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Financial Statement Generator (FSG) Setup

Table of Contents
Section 1: Components of an FSG ..................................................................................................... 4
Section 2: Row Sets .......................................................................................................................... 5
Defining Row Sets......................................................................................................................... 5
Defining Row Set Rows................................................................................................................. 6
Row Set Account Assignments....................................................................................................... 7
Row Set Calculations..................................................................................................................... 8
Section 3: Column Sets ..................................................................................................................... 9
Defining Column Sets .................................................................................................................... 9
Defining Columns........................................................................................................................ 10
Column Set Account Assignments and Calculations ..................................................................... 12
Override Segment ........................................................................................................................ 12
Proforma: Mixed Actual and Budget Amounts ........................................................................... 13
Build Column Set ........................................................................................................................ 13
Relative Headings........................................................................................................................ 14
Column Exceptions...................................................................................................................... 15
Section 4: Row and Column Combined and Advanced Features........................................................ 16
Display Options........................................................................................................................... 16
Percent of Row / Percent of Column............................................................................................. 17
Section 5: Row Orders .................................................................................................................... 18
Defining Row Orders................................................................................................................... 18
Section 6: Contents Sets .................................................................................................................. 19
Defining Content Sets .................................................................................................................. 19
Section 7: Display Sets.................................................................................................................... 21
Defining Display Groups ............................................................................................................. 21
Defining Display Sets .................................................................................................................. 22
Section 8: Defining and Running FSGs............................................................................................ 23
Defining Financial Reports .......................................................................................................... 23
Control Values ............................................................................................................................ 24
Defining FSG Report Sets............................................................................................................ 25
Running FSGs ............................................................................................................................. 26
Ad-hoc Reports ........................................................................................................................... 27
Section 9: Copy Report Objects....................................................................................................... 28
Copying Report Objects from another database (FSG Transfer) ................................................... 29

Section 10: Optimizing FSG Performance........................................................................................ 32

A: Row Set - Display Type - Total 1 ............................................................................................... 33
B: Row Set - Display Type - Total 2 ............................................................................................... 33
C: Row Set - Display Type - Expanded 1 ....................................................................................... 34
D: Row Set - Display Type - Expand2............................................................................................ 34
E: Row Set - Display Type - Both ................................................................................................... 35
F: Row Set - Parent Accounts.......................................................................................................... 35
G: Row Set - Summary Accounts .................................................................................................... 36
H: Row Set - Calculations ............................................................................................................... 37
I: Column Set - Format Masks........................................................................................................ 37
J: Column Set - Factors .................................................................................................................. 38
K: Column Set - Period of Interest ................................................................................................... 38
L: Column Set - Account Assignments............................................................................................. 39
M: Column Set - Activity ............................................................................................................... 39
N: Column Sets - Exceptions 1 ....................................................................................................... 40
O: Column Set - Exceptions 2 ......................................................................................................... 41
P: Display Types - Level of Detail................................................................................................... 42
Q: Row Order - Default................................................................................................................... 43
R: Row Order - Example 1............................................................................................................. 44
S: Row Order - Example 2 .............................................................................................................. 45
T: Row Order - Example 3 .............................................................................................................. 46
U: Row Order - Rank by Column ................................................................................................... 47
V: Row Order - Rank by Description............................................................................................... 48
W: Content Set - PE Example.......................................................................................................... 49
X: Content Set - Multiple Ranges .................................................................................................... 50
Y: Content Set - RE and RB............................................................................................................ 51
Z: Content Set - PT Example........................................................................................................... 52
AA: Display Set .............................................................................................................................. 53
AB: Percent of Row ........................................................................................................................ 54

FSG: Technical Reference……………………………………………………………………………55

Section 1: Components of an FSG

Before you define a report in Financial Statement Generator, draft it on paper. This will help
you plan your report’s format and content and save you time later.

FSG Components
Row Set Required Report title, account combinations
Column Set Required Account type, column headings
Content Set Optional Overrides row set account combinations and display options
Row Order Optional Sort order and display options for expanded row
Display Set Optional Electric ’white out’

A Typical FSG


FSG Example (3) (1)
Period (4)

Currency: USD (5)

No Specific Company (6)

Actual Budget
Jan-99 Jan-99 (8)

Co Acct Prod (7)

Expenses (9)
Revenue (9)
Totals (9)

1. System Default - cannot be changed or removed.

2. Set of Books name - cannot be changed or removed.
3. 10.7 Defined as Report Title in the Row Set. 11.0 Defined at Report Level.
4. Defaults from the period that the report is run - cannot be changed or removed.
5. Defaults as functional currency - cannot be changed or removed.
6. This will be determined by the Content Set.
7. This will be determined by the Row Order.
8. Headings as defined in the Column Set.
9. Descriptions as defined in the Row Set.

Section 2: Row Sets

Defining Row Sets

A Row Set defines the format and content of the rows in an FSG report. Typical row sets
include line items, accounts, and calculation rows for totals. You can define a new row set, or
use FSG’s AutoCopy feature to copy an existing row set, which you can modify as needed.

Responsibility: General Ledger Super User

Navigation: Reports => Define => Row Set

Name & Description: These fields do not appear on the report. They are used to distinguish
row sets from one another.

Note: In Release 10.7, there is also a Title column on this form, which FSG will print at the
top of the report. In Release 11, the Title is defined on the Define Financial Report form.

Defining Row Set Rows

Responsibility: General Ledger Super User

Navigation: Reports => Define => Row Set => Define Rows

Line: You may use any number from 1 to 999999999 (form will automatically order new
rows). It is recommended that the line number be entered in increments of 10.

Line Item (Description): Optional, this appears as the row label on the left of any report you
run using this row set.

Format Options: Optional, used to make the report look pretty.

Advanced Options, Display Options, Balance Control: See Sections 3 and 4.

Row Name: Optional, it does not appear on the report. This becomes the row identifier in
the row calculation window.

Each row can contain either an account assignment or calculation, but not both.
A row can also be inserted for formatting purposes only, in which case it would not use
account assignments or row calculations.

Row Set Account Assignments

Responsibility: General Ledger Super User

Navigation: Reports => Define => Row Set => Define Rows => Account Assignments

Sign: Select a numeric operator sign (+, -) to indicate whether to add or subtract the totals
for the account range.

Accounts: Enter the low and high of the account range you would like to see. If you leave a
segment blank, FSG will process all values for that segment.

Typically accounts are assigned to rows. However, if you enter accounts for both rows and
columns, only intersecting accounts are reported.

Display: This is the display for this row.

T = Total the range and display only the total for segment values
E = Expand the range and display all segments values
B = Both expand and total the range and display all segment values

NOTE: If multiple account ranges are assigned to a row, you MUST use T for each segment
of the range. Also, you must use T for each segment if you assign accounts to the column set.

Summary: Use if you would like to report only on Summary account balances for the
accounts in the specific range. The profile option ’FSG: Expand Parent Value’further
determines how the output will display. See example G for more information.

Activity: Defaults to net, however if creating an activity report such as Statements of Cash
Flows you may want to specify debit or credit only. This is illustrated in example M.

Set of Books: Enter a set of books to use for deriving account combinations for your range.
You can enter a different set of books only if the set of books shares the same chart of
accounts and calendar as the current set of books (which is assigned to your responsibility).
Also, if you use multiple sets of books in the same row set, you must use Net as the activity

Row Set Calculations

Responsibility: General Ledger Super User

Navigation: Reports => Define => Row Set => Define Rows => Calculations

Sequence: Controls the order in which FSG will perform the mathematical operations of the

Operator: select the mathematical Operator for each step of you calculation.
+ Add
- Subtract
* Multiply
/ Divide
% Percent
ENTER Enter value
MODE The mode of listed values
AVERAGE The average of listed values
MEDIAN The median of listed values
STDDEV The standard deviation of listed values.

Constant: You may enter a constant value as part of the calculations.

Sequence: Enter low and high sequence numbers corresponding to the range of rows to use
in the calculation.

Row Name: If names have been defined for the rows of the report, you can enter them here in
place of the sequence number.

Credit balances are stored as negative numbers.
Debit balances are stored as positive numbers.

