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Oracle Report Manager

Tips, Tricks and Traps

Prithis Das

 Case Study Company Background
 Reporting background
 Report Manager features
 What Report Manager does not do
 Setup Considerations
 Quick Tutorial
 Using Report Manager – Tips
 Using Report Manager – Tricks
 Lessons learned

 Provide useful information for R12 implementation teams for
implementation of Oracle General Ledger, Financial
Statement Generator and Report Manager
 Indirectly “educate” users about new R12 Report Manager
 Help avoid potential pitfalls using actual experience from
implementing Report Manager

Case Study Company Background

 Auto Salvage Company

 New implementation of R12
 Started April 2007 with very early releases of R12
 General Ledger, Payables, Assets, Cash Management,
Advanced Global Intercompany System
 120+ Legal Entities
 Six regional accounting centers
 Complex reporting requirements
 400+ legacy reports using best-of-breed reporting tool

Reporting Background

 Complex reporting requirements

 400+ legacy financial reports using dedicated
reporting tool
 Typical Trial Balance took over 15 minutes to
 Legacy Reports in Excel, and included publishing
features such as fonts, bold and underlining
 Lack of security – Users were able to access all
reports across legal entities

Report Manager features
 Report Manager is an integral part of Oracle EBS
 Assumes implementation of Oracle General Ledger
incorporating Financial Statement Generator (FSG)
 Provides an online repository to store and access financial
 Personalized look and feel on financial reports
 Reports can be submitted and accessed through Web
browser. Hence jinitiator need not be installed if user
accesses Report Manager only.
 Incorporates security rules to restrict access to published

What Report Manager does not do
 You cannot create FSG components (Row Sets, Column Sets
etc) in Report Manager. These will need to be created
through standard FSG
 Excel outputs from Report Manager will not incorporate
Excel formulas
 Excel templates do not save all formatting options
 Works well with FSG reports. However Standard reports in
Oracle will have formatting issues

Setup Considerations
 Patchset level – Metalink 820653.1 (9 Jul 2009)
 Check for latest before implementation
 For apply FRM.H over and above FRM.G
 For R12 Report Manager is Auto-installed. Apply FRM.A
 Report Manager uses Self Service Workflow
 Report Manager requires the BNE platform used by Web
 Functional Dependancies
 FSGs should have been defined in GL
 For standard reports, they should be assigned to Request Group
assigned to the Report Manager
 Custom menu and responsibility for Report Manager
 Browser and Excel settings
 Seeded template vs Custom templates

Custom menu and responsibility
 Pre-defined menus for Report Manager are not complete
 “FRM_SECURITY_MENU” menu is pre-defined but not adequate
 Need to define/assign additional functions to custom menu:
 Financial Report Template Editor
 Financial Report Submission
 Standard Report Submission
 Repository Management
 Alternatively, you may add these functions to the

Custom menu and responsibility
 Create custom menu for Report Manager
 System Administrator > Application > Menu

Custom menu and responsibility
 Create custom Responsibility for Report Manager

Browser and Excel Settings
 Works with Internet Explorer, Firefox, Netscape
 See Metalink 389422.1 (5-Aug-09) for latest browser requirements
 Internet Explorer Settings
 Navigate to Tools -> Internet Options and choose the Security tab
 Select Local Intranet and choose the Custom Level button.
 Set the following option to Prompt.
 Initialize and script Active X controls not marked as safe
 Excel Settings
 Open Excel, Go to Tools -> Macro -> Security -> Trusted Sources
 Check the "Trust access to Visual Basic Project“
 Incorrect settings will lead to error “Microsoft VBScript
runtime error: 429 - ActiveX component can't create object”
or similar error.

Quick Tutorial
 Create a Template
 Submit a single FSG report
 Monitor Request and View Output
 Submit a Request Set

Quick Tutorial
 Create a Template
 Select Financial Report Template Editor
 Select a Report, Select Excel Template Editor, Click on Create

Quick Tutorial
 Create a Template
 Confirm ActiveX control interaction by clicking on Yes, if prompted

Excel template
gets created
with FSG

Quick Tutorial
 Create a Template
 Personalize template with fonts, graphics etc, then upload to Oracle

Use Oracle
menu to upload
template to

Quick Tutorial
 Create a Template
 Name the template, select Drill option, Upload.

