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Gage R&R

Source VarComp (of VarComp)
Total Gage R&R 0.0038983 6.67
Repeatability 0.0021267 3.64
Reproducibility 0.0017717 3.03
Operador 0.0017717 3.03
Part-To-Part 0.0545233 93.33
Total Variation 0.0584217 100.00

Study Var %Study Var

Source StdDev (SD) (6 × SD) (%SV)
Total Gage R&R 0.062437 0.37462 25.83
Repeatability 0.046116 0.27669 19.08
Reproducibility 0.042091 0.25255 17.41
Operador 0.042091 0.25255 17.41
Part-To-Part 0.233502 1.40101 96.61
Total Variation 0.241706 1.45023 100.00

Number of Distinct Categories = 5


Gage R&R Study: Chromaticity versus Part, Vendor

Factor Information

Factor Type Levels Values

Part random 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Vendor random 2 1, 2

ANOVA Table with All Terms

Source DF Seq SS Adj SS Adj MS F P

Part 4 11.113 11.113 2.778 15.60 0.000
Vendor 1 128.128 128.128 128.128 719.46 0.000
Repeatability 44 7.836 7.836 0.178
Total 49 147.077

Alpha to remove interaction term = 0.25

Variance Components

Source VarComp (of VarComp)
Total Gage R&R 5.29609 95.32
Repeatability 0.17809 3.21
Reproducibility 5.11800 92.11
Vendor 5.11800 92.11
Part-To-Part 0.26002 4.68
Part 0.26002 4.68
Total Variation 5.55611 100.00

Gage Evaluation

Study Var %Study Var

Source StdDev (SD) (6 * SD) (%SV)
Total Gage R&R 2.30132 13.8079 97.63
Repeatability 0.42201 2.5320 17.90
Reproducibility 2.26230 13.5738 95.98
Vendor 2.26230 13.5738 95.98
Part-To-Part 0.50992 3.0595 21.63
Part 0.50992 3.0595 21.63
Total Variation 2.35714 14.1428 100.00

Number of Distinct Categories = 1

Gage R&R Study for Chromaticity

Gage R&R Study: Chromaticity versus Part, Vendor

Factor Information

Factor Type Levels Values

Part random 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Vendor random 2 1, 2

ANOVA Table with All Terms

Source DF Seq SS Adj SS Adj MS F P

Part 4 11.113 11.113 2.778 15.60 0.000
Vendor 1 128.128 128.128 128.128 719.46 0.000
Repeatability 44 7.836 7.836 0.178
Total 49 147.077

Alpha to remove interaction term = 0.25

Variance Components

Source VarComp (of VarComp)
Total Gage R&R 5.29609 95.32
Repeatability 0.17809 3.21

Reproducibility 5.11800 92.11

Vendor 5.11800 92.11
Part-To-Part 0.26002 4.68
Part 0.26002 4.68
Total Variation 5.55611 100.00

Gage Evaluation

Study Var %Study Var

Source StdDev (SD) (6 * SD) (%SV)
Total Gage R&R 2.30132 13.8079 97.63
Repeatability 0.42201 2.5320 17.90
Reproducibility 2.26230 13.5738 95.98
Vendor 2.26230 13.5738 95.98
Part-To-Part 0.50992 3.0595 21.63
Part 0.50992 3.0595 21.63
Total Variation 2.35714 14.1428 100.00

Number of Distinct Categories = 1

Gage R&R Study for Chromaticity

Gage R&R Study: Reflectivity versus Part, Vendor

Factor Information

Factor Type Levels Values

Part random 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Vendor random 2 1, 2

ANOVA Table with All Terms

Source DF Seq SS Adj SS Adj MS F P

Part 4 48.502 48.502 12.126 1.46 0.232
Vendor 1 3.195 3.195 3.195 0.38 0.539
Repeatability 44 366.506 366.506 8.330
Total 49 418.203

Alpha to remove interaction term = 0.25

Variance Components

Source VarComp (of VarComp)
Total Gage R&R 8.32967 95.64
Repeatability 8.32967 95.64
Reproducibility 0.00000 0.00
Vendor 0.00000 0.00
Part-To-Part 0.37958 4.36
Part 0.37958 4.36
Total Variation 8.70926 100.00

Gage Evaluation

Study Var %Study Var

Source StdDev (SD) (6 * SD) (%SV)
Total Gage R&R 2.88612 17.3167 97.80
Repeatability 2.88612 17.3167 97.80
Reproducibility 0.00000 0.0000 0.00
Vendor 0.00000 0.0000 0.00
Part-To-Part 0.61610 3.6966 20.88
Part 0.61610 3.6966 20.88
Total Variation 2.95114 17.7069 100.00

Number of Distinct Categories = 1

Gage R&R Study for Reflectivity


1. ¿Qué conclusiones puedes obtener a partir de este análisis?

Dentro del análisis que realizamos del ejercicio de la medición de 5 partes

nos damos cuenta de 1 cosa importante, que nuestro sistema de medición es
robusto ya que el valor que obtenemos son muy certeros y si detecta
nuestras variaciones fuertes lo que hace un sistema R&R efectivo.

2. Elabora un reporte con tu resultado y tu análisis.

Como se habrá observado, tanto para aplicaciones industriales como para
encuestas es de vital importancia evaluar la veracidad de nuestro sistema de
medición. Las herramientas son diferentes para cada tipo de proyecto sin
embargo la relevancia e importancia es similar, será necesario evaluar la
calidad de nuestros datos si deseamos tomar decisiones adecuadas para
resolver el problema que estamos atacando.

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