Section 3: Column Sets

Defining Column Sets

A column set defines the format and content of the columns in an FSG report. The commonly
assumed attribute for a column definition is a time period (amount type), whereas the attribute
for a row definition is an account assignment. Therefore, typical column sets include headings
and subheadings, amount types, format masks, currency assignments and calculation columns
for totals.

Responsibility: General Ledger Super User

Navigation: Reports => Define => Column Sets

Name and Description: User defined, this does not appear anywhere on the report.

Override Segment: See page 12.

Define Columns: Standard method to define the content of the columns.

Build Column Set: Graphical tool to design column set headings and some content.

Create Heading: Graphical tool to design column set headings only (no content).

Defining Columns

Responsibility: General Ledger Super User

Navigation: Reports => Define => Column Sets => Define Columns

Sequence: Enter a unique sequence number for each column. This number does not control
the order of the columns on a report like it does for rows in a row set, it is only used in
calculations. The column order is determined by the column start position.

Position: Enter the starting position for each column. This is the number of characters from
the left edge of the page that marks where each column starts.

Note: All of the following must be considered when defining column positions:
ΠTotal Report Width - FSG prints reports in landscape mode with up to 132, 180 or 255
characters per line, depending on the printers you have installed. You can also print
reports in portrait mode (80 characters) by setting the profile FSG: Allow Portrait Print
Style to Yes. If your column position exceeds the total report width, the column will not
appear on the report.
ΠNumber of columns and width of each column.
ΠStarting position and width of previous columns.
ΠCurrency profile option determines if values use thousand separators and/or positive-
negative symbols. If these options are enabled, you must provide enough space in your
column width.
ΠPage margins.

Format Mask: Controls the display of values. See example I.

- 10 -
Factor: Determines how to display numeric values. See example J.

Amount Type: Defines the types of values for the column, such as PTD-Actual,
YTD-Variance, or QTD-Encumbrance.

Currency: To report translated balances for a specific currency, enter that currency, such as
CAD for Canadian dollars. To report on amounts that were entered in a foreign currency,
rather than translate, you would use a control value.

Control Value: Used to include budgets, encumbrance types and currencies in a report.
For example: If you select PTD-Budget as an amount type, you would need to enter a control
value to tell FSG which budget balances to use (remember you can have many budgets

Offset: Enter the relative offset if you want to report on a period that is before or after the
period that you select at runtime. See example K.

The four balance options are closely related and work together to determine which balances to
pull into the report.

Advanced Options and Display Options: See Section 4.

Note: Remember, if you assign an amount type to a row or column, you must also assign an
offset. If you enter budget, encumbrance, or variance amount type you should enter a control
value to assign budgets and encumbrance types to the report definition.

- 11 -
Column Set Account Assignments and Calculations

Information for account assignments and calculations can be entered for columns in the same
manner as for rows.

Why would you want to enter this information in the column set instead of the row set?

Depending on how you want the FSG to display the financial data, there may be times when
the report is defined in ’reverse’of how you would typically expect to see a financial report.
For example: You might want a report that shows PTD-Actual information for several
departments, with each department as its own column (see example L). In this case, if
account assignments are entered for both the row set and the column set, FSG will only report
on intersecting accounts.

For another example of using account assignments in both the row and column set see
Activity Report Example M.

Calculations can also be defined for the column. You can add columns together, subtract
them, multiply by a constant value, or determine percent values.

Note: When adding calculations in the column set, column set calculations override row set
calculations unless you check the Override Column Calculations option on the row set. For
example: you may have a calculation in the row that subtotals all revenue accounts listed
above it, and in the column set you might have a column that divides a monthly column by a
YTD column. By default, FSG will ignore the row calculations and perform the column
calculation. In most cases, the default makes the most sense. But in those cases when you are
’reversing’the FSG, you should be aware of this option.

Override Segment

You can use the Override segment feature to produce breakdown reports.
For example: If you have defined an income statement that reports the total net income for all
products that a company manufactures, you can easily turn this report into an income
statement that shows income by product.

Here is what you would do:

On the Define Column Set form enter Product as the override segment. Then create one
column for each product. Enter each product number in the Override Value field of the
Define Columns form. This will produce a report similar to the one in example L. This is just
a different way to go about it.

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Proforma: Mixed Actual and Budget Amounts

Proforma is an accounting term that refers to annual fiscal amount that is comprised of actual
amounts and budget amounts together. For example, if you budget from JAN - DEC and you
have just closed the September period, you would probably want to look at a 9 + 3 Proforma
Report (9 month actual + 3 remaining months of budget).

Here is how you would define your column set to accomplish this (you can hide any columns
that you do not want to see on the report).

Column A Column B Column C Column D

YTD-Actual YTD-Budget YTD-Budget (FY End) Calculations
Jan through Sep Actual Jan through Sep Budget Jan through Dec Budget (C - B) + A

Build Column Set

With the Column Set Builder, you can define a column set by laying it out graphically. You
can also use this form to modify existing column sets. The Column Set Builder is primarily a
layout and design tool. It does not include all of the options available from the Columns
window. As a result, you cannot assign accounts, calculations, or exceptions within the
Column Set Builder. However, you can add these things from the Columns window after
you’ve designed your column set with the Column Set Builder.

Note: If you define a non-displayed column from the Columns window, it will not be visible in
the Column Set Builder.

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Responsibility: General Ledger Super User
Navigation: Reports => Define => Column Sets => Build Column Set

The tool bar in the top left hand of the screen is used to add, delete or reposition the columns
of the column set.

Choosing ’Create Default Heading’will cause FSG to automatically convert your Amount
Type and Period Offset into a default heading. You can accept the default, or make
modifications to it.

The value entered for Left Margin will determine at which position the first column will begin.
The space before the left margins (position 0 - 40), is where the row set information will

You can scroll to the end of the ruler bar to determine the total width of the report, which is
very helpful when working on printing issues.

Choosing ’More Column Options’will display a popup window that contains fields for the
display options, currency, control value, override value, factor and level of detail.

Relative Headings

Relative headings are used to create dynamic column headings that change depending on the
period you run the report for.

Relative Headings are comprised of the following:

An ampersand (&): this must be the first character of the heading.
A number: corresponds to period offset or control value.


&POI-2 Report will display the period two periods before the period you are running
the report for.

&Budget1 Report will display the budget name associated with control value number 1

For more examples of &POI see example K.

- 14 -
Column Exceptions

Responsibility: General Ledger Super User

Navigation: Reports => Define => Column Set => Define Column => Exceptions

You define exceptions at the column set level to highlight specific information or conditions
on the FSG. Exceptions are used to ’flag’rows of the report. For example:
You can flag all rows where there is a budget variance in excess of $1000.00.

Flag: Enter a single character to use as the flag.

Description: Enter a description.

Condition and Constant: Select the condition that you are looking for and a constant value.
Available conditions: <, >, =, <=, =< .

You can enter as many conditions as you want. However, if you enter multiple conditions for
your exceptions, FSG will flag only those rows that meet all of your conditions.

You can also set up exceptions that flag rows that meet at least one, but not all the conditions.
For example, if you want to flag amounts that meet one or more of these conditions, you
would define three columns. You would define these columns as non-displayed columns, and
use a calculation to add a non-displayed column to itself. You would then define a unique
exception to each of these non-displayed columns. The exceptions will be displayed, even
though the column itself is not.

Once exceptions are defined for the columns, they will print on the FSG output. When you
run your FSG you can also choose to display only the exceptions. There is a check box on the
Run Financial Statements form.

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Section 4: Row and Column Combined and Advanced Features

Display Options

The Display Options are the same for both row sets and column sets.

Level of Detail: You can define rows or columns at one of three levels, Financial Analyst,
Supervisor, or Controller. When you run the report, you can choose to run the report at one
of these levels:
ΠFinancial Analyst: Includes all levels of detail
ΠSupervisor: Includes only rows and columns defined for supervisor or Controller
ΠController: Includes only rows and columns defined for the Controller

Example: You could define all subtotal and total rows of a report as Controller level. When
you run the report for the Controller, you would get a short version of the report that only
shows key figures. See example P.

Display Row / Display Column: If a column is defined but not displayed, FSG still prints
your column heading descriptions and does not reposition other columns or their headings on
the report. For rows that are defined but not displayed, FSG hides the rows and repositions
all other rows.

