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Shamlal Puri

In its heyday, Tanzania had more than 150,000 Asians but their
numbers dwindled due to mass emigration. In 1994 there were UK.
For decades Indians successfully
50,000 in the Tanzania mainland and 4,000 in Zanzibar. Today,
built a commercial base throughout
Tanzania has around 40,000 Asians. Tanzania giving them top positions
on the national economic map for
their business acumen.
Although the Indian diaspora
has been an integral part of Tanzania
for decades, social problems have
persisted. They live in their own
communities separated from the
local society, triggering resentment
and mistrust among indigenous
In its heyday, Tanzania had
more than 150,000 Asians but their
numbers dwindled due to mass
emigration. In 1994 there were
50,000 in Tanzania mainland and
4,000 in Zanzibar. Today, Tanzania
has around 40,000 comprising
communities ranging from Hindus,
Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh Sir Jayantilal Keshavji ‘Andy’ Chande Sunni Muslims, Shia Ithnasheris,
and his wife Gursharan Kaur on a state Bohras, Sikhs, Jains, Christians and
visit to Tanzania, with their hosts completion of the railway while Zoroastrians making an intriguing
thousands settled in Kenya. They diversity in this nation of 44.6 million.

ndian traders visited the spice moved to the neighbouring Though Indians represent less
island of Zanzibar, now part Tanganyika Territory in search of than 0.2% of Tanzania’s population,
of Tanzania, as far back as 1st opportunities and set up Dukas they control 75% of the business.
Century BC. In the 1890s, they (shops in Swahili) and were known as Energetic and utterly business-
migrated to East Africa, sailing in ‘Dukawallas’. oriented, with a huge network
dhows, establishing themselves as a While discriminating against of contacts, their contribution
very hardworking, honest, religious the indigenous Africans, British to Tanzania’s development is
and skilled community of traders. colonialists allowed Asians to unparalleled, making them the most
Zanzibar’s most famous visitor establish a specific caste tier system, admired and rich people of the
was Mahatma Gandhi, who stayed their own education system, temples African sub-continent.
on the island en-route from South and social centres. Apart from their contribution
Africa, and for a long time, the Rupee When Tanganyika became to Tanzania’s economic and social
was Zanzibar’s currency. independent on 9 December 1961 development, Asians have even
The British originally brought Asians with British Protectorate participated in advancing local
Indians to East Africa to build passports were given a choice of aspirations for independence.
railroads between Mombasa, Kenya acquiring Tanzanian nationality. The The names of Tanzania’s Asians
and Kampala, Uganda. majority became citizens while those ring out like a roll call of millionaires
A majority returned home on who declined went to India or to the who have helped to put the country

