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TOPIC: Transmissible Rights and transmitted to his compulsory heirs upon his

TOPIC: Rights and Obligations
Alvarez v. IAC. GR No. 68053. May 7, 1990
extinguished by death
During the pendency of a case involving a property
of the heirs of Aniceto Yanes (which the Yanes NHA v. Almeida. GR No. 162784. June 22, 2007
heirs eventually won), Alvarez had sold the
property to Siason. SC found Siason as a buyer in Margarita Herrera applied for a contract to sell for
good faith. SC then ordered the heirs of Alvarez a land with NHA. When she died, her child
(who already died during the pendency of the Francesca by virtue of a Deed of Self-Adjudication
case) to pay damages to heirs of Yanes for the filed with NHA an application over the same land.
sale. It was then found out that she was not the only heir
of Margarita. The heirs of Beatriz (the other
The heirs of Alvarez advanced that they cannot be daughter), respondent Segunda Almeida, filed an
held liable for the sale of a property they were not opposition. However, NHA still granted the
privy of, and the property they did not even inherit. application of Francesca.
SC said that such contention is untenable because
it overlooks the doctrine on the general SC ruled that at the time of Margarita's demise, the
transmissibility of the rights and obligations of the rights and obligations of Margarita over the land
deceased to his legitimate children and heirs as was transmitted to all her heirs, not only
provided in Arts. 774, 776 and 1311. The heirs are Francesca. This Contract to Sell was an obligation
still liable because although they did not inherit the on both parties — Margarita Herrera and NHA.
property per se, the monetary equivalent of which Obligations are transmissible. Margarita Herrera's
devolved into the mass of their fathers' hereditary obligation to pay became transmissible at the time
estate. The hereditary assets are liable in their of her death either by will or by operation of law.
totality for payment of debts of the estate. NHA was wrong in granting another application to
However, they are only liable to the extent of the Francesca as this now amounted to double sale
value of the inheritance. being that the previous contract with Margarita still
subsists. Upon the death of Margarita, the contract
Johnny S. Rabadilla v. CA. GR No. 113725. was not extinguished, it continued to subsist as it
June 29, 2000 was transmitted to all the heirs.

Jorge Rabadilla was to inherit a property provided Estate of Hemady v. Luzon Surety. 100 Phil
he delivers usufruct or 100 piculs of sugar to Maria 389 (1956)
Cosculuella. Rabadilla died and the son inherited
the property. The son then failed to comply with Luzon Surety Co. filed a claim against the estate
the condition to deliver sugar. based on twenty different indemnity agreements,
or counter bonds, each subscribed by a distinct
Cosculuella filed a case to enforce the provision in principal and by the deceased K.H. Hemady, a
the codicil arguing that the obligation of Jorge is surety solidary guarantor. The lower court,
transmitted to the heirs. SC agreed that such however, dismissed the claims of Luzon Surety
obligation is transmissible to the heirs. Under Co. on the ground that "whatever losses that may
Article 776 of the New Civil Code, inheritance occur after Hemady's death, are not chargeable to
includes all the property, rights and obligations of his estate, because upon his death, he ceased to
a person, not extinguished by his death. be guarantor."
Conformably, whatever rights Dr. Jorge Rabadilla
had by virtue of subject Codicil were transmitted to The Supreme Court held that although the heirs
his forced heirs, at the time of his death. And since for the debts of their decedent cannot exceed the
obligations not extinguished by death also form value of the inheritance they receive from him, the
part of the estate of the decedent; corollarily, the principle is still intact that these heirs succeed not
obligations imposed by the Codicil on the only to the rights of the deceased but also to his
deceased Dr. Jorge Rabadilla, were likewise

