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Philippine Christian University


Dasmariñas Campus




Onion (Allium Cepa)belongs to the allium family of plants, which also

includes chives,garlic and leeks (MedicalNewsToday,2019) while Garlic (Allium
Sativum) is native to Central Asia and North Eastern Iran and has long been a
common seasoning worldwide and it belongs to genus Allium
(Healthline,2019). Onions and garlics contain sulfur compounds that keep bugs
away by simply producing an odor that pesky garden pests do not like. Garlics
and onions can be mixed with water in a spray bottle and be applied to plants
or they can be used alone. Food poisoning is one of the major problem that our
country is facing even the whole world. Some factories are using commercial
pesticides that contain harmful chemicals that can cause illnesses. Another
reason is because bugs and insects possibly carry viruses and bacterias.
Controlling harmful organisms does not have to mean using toxic chemical
sprays that pose hazards to children or pets. Instead, use natural ingredients
like onion and garlic, which repel bugs without risks of harmful poisoning
(Leeann Teagno,2014). This experimentation will be conducted to determine
the effectiveness of the alternative pesticide to crops. The aspects looked into
were the availability of the components, the methods and strategies on how
they are going to be used, problems and proposed solutions to problems. The
continuous use of commercial pesticides has increased the risk of poisoning
among non target species and toxic effect in plants and crops. These have
created increased public awareness on human safety and environmental
damage. Onion and garlic extract has the ability to repel insects. Onion and
Philippine Christian University
Dasmariñas Campus

garlic plants produce excretions from their roots as well as aromas from their
leaves. These excretions and aromas have beneficial effects on surrounding
plants. Also natural pesticides are safer and eco-friendly. In this case it can
help the societyand as well the environment, especially the farmers.

The pesticide that past researchers used wherein they used water, onion
and garlic they did not mentioned how long it will last and the area of
effectiveness of the product, the researchers will make a pesticide that will repel
bugs wherein the researchers will use the extract of the onion and garlic to make
a stronger pesticide that will surely repel bugs and aims to prevent food
poisoning potentially caused by the commercial pesticides. Researchers made
several questions that will help to identify the major and the minor questions:
“How effective is the onion and garlic as an alternative pesticide?” and “Which
product is more effective, the commercial product or the experimental product.
Based on our research onion and garlic have a component that called
Allicin(Aroma that produced when it is crushed) that bugs didn’t like. The
researchers assume that onion and garlic will be effective as an alternative
pesticide. All of us know that commercial pesticide are composed of different
chemical substances that can repel bugs and much worse is that it can kill them
and can cause harm on people but on our pesticide the researchers aim to make
a safe and effective pesticide that will lessen the possibility of food poisoning.

The main objective of this research is to know the effectiveness of garlics

and onions as,alternative pesticides and to compare its effectiveness against
inorganic pesticides.The researchers made a criteria: Efficiency on Repelling,
Efficiency on Killing, Duration of the odor and Area of effectivity. Garlic and
onions can be as strong as those commercial pesticides and are much cheaper
and easier to produce an eco-friendly pesticide. There will be some topics that
might not be discussed by the researchers as well some problems that cannot be
determined in this study such as “how long will it last?”, The effectiveness ot the
product with using other ingredients with the same properties of garlic and
Philippine Christian University
Dasmariñas Campus

onions. This problem will leave areas of improvement for the product to be used
by future researchers.
Statement of the purpose:
This study aims to make an alternative pesticide that will lessen the harm
compared to commercial pesticides. Another reason is to repel bugs that causes
illness and diseases.
1.) How effective is the onion and garlic as an alternative pesticide?
2.) Which product is more effective commercial product or the
experimental product that we will make?
Research Objective:
Moreover, this study aims to determine how effective this product will be
and if this product is much effective than commercial pesticides on terms of
repelling/killing pests.

Scope and limitations:

This study aims to know what will be covered by our study and the study
that will not covered. This study will cover the prevention of food poisoning that
could possibly be caused by commercial pesticides.
The study will include the process how the pesticide works. In the status of
farmers and gardeners they use commercial pesticides on their crops, based on
what we studied using garlic and onion as pesticide will improve the quality of the
plants. This experimentation will be conducted to determine the effectiveness of
the alternative pesticides to crops. The aspects looked into were the availability
of the components, the methods and strategies on how they are going to be of
used problems and proposed solutions to problems.
Organic methods can be implemented to reduce the problems that have
been caused by the indiscriminate use of pesticide. This project is limited only on
the extract of the onion and garlic as an insect repellant. This is to determine the
amount of extract of the onion and garlic to be used as an insect repellant. Which
product is more effective commercial product or the experimental product that we
Philippine Christian University
Dasmariñas Campus

will make? This study will not cover the use of it to other kinds of pests. This will
also not cover the chemical reactions of plants to the said insecticide.
The researchers aim to repel bugs and prevent food poisoning posibbly
cause by commercial pesticides. The place that researchers aim to help is not
yet planned the researchers will question 100 Senior High School using the
survey form as an instrument for our research.
Significance of the study:
This study aims to help people not just by financially or businesses like
agricultural businesses but is to lessen the harm by using this kind of pesticide.
Farmers-This will help the farmers to maintain the quality of their products
because our product is made from edible vegetables that it is not dangerous to
eat and it is organic, safe, accessible and much way cheaper than the
commercial pesticide.
Consumers-If this study succeed consumers should use the organic pesticide
this product will help them to be more safe and be friendly to our nature compare
to commercial pesticide that might cause problems or illness because of its
compound called thallium sulfate(Compound that can cause dizziness, vomiting
Future researchers-This study will help them to fulfill other informations that
may be needed on their study if they are conducting a study on onion and garlic
as pesticide.
Phiippine Christian University(Library)- This study will benefit the school and it
will takes place at the library and to bring more new knowledge whoever reads it.
Parents- Commonly, our parents buy the things that are needed on the house
specially pesticides like baygon, glade etc, If this study succeed they may use
the idea of repelling/killing bugs using onion and garlic to lessen the harm etc.
Philippine Christian University
Dasmariñas Campus

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