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DUE: July 21st
The products you buy play a central role in the construction of gender. The purpose of this assignment is designed
to help you see and understand this role. In addition, the goal is to develop a critical awareness of how we “do
gender” without thinking. Moreover, how does shopping and consumer culture influence our construction of gender.

GUIDELINES: Choose a minimum of three venues to explore. The assignment works best if you choose
different venues such as: department stores, malls, boutiques, (hygiene departments, underwear/lingerie sections)
book stores, toy stores, sporting goods stores, grocery stores, card stores, etc. You should spend approximately
15-30 minutes at each venue looking for messages about gender. Take notes about the kinds of products available
for boys, girls, women, and men. Pay attention to shapes, sizes and colors. If you visit a clothing store, pay
attention to the color, fabric, and construction of the clothes. Use the same criteria if you choose to evaluate toys.
In addition, visit magazines and book sections, record the types of publications available for both men and women.
Furthermore, pay attention to headlines, topics/issues, body types, styles, race/ethnicity, etc. For all stores and
departments, pay attention to product displays, store layout and decorations, posters, and packaging. Feel free to
take pictures to submit with your report. In addition, pay attention to your thoughts and feelings and if possible,
make connections to the class readings and discussions.

ASSIGNMENT: Write a reflection of this activity. (minimum of 4 pages typed and double spaced)
The following questions should be included in your reflection. Please be as detailed as possible- think about
location of departments, products sold, prices, signs,, size of departments, etc. In addition, please include your
notes from this activity with your report.
1. Write a description of the stores and departments you visited and observed. (15 marks)
2. What messages about gender did the various stores communicate and how? (45 marks)
3. What specific messages were communicated about masculinity? How were these messages communicated?
(20 marks)
4. What did you learn from this activity? Think about how your understanding of gender has possibly changed,
consuming gender, (is gender linked to capitalism), the similarities and differences between the gendered
messages, etc. (20 marks)

 Cover page (name, id number, professor’s name and CUL 352 section)
 Double spaced, 12 pt font
 All answers must be in paragraph/sentence form. Please number each of your responses.
 Handwritten Notes from the activity ( I will deduct 5 marks from your grade if you do not
 Stapled

Minimum length of assignment: 4 pages

*Remember you are handing in a hard copy and submitting a copy to SafeAssign on Blackboard.

Grading: you will be assessed on the quality and depth of your written answers. Your grade may be
reduced for grammar and spelling mistakes.

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