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on the world map of economic
Businessman Mohammed
Dewji is the first Asian in modern-
day Tanzania to be featured on the
cover of the July 2013 issue of the
prestigious Forbes magazine with
a headline “100 Hours a Week; $85
million a year.”
Dewji, popularly known as ‘Mo’ Tanzanian-born Indian beauty Richa Adhia Hatim Karimjee, who heads
is a businessman, philanthropist and was crowned Miss Tanzania in 2007 the Karimjee Jivanjee empire
politician who has built his family-
nationalisation. Their business
run business in Tanzania from a mere beeswax and cloves from Zanzibar
empire saw tough times between
$30 million to $1.1 billion in 12 years. and the East African mainland to
1964 and 1990 but their fortunes
Mo said that when he joined India. The business was later handed
have bounced back with increasing
Mohammed Enterprise Tanzania over to his three grandsons who
(METL) in 1999, its annual revenue managed it very successfully. By
Today, Hatim Karimjee, the
stood at US$26 million. With a the time Karimjee died in 1898, the
descendent of this family, holds the
projected $1 billion turnover in 2013,
reins of the business empire which
METL employs 24,000 people – 5% of
continues to grow. He is also the past
Tanzania’s formal employment sector
District Governor of the Rotary Club
- in a corporation involved in trading,
at Oyster Bay, an organisation that is
manufacturing, agriculture, financial
known for its charity work.
services, real estate, distribution and
The list of this renowned
family’s charitable deeds is long and
METL’s revenue contributes
impressive; something that even
just over 3% of Tanzania’s GDP. “In
President Jakaya Kikwete noted
agriculture, METL is the largest
when he launched Hatim Karimjee’s
landowner in Tanzania with over
book, The Karimjee Jivanjee Family -
600,000 hectares to its name. In
Merchant Princes of East Africa.
textiles, we are the largest textile Tanzanian business tycoon Mohammed The Karimjee Jivanjee family
manufacturers in sub-Saharan Africa,” Dewji (right) was honoured by Forbes
reflects triumph over hardship of the
he said. magazine
Tanzanian Asians in general. They
The illustrious Karimjee company had a presence in Europe. helped transform a poor region into
family has lived in Tanzania for Foundations for a massive today’s East Africa.
195 years and are pioneers of expansion were laid after the The pioneering Late Keshavji
the Asian community. In 1818 company moved from Zanzibar to Jethabhai Chande left Gujarat, first
Jivanjee Buddhabhoy, the son of Dar es Salaam in 1943. set foot in Kenya in the early 1920s
Buddhabhoy Noormuhammed, a Aside from business, the and quickly moved to Tanzania
small scale hardware merchant, from family also built and donated where he owned a shop selling
Mandvi in Kutch, arrived in Zanzibar community schools, gymkhanas, consumer goods and fuel in Bukene
and set up a small trading firm which and medical facilities for the poor. Its village. The family later established
was to become one of the largest philanthropy and community service a rice and maize flour milling and oil
conglomerates in East Africa. was recognised when the British crushing business. His son Jayantilal
Buddhabhoy gave his business Government bestowed knighthoods Keshavji Chande (Andy or JK) took
to his three sons – Pirbhoy, Karimjee on Yusufali and Tayabali. over the family business in his
and Esmailjee. The brothers Yusufali’s son Abdulkarim was 20s and has been active in social,
separated and in 1861 Karimjee the Mayor of Dar es Salaam and political and business circles for half
established his own enterprise speaker of the Tanzanian Parliament. a century.
exporting commodities including Many of the family’s properties He held important positions as a
ivory, copra, groundnuts, cereals, were expropriated in post-revolution member of the Governor’s Executive
Zanzibar and during Tanzania’s Council (Cabinet) and the National


Dar es Salaam City Devotees praying at the Shri Swaminarayan
Hindu Temple in Dar es Salaam
Assembly until independence. The Tanzanians through voluntary and
charitable sectors. He founded the economy”. Racists have disparagingly
then Prime Minister Julius Nyerere
Tanzania Deaf Society and School called them “wanyonyaji” (exploiters)
offered him an electoral constituency
and was Chancellor of Tanzania saying they are not black. Ironically,
but he turned it down to concentrate
International Medical Technological their positive side is ignored.
on the family business.
University. He is also the former Many Asians concede there are
The family is among the most
World President of Round Table and rotten apples in every society and
important architects in developing
Affiliated Youth Organisation and a theirs is not an exception. Over
Tanzania’s milling trade. Their
past Rotary International Governor. the years, it has had its share of
business, Chande Industries, was
In 2003, Queen Elizabeth criminals who have been convicted
nationalised in 1967 by President
conferred on him a Knighthood. of economic sabotage or have fled
Nyerere under the Arusha
India honoured him with the abroad after salting away millions.
Declaration when thousands of Asian
prestigious Pravasi Bhartiya Samman Positively, the Tanzanian
properties and businesses were
award. leadership acknowledges
expropriated. Smarting from their
Tanzania’s economically effective their contribution to national
losses many Asians left Tanzania, JK
Indian descendent community is development, acknowledging they
‘Andy’ Chande stayed on without any
mainly concentrated in the major are largely saviours not saboteurs.
feelings of rancour.
regional centres of Dar es Salaam, President Kikwete has noted
The Chande family’s private
Arusha, Dodoma, Morogoro, the benevolent deeds of the Asian
sector business and eight similar
Zanzibar, Mwanza and Mbeya. They community and character, which
firms were turned into a government
are also spread in small numbers all he said, have “demonstrated to us
parastatal, National Milling
over the country. that patriotism is not defined by the
Corporation (NMC).
They hail from Gujarat - mainly colour of our skin or the origin of our
Nyerere appointed him CEO and
Kutch and Kathiawad. They also fathers. It is about what you do.”
General Manager of NMC because
help in strengthening India’s ties Bhupendra Patel, a third
of his expertise and knowledge. He
with Tanzania, in trade and business, generation Tanzanian whose
worked full time for 35 years and
culture and in other areas. ancestors came from India eight
established himself as a shrewd
Asians who have chosen to decades ago, agrees with President
businessman and a highly capable
manager. remain have done very well but
JK has been the director of 25 problems of integration still remain.
companies spanning the whole However, this is easing today as there
spectrum of national life from have been inter-marriages between
banking to agriculture. He was Asians and indigenous Tanzanians.
also involved with government But there is restlessness in
corporations - Tanzania Tourist the lower and middle echelons of
Corporation and East African Tanzania’s African community. Egged
Harbours Corporation. He held many on by mischievous politicians, Asians
prestigious positions in Tanzania and are riled as economic saboteurs and
internationally, including London- accused of fuelling corruption. Some UK-trained Optometrist Husseinali
based Commonwealth bodies. have accused them of being “strange Datoo runs Vision Plus in Dar es Salaam
He also served deprived bedfellows out to Asianise the with a goal to serve Tanzanians in eye