obligations. Arts. 774 and 776 of the New Civil stock and real properties belonging to the estate
Code further confirm Article 1311. to cover allegedly his advances to the estate in the
sum of P667,731.66 plus interests which he
TOPIC: Wills; Testamentary Succession; claimed were personal funds. Rowena Corona,
the appointed executrix of Dolores Vitug's wills,
Disposition of Property opposed the motion to sell on the ground that the
same funds withdrawn were conjugal partnership
Seangio v. Reyes. GR Nos. 140371-72. Nov. 27, properties and part of the estate, hence there was
2006 no ground for reimbursement. Vitug insists that the
funds were his exclusive property having acquired
Private respondents Alfredo Seangio file for the the same through a survivorship agreement
settlement of the intestate estate of the late executed with his late wife and the bank on June
Segundo Seangio as well as for the appointment 19, 1970. CA held that the survivorship
of Elisa Seangio-Santos as special administrator agreement constitutes a conveyance mortis causa
and guardian ad litem of petitioner Dy Yieng which did not comply with the formalities of a valid
Seangio. Petitioners Dy Yieng and others will as prescribed by Art. 805.
opposed the petition contending, among others,
that Segundo left a holographic will disinheriting SC held that the survivorship agreement is not a
one of the private respondents, Alfredo Seangio, disposition mortis causa which should be
for a cause. In view of this, a probate of the embodied in a will. A will has been defined as "a
holographic will of Segundo was docketed before personal, solemn, revocable and free act by which
the RTC. They likewise reiterated that the probate a capacitated person disposes of his property and
proceedings should take precedence and enjoy rights and declares or complies with duties to take
priority over intestate proceedings. Respondents effect after his death." Thus, the bequest or device
moved for the dismissal of the probate must pertain to the testator. In this case, there is
proceedings primarily on the ground that the no showing that the funds exclusively belonged to
document purporting to be the holographic will of one party, and hence it must be presumed to be
Segundo does not contain any disposition of the conjugal, having been acquired during the
estate of the deceased and thus does not meet the existence of the marital relations
definition of a will under Art. 783 of the NCC as it
only shows an alleged act of disinheritance by the TOPIC: Law governing form
decedent of his eldest son, Alfredo, and nothing
else. Enriquez v. Abadia. GR No. L-7188. August 9,
The Supreme Court held that while a
disinheritance does not make an affirmative This involves a holograhic will of testator Father
disposition of the decedent's property, the Sancho Abad of Talisay in 1923 (Old Civil Code).
disinheritance of an heir, nonetheless, is an act of When the administrator of the estate, Andres
disposition itself. In other words, the disinheritance Enriquez, probated the will (New Civil Code of
results in the disposition of the property of the 1950 was already in place), the legal heirs
testator in favor who would succeed in the opposed on the ground that the holographic will
absence of that disinherited heir. was made when the old Civil Code (Civil Code of
1889) was enforced, which does not yet allow for
TOPIC: Mortis Causa any holographic will.

The SC held that the law that must govern the form
Vitug v CA. 183 SCRA 755
of the will shall be the law in force at the time of
the execution of the will. In the case, the will was
Survivorship agreement is not a disposition mortis
made in 1923, therefore the law that must be
applied is the Old Civil Code. Such law does not
allow execution of a holographic will. Since what
Romarico Vitug, surviving spouse of deceased
the testator made was a holographic will, then it is
Dolores Vitug, filed a motion asking for authority
from the probate court to sell certain shares of

