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DATE November 18, 2019

Chief of Police

SUBJECT Executive Briefing City Attorney Review N

Control Number 2019-107 Probationary Period N

Sgt. John Arnold 8703 09/30/05 04/24/19 Central
S.C. Rolando Arellano 6889 07/13/94 08/15/04 Spcl. Inv.
S.C. Jefferey Blanch 8051 07/06/01 02/20/19 Southwest
S.C. Paul Farr 8102 09/28/01 06/28/17 Personnel
S.C. Robert Hamilton 7546 07/25/97 07/20/05 Tactical
P.O. Scott Harn 5953 01/19/89 12/11/17 Records
P.O. Jerry Hornback 8738 11/30/05 07/29/06 Southwest
S.C. Brent Johnson 9638 10/15/08 01/25/17 Northwest
P.O. Chad Kazmierczak 9181 07/11/07 01/16/13 Southeast
P.O. Glenn Larsen 10730 01/29/14 10/10/14 North Central
P.O. Matthew Rushing 9694 12/10/08 06/10/19 Resigned
Sgt. Herbert Smilie 8388 04/25/03 03/22/17 Northwest
Sgt. Booker Smith 6701 05/06/92 02/16/11 Central
P.O. Kevin Sund 10793 05/07/14 02/20/19 North Central
Sgt. James Verhalen 9146 05/30/07 07/25/18 CBD
Reserve Alex Garcia R320 10/11/11 10/11/11 Central


• On June 1, 2019, the Plain View Project (PVP) organization published hundreds of
social media posts on their organizational website which they had discovered after
reviewing Facebook pages belonging to many Dallas police officers. Ms. Baker-White,
founder of the PVP, alleged all the Facebook posts published on their website could
erode civilian trust and confidence in the Dallas Police Department (DPD).

• On June 3, 2019, Major Max Geron, Special Investigations Division, notified the
Internal Affairs Division that he had observed several social media posts which
appeared to violate Departmental policy on the PVP website.

• A review by the Internal Affairs Division of all the social media posts identified by the
PVP which belonged to Dallas police officers revealed posts belonging to 109 active
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officers and 60 individuals who were either former Dallas police officers or could not be
identified as having ever been employed by DPD.

• During the course of this investigation, the Internal Affairs Division reviewed all the
active officers’ Facebook accounts, whose settings were “Public,” and discovered social
media content belonging to Reserve Officer Garcia and Officer Harn which was
determined to be in violation of Departmental policy.

• Social media posts belonging to 44 active officers required extensive review as their
content addressed a broad spectrum of topics including race, ethnicity, sex, religion,
sexual orientation, and other topics which could potentially cause the public to lose trust
in the Department and/or the officer. At the conclusion of the review, 15 officers
received allegations for having violated Departmental policy. A summary of the
officers and their social media content which they posted to their Facebook accounts are
as follows:

1. Senior Corporal Rolando Arellano, #6889, appeared to endorse the use of excessive
and/or unnecessary violence against citizens by police officers, in the following manner:

o On January 19, 2017, Senior Corporal Arellano shared a photograph depicting a

handcuffed black male with a swollen face surrounded by escorting police officers.
Inscribed on the photograph were the words, “They beat me up!!” In an adjacent
photograph, a male wearing sunglasses states, “But did you die?”

o On January 22, 2017, Senior Corporal Arellano shared a photograph depicting a

white unarmed female being sprayed in the face with a very large can of OC Spray,
in a nonchalant manner, by an individual dressed in police riot gear labeled,
“POLICIA.” Inscribed on the photograph were the words, “Participation trophies
now in liquid form.”

o Senior Corporal Arellano stated he has posted photographs of himself wearing his
Dallas police uniform to his Facebook page.

2. Senior Corporal Jefferey Blanch, #8051, posted demeaning speech and appeared to
endorse violence in a joking manner towards women, in the following manner:

o On or around August 31, 2012, Senior Corporal Blanch wrote on his Facebook page,
“Does any other man have trouble keeping their women in line?” Senior Corporal
Blanch then responded to a comment stating, “I’m with Justin, I’ve perfected the
back hand.”

o Senior Corporal Blanch stated there may have been instances where photographs of
him wearing his Dallas police uniform were posted to his Facebook page.

