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Nowhere does the law expressly vest in the Court of Tax

G.R. No. L-32542 NOVEMBER 26, 1970 Appeals original jurisdiction to issue writs of prohibition or
injunction independently of, and apart from, an appealed case.
FACTS: The writ of prohibition or injunction that it may issue under the
provisions of section 11, Republic Act No. 1125, to suspend the
The Collector of Customs of the port of Manila issued several collection of taxes, is merely ancillary to and in furtherance of
warrants of seizure and detention against the cargo of the its appellate jurisdiction in the cases mentioned in section 7 of
petitioners consisting of apples, lemons, oranges and grapes, the Act. The power to issue the writ exists only in cases
on the ground that they were imported in violation of Central appealed to it. This is reflected in the explanatory note of the
Bank circulars in relation to Section 2530-F (which declares bill (House No. 175), creating the Court of Tax Appeal.
that articles of prohibited importation are subject to
forfeiture) of the Tariff and Customs Code. Respondent Court of First Instance assumed jurisdiction over
the petition before it on the ground that "the question
In due time, the petitioners were notified of the seizure, but presented for resolution (was) whether there was absence of
before they could be heard, respondent Collector of Customs due process," citing our decision in Nadeco vs. Collector of
issued a notice of sale of the imported fruits which was Customs, G.R. No. L-19180, Oct. 31, 1969. The said Court
scheduled for sale on August 10, 1970. found: "Counsel for the respondents admitted that the
petitioners have not been heard on the seizure proceedings
On August 11, 1970, the petitioners filed an action wherein it and the imported cargo have already been advertised for sale
was prayed that the Commissioner of Customs and the and some would have been sold had not this Court issued a
Collector of Customs be restrained from carrying out the restraining order." Due notice and hearing, besides being an
seizure and scheduled auction sale of the fruits they imported inherent element of due process, is provided for in Section
from abroad and that the said cargo be released to them under 2303 of the Tariff and Customs Code, which requires the
the surety bonds which they have already submitted to Collector to give the owner or importer of the property written
respondent Collector of Customs. The Court issued an order notice of the seizure and an opportunity to be heard in relation
setting the hearing of the petition for the issuance of a writ of to the delinquency which was the occasion for such seizure, as
preliminary injunction on August 19, 1970, and restraining the well as in Section 2601, which directs that seized property,
respondents, their agents, representatives and attorneys in other than contraband, shall be subject to sale after liability to
the meantime from carrying out the scheduled auction sale of sale shall have been established by proper administrative or
the fruits imported by the petitioners, until further orders from judicial proceedings in conformity with the provisions of said
the Court. Code.

