of differential
approach, the ODEs are integrated directly with a stan- equations. The advantage of this method lies in the
dard code for the task. The stability analysis of the MOL fact that there would be no need to find the Jaco-
is the most important and critical factor in their solu- bian matrix and its related decomposed matrix, thus
tion. Stability analysis includes the study of numerical saving our computational cost and running time. A non-
solution as it gives the means by which the step size central 7-point formula was used by Bakodah [111]
and the numerical integration scheme could be selected. to develop numerical scheme, which gives approxi-
The stability analysis of MOL for discretisation that mate solution to Burgers’ equation in three different
produce initial value type in ODE is easy compared cases. The solutions were compared using the results
to the analysis of MOL for discretisation that produce of numerical experiments with 3- and 5-point for-
boundary-valued problems. mulae. The 7-point formula in MOL was used for
The relative merits and demerits of MOL with an solving Burgers’ equation for arbitrary initial condi-
ordinary differential equation solver to classical explicit tions.
and implicit finite-difference techniques were compared The purpose of using higher-order discretisation
by Kurtz et al [106]. Shampine [107] investigated scheme was ‘the convective term’. MOL was used to
factors influencing the choice of ODE solver for the yield non-oscillatory solutions for recirculating flow.
numerical solution of PDEs by MOL. The numeri- MOL was found to be superior to FDM with respect
cal solution of the advection–diffusion equation was to CPU and set-up time. MOL has the simplicity
studied. The system arising from the solution of the of the explicit method and stability advantage of the
advection–diffusion equation by MOL has a Jacobian implicit method. It is possible to achieve higher-order
with a very simple form. A novel approach to the approximation in the discretisation of spatial deriva-
development of the code was given by Oymak and Sel- tive. Due to MOL, comparable orders of accuracy can
cuk [108], which involves coupling between MOL and be achieved without using extremely small time steps.
a parabolic algorithm. This code removes the neces- Particularly, for more complex and higher Reynold num-
sity of iterative solution on pressure and solution of a ber problem, MOL is superior to FDM with respect to
Poisson-type equation for the pressure. The main con- CPU time. To decrease the computation time consider-
tribution of this paper is the proposal of a time-accurate ably
69 Page 12 of 21 Pramana – J. Phys. (2018) 90:69

• we have to increase the order of the spatial one considered by Caldwell et al [116]. Ali and Gard-
discretisation method (high accuracy with less grid ner [120] developed a collocation solution of Burgers’
points), equation using cubic B-spline finite-element method.
• highly accurate and stable numerical algorithm for For solving the two-dimensional Burgers’ equations in
the time integration is needed. inhomogeneous form, a stable scheme based on the
operator-splitting technique with cubic spline functions
4.6 Finite-element method (FEM) and splines was derived by Shankar et al [121]. The uncondition-
ally stable scheme was of first-order accuracy in time
Finite-element method (FEM) represents a powerful and and second-order accuracy in space directions. Öziş et
general class of techniques for the approximate solution al [122] reduced the Burgers’ equation to heat equation
of PDEs. It gives more accurate solutions compared by Hopf–Cole transformation, which was then solved
to finite-difference methods and can be used in prob- by FEM. They used linear functions as test functions
lems having complicated domain geometry. Another over the intervals. But when Hopf–Cole transformation
important method to solve Burgers’ equation is by using is used, due to the series solution involved, it would
splines. Spline functions have some attractive proper- be required to consider innumerous terms of the series
ties. Being piecewise polynomial, they can be integrated to ensure fast convergence and minimise error. Dogan
and differentiated easily. As they have compact support, [123] came up with a Galerkin FEM solution of Burgers’
numerical methods in which spline functions are used as equation using linear elements. The system of ordi-
a basis function lead to matrix systems including band nary differential equation obtained on applying FEM
matrices. Such systems have solution algorithms with was solved by Crank–Nicolson scheme. Many works
low computational cost. Therefore, spline solutions of on finite-element method have used splines as weight
the Burgers’ equation are suggested in many studies. functions. Kutluay et al [124] developed a least squares
Splines were used in a mathematical context for the first quadratic B-spline FEM. They reduced the Burgers’
time by Schoenberg [112] in connection with piecewise equation to a pentadiagonal system by applying clas-
polynomial approximation. Since then, it has come a sic weighted residual method over the finite elements,
long way in solving the Burgers’ equation. which was then solved by a variant of Thomas algo-
In 1978, Jain and Holla [113] used cubic spline func- rithm together with an iteration process at each time step.