Quick Tutorial
 Create a Template
 Name the template, select Drill option, Upload.

Quick Tutorial
 Run a Report
 Select Financial Report Submission

Quick Tutorial
 Run a Report
 Select the new template, add parameters, Submit.

Select your

Quick Tutorial
 Run a Report
 Monitor Requests, View Output

View Output

Quick Tutorial
 Run a Report
 Publish Report in Excel

Using Report Manager – Tips
 Create and Test your financial report on standard FSG, and
then publish the report using Report Manager
 Do not waste time over column heading formatting in Apps
 Use the Generic FSG template wherever possible. If you use
custom templates, each template is associated with a single
 Report Set considerations
 Report Sets can only be submitted through standard FSG submission
 Responsibility submitting Report Set must be the same that is
publishing it
 Use Repository Maintenance to avoid tablespace issues
 Apply Patch first (Metalink 803014.1)

Using Report Manager – Tricks
 Use Report Manager templates directly from FSG submission
 Users are familiar with the Request submission functionality
 Schedule your month-end reports to publish automatically
 Use standard scheduling functionality
 Store Excel settings on custom Excel templates
 Cell background color
 Cell / Text font
 Cell alignment
 Cell Border
 Cell Merge
 Page Settings:
 a. Orientation (Portrait / Landscape)
 b. Paper Size
 c. Width of Page

Using Report Manager – Tricks (contd.)
 Display the Description column in the middle of the report

column in the
middle of a
wide report

Using Report Manager – Tricks (contd.)
 Display the Description column in the middle of the report
 Create a Custom Template
 Use the Menu (Oracle > FSG Template > Move Line Items Right)

Using Report Manager – Tricks (contd.)
 Use Report Manager templates directly from FSG submission

Before submission,
select a template, and
set Format = EXCEL.
View Output will open
the output in Excel,
using the template

Using Report Manager – Tricks (contd.)
 Use Report Manager templates directly from FSG submission
 Use XML Publisher Responsibility
 Copy the “Generic FSG Template”, update the Data Definition to
“FSGXML program”. Attach custom template file if required.

 Repository Maintenance could lead to disappearing menus
 Patch 6884665 if on R 11i
 Patch 6884280 if on R 12 (Metalink 803014.1)
 Can submit Report Set only from Java form
 Need to update Output Option to XML for each report
 Mixup of Request Set submission vs Report Set submission
menu items
 “Report Set” on Java form, but “Request Set” in Report Manager
 Printing XML file if Profile Option Number of Copies is set to 1
 Metalink 748037.1 workaround is to attach dummy printer to RGRARG
 Significant impact on Database size due to XML outputs
 Does not use Definition Access Sets functionality
 Report Manager output ignores Display Sets

 User to Value Security mandates use of Content Sets
 Alternately, place specific reports on end-user menus
 Images (such as logos) can be used on templates from 12.0.6
 Profile Option for AutoArchive does not archive. Need to
archive manually.

Traps (contd.)
 Repository Maintenance could lead to disappearing menus
 Patch 6884665 if on R 11i
 Patch 6884280 if on R 12

Traps (contd.)
 Can submit Report Set only from Java form
 You cannot submit a Report Set directly from Report Manager
 Also, need to update Output Option to XML for each report
 You can, however, publish a Report Set from Report Manager

Traps (contd.)
 Mixup of Request Set submission vs Report Set submission
menu items
 The menu labeled “Request Set Publish” publishes Report Sets
 The menu labeled “Report Set Publish” publishes Request Sets

Traps (contd.)
 Printing XML file if Profile Option Number of Copies is set to 1
 Metalink 748037.1 workaround is to attach dummy printer to RGRARG
 However, workaround will lead to using Reprint for regular reports

Lessons learned
 Need to be on at least 12.0.4 or later for minimal issues
 Web interface can have a learning curve
 Use Report Manager selectively for upper management
reports. Operational reports are efficiently done through
standard FSG submission with text output
 Use Repository Maintenance frequently – move critical
reports to network drives
 Longer than usual turnaround time on SRs

Presenter Information

Prithis Das
Rolta TUSC


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