1539572080celestial Navigation NOTES - Capt. Coatinho

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Phshels Ls Modo, i Dias 2 | Sates > g Cevestiac Navigation - Capt: Coutinke - Equinoctia. Sesrem : : Corgstial Sphere [At apde Rae ~L_behptie oy i Equinactial. of eclipte - Rarroner Horizer: NP= 92> Lat P22 9o~ fat = colat S; XL= dec ik “Px = 90- dec = folar dist. XM T Alt . ZX =. 90-T-ALE = Zenith dist ~- RLP2K = Aarmuth | LLZPK= E-H-A = 360°- LHA LW ZC = Amplitude. | F i si Ean AW planets Awdlue anourd ay Lhe Aun tn allipti (ie sie areititel) orbils with the’dun Wye Aituated at one 4 tre foci ™ gepr etd a ALepier’s Laws Or fosmerner Mosien: EO L eat op ge aon p eal eg } fhe ehLipse i Bie A Locus points, the dum ey the distances from po 4 the ot gocil the ellipse 3° al constant, lication: neli zevolve in an elliptical orbit around the dun. Corstens yo Law: The Acdius vector. ye eanet, Peer out 2Jual arear in equal eriodls cation: Planets move fost when closer to the un than shen usa. e Laws Relation hep between the distance @ planet ee the sun & the time Lakeo t6 conptete fone AUOLUtION, Phanels which are chaser be tre Aun have a quater ery Bhan the forth planelé Application: Inferion Mareta more Jashr than the earth stile CUperion. pee le move bower thon the earth (yc es v 92O000900903.999 lea: A planet is is | Mid 16 be in Abhelion when in Ua oobit ur "athe Crd | 4 fastbeat om. Lhe Sun. FEI Seer aeaeeee reat panes Bid WHS million miles the..|.—..__{ Qk Ophelion. at 8 the fo = —Fegine troy: AS et i Aaid b be te in. eee see tise pinta it is ne eae ~ |4e_the. Aun. She. earth in WBS million Hee -jmatles a. perthelion. i‘ Steere eee Aphelion perihelion. ¢ are. ee aoe | pase ge 4up.. ~ ieee: She. Aun er moon is Raid te be. aoe jaintal fa when dnb Obit LE As a ht AU OL monn. 4d daid 45 be. gore ra i oAblt. ibibo Vite earth : i e & pet bt. ARC. clintionces LOpcessed | o ea ish Conayrerion: A ee Of mmosp. tA. in aid bb |. di pesen Co junto be in Conj Vane ciate with the suolas viewed... !) when. the are jn same direction. ln ler ina_ anchions closes [5 Cnt ini a fe eanth, enbue__| sition 4 blanek OF “mop0_ tb 5 ail tbe. | 08 the dun Cmoer berween sunt earth) | osition with. the Lun when as viewed fore he cart he in opposite clinection. | 1. (earth between sun & raron) aodc * Ath oabit the...easth, cantained Botuseen the Ceubre. & the dun be. Coustne 4 the ‘Pendé othe. ~ AGO, - Fopesion, Planets have. Amalt. £lor ations - «Cmax. 47). utile Atberion i ¢an ave. ted gat, pls _omax. 180. Querenruse Aplonet op oe ngen da s.ai bbe 49 quadsature ae Sun ushen ive, uh ee 4b. exact t Jo" OP pout = Tem Ady pact _OLAszeoriomicac_ 2 | Dannguts: Q Cie. Poe @ Nevticer. as indicated. dub. ends. “at. AtinAice, Whereas_| lon." PM" obseavation.,..twibiaht Abana ._ eee but” ends as dndtcated.._ 4 fime me obrernn “lak hen WO com's Gmboa coy Ve RA whim om Ta Tela Bales RE [Peles ao tea tomgert dey! eee “Ges Sainarinn Fak EOIN Pos Qe - daancbron 7 = 66° 333! Ht px= NP= Lab Lat 66° Bin )s : eae 40. AQk 215210'n. Ae | Ain CR-90)= loo (a: PY) tan (a0- p2) i | 1 Te “what Aocal apparent Lene.. als AT Dae ie Lowi atlioconteal ame fod fy the. & dees FOS’ Nn, |. ZR 40+ 18" = Jog? | 18+: AstAcmomical toi bi i ov Ain JS"1 ‘iin-aaut » Jo" So» = Oth 23m 308, LAT. Mea Pass = £ LLA.T. Adtaomomical fe phk = oh by ben 405 i _#12h o0m 503. See _ 1a” Bam 305_ | Coleutate the duration Sathana > tea dee x lan lor 102 Fase” ¥ Fin a ss. 8’ 1 Pas Dose me : = Po = Thr iS bes. 1S Ain (dec) ot. Sin tay” cos 76" 7 : [Pe 62% au6’ babs 90-022 aaf2su! nls, wo) deco! wset wos ab. the, tti[H’ AvsefterAising | =.Co0s)H. Feu ‘é | 2 Qo. LAt. theodotical _Aunnise. agtaeull9 unto 046") & clec = 12°2u'n. “Find obsemers LoL. | C08 2X 688 Sin PL 2'8in PZ | SOOWOO3 Ke trols | ft 4 au 2306201). —.—Cireumeorag Rones, Fog a bin be Caempls ! | Lat 2 dec_dame- na dat + dec > an bowet Me * [sept fits BY Bg ee SNK AY poe | YS Pee py = Plan Det ___ Upper taP Brg. os ak Sx NY. BO NY~ SX- Obsexver —fo20°N-. «|. cag P Ang. rd | Coleulale the paied aus qth ht _.lOmn_.Obsekuera 19 ms 1, toe 102" =.¢08P. cos 30°-¢ox 2o"\_ + din 20°89. 20° S —O.46G Wea. By oP fore 7 Bese _| din (ZA- 908) = at fan Clot) x far (de). : = 0-210 oo = f213" £2 102° OF. 8’ r Danton g oils Be feP = 5° 37.2! 1S | Paiod oti Ligh 2 Oh 02m 4s 4—-—.—.-Numerieals ov Tal cee BON & dec... $uo Shin (40-2) x fin (a0- Py) | Now. _ Ain (40- Px) =. _. Bin dee..= += Prove. che. espasssion.. pee ee ain. ae Bin dec 4 dec i eee x Pex = 40- ¥e2A . Ain Bas = o- ang . : cas. (49-2) x cas ez ; cs. le x cs (-mpo cos ale x. 4 i'n awh. Ain dec. a Cashak Sin cle % sec Jab pout oe the. rer _. three. times The. paride Jackness, Ye the. bunds. deals .80°N , dird the... ——.. -, observer's. Dab - ay é Bx = ‘T8hns, “tal ide abseaver will be. ©] oo fe ls a Is? 1.) Ubas = ISx9 = sin om 90) = fin (40-P2)% lain (9.5~Px) ne a0) = fan Jat x Mao dec | Sings > fan fab | tan 2° habe 61° 30.2'@) more, than has d.dei@) | a@d c 3 ase: dr The.