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Choose the word which is most nearly the SAME in meaning:
1. Strayed
(a) Escaped (b) Wandered (c) Crossed (d) Walked (e) Moved
2. Dispute
(a) Fight (b) Claim (c) Anger (d) Disagreement (e) Enmity
Choose the word which is most OPPOSITE in meaning:
3. Rightful
(a) Justified (b) Indecent (c) Real (d) Unimportant (e) Unlawful
4. Assembled
(a) Crowded (b) Diffused (c) Removed (d) Dispersed (e) Eliminated
Pick out the most effective word from the given words to fill in the blank to make the sentence
meaningfully complete:
5. I was speaking to him on phone when the line …………… cut.
(a) got (b) gets (c) gotten (d) getting (e) get
6. I do not ………… of his conduct although he is my own brother.
(a) tolerate (b) agree (c) excuse (d) approve (e) decide
7. Rakesh promised me that he would be ………… a letter after reaching home.
(a) wrote (b) written (c) write (d) writing (e) writer
8. The judge found him guilty and was sentenced ………….. death.
(a) to (b) upon (c) for (d) till (e) as
9. Satish is the strongest ……… all the boys in our school.
(a) on (b) between (c) of (d) to (e) before
10. The teacher asked Priya to go home when she started ………. of stomach pain.
(a) complaining (b) knowing (c) blaming (d) feeling (e)
11. Anuradha’s voice is …….. sweet as Lata’s.
(a) more (b) far (c) as (d) very (e) so
12. The child has been ………..sick very often for the last three months.
(a) fell (b) falling (c) falls (d) fallen (e) fall
13. The surgeon advised the patient to ……….. an operation.
(a) undergo (b) underpass (c) underset (d) underlie (e)
14. It was in consultation …………. the worker’s union that the Management arrived at this
(a) over (b) to (c) about (d) by (e) with

Choose the word which is most nearly the SAME in meaning:

15. His achievements in field of Education are creditable.
(a) desirable (b) infinite (c) praiseworthy (d) believable (e) supreme

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16. The spectators were sensible enough to remain silent during the cultural programme.
(a) reasonable (b) determined (c) peaceful (d) attentive (e) capable
17. Some of the books in this library are invaluable.
(a) rare (b) cheap (c) invalid (d) insignificant (e) priceless
18. He refused to reveal the contents of his bag to the customs officers.
(a) discuss (b) suppress (c) check (d) accept (e) show
19. All the students were informed about the commencement of the examination.
(a) continuation (b) postponement (c) beginning (d) cancellation (e) end
Choose the word which is most nearly the SAME in meaning:
20. Apprehensive
(a) Anxious (b) Nervous (c) Fearful (d) Worried (e) Energetic
21. Exasperated
(a) Annoyed (b) Ignored (c) Teased (d) Offended (e) Disturbed
22. Spectre
(a) Shadow (b) Spirit (c) Illusion (d) Ghost (e) Colorful
23. Hostility
Arrogance (b) Distrust (c) Dislike (d) Hatred (e) Friendly
24. Silly
(a) Sad (b) Foolish (c) Simple (d) Proud (e) Polite
25. Crept
(a) Walked (b) Pushed (c) Crawled (d) Pulled (e) Rushed
26. Called out
(a) Instructed (b) Advised (c) Begged (d) Helped (e) Went
27. The huts were ………………. on fire by some anti-social elements.
(a) opened (b) burst (c) shot (d) released (e) set
28. Although the two sisters are twins, they look somewhat ………………..
(a) alike (b) unique (c) different (d) related (e) similar
29. Although the policemen searched the place …………….. they could not collect any evidence.
(a) heavily (b) thoroughly (c) largely (d) calmly (e) greatly
30. The judge ordered that the criminal be put …………. death.
(a) to (b) under (c) at (d) till (e) through
31. The city was plunged ………………. darkness due to a sudden power failure.
(a) at (b) through (c) to (d) under (e) into
Below the sentence, five words are suggested can replace the word printed in bold without
changing the meaning of the sentence.
32. Medha’s desire to help the villagers is genuine.
(a) accurate (b) correct (c) sincere (d) good (e) real
33. There appears to be some misunderstanding between the two.
(a) seems (b) looks (c) thinks (d) believes (e) supposes
34. In the annual examination, Rohit stood first in his class.
(a) ended (b) established (c) came (d) completed (e) scored

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35. The officer was dismissed from service for being lazy and dishonest.
(a) separated (b) prevented (c) removed (d) retired (e) stopped
36. The latter part of the discussion was particularly fruitful.
(a) justified (b) cheerful (c) futile (d) productive (e) efficient

1 (b) 2 (d)
3 (e) 4 (d)
5 (a) 6 (d)
7 (d) 8 (a)
9 (c) 10 (a)
11 (c) 12 (b)
13 (a) 14 (e)
15 (c) 16 (a)
17 (e) 18 (e)
19 (c) 20 (c)
21 (a) 22 (d)
23 (c) 24 (b)
25 (c) 26 (c)
27 (e) 28 (c)
29 (b) 30 (a)
31 (e) 32 c
33(a) 34c
35c 36(d)


1. It is impossible for an ordinary mortal to ……………… all these figures to memory.

(a) keep (b) commit (c) retain (d) hoard
2. Experts fail to understand the …………… behind the decision.
(a) ideology (b) judgement (c) politics (d) rationale
3. Many of the advances of civilization have been conceived by young people just on the
………………. adulthood.
(a) horizon (b) boundary (c) peak (d) threshold
4. The servant obeyed the master’s orders in ………………… manner.
(a) candid (b) plaintive (c) obsequious (d) complaisant