Display Zero: If you do not choose this option, the row or column is suppressed on reports
when it has a zero balance. In order for the row/column to be suppressed, all values across or
down must be zero.

Change Sign: Changes the sign on balances for display purposes only. General Ledger
stores credit balances as negative numbers and debits as positive numbers. Choosing change
sign would report a credit balance as a positive number.

Change Sign on Variance: This is the same as Change Sign, except this only applies to
balances that use a Variance Amount Type. Variance amount types are calculated as
Budget - Actual.

As with other pieces of row sets and column sets, Display Options work together and can be
defined in both components. You have to look at all pieces of the puzzle together.
See the Row and Column Overrides table for more information.

- 16 -
Percent of Row / Percent of Column
See example AB.

Row Set vs. Column Set Override Summary

Row Column
Option Overrides Overrides Comments
Column Row
Amount Type Yes No
Offset Yes No
Control Value Yes No Must assign same currency, budget or
encumbrance type at row and column
Format Yes No
Factor Yes No
Display Zero Yes No
Level of Detail Yes No
Override No Yes A conflict exists only for those report cells
Row/Column where calculations are defined for both
Calculations intersecting row and column
Activity (DR, No Yes
CR, Net)
Accounts N/A N/A Report uses intersecting accounts
Summary N/A N/A Must assign same summary option at row
and column level
Currency N/A N/A Must assign same currency to intersecting
rows and columns; otherwise 0 (Zero)
appears in place of an amount
Change Sign N/A N/A Yes overrides No
Change Sign on N/A N/A Yes overrides No

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Section 5: Row Orders

Defining Row Orders

Row orders are used to control how detail rows appear on the report.

Responsibility: General Ledger Super User

Navigation: Reports => Define => Order

Note: It is necessary to have at least one account segment defined with a display type of
Expand or Both to use a row order.

Sequence: Enter the sequence that you want to see the segments of the accounting flexfield
(you can reorder the sequence).

Segment: Enter the segment name.

Order By: Choose Description, Value or Ranking to determine how to sort segments if you
would like to re-order expanded information.

Display: Choose Description, Value, or Value and Description to determine what

information about the segment will display on the report.

Width: This refers to how much space you would like to allow for this segment.

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Section 6: Contents Sets

Defining Content Sets

Responsibility: General Ledger Super User

Navigation: Reports => Define => Content Set

Content Sets are similar to row sets. They are used to override row and column account
assignments and display types to create multiple variations of existing reports. Content sets
are probably the most confusing aspect of FSG definition. It is the complexity and variation
of content set options that contribute to its ’mystery’. In a business environment, mastering
the content set can significantly reduce report development efforts.

Name and Description: User defined. Will not appear on the report.

Type: Choose a processing type for the multiple reports.

ΠParallel will process multiple reports at the same time.
ΠSequential will process multiple reports in sequential order.

Sequence: The sequence in which you want the account assignment to be generated.

Account Ranges: Enter account ranges similar to row set. What you enter will override the
account ranges in the row set. You can use parent values, but the same rules that are
discussed in examples G and F apply. If you enter multiple account ranges, FSG will produce
a separate report for each page.

Display Type: See Content Set Display Types.

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Summary: Choose Yes if you want to report only summary account balances for the range.
Choose No if you want to report only detail account balances in your range. If you leave this
field blank, the content set will inherit the summary account reporting option from the row set
or column set.

Content Set Display Types

N: (No Override) Use the display option from the row set definition.

RE: (Row/Expand) Expand the range and display all segment values, creating multiple rows
from a single row definition.

RT: (Row/Total) Total the range and display only the total balance for the segment values.
For example: you have defined a report to print project expenses, and the Project is one of
your account segments. Your report definition uses a row set containing a single row
definition with account assignments for all related project expense accounts. To review
expenses for all projects for each department, use the Row/Expand option for the department
segment and the Row/Total option for the project segment.

RB: (Row/Both) Expand and total the range, displaying each segment value and the total
balance for the segment values. Using the same example above (under RT), if you want to
produce a report showing individual project revenues with a subtotal of all project revenues
for each department, use the Row/Expand option for department and the Row/Both option
for the project.

CT: (Column/Total) Total the range and display only a total balance for the segment values.

PE: (Page/Expand) Expand the range and create a separate report for each segment value in
the range. You can only use this option for one segment in your account and you must enter a
range of values for that segment. If you assign this option to a parent segment value, FSG
will generate a separate report for each child value. FSG will also generate a separate report
for the parent if you include a parent segment value in the child range.

PT: (Page/Total) Override the row set segment value range but retain the row set Expand,
Total, or Both display type for each segment. This differs from content display type N since
N ignores any new range values you specify for your content set.

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Section 7: Display Sets

Display sets are used to control (hide) the display of ranges of rows and/or columns in a
report. To use display sets you must also define display groups to identify the ranges of rows
and/or columns whose display you want to control.

Defining Display Groups

A display group defines a range of rows in a row set or columns in a column set. Display
groups are assigned to display sets to control which rows and columns appear on a report.

Responsibility: General Ledger Super User

Navigation: Reports => Define => Display => Group

Defining Display Groups is a prerequisite of using display sets.

Name and Description: User defined. Will not appear on the report.

Row Set or Column Set: Enter either a row set or column set name. This is an OR and can
never be an AND.

From/To Sequence: Enter a range of rows OR columns to include in the display group.
Usually this is the range that you want to ’hide’.

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Defining Display Sets
With display sets and groups you can produce report variations which omit sensitive
information or which include information normally not included in a report. To do this, you
simply tell FSG which rows or columns should or should not be displayed.

Responsibility: General Ledger Super User

Navigation: Reports => Define => Display => Group

Name and Description: User defined, will not appear on report.

Row Set and Column Set: Enter the name of the row set and or column set definitions you
want to override.

Sequence Number: Enter a sequence number for each display group assignment.

Display: Choose whether or not to ’display’the values related to the display group. If you
check the box, the values related to the display group will appear on the report. If you leave
the box unchecked, the values will not appear will not appear on the report. Even if you
decide to not display, the display group information, the row and column headings will appear
on the report. Only the values will be hidden.

Row Group/Column Group: Enter the relevant display group names in the appropriate

Description: (Optional) Will not appear on report.

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Section 8: Defining and Running FSGs

Defining Financial Reports

Responsibility: General Ledger Super User

Navigation: Reports => Define => Report

Enter a Name, report Title, and Description for your report. The report title is what FSG will
print at the top of the report. Note: In Release 10.7, the Title is entered on the Row Set form.

Time to put all of the pieces together. This is where you specify which report components
you would like to use in the report.

Most of the information is supplied by using List of Values to choose existing report
components. However, there are some additional parameters that can be defined on this form.

Segment Override: Enter values here for account segments that you want to override. When
you enter this field, a pop up box will appear that will allow you to override any one or more
of the segments in the accounting flexfield structure. If a segment value is disabled, it will
have no effect when used as a segment override.

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Currency: You can enter a default currency here, but FSG will only use the currency for
those rows and columns which do not have a currency assigned to them in the row and
column sets. In other words, this is not an override.

Rounding Option: Calculate Then Round will perform calculations before rounding
amounts. ’Round Then Calculate’will round values before they are used in calculations.

Level of Detail: Select a level of detail. See Section 4.

Output Options: Select Standard or Spreadsheet.

ΠStandard: Produces a report that is not tab-delimited.
ΠSpreadsheet: Produces a report that is tab-delimited.

If you choose spreadsheet as the option, you will still need to manually parse an FSG that is
downloaded into Excel or Lotus. It is easier to do because it has been tab-delimited.

Control Values

If you have defined control values in the row and column set, this is where you define which
budget, encumbrance, or currency to link to the control value.

Responsibility: General Ledger Super User

Navigation: Reports => Define => Report = > Control Value

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Defining FSG Report Sets

Responsibility: General Ledger Super User

Navigation: Reports => Define => Report Set

Report Sets are used to group FSG reports that you run together frequently.

Name and Description: User defined.

