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Stephane Baralon
Lars-Erik Eriksson
1111111111 II 11111 II III III
Chalmers University of Technology
Volvo Aero Corporation
Thermo and Fluid Dynamics
Military Engines Division
S-412 96 Gothenburg, Sweden
S-461 81 Trollhattan, Sweden

Ulf Hall
Chalmers University of Technology
Thermo and Fluid Dynamics
S-412 96 Gothenburg, Sweden

ABSTRACT the gain in CPU time associated with throughflow computations

An improved throughfiow method to treat transonic viscous when compared to 3D viscous blade-to-blade computations is
flows with shocks, using a finite-volume time-marching solver, is several order of magnitude larger. This difference is particularly
presented. Effects due to deviation, secondary losses, endwall significant in a multistage environment. The designer, thereby,
skin friction and spanwise mixing are modelled. An alternative considers the throughflow and 3D approaches as being comple-
blade blockage is used to better take into account the effect of the mentary, the latter building on the results of the former. The
blade on the transonic passage flow. A theoretical and numer- streamline curvature method is by far the most popular through-
ical study of the rucisymmetric shock showed that it is treated flow approach and has a long successful history in the domain of
as a normal blade passage shock by the blade row model. Two turbomachinery design. However, the extension of that method
different techniques to solve the numerical problems associated to modern transonic fan stages is limited due to the occurrence of
with the leading edge singularity due to incidence are investi- shocks and choked flow conditions. For transonic and supersonic
gated. The computation of an entire speed-line for a three stage fan stages and compressors an alternative throughflow method,
transonic fan has been conducted in order to further calibrate capable of handling high speed flows and still easily usable in
and validate the various models. The validation showed that the design process, is needed.
solver is capable of giving a reasonable meridional picture of the Time-marching throughflow solvers may be the answer to
transonic flow field for different operating points. this requirement. They have the ability to solve complex flow
fields with meridional discontinuities, using the axisymmetric
form of the time-dependent Euler or Navier-Stokes equations,
x, r, axial, radial, tangential directions
with added source terms for modelling the blade rows. Therefore,
u, v, w axial, radial, tangential velocities the throughflow computation only requires a two-dimensional
grid and significantly less CPU time than a 3D solver. For this
fv, fr, fe axial, radial, tangential forces
eo, 110 reason, in a multistage environment, the throughflow computa-
total internal energy, total enthalpy
density and pressure tion can rapidly provide the designer with useful informations on
fl rotor speed of rotation the transonic features of the meridional flow field, such as shock
patterns and choking conditions.
0 blockage factor
During the last decade, a few contributions to the through-
flow time-marching approach have been reported. Spurr (1980)
INTRODUCTION was one of the first to apply the throughilow time-marching
Despite the increasing use of fully three-dimensional steady method to solve the unsteady Euler equations, both in the merid-
and even unsteady viscous computations during the design pro- ional and blade-to-blade planes. More recently, Yao and Hirsch
cess of turbomachines (Rhie et al., 1994), there is still a need (1995) modified a full 3D Navier-Stokes solver, based on a time-
for advanced axisymmetric throughflow computations. Indeed, marching finite-volume method, to perform throughflow calcu-