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5. The ship was ……………… from its course by bad weather.
(a) drawn (b) diverted (c) distracted (d) pushed
6. Can anything ……………. a mother’s love for her child?
(a) exchange (b) replace (c) compensate (d) displace
7. The accused …………… that he had met the deceased before.
(a) remarked (b) refused (c) exclaimed (d) denied

Nationalism, of course, is a curious phenomenon which at a certain stage in a country’s history
gives life, growth and unity but, at the same time, it has a tendency to limit one, because one
thinks of one’s country as something different from the rest of the world. One’s perspective
changes and one is continuously thinking of one’s own struggles and virtues and failing to the
exclusion of other thoughts. The result is that the same nationalism which is the symbol of growth
for a people becomes symbol of the cessation of that growth in the mind. Nationalism, when it
becomes successful, sometimes goes on spreading in an aggressive way and becomes a danger
internationally. Whatever line of thought you follow, you arrive at the conclusion that some kind of
balance must be found. Otherwise something that was good can turn into evil. Culture, which is
essentially good becomes not only static but aggressive and something that breeds conflict and
hatred when looked at from a wrong point of view. How are you to find a balance, I don’t know.
Apart from the political and economic problems of the age, perhaps that is the greatest problem
today because behind it there is a tremendous search for something which it cannot find. We turn
to economic theories because they have an undoubted importance. It is folly to talk of culture or
even of God when human beings starved and die. Before one can talk about anything else one must
provide the normal essentials of life to human beings. That is where economics come in. Human
beings today are not in the mood to tolerate this suffering and starvation and inequality when they
see that the burden is not equally shared. Others profit while they only bear the burden.

8. The most suitable title for the above passage would be

(a) Nationalism – a road to world unity
(b) Nationalism breeds unity
(c) Nationalism and national problems
(d) Nationalism is not enough
9. Aggressive nationalism
(a) isolates a country
(b) endangers national unity
(c) leads to stunted growth
(d) breeds threat to international relations
10. Negative national feeling can make a nation
(a) dangerous (b) indifferent (c) self-centred (d) selfish

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11. ‘The greatest problem’ in the middle of the passage refers to the question
(a) how to curb international hatred
(b) how to share the economic burden equally
(c) how to contain the dangers of aggressive nationalism
(d) how to mitigate hardship to human beings
12. ‘Others’ in the last sentence refers to
(a) other neighbors (b) other nations
(c) other communities (d) other people

Antonyms (13 to 17)

In the following sentences for each underlined word, four choices are given, opposite in meaning
to the underlined word. Select the most appropriate word opposite in meaning and that will be
your answer.

13. The covert activities of a sky are seldom noticed.

(a) sincere (b) friendly (c) smooth (d) transparent
14. She finally confessed to having stolen the money.
(a) withdrew (b) denied (c) refused (d) cheated
15. House prices have escalated steadily.
(a) regulated (b) stabilized (c) fallen (d) controlled
16. He has been leading a vagrant life for quite some years now.
(a) adventurous (b) ambitious (c) satisfactory (d) settled
17. Such tendentious statements are likely to provoke strong opposition.
(a) impartial (b) ideal (c) impractical (d) silly

Ordering parts of a sentence (18 to 22)

In the following sentences some parts have been jumbled up. You are required to rearrange these
parts which are labeled P, Q, R and S to produce the correct/natural sentence.

18. In our country

(P) and no sooner is a crisis over (Q) some new problem (R) than we move on to some new
excitement (S) it seems to be particularly so.
(a) S R P Q (b) S Q P R (c) S P R Q (d) S P Q R
19. Today we have calmed down
(P) the volcano of Kargil (Q) as the lava is boiling (R) can erupt somewhere else (S) but
tomorrow the volcano.
(a) P R Q S (b) P S Q R (c) P S R Q (d) S P R Q
20. India goes
(P) the example to follow (Q) beyond caste, religion and region (R) sacrifice for the greater
good is (S) and that making a personal.
(a) Q S R P (b) Q S P R (c) Q P R S (d) P Q S R

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21. We are ready to repatriate
(P) here in case foreign investors (Q) flee the country and India is left (R) every penny we
earn (S) with no forex reserves.
(a) Q P S R (b) R Q P S (c) R P S Q (d) R P Q S
22. It is a question
(P) he has heard several times (Q) have heard several times (R) and it is a story the children
(S) but it does not either of them.
(a) P R S Q (b) P R Q S (c) P S Q R (d) S Q P R

Directions: In questions 23 to 27, some of the sentences have errors and some have none. Find
out which part of a sentence has an error. If there is no error, mark (D).

23. Frozen foods are so popular today (A) that many people wonder (B) how they ever lived
without them (C). No error (D).
24. The old woman has had the best medical facilities available (A) but she will not be cured (B)
unless she does not have a strong desire to live (C).
No error (D).
25. Not only the bandits robbed (A) the traveler of his purse (B) but also wounded him grievously
(C). No error (D).
26. The accelerating pace of life in our metropolitan city (A) has had the tremendous effect (B)
on the culture and life-style of the people (C). No error (D).
27. I’ve been to a few of his lectures, (A) but understood little of (B) what he has said (C).
No error (D).