‘ evenin {alec of dun ja as) ‘| Cas 96 >, casPxcas 20" P= $ou® 31-87" _ vee a Ab what (At) pt Jah yom 008. 13 ILeivil tutlight in Lak 20°@. tahern cas 20°F Bin 20-410 Do? =... 06h sem Is. 18h 58m O1s.. 95 -,| Fd pauaree _Aatitude.. STE -daakness io tooice dhe pated po ae wdlec. 9) Sun. ts: rh “pea in (40-P2) x linn (40- je Lain (gP-40) = "Sin (60"-90). = fan Jat. x tan dee. [ve 90 = tan tat ton O° , ok = 52° 24: i) An unknown alee ree. -beatug. pac -{Wheo beaning east, it had ot Hue attitude on Bue - [bin (40- Px) = cas (4o-P2)x cosez Ladin dec = tescatmens cos dat x corse - |. Aly @o-Py) = tos Pz x cos Ze jv Bla dee = Cos (10-lat) x cos 65°30’-G Fron OC) & ©: Ces dak x 1as53° > sin tak x cos 6S° 30’ | fan Jak = tossn® > Cos 65°30° fs. 8) fabs 52° y2-8' G) Substituting in O sin dee = cos 52°02.8' x cas SF? | rs, GY dee = Jae ys.q' (2) off fod Fr CaP -90°) 2. Mn (402 P 2). Len (40 Pe), fon Lat x tap. lee =.88° 36.86". N° S&8’32-6% B60 ~ HP. eal 2h 6” 2, BP 90" na = GHA > slog 24s°38. A'S). 4 “| Obsense2's doggie: 04s" 38-4! 6) east the obsvrvor!, XP e LHA = 281° 90-0’ the su serie | 8 a 08" A 3. & GHP urbenon the batoual _ the. Obseruer, Was 2eye Pven) Ans CD ; Awe Ge oe I AMon © I i ; 7 5 coac | | ‘7 _jd&. 00. the patwe westical est 9 The: ; [Vl in pos®. 467 087n 92° 20° abeowea Tat. oO body fe be. 34 ushen dian, Cotceulate. ue y Ps Gi) Ame - [Mow..tuin = C-GHA- ‘Ae i vs, GHA@ sa -LHA+ Lo! = 6u°29,9’ + 22% 20! =, 086° 49-4’) . GP ey body toy? os.us'y Gnaz 086449’) Seta SESE Fee fy. aathomon phic. | os Confira. jection fsa con oot Dips 9f chant! 00 walateh the. dhap hap tend Hy ee that. 00, the. earth. a oiut on. the chart He scale.) | A a 402 Asections tumediale nes prmnregs touted, thy 3 the i oy Aadiod noe L he te wird Lastth de dse..all epunt. pO. Fanabtes.: | 2 tg at ogy a ae at Ay each other. . the. Brectily x euted.. Ub 4a reas ona same chort the The tale fn austhed! Lattiude, but-so l as Lhe scale. abc, the mnexidion i. oo. oe | . The Scale. ato: “A, e poratlel then. Ve oO Lin: the metebbbushood can be cnet an | cette 0 ols | Auch Yo. 0. posjection. oll anata Comectness Mhape duer. small areas. iMescatin chat | ave. oe game ieeeseeeeee ie Paget. ae ee i a he. ouptes croc af peta on cthat Chak i et Curd beecrlers q. ahs ce apley Ms Hin, Ove Jatttude ouay not. be fhe Same. as. ee hee ro | tt “ah jection ts. datd 6. be cat | “« Be VOOR 9900 oo Ol ey . me vefor te fhe. en, tie of foder lis only _ ig ee rea yong Sei eh 4 vos pote. ee eee — bo te Vejadtions———-- shea ca Paafection. 2-4, ‘the. earth onl» o. liageat tudes ‘dad | itch i thin tt wise todaid fet 7 [Bee tne ants of the. the meridians — the scale | dane, ABalg dt, - pessttel Leguiidistanl” walle See | Dadttuded ore. ‘Aled qe posal xspendile enphie. af, -| |B the. mesiclions. si c. poof dhe 4 oa “2b pg gjedions cao he petite, | _ Miuabiged Eas Ine panaliel. eee eet 7 Afe.. Feet ap re ate = The. typlinder — des abo. oiled out os eae ' tp Cylndsicnt + the sea _ Mee neo. If | ome as : 8 [Transverse oe pub so long, i's the ell the oot olag 7 equat 6) ot pp a4 th tude... nes, St io a transverse aa | Projection «hy ln =e Futdinicat ih fi Linder. dows mat codlact the banca: A ue er Ltves of aloge The. a «phic a ee, q eD a Ps Obkique ill | Mercator. Prsjeckcn i . i Paaallee _ Sgiuator ar 7 7 3 ee 1S.. Commen’ ictusdel a8 a 8 ase a_eylinder | 7 a a oe ae Suerte 4 eae sjedton Se a. tales. a Lath O Hee eration: 2. & area fre fadildes ofA e : f xFends ov Hham..obeuk Ainete | py 5 7 ai ‘It do booed 07 .Q mathematinl — . ja Be : aa ee aeeetee jhe ° Wa reveals ae . Zain 7). dat = 60.Nm { hee 5 = Lat Seales Long seale..x dec Ulat) i Age - silak Acale. sia wed f fo. measur distance | i dish a ed die tance betweea. Latitudes roll cses : [ his 5 | “fonds the pole. , ai >| . £4). Equatorial. Mercatins. : a | Plane. ce fog gt “the. egualén. i ihr 9. fons 1 feettoa? i | OM 1°, The eulinder, bres bee SIuaned through 40° | [the Oo ere to gear is The Aelectecl omenichion [ AMS | oe Ay he rerercatin. oe : o titte | Lagu | WA, distortion mea, te By ia all o Sy 6 fe Prarsverse aspect., That | poll ak). disfance- be ae = g bitte By ue ply Of ok one GAS al ean - oe would howe. hig “fitediec fr nonmal oocalin, pes juctions tauld be- papjectee wi th Lew. ‘oll option... \ Arne Tie, eg ualind of. peer: ection rs Little. cron close fe Te equator. Cth poojetten potakey 10° & epinet dle, vottt Hi linet couliod. omeridian, iE has beeo. - Z ms V4 us in, the transverse... deen. Shis 44: tuoleut Lo aug “The Gt fader __ \around_a Sphnre..