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Choosing career is really difficult, it's like you spent a long time to to think to consider such as factors if

the course you are choosing evaluate your skills or enhance your skills you have, availability of work if it's
still in demand in the near future and lastly if you are interested to invest time and effort learning on
your chosen career. As a graduating student a choice of course and which school to enter in college is
one of the major decisions to make because it's one of the most important element of learning process.

According to Olivia P. Almario, the course and school selection will define the future success of students.
The paper was aimed assessing the students course and course preference using descriptive research
design. . A survey was administered to respondents totaling 2,231 comprised of grade 12 students
enrolled in La Consolacion University Philippines (LCUP) during the second semester of school year 2017-
2018. Findings revealed that the most preferred course at LCUP, which are board courses. However, LCUP
was not the top school of choice among respondents. The provision of a more intensive internal
marketing program is suggested. Likewise, a study on the impact of programs and services and their
influence on career and school selection decisions may be conducted to determine which program or
service made available to senior high students singly or in combination are determinants of their

Although the underemployment and unemployment rate are quite clear and has somewhat increasing in
the Philippines overtime, because of wrong choice of career or labor mismatch. The reasons maybe the
graduate students do not possess necessary skills, and qualifications required by the industries in need.
This could be due to wrong choice of course and school by most of students brought about by unguided
decision making (Pascual,2014). Approach to decision making, students must consider their own
behavior and skills on choosing a career.

To conclude, decision making on career may affect the future of every students. Therefore, seminar for
every courses prior to behavior and skills needed to course of their choice must implemented.


• Di ko alam �

The study of Ryan Dayao and Olivia Almario that is Career and School Preferences of Senior High School
Students Academic Year 2017-2018 talks about the preferences of senior high school on their career and
school. The study based on Ryan Dayao and Olivia Almario's findings that students mostly prefer their
school based on their chosen career/course that they will take. And choosing a career must align
perfectly with your skills, values and interests isn't always easy. Almost of the people who push by their
parents, or their decision affects because of passion, salary and past experience to take the course they
don't want regret rushing their career decision. In addition, race and gender can also affect the decision
of students what field they want to choose. Because some of courses have greater percentages of
gender or race. Another thing is few of the student's decision what field to study is base on their role
models in life. And many of them just pick random university and pushed to make a decision instantly of
a career because they dont have enough time to think and running out of time.

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