Young dancers at Onam celebrations Ranchod Oza in his photo studio in Indian businessman enjoys a cup of
organised by Kalamandalam in Dar Zanzibar ‘kahawa’ (coffee) in his shop

but with the changes in post-

Kikwete. independence politics, particularly
“We are Tanzanians of Asian the Arusha Declaration, many
origin. We know no other home. pioneers migrated overseas.”
Tanzania is our country. We were There has also been mass
born and brought up in Tanzania.” migration of Indians from the villages
“Why are we grouped as to the towns where there were better
muhindis?” asks Patel, “Just because business opportunities as those
we speak Gujarati at home doesn’t departing left a gap remaining to be
mean we are any less Tanzanian than filled.
others here!” “However,” notes Ibrahim, “in
While Asians in Tanzania are recent years, there has been a new Desi food is popular at Chappan Bhog
today not directly victimised or ill- trend – the small Indian Dukawallas Indian restaurant in Dar es Salaam
treated by the government, its past from the villages who once came to
national and socialist policies have indigenous Africans in civil service,
towns have moved to Dar es Salaam
caused resentment and an exodus. hit non-citizen Asians in government
to chase better education and
President Nyerere’s 1967 jobs as their services were
medical facilities.”
Arusha Declaration led to mass terminated. They either migrated or
While the majority have headed
nationalisation of foreign-owned established businesses in Tanzania.
for the cities, small pockets of Asians
banks, businesses and expropriation “When Tanzania’s policy
still live in smaller towns. Today, there
of properties surplus to Asians of Ujamaa (villagisation) and
are more Hindus in Dar es Salaam
hurting the community deeply in the socialism failed, there were better
than anywhere else among the Asian
pocket. Smarting from the economic opportunities for Asians in business.
blow many Indians fled to Britain, the Once again, the community rose like
The Indian community plays
Indian sub-continent, Canada and a phoenix from the ashes developing
a vital role in social and charitable
the US. small and medium outfits into multi-
events. Volunteers from the
Ibrahim Patel, a third generation million enterprises. Large industries
Swaminarayan Hindu Temple (BAPS)
Tanzanian, believes Asians have sprung up and Asians here are now a
offer humanitarian services through
made a significant contribution to force to be reckoned with.”
their temples in Dar es Salaam,
Tanzania’s development. In recent years, adds Patel,
Mwanza and Arusha.
“Old people have passed on or expatriates from India, Pakistan and
They visit leprosy patients and
migrated, the present generation Bangladesh are filling acute qualified
orphanages regularly offering
of Indians, have largely, inherited manpower shortages. There are
essential items and bringing a
family businesses or have wealth left currently around 8,000 expatriates.
smile to the unfortunate children
behind by their elders,” he said. The role of Ismaili and the
by entertaining and offering them
“Most Indians, before and after Ithnasheri communities in Tanzania’s
independence were living all over development cannot simply be
Tanzania’s Africanisation policy,
the country, including rural areas under-estimated, says Dilip Mehta, a
which gave priority to qualified


