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Name:___________________________________ Homeroom: _________

Circuit Spinners

Congratulations! You’ve been hired by Hasbro games, and they

have asked you and your team to design and create an electric
spinner for a game board. Different parts of your spinner will
cause different electrical circuits to close so that depending where
your spinner lands, lights may light up, buzzers may buzz, and
motors might start moving!

To complete this task you must:

 Draw a detailed and clearly labeled diagram of your circuit

design. Your diagram should include a light bulb, batteries,
wiring, etc. Be sure to use the appropriate symbols.

 Construct your spinner using the electrical materials provided

by your teacher. Remember that wiring should be hidden beneath
the spinner so the players will not see them.

 Test your design throughout construction to ensure that it works.

You may need to make changes as you build.

 Evaluate your spinner according to the criteria found on the

Student Self-Evaluation form:

o Effectiveness – Do all components work?

o Reliability – Does it work every time?
o Durability – Does it stand up to repeated use?
o Safety – Are there risks of hurting oneself in making or using
Name:_________________________________ Homeroom: _________

Rubric: Circuit Spinners

4 3 2 1
Excellent Good Basic Limited

Circuit Develops a Develops a Develops a Develops a

Design detailed and clear and partially sketchy and
comprehensive complete complete incomplete
design, which design, design, design,
would result in which would which may which is
a working result in a result in a unlikely to
circuit. working working result in a
circuit. circuit. working

Construct Constructs an Constructs a Constructs a Constructs

Circuit effective and practical and workable but an
consistently generally somewhat unworkable
reliable circuit reliable reliable or unreliable
spinner. circuit circuit circuit
spinner. spinner. spinner.

Evaluates Insightfully Thoroughly Partially Haphazardly

Product evaluates evaluates evaluates evaluates
product and product and product and product and
participation participation participation participation
and identifies and and and fails to
significant identifies identifies identify
areas of relevant general areas of
strength and areas of areas of strength and
weakness. strength and strength and weakness.
weakness. weakness.
Name: ______________________________ Homeroom: _______

Self Evaluation Form – Circuit Spinners

Criteria Yes No Comments (why or why not?)

(Do all parts work?)

(Does it work every time?)

(Does it stand up to repeated

(Are there any risks of hurting
oneself in making it or using

Explain what worked well and why.



Explain what didn’t work well and why.


Explain what you would do differently next time and why.






Rate your participation in your group on this project on a scale of 1

(Significant contributions) to 5 (Did not contribute) and explain why you are
giving yourself this rating.



Please rate your group members participation on a scale of 1 (Significant

contributions) to 5 (Did not contribute).

Group Member Names Rating

_____________________________________ _______

_____________________________________ _______

_____________________________________ _______

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