% nedsucking: gant. AO. Hho Ab ae the cobalt meridian i \ thao nae e rea pple fm eat, She verkral moval “then ae y Bde bo tras Scale) ne matter ‘how Noath 2 South - The cmap . extends. | 3e Js near Lb ane. .ma ped with low. di wtlon a pee This Chant fae con byrne. a _ =ihis bipe fection 4s: “used fen Se ene Arate choats $ i fe nl age i ans. () ies, Moca Protec ett toa : jhe finde Us. Haned. ae ae bewten Lhe. equation bet clan ong cow be thown +P! sth excetleut hropertie red fe The same & jon ie equate onipinal amercaler Sysler my Doon btn tra og Muld Aue it. Ju fhe etevotua Eee eer ifm “mesictlans., ak do ip tess Luthoble Meaunenreut _ “att, the. notaactere. “Mee : poe [Know ae 7 Le Earrenen renee feht-. Abswoads A uatoszs £00 a os chat They eank fouger,. ae : Pan a ae Ahe Lougu. ee tli fort & ~~. }Coven. Jess. miles 0 ia i i Foaufesig de Tanck. fom acid ja Fone! cate. a ToL Lat tde & tudes. a & aunbes, i monde tal 7 f ot re sepa aprons The. ae. = ie then. Aivicled Pris sections. oy } : ~~ (Comtinient - 2 the Bt. dinectte oo dectioll uj uit’. meatuned Placed; wall thas, tebe Rowe [aemirend by a Taree ip Ru. |- lon a-cmercatar Cheat 2 tse all He. laa Inesilians at Lhe. dame. aS t POGCSCOSSSCOOSVOIGBOU 9o09 fe chant, a ltnad: a mercotea. cheak, rafts a ° did bin oa alte 07 2 Anomonic. caw: will oe we A Great. ofadlty are. alwa "dingl ni chant 09 oe o shag Hines . 00. | gaill be the Shontest res ane ei ow poink: » She, Scale will be badly dictated the Line “but the vole will be pae e. fon the spies - lap Faget i nate eh te aa Pace ae 4 ~ Contg- opens a a ———— ee Pai Taken &- The Git. hoe vk. = racttor At Mel we pe OY 1 he + Os @ 04-01-2011. davee_ta NW. tn Ji duo: at. Ttheorctical deol 2 7 Mi. eed ' Lo. Pina Ho | | | Sree eee eae { 41 Doll- | | F2e Nee uaz: a5 dee ©2422" B0'N bat olec. ecg) es ee Z . dec Or S25" Ik dob: 38° 2) = | Usi Napiore Rule fe APY. n ic ip (40 -PY) = cos G2) x cos (40- ez) sin (lec) =, cos 2) x eae Late . COs fox Bin 2F as? cos 38°39’ O60" 44: 226... —-thwe— artitude.. dip Com) = - Obs. ALE. >_ (16. C ‘| Senh, Ab = |A eet 52° 12's had a. dt! Find the exh a. the same chow at. Lipper Liancit, Given Dee ek “Ale = 080° 09-2’ : S68" ext. alt. 4 “aton @ ppm at. ts 080° 13:37 2 At lower trent, | [ ie 4 { oat j | fe 3090909099090 900 200 Googe co@ea@coccoc: if ts ni | 2] |For a Alatoneng there ie metaneee ens e-, the ¥ Asses Quaplitud D6 JEN 53 t fate! ih toate gers’ iain (40~Px) = ens P2 x 0 2Y | “sin dees cos. (40-Lad x cos 67 suty” Fe O. ©. bt Obsewtr, “Station | cog 28! 08! x cos fab. > a en | Alin Saks. gos 73'0A 7. wh. bbe OS ba Bt! fre. . bar = 3446.9 O) =. a Ol LA has. of alk. - pl —tbolow ME pote had alt 22° 08'" Both oh “gt were Micah fed dot dee, | f STEP Et Mette ua een, IVBBWVWIOUOVISBODDB ood c > Wzwetios | 82. A Stas aboue ol on then retors the pol - Gloslate the Obseavers Lab. & dec Nhe. fewer. Amnidian.. altitude. Lee NY2 x |, NX x, eee jlak> NPs NY+PY_ i 2 tbe ee 2S qo- Px 2 Go- IS) : ie &sx Nis... Qd-rsx) ns. RY 1 | | | | I fre Te abs. ue sex seated @ dee = Yor P: [Ata dle, Li be cle ae ae tna cefain m9, Siansit_sthoutel xe athe obsyr00ts.. ah. {Wl yen in gua ‘ transit Shaule!-n eh. p oo ook ere Lower. teansit” ae LN Lowes mer. erg atree eee a7 a eat @® 800 he : A ston rare ©)20€) por A : phe de "008 that es 2 Tale: 2 gpm ft Eee J In APZX! 2x=.40° ven (40-Px) = tas. £2 x, (os (40~P2) ae ato, dec = “cos 80° x coc fat, i dees 07° 23.5'@ Sin (40. P2) = flan zz x Mn, C4Zr-90') w+ Godot = Gan (2. - a0") ‘tan gor ZP-90° = Z.ys® fhe 98° Bb.oF! | | Fo a Slax Be combterion op 360° in 28h Semous Soin 4ihas mie will Cornplete 60° 08. bare » Pye P= A = 335142" Now os €2d> eos Pecos tab coe dee + sin labsindee CZD2 BB AGH ft, 7T Alb =. Go- ¢ezp i Are, TA = Sb 1004 | Io A P2¥ 5 @ ZY = Io! a R bg B2mind Hhescarler tt el In APZ%:42 = 40 ; e 7 See eee a (40-P) = tan P2.x Hin (90-Px). | 9 2419-9" = fin P2 x tan_de 5. Ain BPH _ Aan Pz Now.in 23hSbin Cys —> 360" . 1p Be Ghy om Qn s2m) ¥ 6hurm —> 10046. hy-A0) =° tap (42-82) x t40 6 Sin 10465’ = fan fal x tan c «fin dec 2. Sin l04bis’ « tan fak [Ina month ara shar 1s on the prise | — MOR tad Ab Dhcerrer's onedi ddan { | fiom O&@® yoy snoring 5 Sn ues’ 230000 Soeagc Sip 23°19-3 7 i =f io ONbS | hen. 43 iinaitht. is Hea! we! Use Cas. oe jal po cal “ declination. lig line lew TIFICATION . cas an “ain dec - din TAL xsin dat Cos TAME X Coc Hat. use negative. dign in th ee RiEmrneraienr | (Co the ayfruth. will ways be withia 40° the auswer. Js tue, Vat &dec. Same. | ee 2 sprabi final anwor. Js ve, tab - ja tec names. . oe caletale the LHA wing “cu? oe : casP= in TALL E sin fat: Sindee. Sere eee rar ereebee Cos. fat.. Cos dec... ‘4! name. ! Aising : be Lil = “set OTe Lua=360-P f body ig Letts tu oad to Bo, LHAtP LWA = C.GHAYL + SHAK 4 He From altanae Compan SHA 2 dec: (aaah he low S900000 FOO D8 “Yun WO “ee. ame ~ | CHA a Thar on 2ZOS'N O84 2-5" yy a Alan. with deco 101s) Y median. Ik. = eat v0R0. 