tions for solving coupled Burgers’ equation in two Azkan and Ozdes [125] developed a variational method
space variables. They have analysed the algorithms for which was constructed on descretisation in time. The
their stability and convergence. A finite-element method descretisation was done by replacing the time derivative
based on rectangular elements was developed in [114]. with its difference coefficient, thus converting it into an
As exact solutions for a two-dimensional Burgers’ equa- ordinary differential equation which was then solved by
tion were not available, the accuracy of these methods Galerkin method. Özis et al [126] developed Galerkin
was checked via grid refinement. In 1980, Varoglu and quadratic B-spline finite-element method where the test
Finn [115] applied a finite-element method to solve the function used for FEM was quadratic spline. The ini-
Burgers’ equation, which was based on the combina- tial interval [0,1] was divided into 80 finite elements of
tion of the space–time elements and the characteristics. equal length. The resulting system was first-order ordi-
Caldwell et al [116] attempted a piecewise approxima- nary differential equation with pentadiagoanal matrices
tion method (finite-element method) using two elements as coefficients which was then solved by Thomas algo-
with the aim of ‘chasing the peak’ by altering the size rithm. Aksan [127] brought forward another method
of the elements at each stage by using the information at in which Burgers’ equation was converted to a set of
the previous step. Caldwell and Smith [117] extended non-linear ordinary differential equations by the method
this method to the general case of n elements. They of discretisation in time and then each of them was
observed that for large R, finite-element results were solved by applying the quadratic B-spline finite-element
much superior to the finite-difference results. Many method. Two test examples established the efficiency
researchers used moving node finite-element method to of the presented method. A numerical solution based
solve the Burgers’ equation. Gelinas et al [118] pre- on collocation using septic splines was developed by
sented a node moving finite-element method, which can Ramadan et al [128]. Here, the time descretisation was
be applied to large gradients or shocks with high res- done using Crank–Nicolson scheme. The method was
olution and accuracy. In their system, the nodes move proved to be unconditionally stable. A cubic B-spline
systematically and continuously to those regions where FEM solution of time-splitted Burgers’ equation and
they are required the most. Caldwell et al [119] fur- quadratic B-spline FEM solution of space-splitted Burg-
ther developed a moving node finite-element method by ers’ equation was studied by Dağ et al [129]. Space
using an algorithm, which was a generalisation of the splitting was done by setting V = −u x . The first-order
Pramana – J. Phys. (2018) 90:69 Page 13 of 21 69

system thus obtained was solved by quadratic B-spline. heat equation is used to obtain numerical solutions of the
The time-splitted Burgers’ equation was system of Burgers’ equations directly. Mittal and Jain
[136] developed a method for solving Burgers’ equation
u t + 2uu x = 0; u t − 2νu x x = 0 (47)
based on collocation of the modified cubic B-splines
which was then solved using the cubic B-spline. They over finite elements. A limiter-free high-order spec-
found that splitted solution of Burgers’ equation using tral volume formulation was developed to solve the
splines gave better results compared to non-splitted Burgers’ equation in [137]. They have used Hopf–Cole
solution. Dağ et al [130] further came up with a cubic B- transformation to convert non-linear Burgers’ equation
spline collocation solution of Burgers’ equation, where to a linear diffusion equation. The local discontinuous
the non-linear term uu x was approximated by using a Galerkin (LDG) and the LDG2 viscous flux discretisa-
form of quasilinearisation as follows: tion methods were used to solve this heat conduction
(uu x )n+1 = u n+1 equation. A three-stage SSP Runge–Kutta scheme was
m (u x )m + u m (u x )m
n n n+1
used for time advancement. Numerical solutions are pre-
+u nm (u x )nm . (48) sented for 1D and 2D Burgers’ equations. Numerical
Kumar and Mehra [131] proposed a wavelet-Taylor scheme based on weighted average differential quadra-
Galerkin method. In deriving the computational scheme, ture method was proposed by Jiwari et al [138]. They
Taylor-generalised Euler time discretisation is per- have used forward difference method for discretisation
formed prior to wavelet-based Galerkin spatial approx- of time variable followed by quasilinearisation tech-
imation. The linear system of equations obtained in nique and polynomial quadrature method for spatial dis-
the process is solved by approximate-factorisation- cretisation. The resulting linear equations were solved
based simple explicit schemes. Burgers’ equation is also by Gauss elimination method. Stability and convergence
solved by splitting-up method using a wavelet-Taylor analysis of the proposed scheme was presented. Yang
Galerkin approach. Here, the advection and diffusion [139] presented a finite-volume element method for
terms in the Burgers’ equation are separated, and the approximating the solution of two-dimensional Burg-
solution is computed in two phases by appropriate ers’ equation. In this paper, Yang used the upwind
wavelet-Taylor Galerkin schemes. Ramadan et al [132] technique to handle the non-linear convection term.