Directions: In questions 28 to 32, sentences are given with blanks to be filled in with an
appropriate word. Four alternatives are suggested for each question. Choose the correct
alternative out of the four.
28. ……………………. the rain stopped, the play had to be suspended.
(a) While (b) Until (c) When (d) Since
29. Around the head of the running man there was a ……………..of bees.
(a) crowd (b) swarm (c) flock (d) collection
30. In……………….. of the recommendations, the Board has established a counter to entertain the
complaints from consumers.
(a) accordance (b) adherence (c) pursuance (d) relevance
31. The General said that the position must be ………… all costs.
(a) arrested (b) caught (c) captured (d) possessed
32. If this interpretation is held valid, then the States are ……………….of the power to plan,
implement and monitor their schemes.
(a) relieved (b) divested (c) invested (d) delegated

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Directions: In questions 33 to 37 choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word.

(a) Rarity (b) Intelligence (c) Clarity (d) Brightness
34. BASE
(a) Climax (b) Height (c) Top (d) Roof
(a) Attractive (b) Uniform (c) Simple (d) Clear
(a) Resentment (b) Dubiousness (c) Duplicity (d) Excitement
(a) Anxiety (b) Obedience (c) Suspicion (d) Dismay
Q. 38 – 42. In each sentence below, a word/group of words has been underlined. From the four
answers choices given below each sentence, pick out the one which can substitute the
underlined word/group of words correctly, without changing the meaning of the sentence.

38. All the characters in the novel are fictitious

(a) unbelievable (b) unreliable (c) unreal (d) imaginative
39. Mathews neglected to remit the fees in time and therefore had to pay a fine.
(a) refused (b) failed (c) obstructed (d) exempted
40. Everyone was listening to the news of earthquake with mounting anxiety.
(a) curiosity (b) grief (c) uneasiness (d) eagerness
41. We didn’t believe in his statement, but subsequent events proved that he was right.
(a) later (b) many (c) few (d) earlier
42. They feel that we should be fully aware of our own environment.
(a) nationality (b) heredity
(c) nature (d) surroundings

Q. 43 – 47. Pick out the most effective word from the given words to fill in the blank to make
the sentence meaningfully complete.

43. The lights ………………………..just as we sat down to watch the movie on television.
(a) went off (b) shut out (c) put off (d) blew down
44. Since the priest did not arrive in time, the ceremony was……………late.
(a) begins (b) begun (c) began (d) beginning
45. Since Anthony stays far away from our place, we do not meet each other …………..
(a) rarely (b) shortly (c) timely (d) frequently
46. He succeed in getting possession ……………….his land after a long court case.
(a) to (b) against (c) of (d) for
47. The villagers have not ……………..over the shock of losing everything in the earthquake.
(a) got (b) made (c) forgotten (d) felt

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Directions: The following passage has five blanks which are numbered 26 to 30. Choose the
word from the alternatives, that best fills the blank.

The collapse of capital and money market is so ………..48…………that Ministry of Finance is

very concerned and this collapse in turn is restricting industrial ……….49………..
The government is also wary of the reforms the ……50……… reports. It wants a meeting with
all concerned to ……51……..fears about the collapse. The government is reported to be
considering all possible …..52…… before a decision is arrived.

48. (a) sharp (b) bad (c) steep (d) high

49. (a) production (b) policy (c) pricing (d) development
50. (a) commission (b) committee (c) panel (d) board
51. (a) remove (b) allay (c) dear (d) soothe
52. (a) alternatives (b) actions (c) consequences (d) steps

Directions: Each of these questions contains a pair of words. Below each question you find four
alternatives of pairs of words. From the alternatives, select the pair which is related to the
pair of words given against the question.
53. Portfolio: Securities
(a) Bottle: Capsules (b) Classroom: Students
(c) Bridge: River (d) Panel: Jurors
54. Soup: Dessert
(a) River: Island (b) Sunlight: Twilight
(c) Bow: Arrow (d) Forest: Sea

Directions (Q. 55 – 59): Which of the phrases 1), 2), 3) and 4) given below each sentence
should replace the phrase printed in bold in the following sentences to make the sentence
grammatically correct?
55. Modern women are not ready to playing any second fiddle to their husbands.
(a) playing a second fiddle (b) play any second fiddle
(c) play any second fiddle on (d) play a second fiddle
56. A true friend is always ready to stand by one even in difficult times.
(a) stand for the (b) standing by
(c) be standing through (d) no correction required
57. You should not bother if he is ready to help you in thin and thick.
(a) from thin and thick (b) inside thick and thin
(c) even in thin and thick (d) through thick and thin
58. If the predictions are to be believed, things will improve by to by.
(a) by from by (b) by and by
(c) by by (d) from by to by

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59. It has become the bad habit of most of our politicians these days of throw mud on other.
(a) throwing mud over others (b) mud throwing on others
(c) throwing mud at others (d) mud throwing over others
60. An extremely deep crack or opening in the ground
(a) Chasm (b) Aperture (c) Ditch (d) Pit

1b 2d 3d 4d 5c 6b 7d 8d 9a 10c
11c 12d 13d 14b 15c 16d 17a 18c 19c 20a
21d 22b 23c 24c 25a 26b 27b 28b 29b 30c
31c 32b 33d 34c 35b 36d 37b 38d 39b 40c
41a 42d 43a 44b 45d 46c 47a 48c 49a 50b
51b 52d 53b 54b 55d 56d 57d 58b 59c 60a


Directions: (1 – 10): Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below
it. Certain words/expressions are printed in BOLD in the passage to help you locate them while
answering some of the questions.

