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AP Psychology Topics to Review for Final Chapter 5

Chapter 1 Classical Conditioning (terms involved)
Definition of Psychology Generalization and Discrimination
Goals of Psychology Higher-order (Second-order) conditioning
W. Wundt Rescorla’s Study with Rat’s
Structuralism Thorndike’s Puzzlebox
Approaches + the key people associated with them Types of Reinforcement and Punishment
Experimental Research vs. Descriptive Research Partial Schedules of Reinforcement (Why is it
Correlational Studies preferred?)
Independent Variables and Dependent Variables Cognitive Maps
Seligman and learned helplessness study
Chapter 2 Bandura and Bobo
Neuron (define and parts)
Neurotransmitters Chapter 6
Antagonist and Agonist Stage Model of Memory
Parts of the CNS and PNS Maintenance Rehearsal
Functional and Structural Plasticity Baddeley’s Model of Working Memory
Lobes and their functions Tip-of-the-Tongue
Limbic System Serial Position Effect
Wernicke’s and Broca’s Area Encoding Specificity Principles
What is Action Potential? Ebbinghaus’s Forgetting Curve
Reasons for forgetting: Encoding Failure
Chapter 3 (Absentmindedness); Decay; Interference;
Sensation and Perception Suppression and Repression
Sensory Adaptation Brain parts involved in storing emotional aspects of
Process of image passing through the eye memory
Rods and Cones; Optic Disk
Nerve Deafness vs. Conduction Deafness Chapter 7
Top-Down Processing and Bottom-Up Processing Mental Images
Gestalt Psychology Formal and Natural Concepts
Depth Perception Prototypes
Müller-Lyer Illusion Problem-Solving Strategies
Perceptual Sets Functional Fixedness/Mental Sets
Explanation for color vision (Trichromatic and Decision-Making Strategies
Opponent-Process Theories) Confirmation Bias
Mere Exposure Effect Mental Age/Binet
Wechsler’s Tests
Chapter 4 3 things that make a good test
Attention Stereotype threat/stereotype lift
REM sleep and NREM Sleep
Cycles of sleep throughout the night Chapter 8
Information about dreams Instinct Theories/Drive Theories
What are Dyssomnias and Parasomnias? Homeostasis and Energy Homeostasis
Sleep disorders and their symptoms Sensory-Specific Satiety
What is the most common sleep disorder? Set-point Theory and Settling-point Theory
Hypnosis and Meditation Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Drug addiction and withdrawal Intrinsic Motivation and Extrinsic Motivation
Classification of stimulants Emotional Intelligence
Theories of Emotion: James-Lange, Facial
Feedback, Two-Factor

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