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3. Senior Corporal Paul Farr, #8102, posted inappropriate, violent speech which tended
to imply a disregard for due process in the administration of the death penalty and/or a
vigilante style of justice, in the following manner:

o On December 2, 2017, Senior Corporal Farr shared a news article regarding

perpetrators who had robbed and shot a citizen during a private transaction. WFAA
comments accompanying the news article recommended that citizens buy or sell
items near Arlington Police Department’s facilities. When sharing the article,
Senior Corporal Farr commented, “Or have a fire team in overwatch to dispense
instant justice.”

o Senior Corporal Farr stated he has represented himself as a Dallas police officer on
his Facebook account in the past.

4. Senior Corporal Robert Hamilton, #7546, posted demeaning speech and appeared to
endorse violence in a joking manner towards women as a group, in the following

o On or around August 31, 2012, Senior Corporal Blanch wrote on his Facebook page,
“Does any other man have trouble keeping their women in line?” Senior Corporal
Hamilton responded by commenting, “Jeff…what is strong enough for a man, but
made for a woman?” The back of your hand!!!!”

o Senior Corporal Hamilton stated he has posted several photographs of himself

wearing his Dallas police uniform to his Facebook page.

5. Police Officer Scott Harn, #5953, posted content which encouraged officers to
purposefully delay their response to emergency calls, directed profanity and ridicule
towards citizens, and exhibited hatred, obscenity, and ridicule towards Muslims as a
group, in the following manner:

o On or around November 26, 2014, during a Facebook conversation regarding issues

and events in policing (including Officer Martinez’s incident in Deep Ellum) Officer
Harn commented, “We all need to start doing what Cleveland officers did years
ago…No complainants no complaints…you just slow your arrival time down to
every call…they all get tired of waiting and leave…fuckum and feedum fish

o On April 26, 2019, Officer Harn posted a photograph depicting a white hand
holding up its middle finger. Near the middle finger was an image of the United
States of America flag and the inscription, “Wall Watch.” Also, inscribed on the
photograph were the words, “I will die before I ever accept Sharia Law or Islam.
Our nation is now under attack from inside. Fuck you, Islam.”

o On April 29, 2019, Officer Harn shared a photograph depicting a white female
barbie doll, wearing a hijab, with visible purple bruising (coloration) around the
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doll’s left eye and lower lip. Inscribed on the photograph were the words, “Sharia
Barbie. Comes with jihab, bruises, & Quran. Stoning accessories available.”

o Officer Harn stated he has identified himself as a Dallas police officer and posted
pictures of himself wearing his Dallas police uniform to his Facebook page.

6. Police Officer Jerry Hornback, #8738, posted speech which appeared to encourage
officers to purposefully delay their response to emergency calls, in the following

o On May 6, 2016, Officer Hornback updated his Facebook page’s profile picture
depicting two New York police officers laughing in a dramatic manner. Inscribed
on the photograph were the words, “They said ‘Fuck the police.’ So I said, ‘Fuck
your 911 call. I’ll get to your dying home boy when I finish my coffee.’”

o Officer Hornback stated he has never represented himself as a Dallas police officer
on his Facebook page or used his real first name on his Facebook account, and he has
always set his settings to “private.”