298.12, find An Obese, dn. A the 7-4 js be Al’ or’ west ‘Ltheretis. no :tadication. @4 Fnuth io the gun wi COS P= din. Trae + Sin Jat. Pee reat (cos 2 22°0s x cos 10° Te) AY 42. doog “ESH AH 223°12’ - aay aS + SHA &® _ 220° Y3- y GMS. Ci DR. fas? (enti the Gon. No Aol? Usting Nagios fate : _99. 6 22° ban Zee lin (90-2) ff | lap, (40-T.Att) alin God » tan (ae -p)_\ BE _aMi bude 40° sSTan Cheah available. | _ of 1. 488 gin:dec = t08 bo! x corso” 1° ite dec = I8*4U B/N, GHA = | 263° 18.9" pa ee eeaed Ome aity Gube~ WF VAY LHA® = c GHAM + Long + shade . 53°84. F! we? wand & A “GHA Ye 2 BOB 146° 10.3 3h IB 008. | 000" 06’ Obsewwes i fet almance. #43, Archnug. PQYVGGRWVUQAVL Akibade 40" _ « Lawaileble 37 i > Bis) SHA > ABE 30-5’ | {On Nth OF 92, Wan Vega hoge 2¥0°Cx)t Aatitude” 46! Ba! n). At tha In roud on other ae bone 000°C) - -, bsith altitude. 36°12 Pind Thu AHA & dec. : lon Gx tan 3eue-y / Ho? 18.4% = Liallas) fap. = CGHAM + bo tSHalieg) oe Reema as SIP 2d SC Nog] MP = fat= 46" 26° & ale = 30'p’ Lt. PDs Px= PYs Sse" 2 NPANY A eerteene: ; -|..dec > 9 Nora a 2 Phe EB az .LHAW = 0 - Guan t toug, + SRA fe 18D = 319° 24.5 + SHA 1 & dec = t¥%u2'@) , -| is. = in dec. gin TAL sin Jar foe Cod T: ote. SEF Jo. * OS 1S'W.« BRU ans “Ue: 3608 -P = 297%u2-2 ws Pe [LUA Hs C.GHARH Log “th SHRR > | HAAS bye U2. 2! “G) boith Male 32213". Le Gtk ab that tnvlodk seg 2401S “Find Yea, shoa’s. SHA. fag | 3900990609 900002 ao oo¢ se) 2a ¢ oe o | | pees See Bq 13th. Aupe 1, aM ats DR AUF to's _[ISo'su'e’” Ete: oa 136’ (Qt _ Grr 1h 35m OSs, “Hs bre way One Gr) Pni “19h, 380m. “OSs _ TE tloh 03m Bs “ “Unt > 13d OSh 38m 4. T= [24 1th 36; OSe. LGHA Y= 225° u4.c” | Beur ALE =. CBS dat x cosdec 1 Pe @ 45° ou. 67 eed *. UHA we 360° P = dau’ ss. y’ =o nett Lng® tsHa ye SHAH = 208? ).97 ths. | from pilmanae tar ds Fegubu— : ‘Ooh 1, De Lov Ww ra ; __ [Met onc bu Got a 1922-310. ithe. ved. ae 86! on a course 2 Oss Cx) ane fe. Srastt: & aston tod Dex ov mas 082-tz) Gren. A Hee San. oe oo 70: uu Bean Lal = 19°uF- 8! NN | Now tos om fal = alep - \ aden : “14. Ben’E V2? 20, 5 € 20°I2-0'n 112° Wes E Gm7=_, 12h Bum _128- Lit@)> 40th Ba Bes - Ly = 0d30h .03m §0s yur 26! of. GT 12h 34m ps 2 ati Aire ~ f 990009 | | aK bd 290030090 ae | From: Aduanac EOS. 20% 1h x agg UNIS Sed eel basen eeeeseee eee 1 Sin Tale ~Gin lab.sin dec) geo! - Ps 31297 CO GHAM OL + SpA® Jub? 34.47. ea dt the. eanth..14pon the A. Couatanian, Goomonics ~— ae jPlome 43. Leugent atthe. epuaton = _Gnonionte : B. | los un | Plane is oe Plane us Laugent au 5 a __.... Gnomouie- jection t.. Used because. __| sae «late shows eat etacle.-@Qs dtraipht dAines..ow wile. omaute. chart... .however...the .dubonce.. | L dinection canoot..be. omeasuaed clinectly. © olistance i athe pat his, i, da. tebed Jjeatlch.. “heb ae elnele.. Thocks. eisseet Hin’ 1900 “niles the: distention ix Pla ews ple ing 4 oavigotenad | Tama toa ae nn the. Lines. ‘ase. projeced ~-(Obligue....Gnromoait.. —_!3] p4pou. jechion msithe centae a —| wk ee t ext ok _etther. poles fe. & | ineane ab Fhe. of Freres. : oe We oe Lind rmopla ee ce Amal scade ehoalk. the! mawrgaton de eas o -obttin i uselea “as -Q %e wok! ey a jw e| rH SI | - 2 ad “1 etna, Louns Ihe iohste “asenld jem Bu Rada dom — = Hude. 6° wide. <-dhese. -90aes.anc-“oumbened eam 1 uth 180! TH Osun an a. a umber. 60. ivhith couns,. ©. Itq°e te (80°E i J 7 oe lh: Hharefoce “abouk,- 360 miler bfde. atthe equator anol Bomiles wide in VUaditade 60° & Se-mnilea dn Aatitugle Rot + i The... plane vataleh sal Be tb le Lobe. An a tmutthal. chat .ts Limitedsan tht. sense the Cana: correctly ' Aheua etihections of ee fe att othu..pein 60 The saop E coutnal ce ho. stm splat pelle 4. [nea YD muthal profections. i ne colon atpects, fo whatch mericliang are Shou las. skoighr Lina Aadioting ot theta true es The Coutre, ile parallels dos tude ore ctacler, concenfale absut the Apisauttod projections Gre characler’ged byl the the Ruler azinnch + His that_the_olinection_ or dgimuth. fH 6. “A the Coulne Um fection £5 Dp Pee tea int 0. the Chiat is. shoion oneal. i The Saini A pf actions Vie formal He pt oe Ubud 3 ‘meat oe Cobdigue aspect)... ‘ba She..aginuthal projection —. [teks theg. dre.omore. gent eoughiunl tam Ue oe dhe. conits. chouts-.. Aspelh.. auallels..OF'..xdtancland.. ieee da nop. has MS tamoland. aes the -centre eat es the. .Oyimucthols are: “Sulbable 7 Yb tontions...tin -& Someahat _ i 4 iL Auch.as dn Baie i 1 Ae gue Tera eI ; e ee ole, olan ; pee oe oe fi Ceguatoat upc) ae E Eee hee... ame. oh palnulpal: shad EX 7 eect mel: del, eek prt oe ps. do nat 2 wing 9000¢ Rare! ee ugk bla, aon E_ABLp in pocd UP cole: The dexh ALE, Wag | Bes, 0:4 Coy) HE. = 4m, the. * efor nd . . Chronomeler Ahowsed 00h tm 326 — u : 4 ee ae ih. ati be ext 1. Mazz .: ey 2 a) oO ob mm _.