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Chatham Islands

The archipelago of the Chatham Islands is a New Zealand territory in the Pacific Ocean consisting of about ten islands within a 40 kilometres (25 mi) radius,
the largest of which are Chatham Island and Pitt Island. These remote islands, over 800 kilometres (500 mi) east of southern New Zealand, have officially
been part of New Zealand since 1842.
It had been thought since the 1800s that the original Moriori arrived directly from more northerly Polynesian islands. However, current research indicates that
ancestral Moriori were Māori who came to the Chathams from New Zealand about 1500. On November 19, 1835, a British ship carrying 500 Māori armed with
guns, clubs and axes arrived, followed by another ship on December 5, 1835 with a further 400 Māori. They proceeded to massacre the Moriori and enslave
the survivors.
After the invasion, Moriori were forbidden to marry Moriori, nor to have children with each other. All became slaves of the Ngati Tama and Ngati Mutunga
invaders. Many died from despair. Many Moriori women had children to their Maori masters. A small number of Moriori women eventually married either Maori
or European men. Some were taken from the Chathams and never returned. Today, in spite of the difficulties and genocide that Moriori faced, Moriori are
enjoying a renaissance, both on Rekohu and in the mainland of New Zealand. Moriori culture is being revived and they have celebrated the opening of the
new Kopinga Marae (meeting house) in January 2005.
An all-male group of German Lutheran missionaries arrived in 1843. After a group of women were sent out to join them three years later several marriages
ensued, and many members of the present-day population can trace their ancestry back to the missionary families.
Until the 1980s the Chathams were in the Lyttelton electorate, but since then they have formed part of the Rongotai general electorate, which mostly lies in
Wellington. Annette King is the MP for Rongotai. The Te Tai Tonga Māori seat (held since 2008 by Rahui Katene) includes the Chatham Islands.
Local government on the islands, uniquely within New Zealand, involves a council established by its own Act of Parliament, the (Chatham Islands Council Act
1995). The Chatham Islands Council operates as a district council with regional council functions, making it in effect a unitary authority but with not quite as
many responsibilities as the others. Some Regional Council functions are being administered by Environment Canterbury, the Canterbury Regional Council.

Chatham Islands
Rekohu (Moriori)
Wharekauri (Māori)
Motto: none
Flag Location
Capital Waitangi
(and largest city)
Official language(s) English, Moriori & Maori
Ethnic groups Some 40 percent of Moriori/Maori decent. The balance predominantly European.
Religions The Anglican, Chatham Islands Christian Fellowship, Ratana and Roman
Catholic denominations are well established.
Government The Chatham Islands Council is a Council in a unique situation created by the
Islands' isolation, small population and small rating base. Having both regional
council and territorial authority responsibilities
- Head of State Queen ELIZABETH II (since 6 February 1952); represented by Governor
General Anand SATYANAND (since 23 August 2006)
- Head of Government Mayor Alfred W Preece
Deputy Mayor Jeffrey Clarke (since 2009)
- Became part of New Zealand 1842
- Local Government Established 1995
- Current Remains part of New Zealand
- Total 966 sq km (Chatham Island 899, Pitt Island 61.5 & South East Island 2.4)
- Water (%) 0 km (0.0%)
- 2007 estimate 612
Approximately 50 people live on Pitt Island.
- Density Unknown
GDP (PPP) Unknown
- Total Unknown
- Per capita Unknown
Time Zone + 12.45 hrs
Currency New Zealand Dollar (NZ$)

Military Statistics
Military branches: New Zealand Defence Force consists of:
New Zealand Army
Royal New Zealand Navy
Royal New Zealand Air Force
Military service age and obligation: 17 years of age for voluntary military service; soldiers cannot be deployed until the age of 18
Manpower fit for military service: Unknown
Manpower reaching militarily significant age Unknown
annually: Unknown
Disputes - international: None.
Illicit drugs: None.

New Zealand Dollar (NZ$) 2008 2009 2010

Growth % Unknown Unknown Unknown
Inflation % Unknown Unknown Unknown
Def exp f Unknown Unknown Unknown
Def exp US$ Unknown Unknown Unknown
Def bdgt f Unknown Unknown Unknown
Def bdgt US$ Unknown Unknown Unknown
Def exp as %GDP Unknown Unknown Unknown
FMA (US) US$ Unknown Unknown Unknown
US$1= NZ$ Unknown Unknown Unknown
Strategic Weapons
There are no plans to procure or develop any strategic weapons.

