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John F. MeCormae Mayor Evergreen Senior Center 400 Inman Avenue Colonia NJ.07067 Monda: Dennis M. Green Health Director 0 732-726-6261 uesday Wednesday Thursd 3 4 5 6 fi 9:18 Exercise -G 9.00 Zomba Golt-G 9:15 Exercise -G 9:30 Line Dance-G 9:00-1:00 Cands-E 9.30 Tiain Dominoes-E | 10,00 Dance Fits 1030MusicEmrich-A | 10,00 Art Lab -B 9:15 Exercise-G 10:00 Blood Pressure - YC | 12.00 Pzses 11:00 Crochet Gromp-E | 11:15 Balloon 11:00.230 Cards -D 1030 Music EmihA 12:30 Card Games-A ‘Muli Service 12:0 Puzales 11,00 Crochet Group E Toi Chi-G Table Temis-G | 11:18 ZombaGold-G | 1230-Cand Games-a, Muli Seriee 11:00 Card Games-D 1:00 Maljonga-E 12.00 Puzzles 1.00 Manjonge-E 11:30 Zumba GolsG 11:30 Bingo-B Scxabble-B 12:30 Card Games-A, Serabble-B Bingo® 12.00 Puzzles 1230 Line Daneine-B 1230 Cads-A 12:30 Line Danee-G Table Tenis-G 3:30 Wit 2:30-4:30 Puzzles -D 10 mm 2 B 4 9:18 Exercise -G 900 Zomba Gold-B 9:00 Exerise-G 9°30 Line Dance-G 9-00-11:00 Cards -E 9:30 Train Dominoes-E | 10.00 Dance Fie 10:15 Movie: “Letter’s| 10:00 Ant Lab -B 9:18 No Exercise 1030Music Enrich-A | 11:00 Multi Services-G | T Juliet 115 Ballicom 11:00.2:30 Cards -D Tai Chi 12:00 Puzales Meso Mec Enrich. | 12:00 Puzzles 11:00 Crochet Group-E 11:00 Card Games 1250CadGames-A [tT gocieehet croup | 1230 Card Games Mali Service 1.30 Bingo-B Table Teoma carps 1:00 Mahjonge-E 11:30 No Zumba Gold 12.00 Puzzles 1:00 Mahjonaa-E 11415 Zenker Gol Serabble-B Bingo-B 1230 Line Daee-G Seattle 1200 Puedes 11:30 “duck of Hearts” aa 12:30 Card Games-A, Lunch 1230 Line Dancing 12350 Card “Table Tenis-G 2:30-4:30 Puzles -D 18 » 20 a1 8:00 Zam Gold-G 9:15 Feercise-G 9:30 Line Dance-G 9:00-11-00 Cards - E 1000 Davee Fi-G 1030 Music Enrich-A | 1000 Ast Lab-B 9:15 Exetwise -G 12:0 Puzzles 1100 Crochet GrowprE | 11:15 Balltom-G 10:00 Coffe with 12350 Cand Games-& ‘Muli Service 12.00 Puzzles ‘Couneitwomen Meehan G Table Temis-G | 11:18 Zomba Gold-G | 1230 Card Games-a, 11:00:30 Catds-D 1:00 Mabjonaa-E 12.00 Press 1:00 Mabjonaz-E 11:0 Crochet Group-E SerableB 1230 Card Games-A, Scrabble Mall Service 12530 Line Dancinae 11:30 Zumba GoldsG Bingo-B 12330 Cards. Table Tenis-G 2:50-4:30 Purses -D 24 25 26 27 28 9:18 Exercise 8:00 Zumba Gold 9:30 Line Dance-G 9:00-11-00 Cards - 9-30 Tiain Dominoes-E | 10,00 Dance Fi-G 10:00 An Lab-B 9:18 Exercise -G 1030NIasic Emich-a | 1200 Puzzles 11:00 Crochet Gromp-E | 11:15 Balloomms 11002:30 Cards -D Tai ChiG 12350 Card Gamos-A Muli Sersice 12:00 Puzzles 11:00 Crochet Group 11.00 Caed Games-D Table Temis-G | 11:18 ZombaGold-G | 1230-Card Ganes-A, Mall Service 1130 Bingo-B 1:00 Mabjonga-E 12.00 Passes 1:00 MabjonaaE 11:30 Zumba GoldsG 12.00 Puzzles Scrabble 12530 Card Gamos-A Scrabble Bingo-B 12:30 Line Dance-G 1230 Line Dancing 12:30 Card. 330Wit “Table Temis-G 2:30-4:30 Puzes =D = “E Love and hntnage For more information please contact 0 OT EEN STANT oinrenence. wey aLzss shes ee i Cynthia Ruzich THE ONE WHO RECEIVES USE at 732-726-6261 wen an 1 aly have HE ; ~ al yc ue

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