| Gut > B800h aom Ibe; jEIT©s town Mdm. Ges heh choab..p -... | Lmt = Bld oh 40m ods - a - [2 Gm = Std _oph dom Lhe. mo not eC: GHA Y= BUY? 30-9” J anaclaadl. | te ©= _O6u" SBi0% one. - | - LHAMs OUF? 26.97 t I Si | | Ast Alex Wab.ye | 2€ ¢ Oran int Hi ths es er 8 ‘Bip Cm) = 028-3, _ {Ppp. Ale = QI 1¢0” sotet Grt2 OQ 2S" TA SOS de in TALL Stn Sar we] (eas fab cose Ait) a of de = 14°53. 36 bas P= fn Tabet (sin lat:sinded w@OGOWeooawoo0oD Qoooo0 if et Find fie oon. gpimeth 0. dou 166° 43'S for an Cheever ty Lat 43°34’ s bin Pre. cos, (40-2) x os (90-2) fy S z ( Ato “Px = 9o-dee + 23°13! : Bin 9319s cas Y83V x eas Cae-2) | «Cos (40-2) = gin 23" 13". Cos 43/34’ “ 22 @83° 004 ® or L= & 88007 fr) oe al _.!Jobou, dec — QO bras Igo", dee ts @] +4 South G2... \ Ip ani _obseavtn., Star Fein Dhouk wn dee cB 4-6" bere? I80°CD shen on Zhe. 49 War, dec P18: » x tos Cex) (90 dec) x. eas Goad falta [In fat st0°s,,.Q@ A¥ar had a1 eit 4 4 © Iw, _ bond ite declination...” (90'-dec) =_tos (Gor) x tos 20 dees 999. 8"@) Ays.tiy va dees FO NY. F hs. LA. an... hoo uoith LHe iam .altituide Sp Se 07 Bf erie loved chi ee DBinsuth jr the Same pest of the t fed an altitede o : ho! ost "dtu 9 the ab ese on [stn S08 09 2 tosf2- es Px fr obos PX.2 io Soo “1CogPz Ain tte P2)- cas PY 0s ZY jis in £a0 > Cosh. cas 24855 jek cosh ein hab — @ eee Het Cos eaucert at MD=O. vn gin.sotor,, + sain tot v cos 24°66 5S" Le Gel So" oY) x. (cos 24°!) = Sip dat. cos PZ _ cE ain, fat. Sm (20- lat) 23 Aida af | Lat = S4°39,.6' Nb | Subst tod in ® «. Ys 1a gs. 3 PY = Vow dee %., Lhe -atbolabe. - ind aire scat mop i eet as ae "ore rection. used on. athe oe FA ten ection» oe ee Rare magnons Vbioe i ae ~ ae _betiween__.a: ie cplertad er Aphere & Bre fouth coletiot. tale aie aS pe ig The. Hine. esses. Nin extits thal makes tert 8 Ciocles 90 Lhe fefection., i ég_on the eekddtio) Sphent ang 7 celestial the Sphere. pines aa.ene * an vreu) a celeshal ie | Mask tay Chiat use oe 23h Som OUs. . “NB26-T > OFh Sam 296. Le | ha. | Be @ 70%. azvauth = @) 40°20-%©) Time od a which occurances OF Sn IIs. e | 98. Je. an. .obserurer 49. Meith Ladttude | Me tthe. dee IT IBS bi yy Lain. (12-2) seas Ox) x tos C2x) 57 1.4) Altitude isthe aad = 240" pas 4 | A Aatlonety. vst: snake Felociog olzeueats Bs AbD : : cha” D. Miihude @ mas, A Pod ane Jatiuce | QPXZ! Sin (40- 2X) = CoS P2 ring SP x C03 P2.> ws ene Pe = 38°30. 3% a Aat = F0O-Plo 5\"24- vA): i = tan ZY X +an (40-P2) fecak = 1S tbs Belgie a ah _ zn 484d (1) = Ae Cr) 8O98e089039 oo og COOOCOSS I eee va — te a = - | a }. poosc ee - ef 7 | aoa 5d j : -.., (Eee In Longe = Exeoe In lar x Se" or, _ Copgect eet PO eee acca Ch fork orm ere oe f nttidisn aititede Dl bnfascopt ing TTP Method 2 Meri LE ethod. ae : Eee Use. pire ail ah Ba distance. _ ae Pein pen re-N dor | & talewlate wu}. the... Be Lak ke DE Loug at neon... - | Foae-noon PL passer fem. the. infersection. » Caltulated. dk fat 2 dong. . | ~~ B:[ teem. the Obsewea Lagh ab mal! pase ..|tabeulale all tat between caleuland LR LAE be bbe. Late ae fbf Aeqd make, & sOugh Aketeh af nao, post seme mame. o CEln). vob: obs Lat «(4 bbe rp 2. Pigsoomel Asse Ay = dlepathuve d’Aat | “0s. lak: = dep. Teng. ve dl 0 ell dep $ é Isec ae Jak ile . 7 Usia tous « | Gilat s cot. Ag xeec lat —@) we C=. 8b: cae ee Livre iy e& pee Bi diloug « dtak xe. df A culated in. Slep ce alloos for ‘caltwlaled ip Sten 2. with ae oe 10. Step Is fr ft oop aa -2t_ noon... = didabx cob 45 apeeaer ey fey eae ee I S Up ae gilt ll Ws Lot “ojos zon) STi enael ol Of Mercalon, Chart. _ ale. x. Age. dat ie an deate.= Long 4 i Je dabitude- 1 fatrdecle x tos La ©. Chant dicts Earth disk x. Nababbeale. Sli tog on Chart.: f° a on latth XN-S. |e tudes are caleulahed drasso. | as oo alated above Z Dive betincen__fatt: rackeghr | fe pelea... 7 ALM S tor fatinuler ax¢ tken fren Meaies Tb, B 4) [Diffurence ja amps colada. 9 L’ he ce dove Seale / Ae yy. Dns x 1 4 a feng: aa Aya ugituclas appa equidintaut cach other. ee |Natwod deal "chant Bist [occa ge het, Eat Din z Je. oak BI ; | 10c0000° a » Ab23 992 8tO |. Chaat ak =. 468m rt "long 4' Dlong =. 6.283 1604 mm... : ia 60. Je | 64410 - QA 5180-04 ob, ef $68: $8. 30 1276-64 : wef of ef 89:98 Bh 94S.96 | | i | ste on Ke pare | | jsidiey ted Joy “emg 1-604. | 12-002 treoy | ity 1-604 Masia f | I Nak Seale 14 4: 1900.00% then Rebels 13 an ott Yatib aI] @& 2 OO | deb-2e ao | Poe | I 1 | q ! ACA ie | mc i | RET ; ' ob S56 ' faa ee 4 os: £ 8B 2 Bee 76 Ox te Waele =e ee nd Sat a > at po noe ltr sO- 39°D Longs nw @-n9@ _|Ns2 Vrooooee in tat 36@). 