Sequence: This controls the sequence in which reports are submitted at runtime. This will
not always ensure what order the reports are printed in. For example: If the concurrent
manager is configured to run 3 FSGs at one time, and you have a report set with FSG1,
FSG2, FSG3 and FSG4. FSG1, 2, 3 will be submitted. If FSG2 finishes first it will begin to
print, and FSG4 will begin running, then FSG1 may finish and begin to print, etc.

After you have defined a report set you can run it from the Run Financial Reports Form.

When you choose a report set from that form, you can choose to run all reports in the report
set, or only individual reports.

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Running FSGs

Responsibility: General Ledger Super User

Navigation: Reports => Request => Financial

Choose to run Individual Reports or Reports Sets.

Report: Enter the report name (use List of Values).

Period: Enter the period for the report. This is what will become POI.

At run time you can enter additional information or choose to override the report definitions.
This form will allow you to enter the following information at runtime:
Currency, Segment Override, Row Order, Display Set, Rounding Option, and Output Option.

This is also where you can choose to print only exceptions, if you have defined exceptions on
the column set.

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Ad-hoc Reports

Responsibility: General Ledger Super User

Navigation: Reports => Request => Financial => Ad Hoc

From the Run Financial Reports form you can also define Ad-hoc reports. Ad-hoc reports are
reports that are defined on the fly. You are entering all of the information that is typically
entered on the Define Reports form. An Ad-hoc is just a non-permanent way to accomplish
the same thing.

You do not assign a name to an Ad-hoc report, FSG does this for you. The report will be
named FSG-AD-HOC - <sequence generated number>.

It is recommended that these Ad-hoc reports be deleted periodically by running the Program -
Delete Ad Hoc Reports.

This program will delete all Ad-hoc reports that have not been run in a specified number of
days. You must run this program as System Administrator Responsibility to delete ALL Ad-
hoc reports. If this program is run using a General Ledger Responsibility, only those Ad-hoc
reports that were defined by that responsibility will be deleted.

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Section 9: Copy Report Objects

You can copy existing row sets, column sets, content sets, row orders, display sets, reports
and report sets to create new report objects. You can also copy report objects across multiple
sets of books if both sets of books share the same account structure.

After you copy a report object, you can modify the new object to meet your reporting needs.

Responsibility: General Ledger Super User

Navigation: Reports => AutoCopy

Component: Select the type of report object you want to copy.

Source: Select the name of the object to copy.

Target: Enter a name for the new report object.

Choose Copy. General Ledger launches a concurrent process to copy the report objects.
When the concurrent process is completed, you can query and modify the copied objects as

- 28 -
Copying Report Objects from another database (FSG
Run the FSG Transfer program to copy report objects from one General Ledger database
to another. You can copy row sets, column sets, reports, report sets, content sets, row
orders, display sets and display groups.

For example, when you implement General Ledger, you might define all of your FSG
objects in a test database. Once your production database is fully functional, you can easily
copy the FSG objects from your test database by using the FSG Transfer Program.


ΠYour Database Administrator must define database links.

ΠThe chart of accounts in your source database must be identical to the chart of accounts
in your target database.
ΠAny currencies and sets of books referred to by the row sets and column sets being
copied must exist in the target database.
ΠReport details, such as budgets and encumbrance types, referred to by copied reports
must exist in the target database.
ΠYou must be logged in to General Ledger and connected to the target database.

Responsibility: General Ledger Super User

Navigation: Reports => Request => Standard
- 29 -
Defining Database Links

You can define links to other General Ledger databases by using the Define Database Links
window. You give each linked database a name, which you can then use for copying FSG
report objects from the linked database into your current database.

Once the link is established, you can copy the report objects by using the FSG Transfer


You must grant permission for database link creation in the target database by executing the
following SQL statement:
grant create database link to <APPS account>
-- where <APPS account> is your APPS account name

To create a link to a General Ledger database:

1. Navigate to the Define Database Links window.

2. Enter the Database Name and optional Description for the linked database. You must
also supply the Database Name to the FSG Transfer program.
You can find the database name by executing the following query in the source database:

SELECT value FROM v$parameter


3. Enter the following additional information for the database. If you do not know what to
enter, ask your System Administrator.

Connect String: The network connect string to point to the General Ledger database.
Domain Name: The domain of the remote General Ledger database to which this link
You can find the domain name by executing the following query in the source database:

SELECT value FROM v$parameter


APPS Username: The name of the Oracle Applications account that has read access to the
General Ledger database tables. Note that this is not the username you enter to log in to
Oracle Applications.

APPS Password: The password for the above username. Note that, for security reasons,
when you enter the password General Ledger will display asterisks instead of the actual
characters in the password.

4. Save your work.

- 30 -
To delete a database link:
1. Navigate to the Define Database Links window.
2. Query the database name you want to delete.
3. Choose Delete Record from the Edit menu.
4. Choose Yes to delete the database link.

- 31 -
Section 10: Optimizing FSG Performance
To improve General Ledger performance, it is recommended that the General Ledger
Optimizer program be run before you run the monthly reports. This will also help your
financial reporting process run faster.

Run the General Ledger Optimizer program to create or drop indexes for those segments in
your chart of accounts that you have marked for indexing.

You can also update statistical information about your data, such as the size of your balances
and combinations tables, the number of accounts with a particular segment value, and the
number of account balances associated with each accounting period. This information
improves the performance of your journal entry posting and financial reporting process.

To keep these statistics current, you should run the Optimizer at least once a period, or any
time you add several segment values, define a new chart of accounts, or add or delete
summary templates.


ΠDefine your account segments.

ΠSpecify whether you want to index a particular segment in your chart of accounts using
the Key Flexfield Segments window.
ΠDefine your account segment values.
ΠDefine summary templates.

You run the Optimizer from the Standard Request Submission screen. (Program - Optimizer)

Responsibility: General Ledger Super User

Navigation: Reports => Request => Standard

To create and drop indexes for your chart of accounts:

ΠFreeze your account structure.
ΠEnter Yes for Maintain Indexes to create or drop the indexes for your chart of accounts.

The Optimizer creates an index on a segment if one does not already exists, and drops an
index on a segment if you no longer index the segment. This is useful when you define a new
chart of account for which you want to index particular segments or when you want to add or
drop an index for an existing segment in your chart of accounts.

To update statistical information about your data:

ΠEnter Yes for Gather Statistics. The Optimizer program gathers and updates statistical
information about the size of your balances and combinations table, the number of account
combinations with a particular segment value, and the number of account balances
associated with each accounting period.

- 32 -

A: Row Set - Display Type - Total 1

Row Account Assignment

+ 01.130.999.6460.000.000 T.T.T.T.T.T

Report Output

FSG Example
Current Period: JAN - 99

Currency: USD
No specific Company requested
PTD-Actual PTD-Actual YTD-Actual YTD-Actual
Jan-99 Jan-98 Jan-99 Jan-98

Expenses 1,325.36 0 1,325.36 0

Note: Content Set, Row Order and Segment Override are not used for this report.
The column set does not include any account assignments or other advanced features.

B: Row Set - Display Type - Total 2

Row Account Assignment

+ 01.110.999.6460.000.0000 T.T.T.T.T.T
+ 01.120.999.6460.000.0000 T.T.T.T.T.T
+ 01.130.999.6460.000.0000 T.T.T.T.T.T

Report Output

U. S. Operations
FSG Example
Current Period: JAN-99

Currency: USD
No specific Company requested

PTD-Actual PTD-Actual YTD-Actual YTD-Actual

Jan-99 Jan-98 Jan-99 Jan-98

Expenses 1,325.36 0 1,325.36 0

Note: Content Set, Row Order and Segment Override are not used for this report.
The column set does not include any account assignments or other advanced features.

- 33 -
C: Row Set - Display Type - Expanded 1

Row Account Assignment

+ 01.130.999.6460.000.0000 T.T.T.E.T.T

Report Output

U. S. Operations
FSG Example
Current Period: JAN-99

Currency: USD
No specific Company requested

PTD-Actual PTD-Actual YTD-Actual YTD-Actual

Jan-99 Jan-98 Jan-99 Jan-98
Co Acct
6410 Airfare 1,750.00 0 1,750.00 0
6420 Hotel 75.36 0 75.36 0
6430 Meals 0 0 0 0
6440 Car Rental 0 0 0 0
6450 Entertainment 0 0 0 0
6460 Other Travel 0 0 0 0

Note: Content Set and Segment Override are not used in this report.
The column set does not include any account assignments or other advanced features.

