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Unit 7 Consolidation

Name: Class:

Match the words with the pictures. Then, look at the key and circle the pictures.

1 2 3 4

a club b hat c broomstick d wand

e cape f beard g dress h crown

5 6 7 8

witch = green wizard = blue

princess = yellow giant = red

Match the halves.

1 The wizard needs a wand... a because they live in a house in the forest.

2 Sleeping Beauty needs a crown... b because she is not a witch.

Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L.

3 The witch needs a broomstick... c because he does magic.

4 The giant needs a club... d because she wants to go to the party.

5 Snow White doesn't need a broomstick... e because she is a princess.

6 Cinderella needs a beautiful dress... f because he wants to scare people.

7 The dwarves don't need a castle... g because she wants to fly.


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