Presented at the International Gas Turbine & Aeroengine Congress & Exhibition
Stockholm, Sweden — June 2—June 5, 1998
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lations. Their objective was to test the effect of various distri- [0
butions of blockage and mean flow an gles on the performance fr + 4 4
1 42
of both a sin gle rotor and a sin gle stage. Finally, Damle et al. G= ? ± 4
fr -I- Ur. 44p
(1997) reported recentl y the development of a simple throu gh- fe
flow time-marchin g finite-volume solver and showed the potential W
of that method for desi gning ducts and blades operating in the
where W, the work per unit volume done on the fluid b y blades, —7•1
transonic and supersonic ran ge.
is given by W = Mir.
A similar type of throughflow solver has also been developed
at Volvo Aero Corporation in Sweden. It is reco gnized that this ••
kind of throu ghflow method still suffers from the shortcomings NUMERICAL METHOD
inherent to the axisymmetry assumption, therefore rel ying heav- The code is based on a cell-centered finite volume method
ily on loss and deviation correlations. Thus, it is of the authors with a characteristic-upwind scheme of third order for the com-
opinion that the predictive capabilit y of these methods may be putation of convective fluxes and a compact second order scheme
enhanced only by resorting to blade-to-blade viscous calcula- for the diffusive fluxes. A pressure-controlled dissipative flux is
tions. These computations can provide the meridional approach also added for the handlin g of shocks (Eriksson, 1995). The
with the necessar y informations relative to the circumferential time integration is based on a three-sta ge explicit Run ge-Kutta
flow variations which can be modelled afterwards. scheme. The different computations were performed usin g
However, before couplin g the throu ghflow and blade-to- a structured bod y-fitted mesh based on transfinite interpola-
blade method, it appears necessar y to first investigate, both tion (Eriksson, 1985).
q uantitatively and qualitatively, the characteristics of that par-
ticular type of throughflow method.
For this reason, the objective of the work presented in BLADE MODELLING
this paper was to assess the potentials of a throu ghlow time- The blade row model is based on a volume force techni que.
marchin g approach for computin g transonic compressors and to The forces must be defined such that the flow conforms to an
investigate the behavior of the computed flow. For instance, a average blade shape for each blade row and must be ortho gonal
few questions can be addressed to such techni ques regarding , (1) to the mean surface in order to obtain a loss-free flow turnin g .
the most appropriate approach to calculate the blade blockage The blade mean surface and the forces are given b y,
in the context of transonic flows, (2) the nature of axis ymmetric O g „Jr = —T—
shocks, (3) the modellin g of various phenomena such as endwall = g(r,r) fr = —T— • J8 •
Jo (2)
skin friction, secondar y losses, spanwise mixin g and flow devi-
ation, (4) the effect of substantial incidence on the bod y force The circumferential volume force must be expressed so that it
blade modelling. satisfies the flow tan gency condition. As the "embeddin g" prin-
All these questions were studied usin g a single transonic fan ciple has been chosen, the problem is considered time-dependent
rotor test case. The resultin g models and conclusions were used so that only the steady state solution satisfies the flow tan gency
to compute a three-sta ge transonic fan flow field for different condition. Considerin g a rotor blade row, the volume force com-
operating points. The predictive capability of the present code ponent fe may be defined throu gh the time-dependent differen-
being limited, the computation of the multista ge compressor was tial equation,
mainly aimed at assessin g the limits and potentials of the various 09 Og
models in a multistage environment. —= Air — + — • pv - pw + (3)
at 02 Or
The present paper includes a description of both the de-
velopment of the models and the investi gations that have been Equation (3) can be interpreted as a description of a pressure
performed when computin g the two cases mentioned above. gradient formation between the blades whenever the flow does
not conform to the blade mean surface.
The dimension of A is [s - 2), i.e. the s quare of the inverse of a
GOVERNING EQUATIONS typical response time. Here, the response time for f o should be
The fully time-dependent axis ymmetric Euler e quations are of the same order of ma gnitude as a typical response time r for
solved in the code. They can be written in the followin g conser- the flow in a computational cell. Thus, a suitable expression for
vative form, volume forces and blockage factor included A is
[C H,2 d 2
A _4 7 -2 (4)
a a a (1) A22
+— + — - 0F] =- [0

at ]

0 Os 0 Or where Az is a typical grid cell size.

where It should be noted that the computation of the volume force
components is only done in the blade row region.
Pu p PD"
Pw pule Pvw The viscous modellin g and the methods used to control the
Peo phou phov flow angles have been thorou ghly elaborated and studied in a