D: Row Set - Display Type - Expand2

Row Account Assignment

+ 01.130.999.6460.000.0000 T.E.T.E.T.T

Report Output
U. S. Operations
FSG Example
Current Period: JAN-99

Currency: USD
No specific Company requested

PTD-Actual PTD-Actual YTD-Actual YTD-Actual

Jan-99 Jan-98 Jan-99 Jan-98
Reg Acct
110 6410 Airfare 1,250.00 0 1,250.00 0
110 6420 Hotel 75.36 0 75.36 0
120 6410 Meals 500.00 0 500.00 0

Note: Content Set and Segment Override are not used in this report.
The column set does not include any account assignments or other advanced features.

- 34 -
E: Row Set - Display Type - Both

Row Account Assignment

+ 01.130.999.6460.000.0000 T.T.T.B.T.T

Report Output
U. S. Operations
FSG Example
Current Period: JAN-99

Currency: USD
No specific Company requested

PTD-Actual PTD-Actual YTD-Actual YTD-Actual

Jan-99 Jan-98 Jan-99 Jan-98
Reg Acct
6410 Airfare 1,750.00 0 1,750.00 0
6420 Hotel 75.36 0 75.36 0
TOTAL 1,825.36 0 1,825.36 0

Note: Content Set and Segment Override are not used in this report.
The column set does not include any account assignments or other advanced features.

F: Row Set - Parent Accounts

Row Account Assignment

+01.110.000.FSGP.000.00000 01.130.999.FSGP.000.0000 T.T.T.E.T.T
-- Where FSGP is a parent that includes child values 6400 - 6460.

Report Output
U. S. Operations
FSG Example
Current Period: JAN-99

Currency: USD
No specific Company requested

PTD-Actual PTD-Actual YTD-Actual YTD-Actual

Jan-99 Jan-98 Jan-99 Jan-98

Reg Acct
6410 Airfare 1,750.00 0 1,750.00 0
6420 Hotel 75.36 0 75.36 0

Note: Content Set and Segment Override are not used in this report.
The column set does not include any account assignments or other advanced features.

- 35 -
G: Row Set - Summary Accounts

Row Account Assignment

+01.110.000.FSGP.000.0000 01.130.999.FSGP.000.0000 T.E.T.E.T.T x Summary

Where FSGP is the parent that includes child values 6400-6460 and FSGP is assigned to a rollup group that is
used in a summary template.
Profile Option: FSG: Expand Parent Value = YES

Report Output
U. S. Operations
FSG Example
Current Period: JAN-99

Currency: USD
No specific Company requested

PTD-Actual PTD-Actual YTD-Actual YTD-Actual

Jan-99 Jan-98 Jan-99 Jan-98

Reg Acct
110 FSGP Parent Example 1,325.36 0 1,325.36 0
120 FSGP Parent Example 500.00 0 500.00 0

Here is the Rule:

When you request summary balances, FSG looks to the profile option FSG: Expand Parent Value to determine
how to handle parent accounts.
When Profile Option FSG: Expand Parent Value is set to YES
If parent belongs to a roll up group the parent will not be expanded
If parent does not belong to a rollup group it will be expanded
When Profile Option FSG: Expand Parent Value is set to No
If the summary flag is set to yes, the parent will not be expanded
If the summary flag is set to no, the parent will be expanded

Row Account Assignment

+01.110.000.FSGP.000.0000 01.130.999.FSGP.000.0000 T.E.T.E.T.T

Where FSGP is parent that includes child values 6400-6460 and FSGP is assigned to a rollup group that is
used in a summary template.
Profile Option: FSG: Expand Parent Value = NO

Report Output
U. S. Operations
FSG Example
Current Period: JAN-99

Currency: USD
No specific Company requested

PTD-Actual PTD-Actual YTD-Actual YTD-Actual

- 36 -
Jan-99 Jan-98 Jan-99 Jan-98
Reg Acct
110 6410 Airfare 1,250.00 0 1,250.00 0
110 6420 Hotel 75.36 0 75.36 0
120 6410 Airfare 500.00 0 500.00 0

H: Row Set - Calculations

Report Output
U. S. Operations
FSG Example
Current Period: JAN-99

Currency: USD
No specific Company requested
PTD-Actual PTD-Actual YTD-Actual YTD-Actual
Jan-99 Jan-98 Jan-99 Jan-98

Row Seq
10 Airfare 1,750.00 0 1,250.00 0
20 Hotel 75.36 0 75.36 0
30 Meals 700 0 700 0
40 Car Rental 2,000.00 0 2,000.00 0
50 Entertainment 25 0 25 0
----------- ------------- ----------- ------------
70 Simple Total 9,100.36 0 9,100.00 0
80 MEDIAN 1,225.00 0 1,225.00 0
90 Constant Value 9.1 0 9.1 0

Calculation Definitions
Sequence Operator Constant Low High Row Name
70 10 Enter 10 50
80 10 Median 10 50
90 10 Enter 10 50
20 / 1000

I: Column Set - Format Masks

Report Output
U. S. Operations
FSG Example
Current Period: JAN-99

Currency: USD
No specific Company requested

- 37 -
PTD-Actual PTD-Actual PTD-Actual PTD-Actual
Jan-99 Jan-99 Jan-99 Jan-99
Format Mask 999 999,999.99 $999,999 estimate 999,999

Airfare 1,750 1750.00 $1,750 estimate 1,750

Hotel 75 75.36 $75 estimate 75
Meals 700 700.00 $700 estimate 700
Car Rental 2,000 2,000.00 $2,000 estimate 2,000
Entertainment 25 25.00 $25 estimate 25
----------- ------------- ----------- ------------
TOTAL 9,101 9,100.36 $9,101 estimate 9,101

J: Column Set - Factors

Report Output
U. S. Operations
FSG Example
Current Period: JAN-99

Currency: USD
No specific Company requested

PTD-Actual PTD-Actual PTD-Actual PTD-Actual

Jan-99 Jan-99 Jan-99 Jan-99
Format Mask 999,999,999.99 999,999,999.99 999,999,999.99 999,999,999.99
Factor Null Units Thousands Percentiles

Airfare 1,750.00 1750.00 1.75 175,000.00

Hotel 75.36 75.36 0.08 7,536.00
Meals 700.00 700.00 0.7 70,000.00
Car Rental 2,000.00 2,000.00 2 200,000.00
Entertainment 25.00 25.00 0.03 2,500.00
----------- ------------- ----------- ------------
TOTAL 9,100.36 9,100.36 9.1 910,036.00

K: Column Set - Period of Interest

Report Output
U. S. Operations
FSG Example
Current Period: DEC-98

Currency: USD
No specific Company requested

PTD-Actual PTD-Actual YTD-Actual QTD-Actual QTD-Actual

Jan-98 Feb-99 Dec-97 Dec-98 Oct-98
Relative Heading/POI POI-11 POI+2 POI-12 PO10 POI-2
Airfare 1,750.00 0 0 0 0
Hotel 75.72 0 0 0 0
Meals 700.00 0 0 0 0
Car Rental 2,000.00 0 0 0 0

- 38 -
Entertainment 25.00 0 0 0 0
----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
TOTAL 9,100.72 0 0 0 0

L: Column Set - Account Assignments

Report Output
U. S. Operations
FSG Example
Current Period: JAN-99

Currency: USD
No specific Company requested

PTD-Actual PTD-Actual PTD-Actual

Jan-99 Jan-99 Jan-99 Jan-99
Acct Region 110 Region 120 Region 130 Total

Airfare 1,250.00 500 0 1,750.00

Hotel 75.36 0 0 75.36
Meals 700 0 0 700
Car Rental 0 2,000.00 0 2,000.00
Entertainment 0 25 0 25

In this report the row set account assignment is as follows: 01.130.999.6460.000.0000 T.T.T.E.T.T

The column set also uses account assignments. The first column is defined as follows:
…110… …. … …. …110 … …. … …. T.T.T.T.T.T

The region of 110 defined in the column, overrides the range of 110 - 130 defined in the row set.