Now the question arises: what is the secret of the longevity and imperishability of Indian culture?
Why is it that such great empires and nations as Babylon, Assyria, Greece, Rome and Persia could
not last more than the footprints of a camel on the shifting sands of the deserts while India, which
faces the same ups and downs, the same mighty and cruel hand of time, is still alive and with the
same halo of glory and splendour? The answer is given by Prof JB Pratt of America. According to
him, Hindu religion is “self-perpetuating and self-renewing’. Unlike other religions, “not death,
but development” has been the fate of Hinduism. Not only Hindu religion but the whole culture of
the Hindus has been growing, changing, and developing in accordance with the needs of times and
circumstances without losing its essentially imperishable spirit. The culture of the Vedic ages, of
the ages of the Upanishads, the various philosophical systems, the Mahabharata , the Smritis, the
Puranas, various scholarly commentators, the medieval saints, and the age of modern reformers is
the same in spirit and yet very different in form. Its basic principles are so broad-based that they
can be adapted to almost any environment of development.

1. In what respect is India implied to be superior to all other nations and empires?
(a) Democratic traditions (b) Territorial expansion
(c) Cultural development (d) Archaeological reserves

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2. Which of the following combinations of periods of Indian culture is incorrect as mentioned in
the passage?
(a) The Puranas, the Mahabharata, the medieval saints
(b) The Smritis, the modern reformers, the Vedas
(c) The Upanishads, the philosophical system, the Smritis
(d) The Puranas, the Ramayana, the Mahabharata
3. What changes has the spirit of Indian culture undergone during the long period of history
right from the Vedic age down to the present times?
(a) The prevalence of moral values was eclipsed at certain periods of time.
(b) The spirit of Indian culture has remained unchanged from the ancient times down to the
(c) Materialism was the hall mark of Indian culture during certain periods of time
(d) There is no such thing as any spirit of Indian culture
4. Choose the word which is SIMILAR in meaning as the word perpetuating as used in the
(a) Continuing (b) Appreciating (c) Languishing (d) Enjoying
5. Which of the following statements is not true in the context of the passage?
(a) Mighty and cruel hand of time spares none.
(b) Assyria was a great empire and nation
(c) Hindu religion is growing and changing
(d) Indian culture is transient and ephemeral.
6. “……….could not last more than the foot prints of a camel on the shifting sands of the
deserts”. What does this expression mean as used in the passage?
(a) It lost itself in desert (b) It was transient
(c) It lacked solidity (d) It lacked cohesion
7. What is the characteristic quality of the basic principles of Indian culture?
(a) They are static
(b) They derive their strength from the genius of people
(c) They can be adapted to almost any environment
(d) They project the glimpses of ancient civilisation
8. What, according to the author, has always characterized the Hindu religion?
(a) Spirituality and reactivity (b) Proactivity and individual dignity
(c) Dynamism and growth (d) Morality and stagnation
9. Choose the word which is most opposite in meaning of the word ‘last’ as used in the
(a) grow (b) diminish (c) force (d) end
10. What, according to Prof Pratt, is the secret of the longevity and imperishability of Indian
(a) It has its origin in the remote past
(b) It stems from the minds and hearts of its sages.
(c) It is founded on universal moral values.

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(d) It is self-perpetuating and self-renewing

11. Palpable
(a) Distinct (b) Rueful (c) Pleasant (d) Miserly
12. Abstruse
(a) Dispassionate (b) Placid (c) Concealed (d) Analogous
13. Cavalcade
(a) Remission (b) Procession (c) Division (d) Bargain
14. Hobbling
(a) Depressed (b) Insincere (c) Robust (d) Crippled
15. Meddle
(a) Depose (b) Tamper (c) Extend (d) Gauge

16. Pedantic
(a) Exceptional (b) Ignorant (c) Gentle (d) Prophetic
17. Serene
(a) Placid (b) Indignant (c) Profound (d) Disturbed
18. Torpid
(a) Alert (b) Indolent (c) Pitiable (d) Composed
19. Luminous
(a) Delectable (b) Lucid (c) Distasteful (d) Momentary
20. Innate
(a) Congenital (b) Culpable (c) Acquired (d) Crazy

Spotting Errors:
21. It would be impossible for us to continue living in this world (a) if each of us knew exactly
(b) what fate has in store for him (c). No error (d)
22. He is one of those authors (a) who turns out (b) a new book every year (c). No error (d).
23. The night was bright, (a) the clouds dispersed, (b) and the stars were shining brightly in the
sky (c). No error (d).
24. This is one of two types (a) of communication receivers (b) that is available for general use
(c). No error (d).
25. This room would look much better (a) if you put a furniture (b) in that corner (c).
No error (d).
Fill in the blanks:

26. The government should crush with a heavy hand all the gangs of terrorists and foil their
………… against the integrity of our nation.
(a) ugly (b) foolish (c) undesirable (d) nefarious

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27. He lost the match easily because he had played a ……….five set match in the earlier round.
(a) wonderful (b) controversial (c) grueling (d) sensational
28. Not only did she condemn vice, she almost equally despised the …………..acceptance of an
(a) furtive (b) tacit (c) unholy (d) commendable
29. The ties that bind a family together are so…………that they can hardly withstand any strain.
(a) twisted (b) tentative (c) tenuous (d) tenacious
30. He was an……… who was fond of weird pets.
(a) amiable (b) ambitious (c) emotional (d) eccentric

Selecting words :
In the following passage (items 31 to 40) at certain points, you are given a choice of three
words marked (a), (b), (c). Choose the best word from these three and indicate your choice in
the relevant column of your answer sheet.

