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Aiea ee eneamnee Se ANALOG COMMUNICATIO NS = UNIT-I INTRODUCTION Communication the tem communication. eres to sending, receiving ard processing of fnformatfon by electronic means. Communication System: Any electronic Commanicatfon SySten can be represented tn tS basic Mim as Show ccan [rita ; Zeenat) oot: Inforeration) [ransett east "Hf Rece’ “= est fnat’ "| c bared pmedicicn, i NOTES Sauree Bloc diagram oF Communication system Information : the communtcation systems exits to convey a mmesgage. THIS message Comes fiom tne ‘foformation Source. ThE armoant oF Poforenation Contofned fn given message Can be MEASEI Fn BLS or AitS : wanserftter: The mescage arriving: From “the “Toformatfon Source” | 'S mot cuitable for tmmediate tranSsmigsion. The transmitter 7 | © collection gf electronic civcutts’ designed to convert the fafo- Ieration Fato a Signal cuftable fer bansmission over a given Coramanication médiarn. me buit- to circattry gach as decoders, EMCOAES , LHANSAUCE!S etc, Fo: the transmission manes: tncamiog Roformation Soitable for GanSmission and Subsequent 1eception) Communication cba0ne|; 1b 73 the median: by @bicis the elect: | ronic Signal 1S transmitted fromm one place to. another veperatg © tre type oF Commantcatfon medium the Communtcation. ays. | tem can be clossified as |, Give Cornrranication one communication 2 BHEIESS Comerantcation or Rad?O Communt cation Ror g GES: The Channel May Simply be a "Raty of cafes” that camy the Signal fiom one end to another Ex: telephone Lines : Ceascial Gables: ‘me conscfal cables are . prefered over a.-fote & Gres erat carry tne signal fiom one end to other... mey Provide ‘greater handéostath » lader losses and much lower croRs tal, the coastal cable ies consigts of a’ tube Carrytag: a camber coasdta: cables together. atth repeaters and other anctiary eae: penent, Efber optic cables: Fiber optic cables are used for l?gnt and Infrared GaNSeFesions. The cables are log thin Strand glass or plastic f?ber having circaloy cress section ait a d?ameter only a faction oF toch. 4 Light Source & placéd at one cm. | lard light PASSES Enrougn PL . AN eExckatS At other erct of tne cab Tracsmiasion Ln€S: The electrfcar (tres GonIch ave ased to Garett electric COVES along them are Canled bracsmigsion lf The LrOnSenfaston Hoes are most Cocpmonty aged % Power Ait | pation and th Commanications Gave guides: Gave guides: are “haiow condactfag babes havirg | anfformn cross GECLOR USI to guide electro magnetic cuaves | | Garemizston Hoes can Sappot Ont brareverse elect magnetic | cacve,, canfle a canve gaol Can Support many diferent posstbie Fred configarations. | Radio Communication: Radio commanication %& a aiveless | | gO ‘prys?cal aires betadeen transmitter | Coramanication , Qont and vecever bo Cony ne Signal. “WIS essertiay veqaves «| 200 ANLENMOS , ONE AL“ LYANEMMittfeg EN And the OCthey at tre | | recetving end noise: NOISE % Yandom %& andestrabie elecbic enegy that center> tne Communication Systere Via, the mediam and tterge ettn the warenitted neadage Noise efther Nataval or Mant -anicatioo systern Reclever: A vecetvey %& a callectfon g clectionic ‘chicas déstgnact tO convert: tne SPanal "backs to the oig?oal goon MADE NOEE GT Prterfere Gm SBoal at any pofet Of the comm. =| | | | Te Coreict pommleic, ae