7. Senior Corporal Brent Johnson, #9638, posted speech which appeared to endorse
unnecessary violence against others and ridiculed an arrestee, in the following manner:

o On January 10, 2011, Senior Corporal Johnson wrote on his Facebook page,
“Pepper spray…is a beautiful thing!” Senior Corporal Johnson further commented,
“Some jackass got combative, I told him to stop or I would spray him….he said go
ahead! So I did….and about 20 seconds after he got it he started to scream like a
little girl! Let’s just say his attitude changed real quick!” At the time this
photograph was captured by the PVP, Senior Corporal Johnson’s profile picture was
that of a uniformed police officer standing behind an American flag.

o On February 17, 2013, Senior Corporal Johnson posted a photograph which

contained the inscription, “When killing them with kindness doesn’t work, Try a
baseball bat.” Accompanying this photograph, Senior Corporal Johnson commented,
“I’m feel’n it…..” At the time this photograph was captured by the PVP project,
Senior Corporal Johnson’s profile picture was that of a uniformed police officer
standing behind an American flag.

o Senior Corporal Johnson stated he has posted a picture of himself wearing his Dallas
police uniform to his Facebook page.

8. Police Officer Chad Kazmierczak, #9181, posted demeaning comments aimed at

minorities and/or those living in poor socio-economic conditions, posted a photograph
which appeared to endorse violence in a joking manner towards women as a group, and
made comments which appeared to endorse unlawful violence to solve social conflict,
in the following manner:

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o On October 7, 2013, Officer Kazmierczak posted, “Ok ladies. Let me just say,
before you post your “mirror shots” you should take a second to LOOK at
YOURSELF first in the mirror, then decide to NOT post it. A ghetto thug with gold
teeth throwing out a ‘heeey’ should not make you feel good about yourself, he
would Fu*k me if I had titties on my back. THINK!”

▪ According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the term, “Ghetto,” refers to “a

quarter of a city in which members of a minority group live especially because
of social, legal, or economic pressure.”

o On March 28, 2014, Officer Kazmierczak shared a photograph depicting a white

female lying on a floor, scantily clad in a Hooters outfit, and tied up with ropes and
gagged. Inscribed on the photograph were the words, “HONEY!!!! I got takeout.”
When sharing this photograph, Officer Kazmierczak commented, “Lol.”

o On March 29, 2014, Officer Kazmierczak shared a news article with the title, “NY
Thug Picks Fight With Wrong Trucker, Gets Beating of A Lifetime!” The news
articles contained a photograph of a black male lying partially facedown on a
concrete roadway with the inscription, “BEAT DOWN BIG MOUTHED THUG!”

▪ When sharing the news article, Officer Kazmierczak commented, “Look, this is
how it use to be. You talk shit to the wrong person, you get your ass beat. Not
til death, but till you couldn’t get back up and shoot your mouth off. 1 on 1 even
with your buddy around. I bet he thinks next time before running his mouth to a
big corn fed boy. This looks worse than it is. I’ve had the pleasure of being in
this thugs spot a time or two in my life. It’s a humbling experience.”

o Officer Kazmierczak stated he has posted photographs of himself wearing his Dallas
police uniform to his Facebook page.

9. Police Officer Glenn Larsen, #10730, posted content which negatively portrayed
and/or implied that the city of Detroit, Michigan, was composed of and/or generally
inhabited by dysfunctional families, in the following manner:

o On December 7, 2015, Officer Larsen shared a photograph to his Facebook page

depicting three male “stick figures” behind individual prison cells, while a female
and 11 children were depicted outside and adjacent to the cells. The stick figures
appeared to be on the back of a vehicle’s window. Inscribed on the photograph
were the words, “Detroit Window Sticker…” At the time this photograph was
captured by the PVP, Officer Larsen’s profile picture was that of a DPD badge.

o Officer Larsen stated a photograph of himself wearing his Dallas police uniform was
posted to his Facebook account in the past; however, he stated that he deleted his
Facebook account around 2017.