proposed a non-polynomial spline solution of Burgers’ Also, the semidiscrete scheme and the fully discrete
equation. The non-polynomial spline function in this scheme are presented. Arora and Singh [140] used
work has a trigonometric part and a polynomial part of the modified cubic B-splines in differential quadrature
the first degree. The C ∞ differentiability of the trigono- method to give a system of ordinary differential equa-
metric part of non-polynomial spline compensates for tion, which was solved by strong stability-preserving
the loss of smoothness inherited by polynomial splines. time-stepping Runge–Kutta (SSP-RK43) scheme.
Moving boundary conditions were used to improve the
accuracy. In another study of Burgers’ equation by Saka 4.7 Other methods
and Dağ [133], time and space splitting techniques
were applied to the Burgers’ equation and the modi- Apart from the methods discussed already, Burgers’
fied Burgers’ equation and then collocation procedure equation has attracted many researchers worldwide to
using quintic B-spline was employed to approximate the develop innumerous other methods. Computing the
resulting systems. The method was proven to be better pressure is the most difficult and CPU consuming part
than quadratic B-spline FEM and quartic B-spline col- which requires the solution of a Poisson-type equation
location method. Another spline interpolation method introducing an elliptic nature. Pressure calculation is dif-
was devised by Jiang and Wang [134] by using the ficult and time-consuming leading to the use of pressure
derivative of the quasi-interpolation to approximate the correction methods. The methods are
spatial derivative and a second-order compact finite-
difference scheme to approximate the time derivative. • projection (fractional step) method following Chorin
Two-dimensional Burgers’ equation is solved by local [141] algorithm,
discontinuous Galerkin (LDG) finite-element method • artificial compressibility method proposed by
[135]. The authors have transformed the system of Burg- Chorin [142],
ers’ equations to a linear heat equation by means of • pressure-based finite volume method (the most well-
Hopf–Cole transformation. Then the LDG method is known algorithm is the SIMPLE method of Patankar
used to discretise the heat equation in space. A for- [143]. Other algorithms are SIMPLER and SIM-
ward Euler and a third-order Runge–Kutta method is PLEC),
used to discretise the corresponding ordinary differen- • pressure implicit by splitting of operators (PISO)
tial equations. Finally, the numerical solution for the algorithm by Issa [144].