OKC, CSCTICLO, ‘trarsducer etc,| fasion @e Se modulation @ technique for the Communication Néed for Mddalation ana iS Advantages: In order to Avoid limitations of base.bacd trarém- oF baseband signal £ The original foformation Signal either analog or digttal ave refered to as base band Synal] The advantages of Modulation technique are 1. R@daces height of Antenna: The minfmum height oF the ' antenca reaahed Por transmission aca» reception; of Sigal | 16 Mu. Te cave lengtny A= SE n= Se cz Light velocity f= Renuarey or ora From the akove ‘elation fer loco Freqaarcy signal Seal Weight enust be very nigh. Exc: Congidler bese band ae oF fiequancy fe 15 hie Height of antenna = ar _ 2, 33 She * 15x10 TRIS Bhim hetgint vertical antenna % adpracticabie * consider eradalated sigeal aofte imHz Frequancy 3 HEIgNt OF Antenna = ee Oe A 7S mates Sach height of antenra ?S procticably possible. i fo AYOINS mfcctag oF SiQal! The transefesion of baae band signais| Fiore vovtous Sources causes thé mixtay of Signal aA then te dligficait to separate at veciever ¢rd Inoder to seperdte various Sigeals, ft fs nece- Bary to Hansiate them ail to different. portions OF Channel ard €ath must be given ate %& caon channel bancicofatn TIS Con be achieved by towing different carer Frequary| for defferent Signal Soxyrce. Increase the WANE OF Communication: Modalation epfective: increcee the FreEQuarcy oF Signa) to be radfatea ang tag trcvenses the distance over cobicn, Sigrot can be bang. emitted farengany. Hy ‘ “A. ances enult?plesciag 1 The maduiation pemnits noaltiplextag tO be < OSGI LE LO OF MOE SIGNAIS AE transmitted Sierultaccousy Over the: Saime channel | 5. anows Adjasiments fo band width: Gw qf tne Sigal may be tran the ortgfral Signal, (US the made Senaiier ov layger Signa! to noBe ratio can be tmproved Siece P&S a fUrction| & Bandasiath. 6. Improves, Quality of yeception: Modulation reduce tne effect F cole, thas by fmproves tne quartty of reception. MULTIPLEXING: * muitiplesciog” & the sending oF camber oF | | | | \ Seperate Signals bogetine, over tre Same channel . Sfmaitanecsy) and aftroat Mmterferance. Thee GE tao tyPES oF maltiplesctag | 1 Freaaancy divigon multiplesag £FOMI 2. Time divigon maltiplesing Crom] [sto 1. Ereqaanty diviSon muitiplesiog : .Mallfpleactog requires that the Signals be bept apart SO trat they do not FaterFere coftn €ach Other ard bus trey Can be Seperated at receiving end. ™me techn - “que g Separating the ‘Sigeat fn frequarcy % refered to a fleauarcy discon maitipiesting, aod POEs Friter i Bond comer load Meese FOSS Gatos | ees uaa Fite, TOS Fier, CabPats a Mescage Loco-ROeS madara. PopatS — Ffiters “tO 1o-—— LP} + moo} ire 2 Le moo} Bp} i ft Nn LP Mot tip message Signais:, assumed to be OF tne to POS > gis piitertog || that do ‘rot. conti bo: we i | eype are passed thYoagh Input loco pass filter ey | action | -te segnipicantly 6 Signal representation rernoves. brah Frequancy Components bat aay distarb ter channel ' easage signals that share the comman ave tren madaiaccd the ffitered message Signal signal canter Freauanctes Gith the help GF madalatos:| mreculators ceed to vestrkt Ss pegibed 1a0ge. Tm eantth form 1c i earth necessary, [the band pass ffiter foucosing the the bond of each modulated ave to ft catpat g¢ BP ffiters ae Combined fo parellel fopat to tne comman changel Ae