third generation Indian. the Indian sub-continent,” Mehta engine. “Our business acumen has
“Among the Asians in Tanzania, says, “We are being overtaken by the lifted Tanzania out of the depths of
the most successful community Chinese. They speak fluent Kiswahili the huge economic mess into which
is the Ithnasheri followed by the unlike most Asians who have been Nyerere had led it. We have a select
Bohras. A few Hindus who have here for such a long time.” core of patriotic and dedicated
stayed behind are also successful in “In the economic hierarchy Tanzanian Asians, respected by
business,” he says. within Tanzania, Asians are now international bodies who give
The Shia Ismaili community led fifth in importance to the economy. invaluable advice to government
by their spiritual leader, the Aga With the gradual African regional ministries on financial and social
Khan, has played a major role in growth, Asians will slide further,” he matters.”
Tanzania’s development. Tanzania predicted. While many Asians have left
has received aid through The Aga “Major changes are in the thousands more, born and brought
Khan Development Network (AKDN), offing, with the Chinese and up in Tanzania, will continue to
the largest International, private, others competing in business with make the country their home. The
non-denominational international the Indians. They include newly Indian community is here to stay
development agency founded and arrived Turks, Brazilians, Russians, and in spite of the new arrivals from
chaired by the Aga Khan. Canadians and Somalis. This is a new China and elsewhere, their overall
The community’s presence in development and it seems those contribution will not be seriously
East Africa has seen a steady growth from the Indian sub-continent will undermined.
and today it employs 18,000 people,
mostly indigenous Africans, and is
the largest investor in economic,
social and cultural development
initiatives in East Africa.
Sir Sultan Mohamed Shah Aga
Khan III built 200 schools in East
Africa. The present Aga Khan IV is
investing $1 billion in health and
education in the next decade. 
Tanzania nationalised 64 Aga
Khan Schools now run by the Tanzanian Indians (in yellow jackets) Hatim Karimjee (left) presenting
helped when this building collapsed a copy of his family’s history to
Ministry of Education.
Dar es Salaam in March 2013 Tanzania’s President Jakaya Kikwete
Ismaili politicians have played a
vital role in Tanzania’s development. be edged out of business slowly. I
The late Amir Habib Jamal was Shamlal Puri, TII’s Contributing
wonder how the 19th century Indian
a revered member of the post- Editor, is a veteran British
immigrant family will fare in 25 years
independence Tanzania. He was journalist, broadcaster, author and
with this massive globalization of
Finance Minister in the Nyerere press photographer from Tanzania.
Government from 1965 to 1980. He has worked with the media
“Overall,” says Mehta, “young
He was Tanzania’s Permanent in Europe, Africa, Asia and the
people educated in the West do not
representative to the UN in Geneva Middle East. His novels ‘Dubai
want to come back. The future looks
before retiring in 1993 after 28 years on Wheels: The Slippery Road to
challenging for the Asians here. As in
of service. He died in 1995. Success’ and ‘Triangle of Terror’
the past, each Asian community will
Al Noor Kassum was the Minister (Diamond Books) are acclaimed
take its own route. Some have cut
of Finance and Administration in bestsellers. His next novel is ‘The
the umbilical cord with the mother
the East African Community, the Illegals’ (Crownbird Publishers).
country and developed new bases
three-nation economic grouping of He has travelled to more than 100
in the West. In a globalized world,
Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania, and countries in an illustrious career
globalized communities will grow in
as Minister for Water, Energy and spanning 40 years. His work has
different stages all over Africa.”
Minerals. been published in more than
Patel says that while Asians take
“Although history bears witness 250 magazines, newspapers and
criticism from all sides, they do give
to the contributions of Asians from journals around the world.
the drive to Tanzania’s business


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