69 Page 14 of 21 Pramana – J. Phys. (2018) 90:69

Mittal and Singhal [145] gave a spectral method to further developed an adaptive algorithm to adjust MQ
solve Burgers’ equation with periodic boundary condi- interpolation points to the peak of the shock wave so
tion. They used the fact that the non-linear term uu x as to get better results. Malek and Mansi [151] found a
finitely reproducing
√ with respect to basis functions group theoretic method to solve Burgers’ equation. They

j=−∞ ((1/ 2π)e i j x ). This method gives a system of applied one-parameter group transformation to Burgers’
ordinary differential equation which is solved by the equation along with the initial and boundary values. This
s-stage Runge–Kutta–Chebyshev method. Elton [146] reduced the number of independent variables from two
considered three-lattice Boltzmann methods and an to one, giving rise to an ordinary differential equation.
analogous finite-difference method for solving two- The ordinary differential equation is then solved analyt-
dimensional viscous Burgers’ equation with periodic ically to get the solution in its closed form. Abbasbandy
boundary conditions. He proved that in the l1 norm, the and Darvishi [152] studied the Adomian decomposi-
lattice Boltzmann methods converge first-order tempo- tion method, which decompose the  solution θ (x, t) by
rally and second-order spatially. Distributed approxi- an infinite series of components ∞ n=0 θn (x, t), where
mating functional (DAF) method to Burgers’ equation θn will be obtained recursively. This gives the solution
for large Reynolds number was developed by Zhang as an infinite series usually converging to an accurate
et al [147]. The method required small number of grid solution. The method has the advantage that it can be
points and permitted the use of large time steps. Zhang et applied directly and does not require any linearisation.
al used just about 25–35 grid points to produce highly It also does not require descretisation of the variables
accurate solutions when Re ≤ 105 . The method was and, therefore, it is not affected by errors associated with
further extended to the case of Re > 105 by using discretisation. Abbasbandy and Darvishi [153] applied
200 grid points. They used a large mapping parame- modified Adomian’s method (constucted on method
ter to shift most of the 200 grid points to the boundary of descretisation in time) to Burgers’ equation. They
region to obtain oscillation-free solutions. The solu- used Fourier cosine series approximated to n terms for
tion proved to be much better than those existing in θ (x, t0 ) ≈ a0 + n=1 an cos(nπ x). The method was
literature. Park et al [68] devised a method based on shown to give results better than the FEM results by Öziş
the Karhunen–Loeve decomposition which is a tech- et al [122]. A variational iteration method for solving
nique for obtaining empirical eigenfunctions from the Burgers’ and coupled Burgers’ equations was developed
experimental or numerical data of a system. Employing by Abdou and Soliman [154], where they constructed a
these empirical eigenfunctions as basis functions of a functional to approximate u n+1 (x). The accuracy of the
Galerkin procedure, one can a priori limit the function method was established by comparing the results with
space considered to the smallest linear subspace that those obtained by Adomian decomposition method. In
is sufficient to describe the observed phenomena and [155], higher-order accurate two-point compact alter-
consequently reduce the Burgers’ equation to a set of nating direction implicit algorithm was developed to
ordinary differential equations with a minimum degree solve the two-dimensional unsteady Burgers’ equation.
of freedom. Burns et al [148] have considered Burg- The method is the extension of A-stable fourth-order
ers’ equation with zero-Neumann boundary conditions accurate second-diagonal Pade approximation to solve
to show that for moderate values of viscosity, numerical multidimensional flow problems. A comparison with
solution approaches non-constant shock-type stationary fourth-order Du Fort Frankel scheme is also presented
solution. Based on Hopf–Cole linearisation, Brander which is a conditionally stable explicit scheme. Sakai
and Hedenfalk [149] solved Burgers’ equation in one and Kimura [156] applied two-dimensional Hopf–Cole
space dimension for an arbitrary incident pulse of finite transformation to convert Burgers’ equation into lin-
length. ear heat equation and the resulting equation is solved
To get accurate results, creation of mesh plays a cru- by spectral method. A pseudospectral method to solve
cial role in the methods which use discretisation of Burgers’ equation was explained by Darvishi and Javidi
PDEs into meshes. But, for discontinuous and high gra- [157]. This method involves the use of spectral differen-
dient problems mesh generation is a time-consuming tiation matrices to find the derivative of u(x) at the col-
process. Mesh-free or meshless method is a very good location point x j . Runge–Kutta method of fourth order
alternative to avoid this trouble. In these methods, was used to advance in time. Restrictive Pade approxi-
the scattered nodes are only used instead of mesh- mation classical implicit finite-difference method was
ing the domain of the problem. Hon and Mao [150] implemented by Gulsu [158] whose accuracy was
applied a mesh-free method called multiquadratic (MQ) demonstrated by the two test problems. Alice Gorguis
which is a special type of radial basis function. This [159] made a comparative study of decomposition
method was originally developed to approximate two- method and Hopf–Cole transformation and established
dimensional geographic surface. Hon and Mao [150] the advantages such as simplicity and reliability of the
Pramana – J. Phys. (2018) 90:69 Page 15 of 21 69

former over the latter. However, this method demands at each iteration the basis is improved. They have shown
the use of truncated series. If the solution series has small that the proposed method takes less computational time.