receiving end | bard Fass filcerS connected to | ene comman channel Seperate the. message Sigaals,0e oS freawarcy occupancy hasis. Finally, te ovigfral message SiIgTa's @ve vecovered by Madividaal modaiatorS. Modlaiation fo Several Stages; consicer a System based on FDM providing Q60 Channels €ach cecapyieg Apne Here enodala- - on %& dore Wn Several CaScodied Stages. | 1. Foch pregroap modulator provides three Ccawier PaQtors | at 2,16 and 2ouNZ- HEE Upper Side bard) Modulation % assed | tras the FPSt Channel fiorn base banc Sigea! 0-4 Kuz oxorte the FAG Channel SL for IAKHZ- IEKHZ, The 20h 31d chaneds Q0ES fn 16-20 KHZ, 20-2U KHZ yespectively. al eness Channel i ave ackied to form a pregroup arnt Sent to one OF group modalatey fnpats ene | 6 a cunry ee eae i | ee Scramnels fining pregicup (1IOKH?? a 2. tne group modulator provide feay Carer at 84 KHZ,A6 KHZ, | 6B WHE; Bo WHZ. Here, four PYEgICUP Signals ave moved by 158 | meadaiatfon fnto four Congecative freq~uancy SIS AS Shodan | tn FR Because F LSB ovcler OF FrEQuarcies are YeverSed. Al! | Poor carries are SuppSsal and o/P fiom Poor mocialatogs ac | extcca to fore a grcap. These groups are given as fp for crore qiop ciart?> | = | Iocharse! Sheop CAB KH) | | 3. Boch caper group madalator. provides confer at 480, 465. 516, | 564 aed GlO'KHZ. AQAIO LSB mookaiation tavcs place and % | Places the 5 gwup SBMals fo SOS a3 Sloan fo FH. 4a the oder of Frea's cofthin Gach Slot & reversed by the [SB MoH -alatfon and all Cafes are Suppressed The 5 O/PS ave tren! eckied and Sent to tne mhpat of master grcap madalatoy lacrarre! grunts ce 4 iB cafe ett A | lo PN ES | Gear 3a WeMie ee AGS SSG SED anne! Saper reap C&40 xe) A. Bac erogter gyoap endalator provi 16 cawier, Preqaanctes. smese axe QUIN ISB manialatad to give 16 Supergroaps . THe Olp | nese 16 Super grcaps*Eddled to give master group. As Sreton fo fy, the FPSL 3 Slots ae Seperated by 16HzZ ana the rem}. reer by BHHZ. TE Complete Signal Contains 960 FLOM Channels each Ave ade 'o a abe Tange Fiom € t AOeB HHZ let Sho @ fpowenz qeeeeeeceeemecs NY SO Choreeis master SAP C2MKE Hz | | AMPLITUDE MODULATION: The process ie tre carrfer #5 varfed . fn.accordance: .cpitrs Une Tnstastancous | value of, tre base band signal, and “Gece fe 8S kept bo te recping | freawancy and phase of the Carvier Conatant Mot Time domain description: coretder a Sfausofda! cavifer a \ case bare! Sigra! @ave Cct» Defined by) Octo? Ae COS(ENRL) > WHEE Ac = Caner emplitade fe = flequarcy of carrer t by. Ghich tne amplitude ; = OY ne canter Sigeal let ect» denote the bose bang. ¥ Signal ahich cates Specfagtion op tne message and 8 given by [ MCED. = An COS. COM Fint ) GHEE Am = Ermplrtade oP message | Tht ypeaaiatest”™ | a etme proptttude _ | signa | fro = FREQ. OF message Ssina\’ Am arplitase modatated eave mag? fs tras be desc?bad as a. fanction F Lee fo the form ate Sct) = Ac Li+ hamced cescemfet) cae Hq B corBtant called the amplitude Sensitivity & the modulator. Tre Envelope gp tne ects Bs the bond signar fe I hamctl<1 5 for ant! Gre Coyrier aves. becomes over modwiated:: The meaalatear Wave tren Sxnibits envelope distortion. Medialatfoo factor? The mapulation factor w=: Ka Am EB 2 Atmension 183 comtat. Alto refered 60 oS modaiatfon Podéx. res valae Te 1S vey Eben excpreased ag Percentage ' (0. ard caiied oS Percentage