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10. Police Officer Matthew Rushing, #9694, posted content which appeared to encourage
and/or mock suicide and violence, and directed profanity and hate speech towards a
foreign government, in the following manner:

o On October 15, 2012, Officer Rushing shared a photograph depicting a stick figured
male standing on a chair with a rope around his neck. Sitting on a nearby chair was
another stick figured male eating popcorn while staring at the male with the rope
around his neck. Inscribed on the photograph were the words, “Suicide Watch.” At
the time this photograph was captured by the PVP, Officer Rushing’s profile picture
was that of a DPD badge.

o On December 7, 2012, Officer Rushing shared a photograph of the U.S.S. Arizona

exploding after the attack on Pearl Harbor by the nation of Japan on December 7,
1941. Officer Rushing also commented, “Fuck those Hun bastards and they’ve
never publicly apologized.” At the time this photograph was captured by the PVP,
Officer Rushing’s profile picture was that of a DPD badge.

o On March 20, 2013, Officer Rushing shared a photograph depicting a man praying
with the words, “Dear Lord, please let there be a zombie apocalypse so I can start
shooting all these motherfuckers in the face.” When sharing the photograph, Officer
Rushing commented, “…there’s just nothing else that better describes how I feel
this week.” At the time this photograph was shared, Officer Rushing’s profile
picture was that of a DPD badge.

o On May 3, 2013, Officer Rushing shared a photograph depicting many police

officers with bicycles in a downtown area standing in a row, as if working to ensure
crowd control. One of the officers in the photograph was spraying a large stream of
OC spray from a large OC canister. Inscribed on the photograph were the words, “I
love the smell of OC spray in the morning. Smells like law and order.” When
sharing the photograph, Officer Rushing commented, “Otherwise known as hippie
repellant.” At the time this photograph was captured by the PVP, Officer Rushing’s
profile picture was that of a DPD badge.

11. Sergeant Herbert Smilie, #8388, posted content which exhibited hatred, profanity,
and/or ridicule towards Muslims as a group, in the following manner:

o On September 21, 2015, Sergeant Smilie shared a news article titled, “Muslims in
Germany Demand End to “Un-Islamic” Oktoberfest – The Gateway Pundit.” In
response to his article, an unknown Facebook user replied, “Tell the Muslims to
shove it or move.” Sergeant Smilie then commented, “Exactly Ben. Screw the
Muslims. Nobody should give two shits about their opinion.”

o Sergeant Smilie stated he has posted a photograph of himself wearing a Dallas

police uniform to his Facebook page. Sergeant Smilie believed his comment could
be viewed as offensive by a certain group in society, and he did not consider this
aspect at the time he posted this comment.
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12. Sergeant Booker Smith Jr., #6701, posted content which appeared to encourage and/or
make light of officers purposefully delaying their response to emergency calls, used
excessively violent language in calling for the death of criminals without any mention
of due legal process and/or capital punishment, and appeared to endorse the use of force
beyond the bounds of self-defense, in the following manner:

o On July 19, 2016, Sergeant Smith shared a photograph depicting a police dispatcher
sitting at a police workstation with several computer monitors. Inscribed on the
photograph were the words, “I’m sorry, sir, but I see here that on July 9th, you
posted, and I quote, ‘F*ck the police’ on social media. We will not be able to assist
you during your emergency. Best of luck to you, sir.”

o On November 21, 2016, Sergeant Smith shared a news article regarding the United
States Marshals having captured the perpetrator who murdered a police officer as he
sat inside his police vehicle during a traffic stop. When sharing the article, Sergeant
Smith commented, “Off with his head.”

o On December 3, 2016, Sergeant Smith shared a video clip regarding a Houston

resident who was assaulted during a home invasion committed by four armed
gunmen who entered his residence. When sharing the video, Sergeant Smith
commented, “Get a 12 gauge and don’t stop shooting until nothing is in one piece.”

o On November 7, 2017, Sergeant Smith shared a news article regarding Dollar

General store clerk who was killed during a robbery in Oak Cliff, Dallas. When
sharing the article, Sergeant Smith commented, “Just another savage that needs to be

o Sergeant Smith stated he has posted several photographs of himself wearing his
Dallas police uniform on his Facebook page.

13. Police Officer Kevin Sund, #10793, posted demeaning speech towards citizens,
appeared to endorse and encourage violence without due cause and the use of
Departmentally prohibited restraint techniques, and appeared to encourage and/or make
light of officers purposefully delaying their response to emergency calls, in the
following manner:

o On March 20, 2015, Officer Sund shared a news article regarding a solar eclipse
titled, “Not just a solar eclipse: Today sees 3 cosmic phenomena take place.” When
sharing the article, Officer Sund commented, “Tonight is going to be a mess.”
Officer Sund further commented, “People lose their fuckin minds during the
supermoon. Looks like im gonna have to hogtie a bitch.”