M: Column Set - Activity

Report Output
U. S. Operations
FSG Example
Current Period: JAN-98

Currency: USD
No specific Company requested

PTD-Actual PTD-Actual PTD-Actual

Dec -97 Jan-98 Jan-98 Jan-98
Acct Beginning Bal Debit Activity Credit Activity Total

Airfare 50.00 1750.00 0.00 1,800.00

Hotel 0.00 75.36 0.00 75.36
Meals 900.00 700.00 0.00 1,600.00
Car Rental 0.00 2,000.00 180.00 1,820.00
Entertainment 0.00 25.00 0.00 25.00

- 39 -
In this example the row set account assignment is defined as follows: T.T.T.E.T.T NET

In the column set the account assignment for the 2nd column is defined as follows:
.. … … …. … …. .. … … …. … … T.T.T.E.T.T DEBIT

N: Column Sets - Exceptions 1

Report Output
U. S. Operations
FSG Example
Current Period: JAN-99

Currency: USD
No specific Company requested
PTD-Actual YTD-Actual PTD-Actual YTD-Actual
Jan-99 Jan-99 Jan-98 Jan-98

Y Airfare 1,750.00 1,750.00 0 0
Hotel 75.36 75.36 0 0
Meals 700 700 0 0
Y Car Rental 1,820.00 2,000.00 0 0
Entertainment 25 25 0 0

In the above example, an exception was defined on the first column as follows:
Flag = Y
Description = Null
Condition = '> Greater than'
Constant = 1000

In the example below, the same report was run but the option to print only exceptions was selected at run time.

Report Output
U. S. Operations
FSG Example
Current Period: JAN-99

Currency: USD
No specific Company requested
PTD-Actual YTD-Actual PTD-Actual YTD-Actual
Jan-99 Jan-99 Jan-98 Jan-98

Y Airfare 1,750.00 1,750.00 0 0
Y Car Rental 1,820.00 2,000.00 0 0

- 40 -
O: Column Set - Exceptions 2

Report Output
U. S. Operations
FSG Example
Current Period: JAN-99

Currency: USD
No specific Company requested
PTD-Actual YTD-Actual PTD-Actual YTD-Actual
Jan-99 Jan-99 Jan-98 Jan-98


Airfare 1,750.00 1,750.00 0 0

Y* Hotel 75.36 75.36 0 0
Y Meals 700 700 0 0
Car Rental 1,820.00 2,000.00 0 0
Y* Entertainment 25 25 0 0

In this example, two exceptions have been defined. In this report, you wanted to see amounts that were under
$1000 flagged with a ’Y’ and those amounts that were under $100 flagged with a ’*’.

The column exceptions are defined as follows:

First , there is an exception on column one that is defined as follows:

Flag = Y
Description = Null
Condition = < Less Than
Constant = 1000

Second, there is a hidden column between displayed columns 1 and 2. The hidden column uses the same
amount type as column 1 and the exception is defined as follows:
Flag = * Description =
Null Condition = < Less
Than Constant = 100

- 41 -
P: Display Types - Level of Detail

Report Output
U. S. Operations
FSG Example
Current Period: JAN-99

Currency: USD
No specific Company requested
PTD-Actual YTD-Actual PTD-Actual YTD-Actual
Jan-99 Jan-99 Jan-98 Jan-98
Departmental Travel Expenses Controller
Department 110 Financial Analyst
Airfare 1,750.0 1,750.00 0 0
Hotel 75.36 75.36 0 0
Meals 700 700 0 0
---------- ------------- -------------- ---------
Total Department 110 2,025.36 2,025.36 0 0 Controller

Department 120 Financial Analyst

Airfare 500 500 0 0
Car Rental 2,000.00 2,000.00 0 0
Entertainment 25 25 0 0
---------- ------------- -------------- ---------
Total Department 120 2,525.00 2,525.00 0 0 Controller

Department 130 Financial Analyst

Car Rental -180 0 0 0
---------- ------------- -------------- ---------
Total Department 130 -180 0 0 0 Controller

Grand Total 4,370.36 4,550.36 0 0 Controller

Below example is what the report would like if ran for the Controller Level of Detail:

Report Output
U. S. Operations
FSG Example
Current Period: JAN-99

Currency: USD
No specific Company requested
PTD-Actual YTD-Actual PTD-Actual YTD-Actual
Jan-99 Jan-99 Jan-98 Jan-98

Departmental Travel Expenses

Total Department 110 2,025.36 2,025.36 0 0
Total Department 120 2,525.00 2,525.00 0 0
Total Department 130 -180 0 0 0

Grand Total 4,370.36 4,550.36 0 0

- 42 -
Q: Row Order - Default

Report Output
U. S. Operations
FSG Example
Current Period: JAN-99

Currency: USD
No specific Company requested
PTD-Actual YTD-Actual PTD-Actual YTD-Actual
Co Reg CC Acc Prd Sub Jan-99 Jan-99 Jan-98 Jan-98

Travel Expenses
641 1,750.00 1,750.00 0 0
642 75.36 75.36 0 0
643 700 700 0 0
644 1,820.00 2,000.00 0 0
645 25 25 0 0
------------ ------------ ------------- ------------

Total 4,370.36 4,550.36 0 0

In this example, NO ROW ORDER is used. This is an example of how FSG will print by default when you
expand in a row set and do not define a row order.

The row set is defined with one account range as follows: 01.130.999.6460.999.9999 T.T.T.E.T.T

The column set starts at position 30, so FSG takes the six segments of the accounting flexfield and allocates
five spaces for each segment (three for display, two for spacing). FSG then prints as much information in the
space that is allotted for each segment. In this case, you only see 3 of the 4 digits for the account segment.
You will only see information for the account segment because that is the only segment that uses a display type
of Expand.

- 43 -
R: Row Order - Example 1

Report Output
U. S. Operations
FSG Example
Current Period: JAN-99

Currency: USD
No specific Company requested
PTD-Actual YTD-Actual PTD-Actual YTD-Actual
Acct CRCPS Jan-99 Jan-99 Jan-98 Jan-98

Travel Expenses

6410 Airfare 1,750.00 1,750.00 0 0

6420 Hotel 75.36 75.36 0 0
6430 Meals 700 700 0 0
6440 Car Rental 1,820.00 2,000.00 0 0
6450 Entertainment 25 25 0 0
------------ ------------ ------------- ------------

Total 4,370.36 4,550.36 0 0

======= ======== ======== ========

In this example, the row set is defined as follows: 01.130.999.6460.999.9999 T.T.T.E.T.T

The row order attached is define as follows:

Rank by Column info Seq Segment Order by Display Width

Null 1 Account Value Value and Desc 15

Because information was defined for only one segment (Account), FSG is still trying to squeeze the other
segments in. 30 spaces are available for row information 15 spaces are used for the Account segment.
That leaves 15 spaces for the remaining 5 segments. In order to remove the space holders for the remaining 5
segments, you need to include them in the row order with a width of 0. See Example S.

- 44 -
S: Row Order - Example 2

Report Output
U. S. Operations
FSG Example
Current Period: JAN-99

Currency: USD
No specific Company requested
PTD-Actual YTD-Actual PTD-Actual YTD-Actual
Acct Jan-99 Jan-99 Jan-98 Jan-98

Travel Expenses

6410 Airfare 1,750.00 1,750.00 0 0

6420 Hotel 75.36 75.36 0 0
6430 Meals 700 700 0 0
6440 Car Rental 1,820.00 2,000.00 0 0
6450 Entertainment 25 25 0 0
------------ ------------ ------------- ------------

Total 4,370.36 4,550.36 0 0

======= ======== ======== ========

In this example, the row set is defined as follows: 01.130.999.6460.999.9999 T.T.T.E.T.T

The row order attached is defined as follows:

Rank by Column info Seq Segment Order by Display Width

Null 1 Company Value Value 0
2 Region Value Value 0
3 CC Value Value 0
4 Account Value Value and Desc 15
5 Product Value Value 0
6 SubAccount Value Value 0

All segments have been suppressed except for Account. Account is displaying the value and description.