convergence radius, then the truncated series may be Another meshless method, the Petrov–Galerkin method,
inaccurate in many regions. To enlarge the convergence was presented by Sarboland et al [169]. In this approach,
domain of the truncated series, Pade approximants (PAs) the trial space was generated by the multiquadratic
to the Adomian’s series solution have been tested and radial basis function (MQRBF) and the test space was
applied to partial and ordinary differential equations generated by the compactly supported RBF. In 2013,
with good results. Basto et al [160] applied PAs both Aminikhah [170] combined Laplace transform and new
in x and t directions to the truncated series solution homotopy perturbation methods (LTNHPM) to obtain
given by Adomian’s decomposition technique for Burg- closed form solutions of the coupled Burgers’ equa-
ers’ equation. This enlarged the domain of convergence tion. Aminikhah claimed that the proposed method can
of the solution and improved the accuracy. In 2008, be applied to many complicated linear and non-linear
Wu and Zhang [161] introduced artificial boundary partial differential equations without doing linearisa-
method to solve two-dimensional Burgers’ equation in tion or discretisation. Xie and Li [171] used radial
unbounded domain by means of Hopf–Cole transforma- basis functions to approximate the solution of non-linear
tion. Artificial boundaries were introduced to make the Burgers’ equation. They have used multiquadric radial
computational domain finite and boundary conditions basis function for spatial discretisation and a second-
on the artificial boundaries were found which reduced order compact finite-difference scheme for temporal
the original problem to an equivalent problem on a approximation. A homotopy analysis method (HAM)
bounded domain. They have also presented the stabil- based multiscale meshless method was proposed by Mei
ity of the reduced problem. A mesh-free method named [172]. Mei has constructed a multiscale interpolation
element-free characteristic Galerkin method (EFCGM) operator with radial basis function, while HAM was
was proposed by Zhang et al [162] for solving Burg- used to solve the resulting ODE system. In [173], it was
ers’ equation with various values of viscosity. Based on shown that combining the interval interpolation wavelet
the characteristic method, the convection terms of Burg- collocation method, HAM-based adaptive precise inte-
ers’ equation disappear and this process makes Burgers’ gration method can be employed to solve non-linear
equation self-adjoint, which ensures that the spatial dis- Burgers’ equation. A lattice Boltzmann method was
cretisation by the Galerkin method can be optimal. The proposed in [174], based on BGK model and Chapman–
results were tested for both one-dimensional and two- Enskoy expansion for computing solutions of Burgers’
dimensional Burgers’ equations. A variational iteration equation.
method was proposed in [163] for solving non-linear The Lie group method, also called symmetry analy-
Burgers’ equation in one and two dimensions. Zhang sis, is a powerful and direct approach to construct exact
et al [164] developed another meshless method based solutions of non-linear differential equations [175]. The
on the coupling between variational multiscale method Lie symmetry analysis is performed for the general
and mesh-free methods, for 2D Burgers’ equation. Burgers’ equation, which possesses rich solutions and
Zhu et al [165] proposed discrete Adomian decom- similarity reductions [176]. Such exact explicit solutions
position method (ADM) to numerically solve the two- and similarity reductions are important in both appli-
dimensional Burgers’ non-linear difference equations. cations and the theory of non-linear science. Entropic
Asaithambi [166] presented a simple numerical lattice Boltzmann models are discrete velocity models
method based on automatic differentiation or algorith- of hydrodynamics that possess a Lyapunov function,
mic differentiation that used second-order finite differ- which makes them useful as non-linearly stable numer-
ences for the spatial derivatives and marched the solution ical methods for integrating hydrodynamic equations.