▪ In March of 2015, the Department’s general orders specifically prohibited the

“hog-tie” method of prisoner restraint, citing “it places the subject at risk for
positional asphyxia.”

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o On May 17, 2015, Officer Sund shared a photograph depicting the legs of a person
walking on a United States flag spread out and laying on the ground. Inscribed on
the photograph were the words, “If I see you doing this I will knock you the fuck

o On September 14, 2017, Officer Sund shared a photograph depicting a police

dispatcher sitting at a police workstation with several computer monitors. Inscribed
on the photograph were the words, “I’m sorry, sir, but I see here that on July 9th,
you posted, and I quote, ‘F*ck the police’ on social media. We will not be able to
assist you during your emergency. Best of luck to you, sir.”

o Officer Sund stated he has posted several photographs of himself wearing his Dallas
police uniform to his Facebook page.

14. Sergeant James Verhalen, #9146, posted content which negatively portrayed and/or
implied that the city of Detroit, Michigan, was composed of and/or generally inhabited
by dysfunctional families, in the following manner:

o On March 31, 2014, Sergeant Verhalen shared a photograph depicting one male
“stick figure” behind an individual prison cell, while a female and 11 children were
depicted outside and adjacent to the cells. The stick figures appeared to be on the
back of a vehicle’s window. Inscribed on the photograph were the words, “Detroit
Window Sticker…”

o Sergeant Verhalen stated there have been several pictures of himself wearing his
Dallas police uniform posted to his Facebook page.

15. Reserve Police Officer Alex Garcia, #R320, posted content to his Facebook page
which appeared to endorse and encourage violence against former Mayor Rawlings, in
the following manner:

o On February 11, 2017, Reserve Officer Garcia updated his Facebook account’s
profile picture with a photograph of former Dallas Mayor Rawlings having
crosshairs (consistent with those found on firearms) superimposed on his face.

o Reserve Officer Garcia stated he may have posted a photograph of himself wearing
his Dallas police uniform to his Facebook page in the past. Reserve Officer Garcia
stated he posted this photograph in response to Mayor Rawlings’ rhetoric directed at
Dallas police officers and retirees regarding their pension accounts. Reserve Officer
Garcia stated the photograph was meant to express that Mayor Rawlings should be
the political target of their displeasure, and he denied advocating for violence
towards him in any way.

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Violation of Garrity Warning

• On July 16, 2019, Sergeant Arnold reported to the Internal Affairs Division to provide a
statement regarding a Facebook post in which he wrote, “First catch of the day,” after
checking into the Lew Sterrett Justice Center with a prisoner. Sergeant Arnold signed
an Administrative (Garrity) Warning acknowledging that he was “directed not to
discuss or make known any information concerning this investigation with anyone,”
other than his attorney or chain of command.

• On July 18, 2019, Sergeant Arnold posted on the DPA’s Facebook page that he “was
investigated for making the comment ‘first catch of the day’ on a post. My absolute
only statement. I had to go to IAD for that…”

• Sergeant Arnold acknowledged he had been directed not to discuss or make known any
information concerning this investigation with anyone other than his chain of command,
his attorney, and the Internal Affairs Division. Sergeant Arnold stated he made a
mistake when commenting on the DPA’s Facebook page, and he has deleted his
comment from the DPA Facebook page as well as his Facebook account.


