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Antonio Samson

There is some sadness

In hearing conversation stop
Or finding out a loss of friends.
the feeling hollows out
Your soul
And leaves you by yourself
Staring at details
Like frogs and snails
and what to do.

The sadness grows and grows

Like a tree without leaves.

1. What experience is described in the words, “hearing the conversation stop”?
2. What reaction sets in when you have lost some friends?
3. Described the image which might be used to express the experience of loss.
4. Evaluate the entire poem.

1. The words, “hearing the conversation stop” describes an experience of never having a
conversation with someone ever again.
2. Grieving is the reactions that sets in when you have lost some friends.
3. The death of loved ones is the image that express the experience of loss.
4. The poem “LOSS” by Antonio Samson tells the reader about the feelings of experiencing
the loss or death of someone special. Being unable to have conversation with that
someone, only memories remains, the sadness grows and grows.

By G. Bruce Bunao

The tree was very beautiful to me

When I was a boy
I climbed for fruit or out of a branch of the tree
Made me a toy—
A top, for instance, that spun around, carefree
And wound for joy until it toppled over and was dead.
No longer the boy,
I find the tree as beautiful as though not
Just for branch
Or a bunch of fruit but-more than that-for a bed
Or to fence the ranch
In which I raise the beasts that fill the pot
In the many shapes
My simple commerce turns them to like bread
Or fish or grapes
To feed the brood the little woman me.
There go the boys.
Go watch them, strong limb; spread up the tree,
They pluck their toys
Out of its branches, as out of my childhood tree
I shaped my joys.

1. What did the tree mean to the young?
2. What does the speaker do for the living?
3. What uses does the tree have when one is no longer a boy?
4. What might the tree represent?
5. What mood is dominant in the poem?

1. The tree meant the source of joy to the young boy.
2. A carpenter or a wood sculpture.
3. If one is no longer a boy the uses of tree becomes furniture or a source of income.
4. The tree represents the speakers’ childhoods life.
5. The feeling of joy is dominant in the poem.

By R. Vinzons Asis

I remembered God and I came

Asking bread, became
Tearfully insistent, heard
Only ringing hunger: no word.

So I left, cursing;
But the thunder of my words
Were as raindrops falling.
Saw God in my hunger:
Heard his voice ringing
In my ears; saw the beauty
Of His silence.

1. What do you mean by Credenda?
2. Differentiate man from God in the poem.
3. What qualities does have that many people have not seen?

1. Credenda means doctrines to be believed; matters of faith or written principles of
faith or belief.
2. In the poem the man is the one asking and God’s delay are never Gods denials.
3. The qualities of waiting patiently is what many people have not seen. God always
answers, only God knows what or when is the right time to give what you have asked
for Gods delay are never Gods denials, we just need to wait patiently for it.\

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