in time using a Taylor series expansion. The advantage An entropic lattice Boltzmann model for Burgers’ equa-
of automatic differentiation is that it is not necessary tion was derived, and used to perform a fully explicit,
to obtain lengthy algebraic expressions for calculating unconditionally stable numerical integration of these
higher-order derivatives – they were computed using equations [177].
recursive formulae obtained from the spatially discre-
tised form of the differential equation itself. Liu and Shi
[167] solved numerically the two-dimensional Burgers’
equations with two variables by the lattice Boltzmann 4.8 Recent developments
method. In 2011, Allery et al [168] introduced a priori
reduction method for solving two-dimensional Burgers’ As the Burgers’ equation is non-linear, the numeri-
equation. This method is based on an iterative procedure cal schemes lead to a system of non-linear equations.
which consists of building a basis for the solution where Implicit exponential finite-difference method and fully
69 Page 16 of 21 Pramana – J. Phys. (2018) 90:69

implicit exponential finite-difference method for solv- to approximate the derivatives of solution in temporal
ing Burgers’ equation was given in [178]. In 2014, domain. An all-at-once approach for the optimal control
Biazar et al [179] used method of lines to approximate of the unsteady Burgers’ equation is given by Yilmaz
u x and u x x of one-dimensional quasilinear Burgers’ and Karasoz̈en [186]. They have discretised the non-
equation. They discretised spatial derivatives u x and u x x linear Burgers’ equation in time using the semi-implicit
using first- and second-order central differences. The discretisation and the resulting first-order optimality
resulting system of ordinary differential equation was conditions are solved iteratively by Newton’s method.
solved to arrive at the solution. Another work on Burg- An explicit solution of Burgers’ equation with station-
ers’ equation in 2014 was by Diyer et al [180], where ary point source is given in [187]. This paper also
they gave a numerical scheme based on cubic B-spline explains the role of diffusion and convection when
quasi-interpolants and some techniques of matrix argu- a non-autonomous reaction term produces heat con-
ments. They applied the derivative of the cubic B-spline stantly. In [188], a local RBF-based method of approxi-
quasi-interpolant to approximate the spatial derivative mate particular solutions for two-dimensional unsteady
of the differential equations and employed a first-order Burgers’ equations is developed. A comparative study
accurate forward difference for approaching the tempo- between the lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) and
ral derivative. So they did not have a system where they the alternating direction implicit (ADI) method is pre-
had to invert a matrix but an iterative relationship easy sented in [189] using the 2D steady Burgers’ equation.
to implement. Sarboland et al [181], who had devel- The comparative study showed that the LBM performs
oped mesh-free method in [169] came up with two more comparatively poor on high-resolution meshes due to
mesh-free methods based on the multiquadric (MQ) smaller time step sizes, while on coarser meshes where
quasi-interpolation operator LW2 and direct and indirect the time step size is similar for both methods, the cache-
radial basis function network (RBFNs) schemes. Ganaie optimized LBM performance is superior. In [190], an
and Kukreja [182] in 2014 discussed cubic Hermite col- implicit logarithmic finite-difference method is intro-
location method (CHCM) for Burgers’ equation. They duced for the numerical solution of one-dimensional
handled the non-linear term using quasilinearisation. coupled non-linear Burgers’ equation. The numerical
Time discretisation was done using Crank–Nicolson scheme provides a system of non-linear difference equa-
scheme. Hermite functions are a class of piecewise tions which are linearised using Newton’s method. The
polynomials having continuity properties and play an obtained linear system is solved by Gauss elimination
important role in setting approximate functions. They with partial pivoting algorithm. Goyal and Mehra [191]
have compact support and can be easily differenti- developed a fast adaptive diffusion wavelet method for
ated. Ganaie and Kukreja performed a linear stability solving 1D and 2D coupled Burgers’ equation with
