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Income Statement

2015 2016 2017 2018 FORECASTING FACTOR

Sales 1234.9 1251.7 1300.4 1334.4 shall grow at 4%, based on input from management
COGS 679.1 659 681.3 667 50% of sales
Selling, General &
Admn Exp 339.7 348.6 351.2 373.3 25% of sales
Depreciation 47.5 52 55.9 75.2 7% of Gross PPE , based on analysis of dep schedule
Other net income 11.8 7.6 7 8.2 0.7% of sales
Interest Income 1.3 1.4 1.7 2 interest rate 5%
Interest Expense 16.2 15.1 20.5 23.7 interest rate 9%
Income tax 56.8 64.2 67.5 72.6 35% of pre tax income
Dividends 38.3 38.7 39.8 40.1 30% of net income
Net to Retained earnings
Balance sheet 2015 2016 2017 2018
Cash and Marketable sec 25.6 23 32.1 28.4 2% of sales
Accounts receivable 99.4 102.9 107.3 120.1 8.1% of sales
Inventories 109.6 108 114.9 116.8 8.3% of sales
other CA 96.7 91.4 103.7 97.5 7.2% of sales
shall grow at 10% per yr, based on discussion with
Gross PPE 680.9 734.3 820.8 913.1 mgmt
Accumulated Dep 244.8 296.8 352.7 427.9
Net PPE 436.1 437.5 468.1 485.2
shall grow at 9% per yr, based on discussion with
Other non current assets 203.2 205.1 407 456.3 mgmt

Liabilities and SHE

Acc Payable 82.8 77.1 71.8 80.5 6% of sales
ST Debt 39.1 29.7 79.8 110.3 shall remain unchanged at 2018 level
Other CL 152 123.8 172.1 111.3 8.1% of sales
LT Debt 163.5 145 201.8 218.1 shall remain unchanged at 2018 level
Deferred Income tax 22.3 19.6 15 12.7 1.2% of sales
Other non CL 100.6 80.1 115 94.5 7.2% of sales
Paid up capital 46.9 46.1 38.2 44.8 shall remain unchanged at 2018 level
Retained earnings 363.4

Assets without SF PLUG

Liabilities without NTF PLUG

SF plug calculation
NTF plug calculation

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