Suddenly from the opposite roof a shot rang out and the sniper dropped his rifle with a
curse. The rifle clattered to the roof. The sniper thought the noise
31. (a) might wake (b) should wake (c) would wake

the dead. He stopped to pick the rifle up but he

32. (a) did not (b) could not (c) would not

lift it. His forearm was dead.

33. (a) In dropping (b) While dropping (c) Dropping

34. (a) parapet (b) sniper (c) rifle.

With his left hand he felt the

35. (a) injured (b) other (c) broken

right arm. The blood was

36. (a) oozing (b) wetting (c) flowing

through the sleeve of his coat. There

37. (a) was (b) felt (c) seemed to be

no pain, just a deadened feeling as if the arm

38. (a) would be (b) might be (c) had been

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cutoff. Quickly he drew his knife
39. (a) over (b) from (c) against

his pocket, opened it by pressing it

40. (a) over (b) into (c) against
the parapet, and ripped open the sleeve.

41. Today, when the screen world is dominating the …………….., theatre seems to be ………… out.
(a) world, venturing (b) scene, fading
(c) cinema, extinguished (d) race, slowing
42. A society where the normal ……………. of citizens are far from being ………….. cannot be called
(a) routine, performed (b) duty, adhered
(c) wishes, fulfilled (d) rights, realized
43. The entire political establishment should be …………… for the …………… in the system of
(a) blamed, degradation (b) convicted, hazards
(c) questioned, answer (d) held, role
44. The Censor Board should …………. considerable circumspection on movies ……….. the morality
and decency of our people.
(a) control, hampering (b) hold, erasing
(c) view, degrading (d) exercise, affecting
45. The slow …………. of reforms in power sector is a ………….. for concern.
(a) phase, reason (b) process, issue
(c) procedure, field (d) pace, cause

46. Like poverty, affluence can sometimes create its own problems.
(a) sorrow (b) indigence (c) exuberance (d) opulence
47. On hearing the news he was in a state of ecstasy.
(a) depression (b) pain (c) disappointment (d) trance
48. Many reactions take place in the blast furnace simultaneously.
(a) invariably (b) contemporarily (c) separately (d) momentarily
49. This author has perspicuity in his style.
(a) frankness (b) bluntness (c) obtuseness (d) vivacity
50. The food served at the official dinner was very bland.
(a) inedible (b) spicy (c) nutritious (d) tasty

51. Sporadic rise in his temperature has caused us much worry.
(a) Frequent (b) Irksome (c) Irregular (d) Scattered

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52. Ant is believed to be the most industrious creature.
(a) sensible (b) diligent (c) successful (d) punctual
53. The tour was cancelled on account of incessant rain.
(a) constant (b) heavy (c) intermittent (d) unexpected
54. I disdain those who tell lies.
(a) condemn (b) scorn (c) hate (d) despise
55. The benevolence of the God of Rain has seen a very successful monsoon this year too.
(a) vision (b) morbidity (c) kindness (d) ill-will

Directions: In each of the following questions, out of the given alternatives, choose the one
which best expresses the meaning of the idiom/phrase in italics in the sentence.
56. He knew she was dead but was completely at sea about the cause of her death.
(a) anxious (b) confused (c) ignorant (d) certain
57. His most trusted friend proved to be a snake in the grass.
(a) cowardly and brutal (b) an unreliable and deceitful person
(c) a hidden enemy (d) low and mean
58. It was after a long time that the police was able to lay the thief by the heels.
(a) run fast after (b) play tricks on
(c) chase and capture (d) arrest
59. None of this hanky – panky; please talk straight.
(a) indifference (b) jugglery
(c) diversification (d) obsession
60. The new C.M. stuck his neck out today and promised 10 kgs free wheat a month for all rural
(a) extended help (b) took an oath
(c) caused embarrassment (d) took a risk

1c 2d 3b 4a 5d 6b 7c 8c 9d 10d
11a 12c 13b 14d 15b 16c 17d 18a 19c 20c
21c 22b 23c 24a 25b 26d 27c 28b 29c 30d
31c 32b 33c 34a 35a 36a 37a 38c 39b 40c
41b 42d 43a 44d 45d 46b 47a 48c 49c 50b
51c 52b 53a 54c 55c 56b 57c 58c 59b 60d

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Directions: In each of the following questions, choose the word opposite in meaning to the
given word.