analysis and proved that the method is uncondition- Dirichlet and periodic boundary conditions. They con-
ally stable. Talwar and Mohanty [183] proposed a new structed diffusion wavelet from the diffusion operator
modified alternating group explicit (MAGE) iterative obtained by discretising the Burgers’ equation. They
method in 2014 for solving one-space-dimensional lin- have used diffusion wavelet for the construction of an
ear and non-linear singular parabolic equations. These adaptive grid as well as for the computations involved in
methods are explicit in nature and if coupled compactly, the numerical solution of Burgers’ equation. Moreover,
they are suitable for use in parallel computers. Wavelet by comparing the CPU time, they claimed that the pro-
solutions of Burgers’ equation with high Reynolds num- posed method is faster. Laplace decomposition method
bers were presented by Liu et al [184]. Following (LDM) is proposed to solve the two-dimensional non-
this method, Burgers’ equation was first transformed linear Burgers’ equations in [192]. Convergence and
into a system of ordinary differential equations using accuracy of the proposed scheme are shown through test
the modified wavelet Galerkin method. Then, the clas- problems. Kumar and Pandit [193] introduced a numeri-
sical fourth-order explicit Runge–Kutta method was cal scheme based on finite difference and Haar wavelets
employed to solve the resulting system of ordinary dif- to solve coupled Burgers’ equation. They have discre-
ferential equations. The wavelet algorithm had a much tised the time derivative by forward difference, followed
better accuracy and a much faster convergence rate by quasilinearisation technique to linearise the coupled
than many other numerical methods present in litera- Burgers’ equation. Space derivatives are discretised with
ture such as finite-difference method, classical weighted Haar wavelets resulting in a system of linear equations
residual method, etc. Gao and Chi [185] proposed a which is solved using Matlab 7.0.
numerical scheme based on high accuracy multiquadric After Hopf and Cole introduced the transformation,
quasi-interpolation operator L w . They have used a mul- several attempts have been made to generalise Cole–
tiquadric quasi-interpolant to approximate derivatives of Hopf transformation, which were nicely documented
the solution in spatial domain. Finite difference was used in [194]. For solving the two-dimensional non-linear
Pramana – J. Phys. (2018) 90:69 Page 17 of 21 69

Burgers’ equation, a numerical scheme based on high turn was used to find numerical solution of 2D unsteady
accuracy MQ quasi-interpolation scheme was presented Burgers’ equation. Zhanlav et al [201] claimed that
by Sarboland et al [195] in 2015. They used equidis- adoption of this method reduces the computational
tant data in numerical experiments. Yet again in 2015, costs compared to other direct methods for solving
Mukundan and Awasthi [196] presented new and effi- the 2D unsteady Burgers’ equation. Numerical scheme
cient numerical techniques for solving Burgers’ equa- for the coupled Burgers’ equation based on colloca-
tion. They used Hopf–Cole transformation to get one- tion of the modified bi-cubic B-spline functions was
dimensional diffusion equation which was semidiscre- proposed by Mittal and Tripathi [202]. They have
tised by using method of lines (MOL). Resulting system used these functions for space variables and for their
of ODEs was solved by backward differentiation formu- derivatives. The resulting system of first-order ordinary
lae (BDF) of order one, two and three. Amit Prakash et differential equations was solved by strong stability pre-
al [197] used the fractional variational iteration method serving Runge–Kutta method (SSP-RK54). They have
(FVIM) to solve a time- and space-fractional coupled compared the obtained numerical results with those
Burgers’ equations. The results obtained by FVIM were suggested in earlier studies. Mittal et al [203] pro-
more accurate than FVIM, ADM, GDTM and HPM posed a numerical method based on the properties
methods. In 2015, Saleeby [198] characterised the mero- of uniform Haar wavelets together with a collocation
morphic solution of generalised Burgers’ equation given method and semidiscretisation along the space direc-
by u x + u m u y = 0, where m  0 is an integer. In the tion for solving a coupled viscous Burgers’ equation.