madalation:.. % modalation = AP «100 x Ac ee | Same Shape as base TE IHamcoler then | Am, fon Be aleaays eS betarsen 041 by “raaiti ply tog atty Eyeaxiansy domato steodl ROE The expression for the mackriated amve & given by | Scere Ao Li tHe cncty 1 068 COM bY" eorere axtys Am COS CEN Fmt) | Sets Ac Lit Ka Amn CoB CBM fant VJ coBcenrel> fas = Ac Cit 4 COS COMfint I Coscenfely {0 Ys to Oe] = Ac COBEMPEL FAC! COS CBM fent): COB CENTRE E = Ac COBENIEE + HAC Cos CTT FE Font Y~ gece en Ce f. coSa dé = B £c0s (Q%b>~ CoBCarb)) opserve the above expression ‘ FRGL term — ANmodulated caer. Toso additional cers Procuced are tne to Side bands culiiead. The FeqQoa~y F | tre Locoey side band (158) % -fn- and the filequancy F APRer | Se bang tuse) % fe+Fr- epply foarfer transform on botnSives “for ao SAY = AE LSCF-REI+SCFH FEI + HOACE MeFH Fed + mcerre a) | Suppose tre base band signa! fs band lfmitea to te faterval -WE FEW. The Shape of SPEectYaMm aol) be as Srccon. | meh) : exp). m | 7 Ag Bee) | E | S Bce-Fe> | lar, : __patorene | e app! | \Seera ‘eee a ihe SEE nan {3 \ ‘ | Tew fe ° as 3 | Spectrans of Base tard : Sipear | Bandooiatn gr AM Gave Tre bard width. Can be measured | by Subtracting lamest fSQaaKKy OP the Sigrai fiom the higrest Frewarcy & tre Signal Wt fose- Fico Bio =f +f) ~ C FoF) [B= BF | a a | sefore cae wrceo that StL = Ae 008 CanRt + AA cos.[aN CFe- Fede SINGLE TONE - Mge cos len Cre tft} | sine fourier tyanaforen of Sct> 1S SCP) = b Ac LOCF-R ISHED] Hom, 4b Mac [6C Fo fer fin) + OCF+RE - Fen] 4 “Yrc LSCP-Reefin) + OC Pr Fe + Am] Thus, the Spectrum OF AM GOVE - fv Sfougofoal oad sation consist of’ delta. farctions at +fc', fot fen O00 - fe Fro “me message bardaidth f denoted by Ww H® fleasancy domain | presentation or feawaney | d In Gere domain representation , . the excpreaston for maodalating Gave cty= Am COS C2NMfmt) ANA fOr the Gayr fer (Signal 8. Cctd= Ac COS CENELY- Then. thé ConeSporaling am | ave % given by ect) = Ac Ci+41 Cos Canfint 1 Gos cenget > Goheve Us Kadam. To avoid me envebpe ‘afatortion due to over madalation Ww value -enust be Kept less than anity Sretch Sms Sct. for wa less tran anity. Let Amox aNd Amo denote the endocimun MEM VaINeS F the envelope. g¢ modulate! cave Qnd Amin F Ac Gul) OE Amin, COON Amax 2 CHW | Amo C=a) = Arnag- diAmox = Amin +UAmto ox [ye Amma Atos Arras + Amin, power Relations fo aM Bayes: sre total powergr tne AM Gove | Cavey power Rand POMS fo UO Stae bands Puse 4 Piss f we samo tre Pr = Per Pose + Pisg sme average carer power = CAIGPL AP ey R eR chee R % Chavacter Stic fmpadance oF AnkeoTa fo cone tne power & aleipated. Sirflovly che average poate, oF toro Sloe bards 9a be Piss = Pose = (“xe L BRAP 8 ey i € ze Be | RAC tac | The ave 7 . acd, wPAc®, Pact wage total FOO. m= $e + ES = : Swe) =e (wil | | | | | | | | | | 1 MOocienum value of Jet ' | Pda = POM) = OR Af | fiom ©8© Piss = Pose = Hach. HP Ae. LP a G aR qa > variations of Carrier pocaey and total SOE hand” Pour lth percentage madalattor %S Snare fo figure. pure. 0 fo be & Bo 10, mooiaiation | frewaarcies , ta20 apper Soe band Freauanctes, Cf fed Fet fing) cahere © Smplitades Wolkage)} wi modatation factor wire’ ape (EF oe Efftctency gf conventional am system: It % defined a5 te Percentage of total power beng cawied by side bands: Poide bands Protai EFrictency act 100% Modalation by Several