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1. Classify the various transport mechanisms across the cell membrane. Describe in detail about
active transport.
2. Define RMP. Describe the ionic basis of the resting membrane potential.
3. Draw a labeled diagram of Action Potential. Describer the ionic basis of the action potential.

1. Control system of the body.
2. Feedback mechanism of the body.
3. Primary active transport.
4. Secondary active transport.
5. Passive diffusion.
6. Ion channels.
7. Cell organelles – ER/Cytoskeleton/Mitochondria/Lysozyme



1. Classify the various body fluid compartments. Describe in detail about ECF.

1. Measurement of ECF Volume.
2. Differences between ECF and ICF
3. Tissue fluid formation
4. Edema
5. Lymph
6. Starling forces.
1. Describe in detail, the site, origin, development and maturation of RBC. Discuss
the changes induced by iron deficiency/Vitamin B12 deficiency
2. Describe the site and stages of erythropoiesis Outline the factors that
influence erythropoiesis. Write a short account on the causes of anemia.
3. Describe in detail the functions of white blood cells. Write a short
account on autoimmunity.
4. Describe in detail the production and morphology of white blood cells. Add a
note on cellular immunity.
5. What is immunity? What are the different types of immunity? Describe the role of
lymphocytes in immunity. Write a short note on auto immune disease.
6. Describe in detail the process of haemostasis. Add a short account of some
commonbleeding disorders.
7. List the various mechanisms involved in haemostasis. Describe in detail the
intrinsicmechanism of clot formation. Add a note on bleeding disorders.
8. Describe in detail the important blood group systems in man. What is the
clinical importance of blood groups? Outline the effects of mismatched


1. Intrinsic mechanism of clotting.

2. Extrinsic mechanism of clotting.
3. Functions of lymphocytes.
4. Role of neutrophils / monocytes in the defense mechanism of body
5. Reticuloendothelial / Monocyte Macrophage system
6. Functions of platelets.
7. Clinical importance of Rhesus blood group system
8. Composition and functions of blood
9. Fate of RBC/hemoglobin
10. Factors that influence erythropoiesis
11. Fibrinolytic system
12. Erythroblastosis foetalis
13. Anticoagulants
14. T lymphocytes/cellular immunity
15. B lymphocytes/ humoral immunity
16. Functions of plasma proteins


1. Give an account of the molecular basis of muscle contraction. Add a note on rigor mortis.
2.What is excitation-contraction coupling? Describe the mechanism involved
muscle contraction and relaxation. Add a note on muscular fatigue.
3.What is the sliding filament theory? Explain how a sacromere is altered in
muscle contraction
4. Give two examples of visceral smooth muscle present in the body.
Enumerate the factors that increase the contractility of visceral smooth muscle

1. Sarcomere
2. Smooth muscle
3. Muscular fatigue
4. Sarco tubular system
5. Different between smooth muscle and skeletal muscle (involuntary and
voluntary muscle)
6. Differences between isotonic and isometric muscle contractions
7. Motor unit
8. Differences between red and white muscle
9. Thermal changes during muscle contraction
10.Chemical changes during muscle contraction
11.Rigor mrotis
12.Strength duration
13.Myasthenia gravis



1. Wallerian degeneration and regeneration. 5. Action potential and its ionic basis.
2. Axoplasrnic transport. 6. Nerve fibers: types and
3. Neuroglia. 7. Classification of nerve fibers.
4. Saltatory conduction. 8. Resting membrane potential.