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9.90 fr

Starslard SoCkaga
Nomul 1314:06;pe


Figure 1: Sketch of the new type of blockage factor. 0.70

0,000 0.010 0.020 0.000 0.040 0.00 0.060 0.070 9480 X
previous paper by the same authors (BareIon et al., 1997). The
Figure 2: Comparison between blockage factors.
qualitative and quantitative assessment of the parameters re-
quired by the models have been carried out for two test cases
: a single stage transonic compressor and the NASA 67 fan ro- the regions between the edges and points A and B, the blockage
tor (Strazisar et al., 1989). In short, the spanwise mixing is is defined to vary linearly from the values OnA and (8103 to the
modelled by means of an eddy viscosity with a specified distri- value of 1.
bution of mixing lengths. The endwall skin friction is included The blockage factor that we called standard blockage is ob-
as a force proportional to a specified friction coefficient. Finally, tained by considering a passage area in an X-constant plane. It
other stagnation pressure losses are introduced by means of a is commonly used in throughflow calculations, as it appears to
specified distribution of dissipative volume forces acting against be the most consistent with the axisymmetry assumption.
the flow. Figure 2 shows that the two ways of calculating the blockage
In order to supplement the viscous modelling, an efficient factor yield significantly different results. For one spanwise blade
control of the flow and blade angles is required. The deviation section, the minimum passage area differs both in magnitude
has been implemented as a progressive blade shape modification and axial location. In transonic flows, these discrepancies might
over the last 40 % of the chord. The magnitude of the deviation have a major influence on the strength, the location and even
is given by correlations that have been developed in a previous the occurrence of shocks. Moreover, in case of choked flow, the
work (Barelon et al., 1997). mass flow will be directly dependent on the minimum passage
An alternative blade blockage, that we call normal blockage, AXISYMMETRIC PASSAGE SHOCK
is proposed as a better estimate of the blade geometry effect Based on a time-marching method, the present solver is,
that is really felt by the flow in the blade-to-blade passage. The by definition, capable of capturing shocks in the blade passage.
blockage factor is calculated in the passage area orthogonal to the However, in the context of the aidsymmetry assumption, the
mean flow direction, i.e. the cross-streamtube area. As regards location as well as the strength of the shock must be considered
the flow in a blade. passage streamtube, this approach seems with care.
more appropriate than one based on the area perpendicular to The only shocks that can be calculated within the blade row
the axial direction. Obviously, the two approaches would yield by the throughflow method are axisymmetric by definition and
the same blockage factor if there were no chordwise variation of thus, oblique in the blade-to-blade plane. Nevertheless, it has
thickness and no blade turning. been found that the loss generated by the axisymmetric shock
Figure 1 illustrates the principle for the calculation of the corresponds to that of a normal shock, for a similar upstream
normal blockage. A mathematical expression can easily be de- Mach number. The reason is that the volume force constrains
rived and for any point P of the mean surface, located between the flow so that it conforms to the mean flow surface, which
A and B, we have modifies the jump conditions of the conservation laws to those
of a simple normal shock.
1 (ti cos 1Pi — /31 + ts cos102 / 9 1) A theoretical demonstration has been derived which con-
q5„ — 1 (5)
2 Scos /3 firms the previous conclusions. If the steady axisymmetric Euler
CZ equations expressed in the blade-to-blade plane are integrated,
where S is the pitch, the mean flow angle, (31 and /32 the blade
angles and ti and t 2 the corresponding blade thicknesses. volume forces included, over a domain of extent Az in the axial
The computation of this blockage is limited to the points direction and covering the passage shock, we obtain the following
with an axial coordinate between X A and X8 in figure 1. For

