Detailed Lesson Plan No. 2 PDF

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Lecturer’s Name: Agcopra, Pearl Marie Sabaiton Date: September 3, 2018

Course/Year: BEED-2 Duration: 45 minutes
Subject Unit: English Level: II

I. Lesson Objectives
a) Identify action words or verbs in a sentence.
b) Share an event using action words or verbs.
c) Construct a simple poem using verbs and names of animals.

II. Subject Matter

a) Identifying Verbs As Action Words
b) Materials:
 Grade II English Book
 Visual Aids
 Flash cards
c) Reference
 Grade II English Book

III. Learning Procedure

A. Preparatory Routine
I. Daily Routine
 Arrange your chairs properly.
 Pick up pieces of paper under your chairs.

II. Prayer
Let’s start our class with a prayer! Who wants to lead the prayer? Me teacher!
Okay! What is your name little girl? Cami teacher!
Thank you Cami! Everyone please stand up we’ll have our prayer now.
In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.
Dear Lord, we thank You for giving us another life and for the beautiful morning.
Guide us Lord in our discussion today.
In Jesus we pray, Amen.
Take your seat class!

III. Checking of Attendance

As I call your name, say present!
1. Camie Morgan Present teacher!
2. Deib Enrile Present teacher!
3. Einah Villegas Present teacher!
4. Maxpein Moon Present teacher!
5. Xavier Serrano Present teacher!
Good morning Class! Praise be Jesus and Mary! Now and Forever!
Okay, please seat down! Thank you teacher!

IV. Recapitulate
Before we proceed to our next topic, let’s recall first on what were the things we
did yesterday.
Now, who can tell the class on what was our topic yesterday? Me teacher!
Okay Xavier! Please stand up and tell your classmate. Our lesson yesterday classmates, was all about sentences!
Very good Xavier! Now, who can give me then, a definition of a sentence? Me teacher!
Yes Deib! A sentence teacher is a set of words that is complete in itself. A sentence may
contain a subject and a predicate!
Very good Deib! Who can give me an example of a sentence? Me teacher!
Yes Einah! Give us an example of a sentence. An example of a sentence teacher is, “Einah is beautiful!”.
Okay! What is the subject and the predicate of the sentence? Teacher me!
Yes Camie! Teacher the subject in the sentence is “Einah” and the predicate is “…is
Good job class! It looks like you really have reviewed our lessons last night! A
big clap to everyone! Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap!

B. Developmental Activities
I. Motivation
Before we start our discussion, who loves to sing and dance first? Me teacher!
Me teacher!
Me teacher! I love to sing!
Okay! I want everyone to stand up! Do you know what time is it? YES TEACHER!!
Okay! What time is it now? It’s English time teacher!
Do you want to sign the alphabet song? YES TEACHER!!
Very good! We’ll sing it altogether okay?
1 2 3 go
“A - B - C - D - E - F - G H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P Q - R - S - T - U- V, W “A - B - C - D - E - F - G H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P Q - R - S - T - U- V, W -
- X - Y and Z. Now I know my ABC's. Next time won't you sing with me.” X - Y and Z. Now I know my ABC's. Next time won't you sing with me.”
Yaaay! My kids are very energetic! Very good! THANK YOU TEACHER!!
You’re welcome class! Now settle down.
II. Lesson Proper
Okay class! I want you to get your English book, and turn it to page 36.
Can you see the animals on your book? Yes teacher!
Okay! Who can tell the class, on what are the animals’ actions or movement?

Teacher Me!

Okay Maxpein! What doess the horse doing? Teacher the horse is running!
Very good Maxpein! Another? Teacher the cat is eating!
Yes, you’re right Einah, the cat is eating! Teacher the bird is flying! And the fish is swimming in the pool!
Yes, Deib! You’re correct! But you think the fish is swimming in the pool? Teacher No!
Why no, Cami? Because the fish lives in the ocean not in the pool teacher!
That is right Cami! Is fish only living in the ocean? Teacher we have a fish in the house, but he lives in an aquarium!
Right again Deib! My kids are so smart!
Next, who can tell me on what does the lizard and the kangaroo doing? Teacher the lizard is crawling and the kangaroo is jumping!
Very good class! Pat the back of your seatmate and tell him/her that “You are
smart!” “YOU ARE SMART!”

Now class, what do you notice about the things that these animals are doing?
No one?
Okay! I’ll tell you class! The things that these animals are doing are called
VERBS. Also known as an action word.
What do you think is an action word? Teacher me!
Yes Cami! I think teacher an action word is about moving teacher, like dancing!
Very good Cami! An action word simply expresses an action, like dancing,
sitting, running, what else class? Me teacher!
Okay Einah! Give me one! Teacher climbing!
Very good! Another! Teacher writing!
Good job Xavier! Very good class!

C. Culminating Activity
I. Process/Guidelines
What I want you to do now class is to listen to teacher first. OKAY TEACHER!!
I have here flash cards! These flashcards contains action words! What I want
you to do are to identify if the word is an action word or not.
Are you ready class? YES TEACHER!
Okay! Let’s start!

Is it a verb? Or not? Teacher Me!
Yes Xavier! It is a verb teacher!
Very good Xavier! Can you construct a sentence using this verb? Yes teacher!
My little brother slides.
Good job Xavier! Another card!

DRINK Teacher me!

Okay Cami! Teacher drink is a verb!
Very good Cami!
Can someone construct a sentence using this verb? Yes I can teacher!
Okay Einah! The dog drinks water!
Good job Einah!

You want more? YES TEACHER!!

Very good! Next card!
TREE Teacher me!
Okay Deib! Is it a verb or not? Teacher tree is not a verb!
Very good Deib! Maxpein can you make a sentence out of this word? Yes teacher!
A tree gives air!
Good job Maxpein!
Good job everyone! A big clap for everyone! Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap!

II. Integration to other Discipline

Class, I have a question! Can I ask you a question? Yes, you may teacher!
Okay! Did you know that our topic for today can also be connected to other
Who can give me one? Me teacher!
Yes Einah! Please stand up tell it to the class! I think classmates the connection of our topic for today to other subject will be,
in Science. Because, we use the animals in our topic for today!
Good job Einah! Big clap for everyone! Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap!

III. Synthesize/Generalization
Verbs are also known as action words. Verbs are used to describe an action or
state and forming the main part of the predicate of a sentence.
IV. Evaluation
Match the phrases in column A with the picture in column B. Write the letter of
your answer on the black before each number.


1) E
2) D
3) A
4) C
5) B

V. Assignment
Read the poem, “The Wacky Zoo”, and then make your own version using the
template below.


The Wacky Zoo

By: Einah Villegas

A giraffe eats the leaves,

An elephant shriek and shriek.
A bird tweet tweet,
A tiger roars, roar.
An alligator swim, swim,
Dolphins diving, diving.
Enter if you dare,
But don’t be scared!
We are in the Wacky Zoo,
Where anything come true!

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