The petitioners filed with the Court of Tax Appeals a petition In view of the foregoing, we hold that respondent Court of First
seeking a review of the action taken by the Collector of Instance had jurisdiction to take cognizance of the petition for
Customs of Manila who ordered the seizure of the imported injunction before it. The remedy prayed for was one in equity,
fresh fruits, with a prayer that pending final determination of which the petitioner below tried to seek in the Court of Tax
the case, a writ of preliminary injunction be issued restraining Appeals, but was denied on the ground that no appealable
the Commissioner of Customs and Collector of Customs from decision had yet been rendered by the Collector and the
carrying out the seizure. On August 12, 1970, said Court, Commissioner of Customs.
however, denied the petition on the ground that it had no
jurisdiction over the subject matter thereof and to grant the The jurisdiction of respondent Court was not invoked to
writ of preliminary injunction. determine the validity of the seizure proceedings, which are
pending before the Collector of Customs and regarding which
ISSUE: an appeal could be eventually taken only to the Tax Court, but
rather to stop the projected auction sale of the goods in
Whether or not respondent court acted with grave abuse oF question and secure the release thereof under surety bond,
discretion when it granted the writ of preliminary injuncton. without prejudice to the main issue concerning the validity of
the seizure. Such relief is interlocutory in nature, and is
RULING: sanctioned by Section 2301 of the Tariff and Customs Code,
which provides that "upon making any seizure the Collector
shall issue a warrant for the detention of the property; but if
the owner or importer desires to secure the release of the
property for legitimate use, the Collector may surrender it
upon the filing of a sufficient bond, in an amount to be fixed
by him, conditioned for payment of the appraised value of the
article and/or any fine, expenses and costs which may be
adjudged in the case."
G.R. No. 159694 JANUARY 27, 2006 1.Whether or not the assessment against the estate is valid.
2.Whether the compromise entered into is valid.
By virtue of a sworn affidavit for reward by one Abad, an
investigation was conducted by BIR on the estate of the 1. NO. Under the present provisions of the Tax Code and
deceased Maria Tancinco who died in 1993 leaving a pursuant to elementary due process, taxpayers must be
residential lot and old house in Dasmarinas, Makati. Without informed in writing of the law and the facts upon which a tax
submitting a preliminary finding report, a Letter of Assesment assessment is based; otherwise, the assessment is void. Being
was issued and received by respondent Reyes, one of the heirs invalid, the assessment cannot in turn be used as a basis for
on 14 March 1997. the perfection of a tax compromise. This was clear and
mandatory under Section 228.
Then on 12 Feb 1998, a PAN was issued against the estate, and
a FAN as well as demand letter was issued on 22 April 1998 for Reyes was not informed in writing of the law and the facts on
the assessment of P14.9M for estate tax of the estate of Maria which the assessment of estate taxes had been made. She was
Tancinco. On March 11, 1999, the heirs proposed a merely notified of the findings by the CIR, who had simply
compromise settlement of P1,000,000.00. relied upon the provisions of former Section 22913 prior to its
amendment by Republic Act (RA) No. 8424, otherwise known
During those dates, RA 8424 Tax Reform Act was already in as the Tax Reform Act of 1997.
effect. RA 8424 stated that the taxpayer must be informed of
both the law and facts on which the assessment was based. To be simply informed in writing of the investigation being
The notice required under the old law was no longer sufficient conducted and of the recommendation for the assessment of
under the new law. First, RA 8424 has already amended the the estate taxes due is nothing but a perfunctory discharge of
provision of Section 229 on protesting an assessment. The old the tax function of correctly assessing a taxpayer. The act
requirement of merely notifying the taxpayer of the CIR’s cannot be taken to mean that Reyes already knew the law and
findings was changed in 1998 to informing the taxpayer of not the facts on which the assessment was based. It does not at all
only the law, but also of the facts on which an assessment conform to the compulsory requirement under Section 228.
would be made; otherwise, the assessment itself would be Moreover, the Letter of Authority received by respondent on
invalid. March 14, 1997 was for the sheer purpose of investigation and
was not even the requisite notice under the law.
Due to failure to pay tax on the deadline BIR notified on June
6, 2000 that the subject property would be sold at public 2. It would be premature for this Court to declare that the
auction on August 8, 2000. Hence the petition for review filed compromise on the estate tax liability has been perfected and
by Reyes in CTA and a TRO to desist and refrain from consummated, considering the earlier determination that the
proceeding with the auction sale of the subject property or assessment against the estate was void. Nothing has been
from issuing a warrant pending determination of the case settled or finalized. Under Section 204(A) of the Tax Code,
and/or unless a contrary order is issued. where the basic tax involved exceeds one million pesos or the
settlement offered is less than the prescribed minimum rates,
The CIR filed a motion saying CTA has no jurisdiction since the the compromise shall be subject to the approval of the NEB
assessment against the estate is already final and executory; composed of the petitioner and four deputy commissioners.
and (ii) that the petition was filed out of time Finally, as correctly held by the appellate court, this provision
applies to all compromises, whether government-initiated or
The CTA Ruled in favour of CIR ordering Reyes to pay the estate not. Ubi lex non distinguit, nec nos distinguere debemos.
tax amounting to 19M. CTA ratiocinated that there can only be Where the law does not distinguish, we should not distinguish.
a perfected and consummated compromise of the estate’s tax
liability, if the NEB has approved Reyes’ application for
compromise in accordance with RR No. 6-2000, as
implemented by RMO No. 42-2000.

CIR vs. WYETH SUACO LABORATORIES NO. Although the protest letters prepared by SGV & Co. in
G.R. No. 76281 September 30, 1991 behalf of private respondent did not categorically state or use
th words "reinvestigation" and "reconsideration," the same
are to be treated as letters of reinvestigation and
FACTS: reconsideration. By virtue of these letters, the Bureau of
Internal Revenue ordered its Manufacturing Audit Division to
On December 19, 1974, Wyeth Suaco received notice of review the assessment made. Furthermore, private
assessment from the BIR for its failure to remit withholding tax respondent's claim that it did not seek reinvestigation or
at source for the 4th quarter of 1973. The same was based on reconsideration of the assessments is belied by the
accrued royalties, remuneration for technical services paid subsequent correspondence or letters written by its officers,
abroad and cash dividends, including the deduction of non- as shown above.
deductible raw materials from its reports.
These letters of Wyeth Suaco interrupted the running of the
The company, thru its tax consultant, SVG & co., sent BIR two five-year prescriptive period to collect the deficiency taxes.
letters dated January 17, 1975 and February 8, 1975 protesting The Bureau of Internal Revenue, after having reviewed the
the assessment and requesting their cancellation or record of Wyeth Suaco, in accordance with its request for
withdrawal on the ground that said assessments lacked factual reinvestigation, rendered a final assessment. This final
or legal basis. Wyeth Suaco argued that it was not liable to pay assessment issue by then Acting Commissioner Ruben B.
withholding tax at source on the accrued royalties and Ancheta was date December 10, 1979 and received by private
dividends because they have yet to be remitted or paid respondent on January 2, 1980, fixed its tax liability at
abroad. It claimed that it was not able to remit the balance of P1,973,112.86 as deficiency withholding tax at source and
fifty percent (50%) of the accrued royalties to its foreign P61,155.21 as deficiency sales tax. It was only upon receipt by
licensors because of Central Bank Circular No. 289 allowing Wyeth Suaco of this final assessment that the five-year
remittance of royalties up to fifty percent (50%) only. With prescriptive period started to run again.
regard to what the Bureau of Internal Revenue claimed as the
amount of P2,952,391.00 forming part of the cash dividends Verily, the original assessments dated December 16 and 17,
declared in 1973, Wyeth Suaco alleged that the same was due 1974 were both received by Wyeth Suaco on December 19,
its foreign stockholders. 1974. However, when Wyeth Suaco protested the assessments
and sought its reconsideration in two (2) letters received by
On September 12, 1975, the CIR offered to compromise, but the Bureau of Internal Revenue on January 20 and February 10,
only resulted to a slight reduction of the tax as per the acting 1975, the prescriptive period was interrupted. This period
Commissioner’s decision on December 10,1979. Subsequently, started to run again when the Bureau of Internal Revenue
on January 18, 1980, Wyeth Suaco filed petition for review served the final assessment to Wyeth Suaco on January 2,
with the CTA, praying that CIR been joined from enforcing the 1980. Since the warrants of distraint and levy were served on
assessments by reason of prescription and that assessments Wyeth Suaco on March 12, 1980, then, only about four (4)
be declared null and void for lack of legal and factual basis. months of the five-year prescriptive period was used.