(a) Pedantic (b) Implicit (c) Explicit (d) Obnoxious
(a) Anguish (b) Sorrow (c) Agony (d) Suffering
(a) Inflexible (b) Prominent (c) Pliable (d) Fashionable
(a) Unequal (b) Unlawful (c) Impure (d) Indiscreet
(a) Surplus (b) Scarcity (c) Presence (d) Richness
(a) Respond (b) Dismiss (c) Foil (d) Abandon
(a) Hospitability (b) Hostility (c) Brotherhood (d) Enmity
(a) Mindful (b) Compassionate (c) Majestic (d) Merciful
(a) Aversion (b) Liking (c) Appreciation (d) Fear
(a) Extravagance (b) Scarcity (c) Abundance (d) Sufficiency
(a) Miserly (b) Frugal (c) Simple (d) Austere
(a) Conceal (b) Prevent (c) Withdraw (d) Concede
(a) Pitiable (b) Scared (c) Humble (d) Cowardly
(a) Professional (b) Immature (c) Unimaginative (d) Ignorant
(a) Entrusted (b) Convicted (c) Burdened (d) Freed
(a) Refined (b) Cheerful (c) Jolly (d) Relevant
(a) Hinder (b) Obstruct (c) Discourage (d) Rebuke
(a) Surrender (b) Debase (c) Destroy (d) Ruin
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(a) Humility (b) Pleasure (c) Cheerfulness (d) Excitement
(a) Avoid (b) Abstain (c) Forego (d) Neglect
(a) Progress (b) Liberty (c) Zenith (d) Modernity
(a) Smart (b) Energetic (c) Fast (d) Ferocious
(a) Magnanimous (b) Lenient (c) Vehement (d) General
(a) Stagnate (b) Suffer (c) Aggravate (d) Instigate
(a) Boastful (b) Indifferent (c) Kind (d) Generous
(a) False (b) Genuine (c) Simple (d) Systematic
(a) Agreement (b) Cooperation (c) Persuasion (d) Aid
(a) Rash (b) Narrow-minded (c) Gloomy (d) Disappointed
(a) Obedience (b) Admiration (c) Agreement (d) Fondness
(a) Suspend (b) Admonish (c) Hate (d) Dislike
(a) Cautious (b) Thoughtful (c) Weak (d) Adventurous
(a) Wavering (b) Obstinate (c) Enduring (d) Steady
(a) Short (b) Thin (c) Weak (d) Slim
(a) Scandalous (b) Vicious (c) Wicked (d) Corrupt
35. GRIM
(a) Serious (b) Satisfying (c) Delightful (d) Painful
(a) Posterity (b) Successors (c) Offspring (d) Ancestors
(a) Hostility (b) Punishment (c) Immunity (d) Acquittal
(a) Harmless (b) Malignant (c) Hostile (d) Vicious

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(a) Clear (b) Simple (c) Uniform (d) Attractive
(a) Clear (b) Imitable (c) Clean (d) Readable
(a) Indifferent (b) Harmless (c) Insignificant (d) Unknown
(a) Deny (b) Refuse (c) Contest (d) Contend
(a) Destruction (b) Peace (c) Pacification (d) Vocation
(a) Stupid (b) Uneducated (c) Ignorant (d) Inexperienced
(a) Troublesome (b) Weak (c) Indifferent (d) Unconcerned
(a) Accommodating (b) Polite (c) Helpful (d) Happy
(a) Extraordinary (b) Superb (c) Heavenly (d) Excellent
(a) Uneducated (b) Uncivilised (c) Unintelligent (d) Unknown
(a) Gaudy (b) Generous (c) Extravagant (d) Charitable
(a) Rigid (b) Orthodox (c) Strict (d) Narrow-minded
(a) Irresponsible (b) Careless (c) Blameless (d) Defendable
(a) Changeable (b) Foolish (c) Caring (d) Limited
53. LEAP
(a) Plunge (b) Sink (c) Immerse (d) Fall
(a) Calm (b) Comfortable (c) Good (d) Happy
(a) Disrupt (b) Uproot (c) Corrode (d) Negate
(a) Dismay (b) Suspicion (c) Obedience (d) Anxiety
(a) Confident (b) Sentimental (c) Sensitive (d) Capable
(a) Cowardly (b) Foolish (c) Wicked (d) Impolite

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59. ARID
(a) Plentiful (b) Productive (c) Humid (d) Agreeable
(a) Casual (b) Cunning (c) Foolish (d) False
61. The treaty was ratified by the heads of states.
(a) set aside (b) unsettled (c) destroyed (d) annulled
62. He was always prepared to refute the idea.
(a) agree (b) subscribe (c) recommend (d) endorse
63. We should not belittle others’ achievements.
(a) recommend (b) praise (c) encouraged (d) inspire
64. She is slender in figure.
(a) strong (b) well-built (c) stout (d) slim
65. Only an agile person can be a successful sportsman.
(a) brisk (b) emaciated (c) feeble (d) sluggish
66. There has always been a feeling of rancour between the two families.
(a) rivalry (b) competition (c) friendliness (d) suspicion
67. He has suspended his secretary on a flimsy ground.
(a) vigorous (b) strong (c) sound (d) salutary
68. She is beautiful as well as frivolous.
(a) indecent (b) serious (c) insane (d) rude
69. That man is known for his elegance.
(a) awkwardness (b) indelicacy (c) clumsiness (d) savagery
70. It is a Herculean task for me.
(a) indecent (b) puny (c) ponderous (d) big
71. We had a delectable meal yesterday.
(a) nice (b) tasty (c) unsavoury (d) heavy
72. The members of the opposition party made derogatory remarks about the policies of the
(a) praiseworthy (b) laudatory (c) respectable (d) admirable
73. The leader was pragmatic in his approach to the problems facing the country.
(a) optimistic (b) idealistic (c) indefinite (d) vague
74. His friends liked everything about him except his frugality.
(a) short temper (b) extravagance (c) shabbiness (d) punctuality
75. His urbane attitude won him many friends.
(a) rude (b) rustic (c) violent (d) indifferent
76. She detests government jobs.
(a) approves of (b) is fond of (c) adores (d) is interested in
77. He was the most eccentric and difficult patron.
(a) normal (b) sober (c) genial (d) sociable