1. Describe the phases and control of gastric secretion, giving experimental
evidences. Write briefly on gastritis/peptic ulcerations.
2. Describe the composition and functions of bile and mention the differences between
hepatic and cystic(gall bladder)bile. Describe the mechanism of discharge of bile into the
intestines following ingestion of a meal. Add a brief account on the effects of biliary
3. Describe the composition, actions and regulation of secretion of pancreatic juice
Write a brief account on steatorea.
4. Describe the composition, functions and regulation of secretion of gastric juice
Write briefly on gastritis/peptic ulcerations.
5. Describe the movements of the stomach, discussing the factors affecting gastric
emptying. Add a brief account on vomiting.
6. Describe the movements of the small intestine/large intestine and their regulation


1. Functions of saliva.
2. Nerve supply of salivary glands.
3. Deglutition.
4. Vomiting.
5. Control of salivary secretion.
6. Gastric phase of gastric secretion.
7. Cephalic phase of gastric secretion.
8. Functions of bile.
9. Entero-hepatic circulation
10. Control of pancreatic exocrine secretion
11. Small intestinal secretions (Succus entericus).
12. Functions of large intestine
13. Control of secretion and emptying of bile.
14. Intestinal hormones.
15. Duodenal factors that regulate gastric emptying.



1. What are the phases involved in urine formation? Describe in detail glomerular
filtration. Add a note on the effects of renal failure on body fluids.
2. Give an account of renal tubular reaborption. Add a note on osmotic diuresis.
3. What is counter current system? Explain its role in the concentration of urine.
Add a note on diabetes insipidus.
4. Describe the nerve supply to the urinary bladder. Describe the micturition reflex
and add note on abnormalities of micturition.
5. Explain the role kidney in the maintenance of water balance in the body and add
a note on diabetes insipidus.
6. Define GFR. Give the normal value. Describe in detail the factors affecting GFR

1. Juxta glomerular apparatus.

2. Glornerular filtration rate.
3. Tubular secretion.
4. Water reabsorption from renal tubule.
5. Nerve supply to urinary bladder.
6. Cystometrogram.
7. Micturition reflex.
8. Acidification of urine.
9. Action of A.D.H on concentration of urine.
10. Counter current system of the kidney.
11. Functional significance of vasa recta.
12. Heat production in the body.
13. Heat loss from the body.
14. Effect of sudden exposure to cold.
15. Effect of sudden exposure to heat.
16. Hormones acting on kidney
17. Hormones produced by the kidney
18. special features of renal circulation
19. Essential or effective filtration pressure.
20. Differences between cortical and juxta medullary nephrons
21. Factors affecting glomerular filtration rate.
22. Obligatory water reaborption.
23. Facultative water reabsorption)
24. Bicarbonate reabsorption from renal tubules.
25. Glucose reabsorption from renal tubules


1. Describe synthesis, release and functions of thyroxine. Add a note on hyper/hypo thyroidism
2. Describe the hormonal regulation of serum calcium level. Add a note on tetany
3. Describe the synthesis and functions of cortisol. Add a note on Cushing’s syndrome
4. Describe the mechanism of action and functions of insulin. Add a note on diabetes mellitus.
5. What is the normal blood calcium level? What are the functions of calcium in the body?
Discuss the role of hormones in maintaining blood calcium level. Write a brief account on tetany.
6. Name the hormones of adrenal cortex. Describe their physiological functions and regulation of
Blood cortisol level. Mention the features of Cushing’s syndrome
7. Name the hormones of adrenal cortex. What are corticosteroids? Describe the synthesis, functions
and regulation of secretion of aldosterone. Enumerate the symptoms of primary hyperaldosteronism.
8. What are hormones? Describe their chemical nature and their mode of actions. Add a note on the
diseases caused by hyper and hypo secretion of any one hormone.
9. What are the hormones secreted by thyroid gland? Describe their biosynthesis and
actions. Write briefly on cretinism
10. Describe the hypothalamo hypophysial inter-relationships and discuss the actions of growth
hormone. Write a brief account on gigantism/acromegaly
11. Enumerate the hormones of posterior pituitary -gland, Describe their actions and regulation of
secretion. Write briefly on diabetes insipidus.
12. What are catecholamines? Describe the biosynthesis and physiological actions of adrenalin and
its regulation of secretion. Write briefly on pheochromocytoma.
13. Describe the biosynthesis, actions and regulation of insulin secretion. What are the types and
symptoms of diabetes mellitus?
14. Describe the regulation of secretion and actions of glucocorticoids. Give a brief
account on Addison's disease.
15. Describe the actions of thyroxine and its mechanism of action. What are the features of
16. What is the normal osmolality of plasma? Describe the role of hormones in the maintenance of
extra cellular fluid volume and osmolality. Write briefly on diabetes insipidus.
17. What is normal blood glucose level? Discuss the hormonal control of blood glucose
Discuss the physiological basis of the cardinal features of diabetes mellitus.