0 | tar. Seale = Long Seale X See. flo vA apseale Pho ccalex cas3sy = 898946 RY) cet NeSz Choa dist + Earth Stet 1 Choak Bib 2 29: 96.6 mm pr 1 < ow cope t d douy 2 0.499mmM. lak Me me. alles Spiny. a 36 2.86 : ‘ ff HEC Free eee onde (o-u4ag, 36-6/._ fie i Tus; 8449 Bay. It 2398 SY 289E090000390909 oo aaa aoe a. a92e | Nak Seate 4 ]a0v0cv0%in Lor 35°@) . t Sela eta A Cheat Sieh = 30: 408 min. for 1 Ay) | D meacalia. eo nou. in, ber alt Lon is’ ee Chote BO 8 O_ 36°) JBOD flat. Beales, Long deale x nee. dak? Fae ae T’ Lok Seoter cos Lod ital ren tooo AX COS 3y° ae _ 42122658.06 | HONS. > hast Dist Eoxth dish 3 Teel. dish doug 50:908x & ee) = 206-660 __ @s at a me. a 32° > 2018.95 - eg ddong. - OS\dmn. | 2 apd 36> 9304-23 = BRIS _Tohal dust Dok = 288.28 X ost % ait 2 thot yy 3. ey. | i : [ites x= RF; ma = Bb L838 mm XOStD e 143-884 Uursay)> it EE, 09 a omercalen chart fy Lat .4930'6) | Bee Lat 24) - 3¢'O Lome HG 67 HEH SEE EEE Et GS. L What witt_be the ditt between 2 pow Lit. the d’houg behocen them sa Vas’ -tthe NS. SV aS > 853. 306mm, Hy - Mak Seale, 2/3000000 iP ar sO _ Lat Acale =. Leng dente x A#¢ dots a 7 Atole.=" 1° Lak scale x cos for Fle = 60% 1859 x 1600 .% cos 3S? eee oe UO2UIBS IS mm "Nak. Acale= Chart Dist + Earth Bist | Choak Bist = 80. 3Ul mm _ wo Md hong s 0-506 mm. Lak M.-P. me a pein lar MO 37 3249 ooo Bc'© 2230-86 BcfS) 230u-23 36-640 43-37 O-S06 37 12> 361@) | ; Serres | So-3u TF . So-3uy 67. 08 Josfoou in Denon. a ds a Adobe f iMagnitude Plame stan. One. Hose ashen itude | bebweeh one. amd chye:, 7 of “ Mpa “mh dea J bis 2 7 ee eee ra els | Stheuc sa, LM fe Chuck. tust.lé, : LIT: eae West Gi). ody ar pe Civil. sit At HEE ata are ane 7 Civil Joslight coef ne | At Mer. Pass oe ie qe ; .. LHAH 26GHa % + met + caine 360" ZASHAK = 860" - oGuA. + tog a) = Catestate he 4, Aeguined SHA shang L i : i as Nab - Shep 1: tye AMoramac. fh 862-293 6 select sling jvotthin SHA vane & magnitude 2 for elected & énkx SHA 2 dec. Lub Samemame * -" | | eff none +" a2Oooo9o L ssgo’_f dese: aHhar 360°... 432-443 Jor. value. “AY ual dec... OF aera 23, ‘ ¢ fer: Noid’ TE Table iv ee aig AAR usin value "A e diklerenclY caleulabed # ded tham thak tndiicafed vin. ee No. 8. will. be sutheble fe Ex- Hurilan ce : = a7 QS LHP). abt: Han B60" et bie Mor. iC -io_bime._ ak oh (for. stars): cee a Nonee’s). Eves Mosidiny Table -E. | Pa Toferion. > Eircunbala JE must be navi “within. . nitude 2 arsstHA = ES 180° - Hon _ on an gi . gives ite ») on ot. 860° = ad WY B82 = BA8°50°4 ct Su x Uh 0s, 1927 “SHA & = 360° 925° SOU Bet HIG) Atel EIEN On 2 GdiaEE ian tHianl (TEEeE HE efelah Rouge = + 30 O|- oR Rawle = Tou? o4-6 <> Iéy0a. 6” | 2 _No plan¥ls. aaithin Zhe usegd. va. _O| ve tk Atzia (1-4) K Hadag (0: ®! an Pt pola (r2) Alkeld (1-8) _ Oi» Rael Kent (0-1) Sprca_(h2) O| & At ee. ene (o-r) -aOac | tr. Aehnus (0-2) ayes sata ett | fe Hadar (04) 149" tora © 60° 10-67 wo Mead HD SR _ Mur ay-v ae Spica QIU" 03s’ HES en gegg LD (e909. CHAR QHlfaas teins 89 ore B32S1.17 0288-9’ Ol hUYm UCAS 39'98.6" gy? ou.y? Olh 2m Boo 48-6% og" 03-47 od6d3-4" ooh Bq ‘ 00° Wb.’ 0122 00:3° orf o0-3’ Oh UBw | 80° 20.6% OIS°00-6"% —o1s'v6 Ob oom AV 21.27 O1F O1-S” B19” oth tem BI ORS 0243? Omu's8.9° lh 38m Bed! a F stan are uitable for observation. Sei ii) Table 1 Table Ww i a One he . wea 6 | Ol 23 3m [Nok (uitable rage 4+ .@ | ot 6S yn (Bae) Auitable fe ) Ol - = to- -- >) Gc Feit) ibd bro (a=) As iteble 2) O| as 3m Not Sushable Oi as 24 nn, Nok Suitable iat ancl 2 tors 0 ross O anesictian LA SkB AE tong cho SHA R= ate tows’ 7 Mallax 2) ash @asory 3 Prewgon ( (oe) 24S"163" MOS*IN-6” swusu’ au ets obseavafion ; ae Pollux. 2 eben oe ean alow The pole: : 4.4 Omi: O9OSE999005 SO Sovoe OQoooeoceco>< sace wears’ p= Bsa 3’ giuse’ oP 15 |Whtcy, ‘of them. wiles ay ihe observa on dn Sb be made. abthe-tad A * ay Gil Tail | SET. ©). a [GHA = Ut of.9° [Snes UP 1S+27 et ER JOGHARs 118% 21 G7 [0s 15% Tune 922 in pas? 29 3O -[ohich Atous. &. planets th 18° 8 otnd magni tude tallt be. wolthin IS? ag Lhe. Obseaver's omeridion for. B which can be uted for ex-Meidian 0 eal @~Wis? 0-0” Ox Vis" 0” LHAY = 190° a1. ue | At Men Paw UtA= Seer "WA tes e-Ghnn SHA t+ Couale/ts) B60? = 90° aru’ +SHA & 7 SHA ke = 169° 3866~% er + 18% = Fa {sua e = + /SY%39-67 — ray” 38: 16% No uttable Panels tot tnin thin age, BhrfMog Sue deep 2 LMA ge pica (1-2) 13°77 (Bwors’ sors’ flioth GD Table I. Table WY Sng Dyno planets ove. fuitable fbr obsewation.. | at Mh ee _-. bp Al A Abes one huihable for MP obsewales, : Dae Pemelt suitable fox Ex-Nor. obs... . 2% ie oth LK Gacrax. one suitable | ev-_obsewationg 77 ae a6 /o4}in On It Jan 92 in De ‘Up’28' ewe Find... urbiehs Atos 4 jindeo L. ailabte VY eae woitl be observalio's belavo_ My. hocen 190.8.1400 Lr ltd 18h eon a0. 4d 19h BOM om |. 07 ©)@ Mh 22m lbs Ih 22m las +1&mr... 18d...ash 22m as. a 26h 22m j6s Sauget 3u97_ A= 93% 24. 9° D2 29-37 ® ~@ le gu0o% (130 Bu07 G@CHAs 026°S2-2" oq ss. 37 Ui Pafblanet = Une + SHA AK: Ik0'—(26°sae’ Low's ee aetna ou Panga = laste gem 158° 06.47 Seeeeee Se Mente. SHA lee LA cincompols eS eSeeereeaeea -{Risel Keak ois? @éoug’ po? leo Te me ed | Hadar. 