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Ross-Tech: VAG-COM Tour: Adaptation Page 1 of 3

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Online Demo / Manual - Adaptation or Long Adaptation Screen

Corresponds to VAG 1551/1552 function 10

The Adaptation function allows you to alter certain values and/or settings in control modules which support


You should refer to the Factory Repair Manual for your particular car (or some other
documented procedure) before "playing" with the Adaptation function. However, many
available Adaptation Channels are totally undocumented!

You can use the [Up] and [Dn] buttons next to Channel Number to scroll through all 99 possible channels, 12/10/2006
Ross-Tech: VAG-COM Tour: Adaptation Page 2 of 3

or you can manually enter a channel number and click [Read]. If a channel exists, VAG-COM will show you
the Stored Value. If a channel does not exist, the Stored Value will show as "N/A". Other data the controller
may or may not send will be decoded and shown in the four display fields at the top of the screen.

Once you have reached a channel of interest, you can use the [Up] and [Dn] buttons next to New Value
incrementally change and test the value. Or you can directly enter a New Value and click [Test]. This will
tell the controller to temporarily use the new value so you can evaluate it's effects.

When you are satisfied with the effect of a New Value, you can store it in the Controller permanently by
clicking [Save].


 Channel 00 is a special case. Performing a [Save] to Channel 00 resets all adaptation values to their
original factory defaults. This only works in controllers that support this function, see your Factory
Repair Manual to find out if this procedure applies to each controller in your vehicle.
 Some Engine and Immobilizer controllers will require a valid Log-In before permitting you to [Test]
[Save] Adaptation values.
 Values put in with [Test] but not Saved will persist until controller is powered-down.

Click [Done, Go Back] to return to the Open Controller Function Screen.

Long Adaptations. Used/needed (for example) to balance the fuel injectors on Common-Rail TDI engines
such as the BKN.

As of version 404.0, Label Files can support values and description for Adaptation channels. This help chart
is displayed in a balloon: 12/10/2006
Ross-Tech: VAG-COM Tour: Adaptation Page 3 of 3

Shareware Limitation(s):

 The Unregistered/Unactivated version of VAG-COM will only allow access to the first 9 Adaptation
Channels (out of 99 possible).
 The Save Function is Blocked.

Online Demo / Manual - Adaptation Screen 12/10/2006

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