- 45 -
T: Row Order - Example 3

Report Output
U. S. Operations
FSG Example
Current Period: JAN-99

Currency: USD
No specific Company requested
PTD-Actual YTD-Actual PTD-Actual YTD-Actual
Acct Reg Jan-99 Jan-99 Jan-98 Jan-98

Travel Expenses

Airfare 110 1,250.00 1,250.00 0 0

Airfare 120 500 500 0 0
Hotel 110 75.36 75.36 0 0
Meals 110 700 700 0 0
Car Rental 120 2,000.00 2,000.00 0 0
Car Rental 130 -180 -180 0 0
Entertainment 120 25 25 0 0
------------ ------------ ------------- ------------

Total 4,370.36 4,550.36 0 0

======= ======== ======== ========

In this report, two segments are expanded, and the sequence of the segments has been switched.

In this example, the row set is defined as follows: 01.130.999.6460.999.9999 T.E.T.E.T.T

The row order attached is defined as follows:

Rank by Column info Seq Segment Order by Display Width

Null 1 Account Value Description 15
2 Region Value Value 5
3 CC Value Value 0
4 Company Value Value 0
5 Product Value Value 0
6 SubAccount Value Value 0

- 46 -
U: Row Order - Rank by Column

Report Output
U. S. Operations
FSG Example
Current Period: JAN-99

Currency: USD
No specific Company requested
PTD-Actual YTD-Actual PTD-Actual YTD-Actual
Acct Jan-99 Jan-99 Jan-98 Jan-98

Travel Expenses

6440 Car Rental 1,820.00 1,820.00 0 0

6410 Airfare 1,750.00 1,750.00 0 0
6430 Meals 700 700 0 0
6420 Hotel 75.36 75.36 0 0
6450 Entertainm 25 25 0 0
------------ ------------ ------------- ------------

Total 4,370.36 4,370.36 0 0

======= ======== ======== ========

In this example, the accounts are sorted in descending order by their ranking in column 1.

Row Set Account Assignment 01.130.999.6460.999.9999 T.T.T.E.T.T

The row order attached is define as follows:

Rank by Column info Seq Segment Order by Display Width

Name = Null 1 Company Value Value 0
Order = 1 2 Region Value Value 0
Ranking = Descending 3 CC Value Value 0
4 Account Ranking Value and Desc 15
5 Product Value Value 0
6 SubAccount Value Value 0

- 47 -
V: Row Order - Rank by Description

Report Output
U. S. Operations
FSG Example
Current Period: JAN-99

Currency: USD
No specific Company requested
PTD-Actual YTD-Actual PTD-Actual YTD-Actual
Acct Jan-99 Jan-99 Jan-98 Jan-98

Travel Expenses

6410 Airfare 1,750.00 1,750.00 0 0

6440 Car Rental 1,820.00 1,820.00 0 0
6450 Entertainm 25 25 0 0
6420 Hotel 75.36 75.36 0 0
6430 Meals 700 700 0 0
------------ ------------ ------------- ------------

Total 4,370.36 4,370.36 0 0

======= ======== ======== ========

In this report, the expanded information is sorted by segment value description A, B, C, etc.

Row Set Account Assignment: 01.130.999.6460.999.9999 T.T.T.E.T.T

Row Order Definition:

Rank by Column info Seq Segment Order by Display Width
Null 1 Company Value Value 0
2 Region Value Value 0
3 CC Value Value 0
4 Account Description Value & Desc 15
5 Project Value Value 0
6 SubAccount Value Value 0

- 48 -
W: Content Set - PE Example

Report Output
U. S. Operations
FSG Example
Current Period: JAN-99

Currency: USD
Region = 110 (SAQ HQ - Sacramento Headquarters)
PTD-Actual YTD-Actual PTD-Actual YTD-Actual
Jan-99 Jan-99 Jan-98 Jan-98

Travel Expenses
2,025.36 2,025.36 0 0
------------ ------------ ------------- ------------

Total 2,025.36 2,025.36 0 0

======= ======== ======== ========

Report Output
U. S. Operations
FSG Example
Current Period: JAN-99

Currency: USD
Region = 120 (SAQ HQ - SacramentoManfacturing)
PTD-Actual YTD-Actual PTD-Actual YTD-Actual
Jan-99 Jan-99 Jan-98 Jan-98

Travel Expenses
2,525.00 2,525.00 0 0
------------ ------------ ------------- ------------

Total 2,525.00 2,525.00 0 0

======= ======== ======== ========

The Display Type of PE was used in this example. PE causes a separate report to be created for each value in
the PT range.

Row Set Account Assignment: 01.130.999.6460.000.0000 T.T.T.T.T.T

Content Set Definition:

.. 110… …. … …. .. 120… …. … …. N.PE.N.N.N.N

The report would have the same output if the content set were defined as follows. Each sequence will generate
a report.

.. 110… …. … …. .. 110… …. … …. N.PT.N.N.N.N

.. 120… …. … …. .. 120… …. … …. N.PT.N.N.N.N

- 49 -
X: Content Set - Multiple Ranges

Report Output
U. S. Operations
FSG Example
Current Period: JAN-99
Currency: USD
Region = 110 - 130 (SAC HQ - Sacramento Headquarters - SAC Sales- Sacramento Region Sales)
PTD-Actual YTD-Actual PTD-Actual YTD-Actual
Reg Acct Jan-9 Jan-99 Jan-98 Jan-98

Travel Expenses

6410 Airfare 1,750.00 1,750.00 0 0

6420 Hotel 75.36 75.36 0 0
6430 Meals 700 700 0 0
6440 Car Rental 1,820.00 1,820.00 0 0
6450 Entertainm 25 25 0 0
TOTAL 4,370.36 4,370.36 0 0
------------ ------------ ------------- ------------

Total 4,370.36 4,370.36 0 0

======= ======== ======== ========

Report Output
U. S. Operations
FSG Example
Current Period: JAN-99

Currency: USD
Account = 6400 - 6460 (Airfare - Entertainment Expenses)
PTD-Actual YTD-Actual PTD-Actual YTD-Actual
Reg Acct Jan-9 Jan-99 Jan-98 Jan-98

Travel Expenses
110 2,025.36 2,025.36 0 0
120 2,525.00 2,525.00 0 0
130 -180 -180 0 0
TOTAL 4,370.36 4,370.36 0 0
----------- ----------- ------------- -------------

Total 4,370.36 4,370.36 0 0

======= ======= ======== ========

Row Set Account Assignment 01.130.999.6460.000.0000 T.T.T.T.T.T

Content Set Definition:

.. 110… 6400 …. .. 130… 6460 …. N.PT.N.RB.N.N
.. 110… 6400 …. .. 130… 6460 …. N.RB.N.PT.N.N

- 50 -
Y: Content Set - RE and RB

Report Output
U. S. Operations
FSG Example
Current Period: JAN-99

Currency: USD
No specific Company requested
PTD-Actual YTD-Actual PTD-Actual YTD-Actual
Reg Acct Jan-99 Jan-99 Jan-98 Jan-98

Travel Expenses

110 6410 Airfare 1,250.00 1,250.00 0 0

110 6420 Hotel 75.36 75.36 0 0
110 6430 Meals 700 700 0 0
110 TOTAL 2,025.36 2,025.36 0 0
120 6410 Airfare 1,250.00 1,250.00 0 0
120 6440 Car Rental 500 500 0 0
120 6450 Entertainm 25 25 0 0
120 TOTAL 2,525.00 2,525.00 0 0
130 6440 Car Rental -180 -180 0 0
130 TOTAL -180 -180 0 0
------------ ------------ ------------- ------------

Total 4,370.36 4,370.36 0 0

======= ======== ======== ========

Row Set Account Assignment 01.999.999.9999.000.0000 T.T.T.T.T.T

Content Set Definition:

.. 110… 6400 …. .. 130… 6460 …. N.RE.N.RB.N.N

- 51 -
Z: Content Set - PT Example

Report Output
U. S. Operations
FSG Example
Current Period: JAN-99

Currency: USD
Region = 110 (SAC HQ - Sacramento Headquarters)
PTD-Actual YTD-Actual PTD-Actual YTD-Actual
Reg Acct Jan-99 Jan-99 Jan-98 Jan-98

