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The rapid evolution of technology hasn’t just occurred with growing numbers of people

and companies jumping on to the digital bandwagon, but also within it. In every facet of

the online sphere, something is always either being disruptive or disrupted. There is

constant change in every facet of the online sphere.

In earlier days’ entrepreneur has its own physical store and people used to go to different

shops before purchasing as they didn’t have a great deal of easy access to information on

products. Due to the development of World Wide Web it has now become easy to access

products available worldwide without wasting time and other resources apart from the


Little to medium entrepreneurs are likewise beginning to adjust with the advanced

change. With restricted boundary to section, independent companies are starting to

utilize online networking as a method for advertising. Computerized change can possibly

make everything fair for independent companies since it can give ease devices and

empowers system that give little and medium-sized organizations a battling opportunity
chance to contend at a similar level as significant undertakings yet it must be utilized the

correct way.

This study aims to increase the sales and target market by evolving traditional business

into digital and let people know that online shopping is the new mantra of selling products

effectively and efficiently. The market must change its selling models by adding online

selling for increasing their market share and contributing to environment. Shopping

centers have the edge on experience and costumer services but online shopping has the

edge in range of products, convenience and prices. Online shopping has been growing

craze in the Philippines in the past few years.

In this study we will share business struggles from evolving traditional way of selling until

successfully adapt to digital marketing. Some of the struggles are the several competitors.

Low sales because we only depend walk in costumers. The other one is the owner of the

business is not savvy o n or knows how to use social media platforms.


The reason for this study is to showcase strategies on how a traditional business evolve

into digital marketing. Web based life accept a significant work in progressed alter for

SMEs. It’s sensible and basic to utilize. Tragically, various private companies fight to utilize

web based life or have no method going into it. Appropriately, without an essential

comprehension of the benefits of these devices and how to utilize it to draw into clients,

inestimable open entryways are missed. New technologies and innovations pop up that

improve and speed up how business is done. For companies to survive and prosper in

turbulent environment, they need to be adaptive, agile and able to react quickly to



BletzSky Shoes Clothes and atbp previously named as “ BletzSky Ukay-Ukay “ who sell

thrift clothes, shoes and etc. that is located in Baloy, Barangay Tablon, Cagayan de Oro

City. The owner is also the manager that is solely responsible of the shops decision

making. The owner is the one who purchases stocks directly from the supplier and resell

it. The owner is considered as the first handler of thrift clothes who are responsible in

distributing to its customers. The owner is also acting as the delivery personnel that
delivers order during weekends. During peak seasons, the brother, or the husband of the

owner does the deliveries. The shop started with a small stall placed near the ‘Citi

Hardware’ Tablon. Which displays thrift clothes, shoes, stuff toys and bed sheets. The

shop name was derived from a lover’s code name in text clan “Bletzy and Sky”. What’s

more, officially started its business on April 5, 2016.

In the first three months of the business establishment, the business works well since it

is far from any competitors and the location is along the highway. The shop has been only

relying to walk-in customers and hasn’t been conducting serious marketing. After a year

of running the business the owner received a bad news from Department of Public and

High Way to relocate the shop for road widening. The owner struggle on how to dispose

the remaining stocks in the shop.

While the owner scrolling on Facebook, she saw someone posting their items for sale. The

owner decided to make a Facebook page to try selling and the owner having hard times

on how to market her items online. Since the owner don’t have any idea on online selling

because THE owner focus on traditional selling method. Three weeks later after the

Facebook page was created comes the inquiries from prospect clients that shows interest

to the items. Later on, the stocks were sold out only by posting.
The shop owner realized that if she sells all the remaining stocks online by just posting it

how much more if she will study Online Digital Marketing. The business stopped for a

month and resume her business after her training course and decided to change her

strategies on selling.


4.1 Company Situation

BletzSky Shoes Clothes and atbp is offering wide range of products such as shoes, clothes,

cosmetics, school supplies, accessories and etc. with good quality at a cheaper price. From

traditional method of selling it started to embrace the world of online selling and slowly

doing progress. In terms of getting rid of the excess product due to road widening was a

success, but the owner was not satisfied as the company is moving at a constant pace,

the owner wanted to increase its sales and costumers.

4.2 Statement of the Problem

The market today has shifted from traditional selling and shopping to online selling and

shopping environment. The internet has divided the costumers into traditional and online

consumers and buyers.

In a competitive environment knowledge is very crucial that gives you the ability to make

right decisions. With the increasing importance of Internet in our daily lives both from
social and commercial point of view, it has become very important to understand the new

market system. It is important to look into situation from traditional point of view to a

new perspective and as to question the reasons on how to maximize sales by finding new

method of online selling.

This study seeks to determine strategies that can enhance sales of BletzSky Shoes Clothes

and atbp as a small business. Furthermore, the study makes the owner clear about which

option and strategies should be taken to get the attention of the costumers.

4.3 Objectives of the Study

The present study seeks to improve BletzSky Shoes Clothes and atbp sales in the online

marketing world, the objectives are:

(a) To determine ways and strategies to enhance BletzSky Shoes Clothes and atbp

sales using online selling.

(b) To raise awareness or establish business and product identity.

(c) To determine its competitive strength in comparison with the other companies.

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