The CTA decided against the CIR holding that while the
assessments for the deficiency taxes were made within the
five-year period of limitation, the right of CIR to collect the
same has already prescribed, in accordance with Sec. 319(c) of
the NIRC.


Whether or not the right of CIR to collect has already


JOSE AZNAR vs. Court of Tax Appeals "substantial under declarations of income for six consecutive
GR No. 20569, 23 August 1974 years eloquently demonstrate the falsity or fraudulence of the
income tax returns with an intent to evade the payment of
FACTS: tax."

Petitioner, as administrator of the estate of the deceased, To our minds we can dispense with these controversial
Matias H. Aznar, seeks a review and nullification of the arguments on facts, although we do not deny that the findings
decision of the Court of Tax Appeals ordering the petitioner to of facts by the Court of Tax Appeals, supported as they are by
pay the government the sum of P227,691.77 representing very substantial evidence, carry great weight, by resorting to a
deficiency income taxes for the years 1946 to 1951. An proper interpretation of Section 332 of the NIRC. We believe
investigation by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue (CIR) that the proper and reasonable interpretation of said provision
ascertained the assets and liabilities of the taxpayer and it was should be that in the three different cases of (1) false return,
discovered that from 1946 to 1951, his net worth had (2) fraudulent return with intent to evade tax, (3) failure to file
increased every year, which increases in net worth was very a return, the tax may be assessed, or a proceeding in court for
much more than the income reported during said years. The the collection of such tax may be begun without assessment,
findings clearly indicated that the taxpayer did not declare at any time within ten years after the discovery of the (1)
correctly the income reported in his income tax returns for the falsity, (2) fraud, (3) omission. Our stand that the law should
aforesaid years. be interpreted to mean a separation of the three different
situations of false return, fraudulent return with intent to
Petitioner avers that according to the NIRC, the right of the CIR evade tax, and failure to file a return is strengthened
to assess deficiency income taxes of the late Aznar for the immeasurably by the last portion of the provision which
years 1946, 1947, and 1948 had already prescribed at the time segregates the situations into three different classes, namely
the assessment was made on November 28, 1952; there being "falsity", "fraud" and "omission". That there is a difference
a five year limitation upon assessment and collection from the between "false return" and "fraudulent return" cannot be
filing of the returns. denied. While the first merely implies deviation from the truth,
whether intentional or not, the second implies intentional or
Meanwhile, respondents believe that the prescription period deceitful entry with intent to evade the taxes due.
in the case at bar that is applicable is under Sec. 332 of the
NIRC which provides that: "(a) In the case of a false or 2. NO. The ordinary period of prescription of 5 years within
fraudulent return with intent to evade tax or of a failure to file which to assess tax liabilities under Sec. 331 of the NIRC should
a return, the tax may be assessed, or a proceeding in court for be applicable to normal circumstances, but whenever the
the collection of such tax may be begun without assessment, government is placed at a disadvantage so as to prevent its
at any time within ten years after the discovery of the falsity, lawful agents from proper assessment of tax liabilities due to
fraud or omission". Petitioner argues said provision does not false returns, fraudulent return intended to evade payment of
apply because the taxpayer did not file false and fraudulent tax or failure to file returns, the period of ten years provided
returns with intent to evade tax. for in Sec. 332 (a) NIRC, from the time of the discovery of the
falsity, fraud or omission even seems to be inadequate and
ISSUE: should be the one enforced.

1.Whether or not the deceased Aznar filed false or fraudulent There being undoubtedly false tax returns in this case, We
income tax returns. affirm the conclusion of the respondent Court of Tax Appeals
that Sec. 332 (a) of the NIRC should apply and that the period
2.Whether or not the action has prescribed. of ten years within which to assess petitioner's tax liability had
not expired at the time said assessment was made.

1. YES. Petitioner argues that Sec. 332 of the NIRC does not
apply because the taxpayer did not file false and fraudulent
returns with intent to evade tax, while respondent
Commissioner of Internal Revenue insists contrariwise, with
respondent Court of Tax Appeals concluding that the very

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