Travel Expenses

6410 Airfare 1,250.00 1,250.00 0 0

6420 Hotel 75.36 75.36 0 0
6430 Meals 700 700 0 0

------------ ------------ ------------- ------------

TOTAL 2,025.36 2,025.36 0 0

======= ======== ======== ========

Row Set Account Assignment 01.999.999.6460.000.0000 T.T.T.E.T.T

Content Set Definition:

.. 110… 7500 …. .. 110… 8000 …. N.PT.N.N.N.N

- 52 -
AA: Display Set

Report Output
U. S. Operations
FSG Example
Current Period: JAN-99

Currency: USD
No specific Company requested
PTD-Actual YTD-Actual PTD-Actual YTD-Actual
Jan-99 Jan-99 Jan-98 Jan-98

Departmental Travel Expenses

Department 110
6410 Airfare 1,250.0 1,250.00 0 0
6420 Hotel 75.36 75.36 0 0
6430 Meals 700 700 0 0
---------- ------------- -------------- ---------
Total Department 110 2,025.36 2,025.36 0 0

Department 120
6410 Airfare
6440 Car Rental
6450 Entertainment
---------- ------------- -------------- ---------
Total Department 120

Department 130
6440 Car Rental -180 -180 0 0
---------- ------------- -------------- ---------
Total Department 130 -180 -180 0 0

Grand Total 4,370.36 4,370.36 0 0

This report used a display set that ’hides’ the information for department 120.
First, define a display group that references the row set/row set lines.
Then, the display group is used in a display set which is attached to this report.

- 53 -
AB: Percent of Row

Report Output
U. S. Operations
FSG Example
Current Period: JAN-99
Currency: USD
No specific Company requested
PTD-Actual PTD-Actual YTD-Actual
Acct Jan-9 % Of Total Jan-98 Jan-98
10 Travel Expenses

20 6410 Airfare 1,750.00 40.04% 0 0

30 6420 Hotel 75.36 1.72% 0 0
40 6430 Meals 700 16.02% 0 0
50 6440 Car Rental 1,820.00 41.64% 0 0
60 6450 Entertainment 25 0.57% 0 0
70 6460 Other Trav 0 0.00% 0 0

80 Total Travel Expenses 4,370.36 100.00% 0 0

Using Percent of Row/Percent of Column requires setup in both the row set AND column set.

This is an example of Percent of Row:

The row set is defined with Percent Of Row = 80 for each of the rows 20 through 70.
This is because you want to see each of those rows as a percent of row 80.
THEN, in the column set, the second column is defined as a % calculation based on the first column.
This is what tells FSG where to place the percent information from the row set.

The column calculation would look like this:

Seq = 10
Operator = %
Low = 10 where 10 is the sequence number of the first column
High = 10 where 10 is the sequence number of the first column

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The executable for FSG is RGRARG which is in the directory $RG_TOP/bin. FSG picks up
the balances from the GL_BALANCES table and hence displays only the balances related
to the posted journals. Given are the details of the tables related to FSG definitions:

Tables associated with FSG components


Row Order/

 Row Set and Column Set definition is stored in RG_REPORT_AXIS_SETS whereas

Row/Column lines are stored in RG_REPORT_AXES.

RG_REPORT_AXES stores information about all the rows and columns currently defined
in Financial Statement Generator. AXIS_SET_TYPE is R for Row set and C for Column
set. Each row includes an axis set identifier to link the row or column to a row set or
column set, a name, a currency and a parameter number to link the row or column to a
specific budget or encumbrance. Each row also contains customizable formatting options.
Each row contains information about one particular row or column currently defined in
Financial Statement Generator.

Information about all of the row sets and column sets definition is stored in
RG_REPORT_AXIS_SETS .Each row includes AXIS_SET_ID, a row set name or a
column set name, and a structure identifier to assign a specific chart of accounts to the row
set or column set. Financial Statement Generator uses the report axis sets as the basis which
many report axes, axis contents, and report calculations can be linked for later reporting.

- 55 -
 The information about account assignments to rows and columns is stored in

Each row includes a specific account range, and an axis set identifier to link the account
range to a specific row or column set. Each row also contains an axis sequence number to
link the account range to a specific row or column. Financial Statement Generator uses this
information to determine ranges of a report.

 Information about all of the calculations defined in Financial Statement Generator is


Each row includes an axis set identifier and an axis sequence which are used to link the
calculations to a particular row or column. It also contains information about one specific
calculation operation defined in Financial Statement Generator.

 Information about the conditions that must be met in order for each exception to be true

Each row contains an axis set identifier, an axis sequence number, an exception identifier,
and a condition. Information about all of the symbols used to indicate exceptions and
descriptions of the symbols is stored in RG_REPORT_EXCEPTION_FLAGS. Each row
contains information about one particular symbol used to indicate an exception, the
description of the symbol, an axis set identifier, an axis sequence number, and an exception
identifier. Financial Statement Generator uses this information to link the exception flag to
a set of exception conditions assigned in a particular column.

 Information about how to expand rows in a report is stored in RG_ROW_ORDERS.

Each row includes a row order identifier, a row rank type (ascending or descending), the
name and sequence number of the column used to rank the report and the row order name
used to identify
that particular row order.
Financial Statement Generator uses this information to order the values in an expanded row,
by linking that row order to a particular row and/or row ranking sequence.

Different segment sequence information currently defined in Financial Statement Generator

Financial Statement Generator uses this information to arrange segments and to link the
segment arrangement in a particular row order.

 Report display groups information which is used in report display sets is stored in

Each row includes a row set identifier, a column set identifier and a range of sequences.
Report display group assignments to report display sets is stored in
RG_REPORT_DISPLAYS. Each row includes a sequence number, a row group,a column
group and a description. It also includes a display flag to determine whether the value will
be displayed or not.
- 56 -
Information about report display sets currently defined in Financial Statement Generator is
stored in RG_REPORT_DISPLAY_SETS. Each row includes a report display set identifier,
a report display set name, a row set identifier and a column set identifier.

 Information about all of the content sets currently defined in Financial Statement
Generator is stored in RG_REPORT_CONTENT_SETS.

Each row includes a content set identifier, a name, and a structure identifier that links
account assignments to the content set. Financial Statement Generator uses this information
to link the content set to content overrides and then uses the combination of the content set
and content overrides to override specific row or column account segment values at the
report level.

Information about all of the content overrides defined in Financial Statement Generator is
Each row includes a content set identifier and a specific set of override contents associated
with the content set identifier. It also contains information about one set of content
Financial Statement Generator links report content overrides to an override set. Financial
Statement Generator then uses the combination of the content override and the report
content set to override specific segment values in a row set or a column set.

 RG_REPORTS stores information about all of the reports currently defined in

Financial Statement Generator, including the row and column sets associated with the
report, any content set and row order that Financial Statement Generator uses, units of
measure, and the budgets or encumbrances associated with the report.

Each row includes a name, row set identifier, column set identifier, content set identifier,
row order identifier and the unit of measure (currency) that each report uses. Each row
contains information about one report defined in Financial Statement Generator. Financial
Statement Generator uses this information to link a row, a column, and an optional content
set and row order together into one report that you can submit for a report request. If a
budget or encumbrance amount type is assigned to a row or column in a row set or column
set, a budget or encumbrance must also be linked to the report. If a currency is assigned to
particular rows or columns in a row set or
column set, the currency assigned to the report that contains that row set
and/or column set overrides the currencies in the rows or columns.

 RG_REPORT_REQUESTS stores information about the reports in a report set in

Financial Statement Generator. It also tracks information about the report submissions.

Each row includes a report identifier, a row set identifier, a column set identifier, and a
sequence number for a report in a report set. Financial Statement Generator uses this
information to join all of the report
components together for creating financial statements. The report request may belong to,
and be submitted for, analysis as part of a report set, or the report request may be submitted
as an
- 57 -
independent request.

RG_REPORT_SETS stores information about all of the report sets defined in Financial
Statement Generator. Each row includes a report set identifier, an application identifier and
the name of the report set.

- 58 -
White Paper Title: Financial Statement Generator (FSG) Set Up
[November] 2009
Author: Arnab Chatterjee, ISC.
Contributing Authors: Meenakshi Mehra, ISC
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