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jump relations
flreL Math number
(pt) 2 = (1,4 % / jsokrtion modeled WO, 1.5
0.55 .1 i i
(Pu2 /3) 2 = (pu. 2 + p) + ft I
i i
1 ! 1
(puw), = (puw), + Axle 0.5 1.3
(Phou)2 = (Phou)1 0.45 I I
! i .2
= — tan(a)h I Original Made I
i . j 1.1
04 ./ •
w = tan(a)u (6) 1 i
where a is the mean flow angle and stationary infinitely thin 0.9
blades are assumed. Note that the volume forces may not be M • bade
b3 (ineid. corri & &Malian)
neglected here since they are closely coupled to the flow quanti-
1 0.7
ties and thus may attain very large values around the shock. If 025
we now consider a transformation of equations (6) to a rotated .‘• 0.6
coordinate system with X' in the flow direction and O' in the 0.2
u.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 01
cross-flow direction, we obtain that w' and .f; equal 0. This in X
turn leads to the following jump conditions Figure 3 Variation of effective streamtube area for the tip
section of the 3 stage fan first rotor; blade blockage, a
= blade angle, x axial coordinate.
= ( pul 2 p) 1
= he mean blade surface locally in the leading edge region so that it
adapts in a smooth manner to the upstream flow angle. A more
These are the usual jump conditions for a normal shock in the complex approach is based on the introduction of discontinuities
blade passage. in the momentum flux normal to the leading edge, thereby al-
Hence, a shock occurring in the blade row is equivalent to a lowing for the control of both incidence and entropy generation.
normal shock which strength is only depending on the upstream
Mach number relative to the blade row.
Automatic Incidence Correction
In this technique, the blade angles of the first 20% of the
LEADING EDGE SINGULARITY chord are modified linearly, i.e. parabolically in (x,r8) coordi-
As described previously, the body forces are applied only in nates, so as to adapt progressively to the flow angle upstream
the blade row region. They force the flow to conform instan- of the I.e. This approach can be defined conceptually as 'in-
taneously to the mean surface. This means that no force, i.e. troducing' a length scale into the singularity problem. Indeed,
no.source term, is introduced for the cell just upstream of the when there is very little incidence, the blade force applied to the
leading edge (1.e.) whereas a force is included for the cell just cell just downstream of the 1.e. edge do not cause any oscilla-
downstream. This corresponds to a numerical singularity since tion thereby no entropy. Hence, it appeared natural to solve the
no length scale can be associated with that sudden application singularity approach by applying a progressive change in blade
of a body force. Independently of how much the grid is refined angles, i.e. in volume forces. The incidence correction is applied
at the 1.e., there will always be a sudden influence of the blade periodically during the time-marching of the computation. The
model, i.e. of the source terms, on the leading edge flow. computed flow then adapts itself smootly to the changes caused
It can be easily imagined that in case of significant incidence by the incidence correction.
(in practice more than 2 degrees), the strength of the leading The blade shape modifications may have a local effect on
edge singularity will be such as to generate non-negligible nu- the blade loading, but the uncertainty in blade loading is large
merical losses. anyway because the meanline constraint of the throughflow ap-
It should be emphasized that the amount of entropy gener- proach is already only an approximation of the real mean flow.
ated cannot be associated with any physical meaning. The real Furthermore, the turning that is of interest for performing the
incidence losses result mainly from the suction side boundary work is the turning of the flow itself and not of the blade.
layer which is a three-dimensional phenomena in the blade-to- Nevertheless, even if the automatic incidence correction is
blade plane. Furthermore, if any relation to physics had to be very efficient for subsonic flows, this approach may cause prob-
found for this singularity, it would be a physical discontinuity. lems for supersonic flows in terms of streamtube area variation.
Therefore, the effect of the 1.e. singularity should be con- Figure 3 shows, for the tip section of the first rotor of the 3
trolled. The incidence loss that may exist in the physical flow stage fan, the variation of 0 cos a, a being the flow angle and rt,
should be introduced by means of a specified stagnation pressure the blade blockage, which is proportional to the effective stream-
loss distribution. tube area. In that section, the area increases then decreases
Two different techniques were developed in order to rem- down to the throat area and finally increases. A supersonic flow
edy this problem. The simplest technique is to modify the given entering that blade section will first expand to a higher mach

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number. This will lead to a shock lithe mesh region corre- The coordinate system normal to the I.e. can be represented
sponding to the divergent part is not refined enough to simulate by three vectors, I along the I.e., if normal to the I.e. and 1 the
an isentropic expansion. In a previous section, it has been de- cross product of 1" and if These three vectors, expressed in the
rived that a shock occuring in the blade row is treated as a (x, r, 9) coordinate system, are
normal passage shock by the blade modelling. Therefore, the
flow will become subsonic just after the shock in the region of tz
increasing area and will accelerate to Mach one at the throat ( t y• 71 ( nr (7)
location since the area decreases. Finally, after the throat, the to 0
supersonic flow will reaccelerate in the second increasing area
region and a second normal shock will occur. This is similar to a If we write the steady axisymmetric euler equations in the coor-
one-dimensional supersonic flow case in a divergent, convergent dinate system defined by the three vectors 1 ff, 1, we obtain
and divergent nozzle. This behavior corresponds exactly to the
P2til2 = tit
second curve of the figure which describes the variation of Mach ,2 •2
number for the same tip rotor section at near choking condition. P3t2 ±P2 = Pithl ±PI
This reasoning shows that, in case of significant incidence, p214,4 = p1t4t4 +
the modification of the blade geometry at the I.e. may trigger pati2w12 = poi; + f;
a strong normal shock which is naturally followed by a second
p2ho2t4 = piholt4 (8)
one for reasons of streamtube variation. This behavior could
be associated with the real blade-to-blade flow of typical tran- where, 17 being the velocity vector, = 17 • if, v' = 9 • 1, w' =
sonic rotor blades where, for high mass flows, a first bow shock VI. The subscript 1 and 2 refer to the conditions upstream and
occurs at the I.e followed by a weaker normal shock (Strazisar downstream of the I.e. respectively. At that stage, we have eight
et al., 1989). However, the blade-to-blade bow shock is usually unknowns, i.e. p2, p2, V, f, for five equations. Therefore, in
an oblique shock. Therefore, it is believed that the two strong order to close the problem, we need to introduce three additional
normal shocks obtained in the throughflow solution may corre- conditions. The first of them is the flow tangency condition
spond to an overproduction of shock losses in this case. It should which must be verified at the 1.e. in order to conform the flow
be emphasized that the problem of successive shocks is depend- to the I.e. blade angle. This condition can be expressed in the
ing on the upstream Mach number, the blade geometry and the coordinate system normal to the I.e. in the following manner
local incidence. It may not arise in a different configuration.
Nevertheless, a different treatment of the singularity may = Kx • us + Kr + fir (9)
be needed to solve the problems related to the leading edge flow.
where K. and K,. are functions of the blade mean surface (0 =

