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The word communication is basically a process of interaction with the people and their

environment. Through such interactions, two or more individuals influence the ideas, beliefs, and
attitudes of each other. The whole journey of communication started with the caveman. They used to
gather around fire to discuss their everyday activities and engrave their knowledge on the cave. When
people started moving out of the caves, long distance communication became significant.

In today’s information age, knowledge is made readily available not only through cable or wired
connections but also through wireless communications that provides a better quality information
transfer between portable devices. Communicating with family and friends worldwide is now possible
with cellular phones. Exchanging documents can be done in a minute using Bluetooth. Even accessing
the internet in a restaurant or while commuting is now a regular thing because of Wi-Fi (Wireless
Fidelity). And the one thing they all have in common is that they operate in microwave frequencies.

Microwaves are electromagnetic waves with frequencies that range from approximately
500MHz to 300GHz or more. The prefix "micro-" in "microwave" indicates that microwaves have "small"
it has a short wavelengths falling along 1.0mm to 30cm. The main advantage of using microwaves in
communications is that it has the capacity to carry thousands of individual information channels
between two points without the need for physical facilities such as coaxial cables or optical fibers. It also
avoids the need for right-of-way acquisition between properties and are better suited for spanning large
bodies of water, going over high mountains, or going through heavily wooded terrain that impose
formidable barriers to cable systems. But with these advantages also comes disadvantages. Due to high
frequencies employed in microwave systems, it is more difficult to analyze and design circuits and to
implement measuring techniques and conventional components. Also, microwave frequencies
propagate in a straight line, limiting their use to line-of-sight applications.

Aside from those mentioned earlier, another line-of-sight application for microwaves is a point-
to-point communication link. It uses a beam of radio waves in the microwave frequency range to
transmit information between two fixed locations on the Earth. A point-to-point microwave
communication link is often employed in the form of fixed-link operator, utility private network, TV
distribution network and mobile backhaul network among other things.

In the succeeding parts, the group will design a point-to-point microwave communication link
with no specific application intended but with communication requirements identified. In this design,
the specified points of communication are Dangcol Balanga, Bataan as the receiver site while the
transmitter site can be any location at least 25km away from the receiver site. The maximum transmit
power is 2W with a receiver IF bandwidth of 10MHz. To meet ―industry standard‖, the performance
requirements range per link should be from a minimum of 99.999% availability (about 300seconds
outage a year) to 99.9996% (about 125seconds outage a year).
Today wireless technology is used in many applications well integrated into our everyday life.

Planning a good, stable and reliable microwave network can be quite challenging. Careful

planning and detailed analysis is required for a microwave radio system before the equipment

can be installed. A poorly designed path can result in periodic system outages, resulting in

increased system latency, decreased throughput, or worst case, a complete failure of the system.

Microwave/Radio Frequency Wave The term microwave refers to alternate current

signals with frequencies between 300 MHz and 300 GHz with a corresponding electrical

wavelength between λ = c/f = 1 m and λ = 1 mm respectively. Signals with wavelengths on the

order of millimeters are called millimeter waves. The relation between the frequency f and

wavelength λ being f λ = c, where c is the velocity of propagation of the radio wave, which is

equal to that of light waves in frees pace 3x108 m/sec. Any frequency within the electromagnetic

spectrum associated with radio wave propagation is referred to as Radio Frequency (RF). When

an RF current is supplied to an antenna, an electromagnetic field is created that then is able to

propagate through space. Many wireless technologies are based on RF field propagation.

Wireless Communication The basic motto of communication system is to ensure the

exchange of information in between the people. When this communications without wired then

it’s referred to wireless communications. Now a day this wireless communications gets more

attention from the Communication industry and provide better quality information transfer

between portable devices. Autonomous sensor networks, Multimedia, Video conferencing,

Distance learning and Internet enabled cell phone are the Valuable Applications of this

Historical Background “In 1888 historically microwave signal was first introduced by

Henrich Hertz at 66 cm wavelength (454.5 MHz) while millimeter wave signal was first

generated by Sir J. C. Bose in 1895 at 5 mm wavelength (60 GHz). Subsequently in 1890s Sir

J.C. Bose also generated microwave signal at wavelengths up to 2.5 cm (12 GHz) wavelength.

Besides Sir J. C. Bose also developed the world’s first solid state point contact detector working

at millimeter wave, infrared and optical wavelengths use Galena crystal as the detector material.

Bose also developed world’s first horn antenna and waveguide radiator for microwave and

millimeter wave bands. In 1899 Sir J. C. Bose developed a highly sensitive iron-mercury

detector in which a U-tube, made of glass, filled up with mercury, was used for a fine control of

mercury contact pressure to optimize the sensitivity of the detector. Subsequently in 1901

Marconi employed Sir J. C. Bose’s technique of the highly sensitive iron-mercury detector. Sir J.

C. Bose also worked for the first time on the response of living and nonliving materials to

microwave and millimeter wave bands, a subject which has now grown to a high level for the

studies of microwave hazards to living beings, animals and vegetation and also for microwave

diathermy therapy of tumor and cancer. From the above history of Science about Sir J. C. Bose

who worked pioneering on a wide range of fields in Radio Science it seems that Sir J. C. Bose

may be called the father of Radio Science. Investigations of the millimeter waves were continued

and stimulated by scientific and military developments. In 1930 the observation by L. A. Hyland

of the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) about the reflection of radio signals from over flying

aircrafts, stimulated the investigation of radar techniques for detecting flying aircrafts in NRL.

During World War 2 J. H. Van Vleck predicted theoretically the Oxygen absorption band at 60

GHz. In 1950 Hughes Aircraft Company successfully extended the frequency range of coupled

cavity traveling wave tubes to millimeter waves. In1960 intensive work in millimeter wave
technology was done at BTL on the development of solid state components required in the

development of underground repeaters using low loss over modes waveguides which was also

first developed by Sir J. C. Bose. 10 In 1970s, Hughes began manufacturer a solid state sweep

generator which apparently triggered a chain of development in Hughes in the Millimeter wave

Technology area of a full range of device”

1.2 Objectives

This proposed project aims to expand the communications system from Malabalay

City, Bukidnon to Datu Odin Sinsuat, Maguindanao, and to develop a high-speed wireless

bridge for data transmission.

Specifically, the following may be mentioned:

a. To be able to design a reliable Point-to-Point Microwave Cellular

Communications System;

b. To be able to design a ―fully-operational‖ microwave link system having the ideal

reliability of 99.9999%;

c. To be able to identify the general principles in Microwave Communications;

d. To be able to create a project that will help the students attain the idea of

microwave design more systematically and analytically; and

e. To be able to provide the students a material that will serve as their guide in

making their own microwave design.

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