TOPIC: Law governing content; As to time TOPIC: Law governing content; As to
successional rights
Jimenez v Fernandez. GR No. L-46364. April 6,
1990 Miciano v Brimo. GR No. 22595. Nov. 1, 1924.
Subject land is covered by a TCT issued in the A turkish national, Joseph Brimo, died in the
name of petitioner Sulpicia Jimenez. This land Philippines. His brother, Andre Brimo, opposed
formerly belonged to Fermin Jimenez who has two the provisions of his will which states that:
sons named Fortunato and Carlos. Fortunato who "Although I am Turkish National, what should
predeceased his father has only one child, the govern must be the Philippine Law."
petitioner Sulpicia Jimenez. After the death of
Fermin Jimenez, the entire parcel of land was The Supreme Court held that such provision is not
registered under Act 496 in the name of Carlos in accordance with the laws of his Turkish
and Sulpicia Jimenez in equal shares pro-indiviso. nationality for being in violation of the Civil Code
Carlos died and his illegitimate daughter, Melecia (Art. 16) which provides that the legal and
Jimenez took possession of the eastern portion of testamentary successions must be in accordance
the property. She then sold said property to with the nationality of the person whose
Edilberto Cagampan and Teodora Grado by succession is in question, whatever may be the
executing a contract entitled "Exchange of Real nature of the property or the country in which it
Properties" whereby the former transferred said may be situated.
portion to the latter, who has been in occupation
since. Sulpicia instituted an action for the recovery
Cayetano v Leonidas. 129 SCRA 522
for the entire eastern portion of the property
however the CA ruled in favor of the absolute
Adoracion Campos is an American citizen. She
ownership of Teodora Grado. Sulpicia then
executed a will leaving her properties to her
elevated the case to the SC on the issue of
siblings. The father, being the compulsory heir in
whether the CA erred in not declaring that Melecia
the Philippine laws, opposed on the ground that he
Jimenez as not the daughter of Carlos Jimenez.
was divested of the legitime.
SC held that CA erred in its decision as Art. 2263
In this case, Adoracion is an American Citizen,
of the Civil Code provides that: "Rights to the
living in Pennsylvania and the law which governs
inheritance of a person who died with or without a
her will is the law of Pennsylvania, USA, which is
will, before the effectivity of this Code (Aug 30
the national law of the decedent. This was
1950), shall be governed by the Civil Code of
sufficiently established by the respondents. The
1889, by other previous laws, and by the Rules of
law of Pennsylvania does not provide a system of
Court . . ." Thus, since Carlos Jimenez, owner of
legitimes. The testator is allowed to give away the
one-half pro-indiviso portion of that parcel of land
legitime to any person the deceased desires
then covered by Original Certificate of Title No.
hence it can be given to strangers. On the intrinsic
50933, died on July 9, 1936 way before the
validity, the law of the nationality governs.
effectivity of the Civil Code of the Philippines, the
successional rights pertaining to his estate must
be determined in accordance with the Civil Code TOPIC: Solemnities of a will; Notarial
of 1889. To be an heir under the rules of Civil Code wills; General Requirements
of 1889 (which was the law in force when Carlos
Jimenez died and which should be the governing Abangan v Abangan (1919) 40 Phil 476
law in so far as the right to inherit from his estate
was concerned), a child must be either a child
In 1917, Ana Abangan's will was probated. The
legitimate, legitimated, or adopted, or else an said decision of the probate proceedings was
acknowledged natural child — for illegitimate not
appealed from by the opponents on the ground of
natural are disqualified to inherit. Hence, Sulpicia,
defects as seen by the absence of signatures on
being illegitimate, cannot validly transfer the land
the left margin by the testatrix in the second sheet
to Edilberto and Teodora.
of the will among others.

The Supreme Court upheld the decision of the
lower court. SC held that the object of the
solemnities surrounding the execution of wills is to
close the door against bad faith and fraud, to avoid
substitution of wills and testaments and to
guaranty their truth and authenticity. Therefore the
laws on this subject should be interpreted in such
a way as to attain these primordial ends. But, on
the other hand, also one must not lose sight of the
fact that it is not the object of the law to restrain
and curtail the exercise of the right to make a will.
So when an interpretation already given assures
such ends, any other interpretation whatsoever,
that adds nothing but demands more requisites
entirely unnecessary, useless and frustrative of
the testator's last will, must be disregarded.

Suroza v. Judge Honrado (1981) 110 SCRA 388

In this administrative case, petitioner Nenita

Suroza filed a case to annul the probate
proceedings of the will of Marcelina, her mother-
in-law's will contending that such will was void as
it was written in English, a language not known to
the illiterate testatrix and probably forged because
the testatrix and the attesting witnesses did not
appear before the notary as admitted by the notary

The Supreme Court ruled in favor of Suroza

declaring that it indeed was void will for being
contrary to Art. 804 of the Civil Code: "Every will
must be in writing and executed in a language or
dialect known to the testator." There was indeed
negligence and dereliction of duty on the part of
the respondent judge.

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