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78. The two girls are always together. There is a great affinity between them.
(a) apathy (b) empathy (c) antipathy (d) sympathy
79. His writings have been much eulogized by Indian scholars.
(a) condemned (b) flouted (c) disapproved (d) disparaged
80. Adversity teaches man to be humble and self-reliant.
(a) Prosperity (b) Curiosity (c) Animosity (d) Sincerity
81. His interpretation of the poem is superficial.
(a) mystical (b) profound (c) difficult (d) mysterious
82. His style of writing is quite verbose.
(a) lucid (b) succinct (c) unusual (d) comical
83. A terrestrial being can never be immortal.
(a) abnormal (b) marvelous (c) amphibious (d) celestial
84. He was dejected when he heard the news.
(a) elated (b) impressed (c) hilarious (d) gleeful
85. Her impetuous behaviour was attributed to her upbringing.
(a) poised (b) rash (c) quiet and gentle (d) sluggish
86. There was no altruistic motive that prompted him to help her.
(a) wicked (b) brutal (c) inhuman (d) selfish
87. A person who makes love without serious intentions
(a) Consort (b) Philanderer (c) Romeo (d) Goon
88. Having no beginning or end to its existence
(a) Eternal (b) Obscure (c) Universal (d) Immeasurable
89. A person who kills somebody especially for political reasons
(a) Criminal (b) Murderer (c) Assassin (d) Hangman
90. Line at which the earth or sea and sky seem to meet
(a) Horizon (b) Zenith (c) Fringe (d) Plinth

1c 2c 3c 4d 5a 6d 7b 8d 9b 10c
11d 12a 13c 14d 15b 16a 17a 18a 19c 20b
21c 22b 23b 24c 25d 26b 27d 28d 29b 30d
31d 32a 33b 34b 35c 36c 37b 38a 39c 40d
41c 42a 43c 44d 45a 46b 47c 48d 49c 50d
51d 52d 53a 54a 55b 56c 57c 58b 59c 60c
61d 62d 63c 64c 65d 66c 67b 68b 69c 70b
71c 72b 73b 74b 75b 76c 77a 78c 79c 80a
81b 82b 83d 84a 85c 86d 87b 88a 89c 90a

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Directions: In each of the following questions, out of the given alternatives, choose the one
which best expresses the meaning of the italicized bold part of the sentence.

1. Man has to encounter many hardships in life.

(a) solve (b) face (c) bear (d) overcome
2. He used to regale us with anecdotes.
(a) bore (b) flatter (c) entertain (d) tire
3. Millionaires become eccentric in their old age.
(a) irritable (b) peculiar (c) dull (d) miserly
4. Few teachers have been spared the problem of an obstreperous pupil in the class.
(a) awkward (b) lazy (c) unruly (d) sullen
5. Incensed by his rude behaviour , the manager suspended the worker.
(a) Enthused (b) Enraged (c) Inflamed (d) Excited
6. Even the loss of her jewels did not disturb the lady’s equanimity.
(a) temper (b) composure (c) affability (d) humour
7. Sporadic rise in his temperature has caused us much worry.
(a) Frequent (b) Irksome (c) Irregular (d) Scattered
8. She does not get her work done punctually and properly because she is always dawdling.
(a) confused (b) playing (c) loitering (d) chit-chatting
9. Everybody laughed at the puerility of his statement.
(a) inaccuracy (b) childishness (c) insincerity (d) falsehood
10. He is a candid politician.
(a) frank (b) faithful (c) fearless (d) soft spoken
11. She has an insatiable love for music.
(a) undesirable (b) irreconcilable (c) unchanging (d) Unsatisfiable
12. She is really a fantastic girl.
(a) wonderful (b) charming (c) beautiful (d) intelligent
13. A civilized Roman banquet was a thing of great richness, style and decorum.
(a) palace (b) feast (c) ornament (d) table
14. His lascivious habits brought him nothing but bad name.
(a) treacherous (b) erotic (c) lustful (d) vicious
15. Only my neighbour succoured me during my illness.
(a) nourished (b) treated (c) aided (d) attended
16. He tried to cajole her, but it was in vain.
(a) enjoin (b) coax (c) rejoice (d) inspire
17. Some people are extremely fastidious in their choice of dress.
(a) pompous (b) fussy (c) discriminating (d) careless
18. War always has a baneful effect on the people of a nation.
(a) unpleasant (b) foul (c) pernicious (d) harmful
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19. People of different persuasions have met on the same platform.
(a) personalities (b) tastes (c) qualifications (d) convictions
20. Many of his acquaintances avoid him because he is so garrulous.
(a) proud (b) unreasonable (c) talkative (d) quarrelsome
21. Absolute silence reigned in the whole necropolis.
(a) cemetery (b) hell (c) cenotaph (d) churchyard
22. The façade of our school building got a face-lift recently.
(a) basement (b) floor (c) top (d) front
23. There is not a single word that is redundant in the report.
(a) bombastic (b) unimportant (c) flowery (d) not needed
24. He is being treated for his somnolence.
(a) weakness (b) pain in the joints (c) intoxication (d) sleepiness
25. In spite of their efforts, the team of scientists could not make much headway to solve the
(a) results (b) start (c) efforts (d) progress
26. He gave such a vivid description of the house we wanted to rent that we did not have to
look at it.
(a) simple (b) detailed (c) clear (d) confused
27. Because of a family feud, he never spoke to his wife’s parents.
(a) problem (b) quarrel (c) crisis (d) trouble
28. The attitude of the Western countries towards the Third World countries is rather callous
to say the least.
(a) unfeeling (b) cursed (c) unkind (d) passive
29. He is gregarious, he is loner, he loves argument, he cannot bear to lose one.
(a) silent (b) talkative (c) greedy (d) sociable
30. Eventually vision is affected and the patient is only able to see if light is present.
(a) Initially (b) Primarily (c) Ultimately (d) Gradually
31. The collection of poems, in a slim volume, is gleaned from several anthologists of ancient
Indian poetry.
(a) gathered (b) extracted (c) compiled (d) copied
32. Even today many people are guided by abstruse moral values.
(a) irrational (b) obscure (c) impracticable (d) dangerous
33. The guests were offended by his uncouth manners.
(a) wasteful (b) dirty (c) undesirable (d) ungracious
34. Most of the politicians these days have a large number of toadies around them.
(a) followers (b) assistants (c) servants (d) sycophants
35. Everybody in the Assembly shouted and there was a pandemonium in the hall.
(a) crowd (b) noise (c) disorderly scene (d) laughter
36. Defection is quite common in our present day of political life.
(a) Desertion (b) Disobedience (c) Disloyalty (d) Indiscipline