1. Glucagon.
2. Catacholamines.
3. Growth hormone.
4. Cyclic A.M.P.
5. Thyroid stimulating hormone:
6. A.C.T.H.
7. Anti thyroid drugs.
8. Mechanism of hormonal action.
9. Prostaglandin’s.
10. Oxytocin.
11. Anti-diuretic hormone.
12. Gigantism.
13. Dwarfism.
14 Acromegaly
16. Myxedema.
17. Goiter.
18. Cushing’s syndrome.
19 Primary aldosteronism(Conn's syndrome).
20. Hypocalcemic tetany.
21. Glucagon.
22. Functions of insulin
23. Diabetes mellitus
24. Second messenger
25. Mode of actions of steroid hormones
26. Mode of action of hormones.
27. Negative feed back mechanism.
28. Positive feed back mechanism.
29. Actions of catecholamines.
30. Exophthalmic goiter(Thyrotoxicosis or grave's disease).
31.Diabetes insipidus.
32. Addison’s disease.
33.Adreno genital syndrome.
34. Hyper insulinism.
35. Calcitonin.
36. Aldosterone.
37. Milk-ejection reflex(Neuro-endocrine reflex).
38. Hypothalamo-hypophyseal axis.
39. Neuro hormones.
40. Anti allergic and anti inflammatory actions of cortisol.
41. Metabolic actions of cortisol.
42. Atrial natriuretic peptides.
43. Pineal gland.
44. Control of growth hormone secretion.
45. Fight / flight reactions.
46. Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system.


1. Describe in detail the various stages involved in spermatogenesis and their regulation.
Add a note on cryptorchidism.
2. Enumerate the functions of testosterone. Add a note on eunuchidism.
3. Mention the various methods employed in contraception and discuss their merits
and demerits.
4. Describe in detail the development, maturation and fate of the graffian follicle.
What is female pseudo hermophrodism.
5. Describe the various functions of estrogen during the reproductive age of a female?
What are the harmful effect of orally administered estrogen?
6. Enumerate the functions of progesterone and list the differences between the action
of estrogen and progesterone. List the various uses of progesterone in female
7. Describe the functions of placental hormones. What is the diagnostic importance of
human chorionic gonadotrophins?
8. Describe the different phases of the menstrual cycle and their hormonal control.
Write a short account on menopause.
9. Describe the uterine and ovarian changes during a normal menstrual cycle and
discuss their hormonal control. Write a brief account on methods of contraception in
10. Describe the actions of testosterone in fetal and postnatal life. Write a brief account
on cryptorchidism.

1. Spermatogenesis.
2. Testicular hormones.
3 Factors facilitating and retarding spermatogenesis.
4. Tests for ovulation. (Fertility Test in Female)
5. Pregnancy diagnostic tests.
6. Functions of estrogen.
7. Functions of progesterone.
8. Functions of corpus luteum.
9. Functions of placenta.
10. Negative feed back control of hormones involved in reproduction.
11. Lactation.
12. Parturition.
13. Feto-placental unit.& its importance
14.Female contraception.
15. Role of hypothalamus in reproduction.
16. Gonadotrophic hormones.
17. Semen Analysis (Fertility Test in Male)
18. Infertility in Female
19. LH surge & its Physiological importance
20. Milk ejection/Neuro endocrine Reflex
21. Hypothalamo-pituitary-ovarian axis and its role in female reproduction.
22. Enumerate the functions of gonadotrophic hormones.
23. Lactation and the hormones involved in lactation.
24. Seminal fluid. /fertility test in male
25. Foeto Placental Unit

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