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Mobile Games Affect Students’ Academic Performance.

Part I: Respondents profile

Direction: Kindly fill-in all given information. Do not leave any space unanswered
except for your name which is optional

Name: _______________ (optional)

Age: _________________ Gender: _________________
Course: ______________ Year level: _______________

Part II: Survey on Mobile Games Affect Students’ Academic

Direction: Kindly place one check mark ( ) per item on the appropriate column
representing your answer using the following scale: Do not leave any item unanswered.

4 - Always
3 – Often
2 - Sometimes
1 – Never

A. Class Participation
Rater’s Scale
4 3 2 1
1. I fail to do my classroom
activities because of mobile
2. I am more interested to play
mobile games than to my
teachers’ discussion.

3. I prefer to study the strategy

I used in my mobile games in
my mind than draw the lesson
in class.
4. I am feeling much excited
with mobile games than to
review my notes for quizzes

5. I had rather cut classes and

have played mobile games.

6. I get frustrated when my

teacher asks me to answer.

7. I do not like to participate in


8. I do not like to listen to my

classmate ideas for the group

9. I do not like to take note

teachers’ discussion

10. I have fun scanning my

phone regarding the updates
of my mobile games.

11. I do not like my teacher for

his/her given example.

12. I do not like to do research

for my project.

13.I do not like to react to my

teachers’ discussion

14. I do not mind any given

instruction in the class.

15. I am not afraid if I don’t

have my activity.

Part II- B, C, D and E: Survey on Mobile Games Affect Students’

Direction: Kindly place one check mark ( ) per item representing your answer. Do not
leave any item unanswered.

B. Number of Hour Spent in Studying.

How long did you study your lessons in a day?
o Less than 20minutes not more than 40 minutes
o 40 minutes not more than 1 hour
o 1 hour not more than 1 hour and 20 minutes
o 1 hour and 20 minutes and above
C .Number of Hours playing Mobile Games.
How many hours spent in Playing Mobile Games in a day?
o Less than 1hour not more than 1 hour
o 1 hour not more than 2hours
o 2hours not more than 3 hours
o 3 hours and above
D.Frequency of Absences in the class.
How many days are you absent from the class in a month?
o Half day not more than 2days
o 2 days not more than 4 days
o 4days not more than 6 days
o 6days and above

E. Academic Final Grade in First Semester 2019-2020.

o 1.6 – 1.0
o 2.3 – 1.7
o 3.0 – 2.4

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