There is one allegation against Sergeant Johns Arnold, #8703, one allegation Senior
Corporal Rolando Arellano, #6889, one allegation against Senior Corporal Jefferey Blanch,
#8051, one allegation against Senior Corporal Paul Farr, #8102, one allegation against
Senior Corporal Robert Hamilton, #7546, one allegation against Police Officer Scott Harn,
#5953, one allegation against Police Officer Jerry Hornback, #8738, one allegation against
Senior Corporal Brent Johnson, #9638, one allegation against Police Officer Chad
Kazmierczak, #9181, one allegation against Police Officer Glenn Larsen, #10730, one
allegation against Police Officer Matthew Rushing, #9694, one allegation against Sergeant
Herbert Smilie, #8388, one allegation against Sergeant Booker Smith, #6701, one allegation
against Police Officer Kevin Sund, #10793, one allegation against Sergeant James
Verhalen, #9146; and one allegation against Reserve Officer Alex Garcia, #R320:

1. It is alleged that on July 18, 2019, Sergeant John Arnold, #8703, violated the
Department’s Administrative Warning Policy.

2. It is alleged that on January 19, 2017, and January 22, 2017, Senior Corporal
Rolando Arellano, #6889, posted content to social media which has a tendency to
adversely impact the morale or efficiency of the Department, the Department’s
interest in maintaining harmony in working relationships within the Department,
and/or the public’s respect and confidence in the Department and/or the officer.

3. It is alleged that on or around August 31, 2012, Senior Corporal Jefferey Blanch,
#8051, posted content to social media which has a tendency to adversely impact the
morale or efficiency of the Department, the Department’s interest in maintaining
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harmony in working relationships within the Department, and/or the public’s respect
and confidence in the Department and/or the officer.

4. It is alleged that on December 2, 2017, Senior Corporal Paul Farr, #8102, posted
content to social media which has a tendency to adversely impact the morale or
efficiency of the Department, the Department’s interest in maintaining harmony in
working relationships within the Department, and/or the public’s respect and
confidence in the Department and/or the officer.

5. It is alleged that on or around August 31, 2012, Senior Corporal Robert Hamilton,
#7546, posted content to social media which has a tendency to adversely impact the
morale or efficiency of the Department, the Department’s interest in maintaining
harmony in working relationships within the Department, and/or the public’s respect
and confidence in the Department and/or the officer.

6. It is alleged that between November 26, 2014, and April 29, 2019, Police Officer
Scott Harn, #5953, posted content to social media which has a tendency to adversely
impact the morale or efficiency of the Department, the Department’s interest in
maintaining harmony in working relationships within the Department, and/or the
public’s respect and confidence in the Department and/or the officer.

7. It is alleged that on May 6, 2016, Police Officer Jerry Hornback, #8738, posted content
to social media which has a tendency to adversely impact the morale or efficiency of
the Department, the Department’s interest in maintaining harmony in working
relationships within the Department, and/or the public’s respect and confidence in
the Department and/or the officer.

8. It is alleged that on January 10, 2011, and February 17, 2013, Senior Corporal Brent
Johnson, #9638, posted content to social media which has a tendency to adversely
impact the morale or efficiency of the Department, the Department’s interest in
maintaining harmony in working relationships within the Department, and/or the
public’s respect and confidence in the Department and/or the officer.

9. It is alleged that on October 7, 2013, March 28, 2014, and March 29, 2014, Police
Officer Chad Kazmierczak, #9181, posted content to social media which has a
tendency to adversely impact the morale or efficiency of the Department, the
Department’s interest in maintaining harmony in working relationships within the
Department, and/or the public’s respect and confidence in the Department and/or the

10. It is alleged that on December 7, 2015, Police Officer Glenn Larsen, #10730, posted
content to social media which has a tendency to adversely impact the morale or
efficiency of the Department, the Department’s interest in maintaining harmony in
working relationships within the Department, and/or the public’s respect and
confidence in the Department and/or the officer.

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11. It is alleged that between October 15, 2012, and May 3, 2013, Police Officer Matthew
Rushing, #9694, posted content to social media which has a tendency to adversely
impact the morale or efficiency of the Department, the Department’s interest in
maintaining harmony in working relationships within the Department, and/or the
public’s respect and confidence in the Department and/or the officer.

12. It is alleged that on or around September 21, 2015, Sergeant Herbert Smilie, #8388,
posted content to social media which has a tendency to adversely impact the morale or
efficiency of the Department, the Department’s interest in maintaining harmony in
working relationships within the Department, and/or the public’s respect and
confidence in the Department and/or the officer.