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37. The prince fell in love with a comely young maiden.
(a) elegant (b) homely (c) pretty (d) delightful
38. Dr. S. Radhakrishnan has written an erudite commentary on the Bhagwad Gita.
(a) scholarly (b) inspiring (c) effective (d) perfect
39. A conscientious worker is always admired by his employees.
(a) obedient (b) sincere (c) skilful (d) careful
40. A pervading sense of ennui grips Michael.
(a) anger (b) anxiety (c) weariness (d) melancholy
41. It is so gratifying to know that there are not many small-pox cases these days.
(a) pleasing (b) surprising (c) satisfying (d) happy
42. It is the Prime Minister’s prerogative to appoint or dismiss a Minister.
(a) function (b) monopoly (c) authority (d) privilege
43. He had to curtail his leave as a lot of work was pending in his office.
(a) cancel (b) extend (c) shorten (d) postpone
44. Whatever opinion he gives is sane.
(a) arrogant (b) wild (c) obscure (d) rational
45. The workers struck work asking for interim relief.
(a) immediate (b) extra (c) urgent (d) provisional
46. The story began in an eerie situation.
(a) dangerous (b) thrilling (c) wonderful (d) strange
47. A person unrestrained by the rules of morality or tradition is called a licentious person.
(a) freelance (b) criminal (c) loafer-type (d) libertine
48. On the stage of this world, the drama of life is transitory as well as traumatic.
(a) transitional (b) dull (c) fleeting (d) painful
49. He has always been an elusive customer.
(a) clever (b) unreliable (c) deceitful (d) quarrelsome
50. My philosophy lecturer is unfailingly bombastic.
(a) pompous (b) impressive
(c) impressionistic (d) sensitive in the use of words
51. He corroborated the statement of his brother.
(a) condemned (b) confirmed (c) seconded (d) disproved
52. His singing enthralled the entire audience.
(a) disappointed (b) captivated (c) entertained (d) surprised
53. Quite unabashed, he began his scholarly lecture on what was obvious to everyone.
(a) unashamed (b) unimpressed (c) unnerved (d) unchecked
54. He was a contemplative person.
(a) thoughtful (b) careless (c) over-zealous (d) mischievous
55. The ubiquity of God cannot be questioned.
(a) greatness (b) mystery (c) omnipresence (d) existence

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56. The old man shows no sign of infirmity even though he is eighty years old.
(a) indolence (b) fickleness
(c) feebleness (d) lack of firmness
57. Ambition is subdued by poverty.
(a) modified (b) challenged (c) affected (d) diluted
58. Her hazel eyes are really attractive.
(a) blue (b) greenish blue (c) green (d) reddish brown
59. Andy is such a sham that it is difficult to get along with him.
(a) pretender (b) unnatural (c) farcical (d) unfair
60. Your master will like you if you are diligent.
(a) conscientious (b) obedient (c) meticulous (d) hard-working
61. The agility of the body of the athlete was very much appreciated by the spectators.
(a) briskness (b) suppleness (c) alertness (d) sprightliness
62. That young man is quite sanguine about the result of his competitive examinations.
(a) optimistic (b) anxious (c) depressed (d) pessimistic
63. Weird noises came from the haunted houses.
(a) Beastly (b) Unpleasant (c) Frightening (d) Unnatural
64. When youngsters do not have good role-models to emulate they start searching for them
among sportsmen or film stars.
(a) inhabit (b) imitate (c) mollify (d) modify
65. John Milton wrote ‘Paradise Lost’ to vindicate the ways of God to man.
(a) explain (b) support (c) justify (d) criticize
66. Indian economy has always shown enough resilience in crisis.
(a) diversity (b) strength (c) elasticity (d) adjustment
67. There must be lively discussion of Indian authors if we are to foster our national literature.
(a) promote (b) cherish (c) nourish (d) nurture
68. Opposed to great or sudden change
(a) Static (b) Revolutionary (c) Conservative (d) Evolutionary
69. Language difficult to understand because of bad form
(a) Rhetoric (b) Jargon (c) Pedantic (d) Verbatim
70. A child of unusual or remarkable talent
(a) Scholar (b) Diligent (c) Freak (d) Prodigy

1b 2c 3b 4c 5b 6b 7c 8c 9b 10a
11d 12a 13b 14c 15b 16b 17b 18c 19d 20c
21a 22d 23d 24d 25d 26c 27b 28a 29d 30c
31a 32b 33d 34d 35c 36a 37c 38a 39b 40c
41a 42d 43c 44d 45d 46d 47d 48c 49a 50a
51b 52b 53a 54a 55c 56c 57d 58d 59a 60d
61a 62a 63d 64b 65c 66c 67a 68c 69b 70d

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