149%0.9" ©) 60"19.9/ 00°49 .of aaa wn fAAcHumeS Dye" 10.0! Bstiaae at ea” x (ee99) aoe i A a Ans. | == a be , Glaxs Auitable 6 Obsuwation aye. oo. TO Bigot kek k Hadar. ‘In Aatthide Ao’ 920°@). ant gh etween 0860 +. 0600 Hee... Lor rlidll __ _iphaas ll Aubtabde obsowalion ; = ite abadhuatsapeilagythake 8) 42s a8 00-0 Bryritot 30° 07 — i = “sua eee sete sevens! Qartsn-0° Ont Morel 92. in fat [Bind the Bnd mag. ata oh Ob Mie, Obsermer's crmetidian suttaele 2 E 7 el aa dd ation. ot 3 ear nnly . tot z Heetetistevtel ~hetlgat in. the call ae ae "oll Lee Gait ail Ps ofl ETE)” —}-Gmr Cet: 6ld 26h Olm. ~| CHA: 360°s CHAM 4 8HAw® | (i. 2. SHA A s 360° ~ Lea ye He = 10°39. 6” | (: SHA Fouge > 090°99.6' eo. 190°37.6 Mbt oteg WOR. des Aw Shauta (2) Ee Oars 6 Pon ge os 108° 2.07 ©69'90-7° 99° op: ¥/x Patares (12) nase” @p¢'as/ Sb" 25.0% Pre. No planet observed . Shawls & Antarer Arve sutbable chaos observa on . o¢]oq)ott. ey ~Diclinceb dpeed. a Fk Flash. thet WMeplert _Thiad olaso . ieee 2 _Relationchiip behoean the did - Tar... Pe ee ee Hee eke iat Ti 2. Time -fer _ one. Aevolution ete feet \Je = Diclance .o earth trom hun “(48 millibs:. miles ane Pina. Sei fe die lp Jupites. hao. an_aabit 9, 11-86. 4ea cubate Her diokemee_behoeen garth &— oe whe in Gppositian voit, The Sum 1 ee, Ug3s 654 x10° miles. a 2 Dist behween duns Jupiter s | U&s BS K104 nt Le TITAS Pend TRS ean = 243 10° mile - {Seay the diotance- Behoeea tfavs he Au 1 52y Himes Abotance. belo The Vet bb. the Aan, ee sta Tt lee teas Spier arene oe & t= eel GS) Pi). ot Te 686: a a _biolereal period @ Hors 43 60%dou i Ctoulate fre! distant oe fai for eo. fh eh fn. fas ile bdo. ath tha rmbt | ton. L TB XI0® Bath & Moss when <2 Opposition with. | | ee > 99OO90900s3< 990006 ¢ Oo¢ GOooUoe6GsS ooocodoceoce o Bd eee em TNBWID po toe 182173 XI0E ; Eee att 1° 773X 10 wile _ 42 1A - | : ue i Definitions. Gees eevee ade ee Tine ae a suet 1 hfawal 4 time, behoeen ef Auceont at oe flan. pula 4 the. dame. celestial _ bey wer Po _dblereal Day Inferval fin bn scat eee ee |Successrve, ban fag Ay. eee Satie 4 Asbes.. Over. -the..Saane...- het fideo. ey in the. aus. volition, pp —talee a -s Rae wlio db i Sb ou. i“ 4 the mean Solar Hine. |-—- BH eat __ dbfo%sout. i i }. Aahe, meridian + te the £ 3 2 Apparent. olan time Oe. ee a ie runt - Tht 5 Suse. Jan arrose the Aame mmeledéan. | ~-f.— 9 which takes uh o0m 60s. ~donge ° : .. A solar is Therefore wpe Gg A calns minutes. Lobher tan a —-|Neae cone 8 ao fatea: | Whee “Luna 3h The fatowal af Fine Lehoeen | — ALL io ae tron fa ad, the moow When 9 acres the dame meridian which is Catler 5 About 20h Som during iabich the ~? © ait potatos Through. 342° Soe fale v peta solar time. | Oe metidiam. p> ~ ne. behween f- ---— 2 Moo hich i ch the av An am 35 [dielexeal baled a} af eMac Sikeo a the men 26 te! covaplote Oue 2ewalution, 4 360" around the’ eon ashich ah te Fest of He. Mean: Ste between nhecutive New MeN) ..or- QR tons eo moon _uhich Lb dbo 294 12 Wry Vories due to the vecentakeekyop the. loncon’s orbit & the earths onbitY dhs us _ " [ale coed anon Month, duoatlen or _ eee Thus compel. a Aynedic brrtad “tthe. anaes te Geeopluet 360 ¥ the - | Meton. of, Ahe eat, erround Te sun wets _rthat. - ‘ [nates She. “pola, where the. moon’ oobi _. Natersecli the eclipt | Whea-ngon. crosacs ape alert’ South Is North are Called nodes. | node. ML fom Month te Souths ¢ ts. As Catled ascends IWlhen meon. Crosses (Called 0 dlescendiug mode, “p\ The rasdal tris smove weshoard ‘along tthe ecliptic by Qn Amount 19° 0 ceed Ang Mull: oycle in 186y Ins. _ ue Que be oS teen ope nodal boin te» Ine. alinalte mf = Lhe - Vaaten.. os: cls pee Finis opt phen the 200m ty in 5 n Clin. yen AE bleh Ao Formed at lolast a it ohh i sastae) i inane ~ py He Aun ¢ Cb ea Pmen ? | =| ~ i on. “ustll. experiences Pofel elle. ; ‘gfe on ars in. the.penumba Aegon will Carlene _pinel Sain i “Ihén the moon a dt a ee Loith the : . - oath, PF oh thet during Tu d Agi o ih se there _4a!no.iumbha gion ee oO Obsewer .on. the Coat c : as : Ave: the dud wi fh. the, "1007 dbsenlig 7 Hicite The centnad portion. this type 4 i be - bt bh tachtaed oy ieee 5 Yi hb. he 2elip tie; solar selpse. | occur a -wahen the meen ty or Or _ {Neary — new mmven Tee ear. Gale a fa noe eclipse Hise pes whe Tee . eeelhhe meee ener ae Cauth's shaders > pak let i ich tan Sake se e, 7 sition. ‘ Sie lide it. “that eat “ae % fhe unbow. + i Aun aera : SSE ENunibra. 