13. It is alleged that between July 19, 2016, and November 7, 2017, Sergeant Booker
Smith Jr., #6701, posted content to social media which has a tendency to adversely
impact the morale or efficiency of the Department, the Department’s interest in
maintaining harmony in working relationships within the Department, and/or the
public’s respect and confidence in the Department and/or the officer.
14. It is alleged that between March 17, 2015, and September 14, 2017, Police Officer
Kevin Sund, #10793, posted content to social media which has a tendency to adversely
impact the morale or efficiency of the Department, the Department’s interest in
maintaining harmony in working relationships within the Department, and/or the
public’s respect and confidence in the Department and/or the officer.

15. It is alleged that on March 31, 2014, Sergeant James Verhalen, #9146, posted content
to social media which has a tendency to adversely impact the morale or efficiency of
the Department, the Department’s interest in maintaining harmony in working
relationships within the Department, and/or the public’s respect and confidence in
the Department and/or the officer.

16. It is alleged that on February 11, 2017, Reserve Police Officer Alex Garcia, #R320,
posted content to social media which has a tendency to adversely impact the morale or
efficiency of the Department, the Department’s interest in maintaining harmony in
working relationships within the Department, and/or the public’s respect and
confidence in the Department and/or the officer.


Allegation #1 thought #16 are Sustained.

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3.2 Employees shall observe and give effect to the policies of the Department.


4.16 No employee will make any comment or expression, either written or oral, which
would deride, demean, condemn, or ridicule any person based upon their race,
ethnicity, sex, religion, or sexual orientation, either on-duty or off-duty, if such
comment or expression will tend to generate controversy and disruption within the
Department, impede upon the Department’s general operation and performance,
and affect working relationships necessary to the Department’s proper functioning.




214.02 Definitions
C. Inappropriate Content: Any post that:
1. defames, abuses, harasses, stalks, threatens or violates the legal rights, of
2. includes racism, hatred, slander, threats, obscenity, violence, vulgarity.

214.04 Precautions and Prohibitions on Employee Personal Use of Social Media

Unless contrary to any federal law, state law, or city ordinance, employees shall
abide by the following when using social media for personal use:

A. Employees are free to express themselves as private citizens on social media

sites to the degree that their speech and/or language does not impair working
relationships of the Department, impede the performance of their duties,
impair discipline and harmony among coworkers, or negatively affect the
public perception of the Department.
D. Employees shall not post speech involving on-duty conduct of themselves or
other employees that reflects behavior that would reasonably be considered
reckless, irresponsible or would bring discredit to themselves or the Dallas
Police Department or City of Dallas.
E. Employees shall not post speech to social media networks that contain
obscene or sexually explicit language, images, acts, statements, or other forms
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of speech that ridicule, malign, disparage, or otherwise express bias toward

any individual or group.
F. Employees shall not post speech involving themselves or other employees
reflecting behavior that maligns, embarrasses, or causes disrepute to the



506.01 Scheduling of Interview, Administrative Warning, Legal Counsel, and
Association Representation during Disciplinary Action Hearings

The following rights are afforded employees in internal investigations.

A. Administrative (Garrity) Warning

In all administrative investigations, the investigator and/or supervisor shall
issue to the employees an Administrative (Garrity) Warning prior to any
interview or request for internal statement.

H. An employee and their legal counsel will be provided one copy, without
unnecessary delay, of any written statement the employee has made at the
time when the statement is finalized and signed by the employee. The
employee shall keep the statement confidential.



809.12 Use of Social Networking Sites
B. Guidelines for the Use of Social Networking Sites:
4. Employees will not post items or information that may adversely affect
the morale, confidence, and public respect of the Department.


See Handout.

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See Handout.

Reuben G. Ramirez
Major of Police
Internal Affairs Division
Office of the Chief of Police

“Our Product is Service”

Empathy | Ethics | Excellence | Equity

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