Ballistic Missiles
There is no evidence of any ballistic missile inventory.

Nuclear Weapons
There are no reported nuclear weapons.

Biological Weapons
There is no evidence of biological weapons having been developed or stockpiled.

Chemical Weapons
Other than riot control gases, there are no chemical weapons in use.

Military Forces

Command Structure
The New Zealand Defence Forces are responsible for the defence of the islands.

Armed Forces
Chatham Islanders may volunteer to serve in the New Zealand Defence Forces.
The New Zealand Defence Forces are responsible for the defence of the islands.

Land Forces

Army Aviation

Army Air Defence Forces

Air Forces
Air Chathams
The Chathams' own airline, Air Chathams, now operates services to Auckland and Christchurch. Air Chathams operates twin turboprop Convair 580 aircraft in
combi (freight and passenger) configurations and Metroliners.
CV-580 CM 4 3 Contract freight services and charter work.
SA227DC Metroliner III CL 1 1 Contract freight services and charter work.
B65 Queen Air 65 CL 1 1 Maay have been retired.
BN-2A Islander CL 1 1
Cessna U206G Stationair CL 1 1 Used for local flights and on standby SAR
EMB-820C Chieftain CL 1 1 Recent acquisition

Air Force Infantry


Air Defence Forces


Naval Forces

Naval Aviation


Coastal Defences
Guard Forces

Reserve Forces

Militia Forces

Government Paramilitary Forces


Military Police

Cadet Forces

Other Military Forces


Police Forces

Paramilitary Police & Gendarmerie


National Police
Chatham Islands Police
Full Name Chatham Islands Police
Common name Chatham Islands Police
Abbreviation CIP
As per New Zealand Police
Governing Body New Zealand Police
Mission statement As per New Zealand Police
Type Chatham Islands Police
PO Box 45
Tuku Road,
Chatham Islands
Phone: (03) 305 0334
Fax: (03) 305 0410
Operational Units Not applicable.
Geographical Units Not applicable.
Stations 1
Police Officers 1
Civilians 0
Leadership As per New Zealand Police
Terms of Service As per New Zealand Police
Website None
There is one New Zealand Police Constable on the Chatham Islands and residence and station are based in Waitangi. The local police officer also
undertakes the functions of the Ministries of Justice, Customs, Immigration, the Registrar of Courts, the Bailiff and the Probation Officer.

Provincial & State Police


Local police

Transport Police
Marine Police & Coastguard

Aviation Police


Criminal Investigations Police


Specialist Police

Reserve Police

Other Police

Security Forces
New Zealand’s Security & Intelligence Services deploy as needed.

Border Security Forces

The Sole-Charge Constable doubles as an Immigration Officer (Department of Labour - New Zealand Immigration Service).

Customs Agencies
The Sole-Charge Constable doubles as a Customs Officer (New Zealand Customs Service).

Protective Security Forces

Intelligence Agencies

Other Security Forces


Special Forces

Civil Defence Forces

Chatham Islands Civil Defence Emergency Management
Full Name Chatham Islands Civil Defence Emergency Management
Common name Chatham Islands Civil Defence Emergency Management
Abbreviation CDEM
Governing body Chatham Islands Council

Type Civil Defence Force

Staff 20
Leadership Rana Solomon, Emergency Response Coordinator

There is an emergency vehicle and fire and Civil Defence equipment.
Chatham Islands Fire Brigade
Full Name Chatham Islands Fire Brigade
Common name Chatham Islands Fire Brigade
Abbreviation CIFB

Governing body Chatham Islands Council
HQ Chatham Islands Fire Brigade
Owenga Road
Chatham Island
Type Part-time Auxiliary Fire Service
Staff 18 Part-time Volunteer Fire Fighters
Leadership Rana Solomon, Principal Rural Fire Officer, Chatham Islands Fire Authority
Steve Joyce, Chief Fire Officer
Ian Sanson, Deputy Chief Fire Officer

The Brigade has one International Fire Appliance and two small Tohatsu portables and has recently received a brand new Mitsubishi Ultralight.

Overseas & Foreign Forces

Forces Overseas
Chatham Islanders may volunteer to serve in the New Zealand Defence Forces.

Foreign Forces
Chatham Islanders may volunteer to serve in the New Zealand Defence Forces.

Non-State Armed Groups

Defence Industry
There are no defence production capabilities in Vanuatu.

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