same year, Jiwari [199] developed a hybrid numerical The semidiscretisation scheme forms a system of non-
scheme based on forward finite difference, quasilineari- linear ordinary differential equations which is solved
sation and uniform Haar wavelets. In this paper, the non- by the fourth-order Runge–Kutta method. Mohanty
linear Burgers’ equation was discretised along temporal et al [204] presented a new two-level implicit com-
direction by means of Euler implicit method. It was fol- pact operator method for the numerical simulation of
lowed by the quasilinearisation technique in order to lin- coupled viscous Burgers’ equation in one spatial dimen-
earise the stationary Burgers’ equation. Finally, uniform sion. This scheme has accuracy of order two in time
Haar wavelets were used for spatial discretisation. Jiwari and four in space. Mohanty et al have used three spa-
showed that the proposed scheme provides better accu- tial grid points and the obtained non-linear system was
racy than other existing numerical techniques. More- solved by Newton’s iterative method. Lie group method
over, the proposed scheme can capture the behaviour was used for the analysis of the generalised system of
of numerical solution for small values of kinematic vis- 2D Burgers’ equations with infinite Reynolds number
cosity, ν, and hence overcome the drawback of their [205]. Abdulwahhab [205] has derived optimal sys-
previous paper [200]. Higher-order accurate numerical tem of one-dimensional subalgebras which was further
solution for one version of two-dimensional unsteady used to obtain generalised distinct exact solutions of the
Burgers’ equation was proposed by Zhanlav et al [201] velocity components.
in 2015. They used the linear transformation z = x + y, Recently in 2016, two new modified fourth-order
s = x − y and t¯ = 2t to reduce 2D Burgers’ equation exponential time differencing Runge–Kutta (ETDRK)
schemes in combination with a global fourth-order
u t + u(u x + u y )
compact finite-difference scheme (in space) for direct
= ν(u x x + u yy ), (x, y) ∈ [a, b]X [c, d] integration of non-linear coupled viscous Burgers’ equa-
into tions is presented in [206]. One of the scheme is a
modification of the Cox and Matthews ETDRK4 scheme
u t + uu z = ν(u zz + u ss ), a + c ≤ z ≤ b + d. (49) based on (1,3)-Padé approximation and the other is a
If solution u(z, s, t¯) depends only on s and t¯ vari- modification of Krogstads ETDRK4-B scheme based
ables, eq. (49) reduces to heat equation. On the other on (2,2)-Padé approximation. Bhatt and Khaliq [206]
hand, if solution u(z, s, t¯) depends only on z and t¯ have presented and compared the accuracy and effi-
variables, eq. (49) reduces to one-dimensional Burg- ciency of the proposed modified schemes. Bonkile et
ers’ equation. They have used Cole–Hopf transfor- al [207] sketched a new implicit scheme with second-
mation to reduce 1D Burgers’ equation into heat order accuracy in space and time, which was proposed to
equation. Finally, heat equation with Robin boundary solve Burgers’ equation without using Hopf–Cole trans-
conditions is solved by a three-level explicit finite- formation. Seydaoğlu et al [208] proposed higher-order
difference scheme. This scheme is sixth-order accurate splitting methods with complex coefficients and extrap-
in space and third-order accurate in the time variable. olation methods for treating one-dimensional Burgers’
Numerical solution of heat equation was used to find equation. As splitting methods with real coefficients
numerical solution of 1D Burgers’ equation which in of order higher than two involve negative time steps,
69 Page 18 of 21 Pramana – J. Phys. (2018) 90:69

it is not suitable for time-irreversible systems such equation in modern engineering scenario. We would like
as Burgers’ equation. Hence, the splitting technique to predict a bright future ahead.
with complex coefficients is used for solving Burgers’
equation with periodic, Dirichlet, Neumann and Robin
boundary conditions. A high-order finite-volume com-
pact scheme is introduced by Guo et al [209] to solve Acknowledgements
one-dimensional Burgers’ equation. They have com-
puted the non-linear advective terms by the fifth-order The authors thank the anonymous referees for their valu-
finite-volume weighted upwind compact scheme. The able time, effort and extensive comments which help to
diffusive terms are discretised by using the finite-volume improve the quality of this paper.
six-order Padé scheme and the strong stability preserv-
ing third-order Runge–Kutta time discretisation is used
in this work. References
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