Skae Groves: ( Molt? tone) Let us coreidler there axe tox modulating signals MACE) = Ary, COB ent MECH = Amy COSGngt- Total madalatirg Sigeal = Mm, cbr engct) = Arm, COSMmn,t + Ama COS@mnat and SCO = CAct Am, COSGiIm,t + AME COSAWmagt,) COSAKE = Ac Cit bh COScomt+ Up COSA ngt ) COSA = Ac COBGE + Uh COS CaR-COnYe = WAS COS COX * Giks tb) 2 * URAC ets Code ~ Org do~ tate COS CAL+Om—t) 0, Ft tad manKalating Signal axe get Foar dediitfonas ret tend lawer Stlebard Freqaancies €F~fem SB fe- Fine) ARB Fini< Fong GE CAN choad the FrEAGONCY SPECtran| AM ave fo freqaancy domate as shown Yorey, fs pase Barely fre a Re eGo fen, “fins fet+fmg WE Cota! Fewer fo AM ADVE Pr= Re + PosG,+ Poses + PSG, j +Pisea = CABS uPA URAC ubac wud ad =e ee Be — 2 $C (a ue Pre'ae Gg 74 = BP, Py RC Bs us") Ip ce corte Le testead of Mi ond te treo * = we fr Fe Cir He”) Corppaving above equations i ‘ | HP JP UP & 2 2 GENERATION OF AM WAVES: we can generate AM cave anfth to techodes: | boop level Madlalation! Im this the generation g¢ AM eave tarts) place fo tre finitial stage | Amplication re Ala leap poower level. The generated’ AM signal ts then amplified asing, cunbey g Amoplifier, Stages: BHigh level modulact To tis modulation tanes piece to Froal Stage of Amplification and therefore eroouiation - circattry has to handle high pacer exe hove too moackaiatos to generate Standad Am 5 A SQaare., Low. mradalater Yeautres three fEatayves: A Sarmer for Saroering (ne cavfer and madalating cave A700 Rogar element . ard A band pass Fritey Por Exctroctfng tre destvaea Mmadalation products. we, taned tO ana: Oct. AS a. bare! FASS Fitter | BRAS H@ave Maselator restorS Ae Ue ost COmmo0 noo Irsoy devices Used! for fenplernentfng, eQuare- La@ MEdaIotor Heve, band pos Friter $5 fenplermented sing a Sigil o Oouble toned friter If a con: tinsay element sucn os diode &S softaby brosad and operated fo a yestricted portion OF tee characterstics fed to diode & relatively adsar. treo can ‘be epreseted closely Gembcondactor AfoaeS aNd HO | | lee elfesie- Yes ie Signa! appl tre chavacterstics oF Ofode resistor Vect> = Mice + deviecey +O | | by Aaa law: Vachs. 5 ol YOItage CoherE OQ, AM Ay ATE COMANS | victy t FP voltage consisting oF canter enociajatiag OPONe WCE = Ac COBEMAEE T CCE? j]+ aalaccosanfee+ © vet 2 codanfet +a ace) cab fA @ Vacty= alAc coSaME E+ mct = Q\Ac COSAMIEE + AML) + ARAC = asAc[i+ QPexv] coscenrct + ayenct) + Aare codcenfet? oe ee UD: FOnenceyt AM. Gave. ancanted “bers, fm gives the vesuittng voltage devGioped across wis the primary coining oF o/p braceformner “TAS FPS CIM SO lestiad AM GOVE. IN Ed. Kas BOe/a, % Cre amplttade Sensitiviy OF AMaANe. ThE ancoanted terms fo tre eqaation ave Yemoved i by Fiteving, and the FPiter Shaul have the Forccaing Specifications t midband frequancy = fe Band oof = = Bf and for Fen Seoftchieg mModalator: : Io tte erodalator tre diode & OSM pod act asa cxottcn, ne f presentS Ze frepedance conte R&S foveoard braced and fofinite frmpedance aren ft f reverse biased. me Cece Gxxftorn % controlled by the Carier agave cct Ghen cce fs greater Eran 6 dake & fora biced, ctner coige: fe fs, reverse biased , becouse fn tis. circuit, ampiftade op the carviey @ave cl) applied to ene dicde & large. hia ‘ an Veet? canes i901 ceo ene coscemree) gies oct? Ge cesteehs aed = iC fe COO. vice ‘ eaxttchirg Motialator’ asieg Aone” Fe qe era that Vict) = Ac COBCAM FEE FOND ee st conere_lenct)! < Bren by ae oe are “5 \ eo Ti Srots a= pla7u ] 2 toy Tol an= 2% . gooey | cosnaat dt = "ley ‘e 2 t—Toly coo 2p, - 27 Ste on) 5 1 Sto ota , Foote | 22 Ceo omg} OC 2/19) 7 (21/To) on Be. goes G0. FPe.028. a -=2 Bom, for 925.9 Yon, for OF 3, TM === + Qpce) = Spc z 142 ie. Gab GAKRd WHE VOCE? = Caccos alifet+ ep Let F cosemeet J > sofa met}oooamet + ancnantad bee ter tn tre equation % the esived AM GONE ce FRek she ancanted teers %e cote acpittude senartivity Kaz AlttAc: vect> ave yernoved by USieg Gard PASS efter. { AVES! «THe detector"'or “gemeadiaiator” ofrcafe | Segnal and ‘recovers ‘orgtnar adalating sigeal laiators ave digcusead” beloc? | am Signal “can ibe demadiaiated* by DETECTION OF OF AM WAVES accepts a modalated meat commonly cased demo Square - Lag detector! An gAaaring % and tren passing tre: sacred signal throagh a low 1 CHaVACte/SLISS OF foo lPasandevite, pass Ffiter. qe Koa the brarefe a G12 FOSS f-?e gtven.oS vact)= ayy ctor dgvRCty PE et Fear ' oetcee | Fe |! oe VCE = Ac El Koa rch 1 COS AMEE ‘ : covet) = O)DAc CH Raenctyd ee yoga Nate cp ipaté top fac Cancel) cos angetl® eee ' i i = Oy Ac COBBLE LI+ Hamby + wacinit ines enecoe tet | | | y | an lad Li+ 8Hacnct) + HePeRcbd co® cancer] / | Ac Lhe Ha Pty] COS CAMEL * HAAR. LB MgMNCEd + a Perko: | | Circoscumpetd =a sre tern: RaarEnamct> represent dested signal. 15, tenn con. be exctracted cofth the LP Fiber. Anotner ter Raark KRnED Yeprecents freaacncy components cbich’ ae steiiay | '60 desired Frequancy. They may’ gives rise: to distortion ane | | eatto of aaanted signal to distorted signal iS Quai to a ints vouto con be HeRe ign by Henfting the % modulation, ont | lea ract)! Small Comparai atin ankty for aii t. | Eovelone detector’ an envelope detector 8 a Stenple and | | pigniy effective device trat 7S coen- sufted for the democlati & eoneed band @M Gave Cie the carter Freauancy %& lage Com: -Fared adfth cnadalating signal banda@idtn)- In this, the IP OF tre detector NOS Envelope, oF the emadalated Signa). hence the 3Rs = : yar ne ecty Tre Circatt consist of ofoae Am Signar [ve re ty rosttixe rain can coe oad, (eee om and a: vesiStov, capacitor Fiiter,. Tes, |cfrcatt ‘tS: also..Anacn a6. diode, det: S Caapodites Yortose ctor In the te: hag cycle op. Am ates gem SOnay,. dfade “Conducts and carrent: E Freans through R aohereas fo: the i | = “ Envelope arcl voltage, 0008S | ve haip cycie , dfodie ts: reverse . Capacitor | biased and no canet FloxS trougin -R. AS A VeSalt- Only +vE AIP | OF ENE AM GAVE APPEAIS ACYOSS RO. On .the “tvE hap cycle, the... | diode ?S formad biased and the Capacitor ¢ chages ap rapidly. | €o the peaw® valae of tne MP Sigeal. cored the. tip Signal pars | belaw this valae, the dfode becomes. reverse biased and tre lcapacftor clfacharges “Slowly. the load: vesistance Ri. THe oPecharg} POSES’ COMLPAUES “AN Ene... MEXt POSttive -ha~.cycie. Goner tne te | Signal: KecorneS! greater Ehan the VOILAge ACrOSS cafacttor , the i dade conducts Again and tre process & ‘epeatan. - | To: Rapisly charge’ Capactter to PEAK value Of: fe Signal, the time constant -. Ret<< Ve. and tre diechargrng, tire COPBEANE | eneBe Ue te the Poterval i pigs ¥ R<< Ricx< 7 ern ee ‘concce’ w' f tne ~mesage Sa

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