1 bellpse. oF | - a oe ae pope perio iee. ere When the moon 18 4 wwhthin Ahe _Lumbsa “gen ik it Peamed_o.n total _ 7 The. racen becomes Pnotsthle, ee ao eon vis. totthin Ahe penumbra at és fermedat a3 pentmbral ie & the moon betomed vistble. | tatty émini Troe Lalliance.. f When the moon 8 peal orf wot thin Ane unbha Aegion L4thé . Tamed 08. paasiot Llinces os lywttin | the! unebna. estll- “at he 7 te. — _ Say btfror. mutt be in _oppotition, Th |. |. ge ns or GHA’ must r difloc bap ; iP fn tg pe pee st lune ecl ~ estHin the, rane i Rite other p Lotttun the. “dill be. vietble “with. demini severe 7 __ Won a. danas elite: b ecu the sun ? : tie. apps ame £ Jame value s okra Cechipse con Ottuy OF tae ae moon. p00 2 a ~ 1. a i oo. “el ee year, : [olor oe se pax V4 or 5 Min, eelips e a io ay an, “both dole. eon the Catt, see | neg eclipse bret aly Song The Ee is foci the $ ‘| & othe ge Soe; fhe tart Oboe ee i elle ab the sae Cone 6 aatpoS ‘Balan. sltfe Se ee fia. oath ustich 3 -Rébertnces a bar, will obsewe £5 b Be Lunar eelip i ale $ asses oo oat thats eat the. Cox ci ee thee Alar vied where O Imalléy Shadow |. BE by th moon. “180° dechtuation patsy | ‘ood ence; on, tb ‘evdiHe.. . | numb ha... ny baillance. _ ed aller Shadows ; Epuata op Lime. ian faunal fe ates ay | ‘ ‘03}04 Jeo L a + iui OF Tne a Hee. On. eee meridian, pit i Ok te mean fun tee eee eee we Sime id. rmeasuned | dwesheond L 1GHA & SHA axe alto meanned eoethoond _ ea time ~ ent Time ig aeptcal Years Interval behween A successive. - IR Auccesal “at due Je a Sams — =. SHATS cece : _ Rats - Rame [*2 Cas Peabo ai i inn wach behween. g Se eae : ones the treedun's centre woth oe disection n._Apace. or Het eden te Cord» couplele” one Aevolution q. S60. Cound The dun & 14 262564 > | \Mean Lolar ay. Pre Eee cornclclences, a: the. tre 2uns_cenMe.yoith Hesh poinr gp Actes or. tme Haken. hehween I vernal. 29uinex Be dd, 36S? 2429 1 imean Jolay, ae ie dg LOmng Bherter than.a Aiclereel yore recetslon Artes mov wesho Mad by S0° of arc each year. _ Anomabiskio, “eae: Intawel | “hebween 2. -{duccesstoe tolne’clences 01 the Ave [fant teukwe...wuaith. the. hoint ¢ feo goo: ip 108: Appa ob E D eguad fe 366» as%6 eee tell git Seeeeenyee De _Somine 300, x than, aL oe Hai - Ag peat AANA Pe a deat bya about SW’ fare tana . Lo ti Pas Ie Sati pottned by fA iy _ | Aeasens, .@. stuel 3 consediin 2 eae eee Jeans. 365 d. the. following Theta as — leo de cares é 2 divisible See a tetas the. conte 4 f Ion}... ¢ 5 oleed ace... not. ad eats. ‘due Ls _ the aaloon, vin, Dad Le te Ofsil eat > bas ae ue a 7 Conrfleles 360° &. moves te eo silt. pabit._- xe coal __lAates is ak vein ntinginite. distorace. from the Sea _Casth , thesefore on Lampletion _ one. ae by. : Vole, lad ds Or?s_yoill again be in 3 consedchon |. ttramaP ey. pane the Sly Lo tran’ ep LE too de jolate An additiona| amant bde b — pt An lax ten One Revaletien 360° as 4. fr Hy = ce _Ufme Faleen (54) due Ls PaIeeeee eee = SY wh ear Heoce Se ¢0 maplere a solo thao f Zotar a +51" the me ~ fey would 03m Sos legen than the ereal of Aince time Yun meannred ne aud CH Nes Tle Ye J, Aria h whack all dhs would ednittuale ev. ha 5h Som 04s (about 4 rming parlter eacl! ‘da than the previous daz] i ace Sede = 90° = 45Cms—-- hehe Go = 2-5 .cms 5 = 20 = 4.0078 in eet = JO = Q-Scms,| Ast jilight = 1@"= 0-gen/- ah Ae i oa Cl : In. few Malt the din. a6 %-—) : pu almost. perp cadieular te haateey ay times Sao fh Aa the. dun LEBER fone on eae wh > ovss Sol ven 260 3 a0sq | 7 | Eye! ay Sid | = ps Idoy caning 9 (}og}zonn. Ox Fenumnibna (@-> Partial O- Total | Annuta€ EcuPse At “Avot _ Souk ECupse. a) | fora Aolon Eetipse _lo_ocan the ww must be Aadisfied, *) Suny. moon, arth must be Conjunctian > sua GHA _ same . dee Aame. b) | for & dunas Eclipse be oceur. > Sun, moon, earth must be un opposithen. > Giw-|sHa 180° apport : > dee same values but Opp. named. 4 Eanths Onbit it 3 2. : a g = _-neliatte et Lunn 2c A. $ the - Mono... | Jon_an. obseuea @ JGeT Thana. Hone Lae Ss. | Sh. OC ture @ genic, ae 1303 00h Um (25. alt at that. fad tee. af 4A 30° oogac tha> GHA Yoon? 14" 19°3(From Marae. Nal Come ¥_1 fren Tabtes) nly 4 oon §? tu ae’, [Fr ensee] ae 30° —. ype He "360° > ah, yam 34s. pt 02h 0m GT GHA 2° 30, Lan tee, © Um 60s. Tota] telipee of meen ocurred. [Coteutate A 4, moon. fime.=. f07-AT B0UM,.= O2hSOM —GAT “ GAT.2. 62h Surg | 360" > wh 3°30" << 02mSum . | 1 RA: Moon = B60" ~ Usrae suse? a = 329° 9,4 fos. a.nsh.@: equator, a, shorn 2s observed. : Sy bo eal BoD. Agen Aba m fas ate Sau 1 tee it z No td ata. sg SHED atte oo “oltened:. by’: 22° in thin Ehlervel ~ Pad. flu. dees. a Aloe fine m 93 % 3a fi le fy Re ASF). aoe stare nits, P08 > By. Finest fos® <> ey. D — | He Fee : He. oe ora | ‘ Bee Age 8 HOw. fee eee ayn SW 3 Oo @quatye — See ms rei > 2.2u’ added om | > [gio GP) = ban ¥z x dt (G0-Px) “ £inO= tan40° x tan dec. fee fee wt don dee = Ain @ in 8 9) Hel —- fete a fan ao® eee atin Bin (6+ 9ntoy’) = Han cTT ¥ an (40-0) dan dec = Ao (9 +22°u’) © 4 tan 17° pe 4 AIO Ain @ +2) | tan do" fan TT* Oi e - tog ni om tT 2 Ain 0 se 22 an! + (080 Sin 22 24” poo _. din 8 din = [cos oa%u’+. Ay Si0 O- 30> — Cag@ fog (-@) = Coa(O-90)= sing a ae ine So} 2 —sSsine Ce ee =- ran 3 IOqdcnrc:

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