Momentum Discontinuity
g(x,r)) and the vector components of 1 it, r.
The second condition is that no discontinuity should be
In order to exert a full control on the 1.e. flow without introduced in the direction aligned with the leading edge, i.e.
modifying the blade shape, an approach based on a discontinuity = 0. Indeed, there is no physical meaning in applying a dis-
in momentum is proposed. continuous flow along the I.e. Finally, we introduce the last con-
The conservation of mass and energy are respected but ad- dition by specifying the amount of total pressure loss, Pa2h 201.
ditional source terms are introduced in the momentum equations Then, the system of equations can be solved to give the
in order to control both the flow angle downstream of the dis- sought variables p2, p2, V , T. When solving the system, we
continuity and the generation of entropy. obtain a complex polynom in terms of density that is solved by
The technique can be divided in two stages: first, we must an iteration procedure based on the Newton-Ftsphson method.
derive the 'target' forces that will be included in the momentum At that stage, we must specify whether the flow downstream of
fluxes to obtain the desired conditions at the discontinuity. Af- the I.e. should be subsonic or supersonic. Once the density is
terwards, we must derive at the flux calculation level the flow found, we can derive all the other variables and the discontinuity
state downstream of the I.e. with the forces included. forces.
This technique has been validated on subsonic and super-
sonic applications using a quasi-one dimensional code with blade
modelling included. Mach number as high as 3 and incidence an- Leading edge flux modification. Once the target forces are
gles up to 30 degrees were computed successfully with this ID computed, we must apply them to modify the fluxes in the I.e.
code. Computed total pressure and I.e. flow angle conditions region. The numerical scheme used for the rest of the compu-
were exactly equal to those specified. tational domain is no longer valid in the discontinuity region.
Therefore, the flux calculation has to be modified at the I.e. A
method based on ghost cells is used.
Discontinuity forces. It is important that the modified mo- We use again Equations 8 in which the forces are now known.
mentum fluxes are those normal to the leading edge expressed in Therefore, the system is composed of five equations for five un-
x, r, and 8 coordinates. Indeed, the sweep and lean angle must knowns, p2, 92 and pi. We compute the pressure pi in order to
be taken into account in order to enforce the normality of the respect the upstream propagation of acoustic waves. The quan-
modified fluxes. tities pi, 171 and p2 are extrapolated from the upstream and

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Flow angle
P, (Pa) ) Mica
110000 LE 30 09 Scaled Total pressure Scaled leen
- else P, ratio IT efficiency 11
109000 • dec. Math 25
• disc angle
108000 - -a- - no. disc P, 20 0.9
- -0- - no diso Mach 0.8
- 46
- - - 0-
107000 - -0- - no 40se. angle
10 0.8 0.7
5 x expel% 0.6
105000 0.7 • norm. block.
0 0.8:
• Mend. block • 0.5
103000 0.6 o I norm. block •
beee. 0-0-0-o e e o -10 O n slant block.
102000 1 I -IS
0.5 • 0.3
101000 0.5
100090 0.4!
D"-D-0 -0 • • 0-c-o -0 0.4
0. 10 0.4
99407 0.08 0.09 0.1 0.11 0.12
X axial coonfmate 0,3
0.6 0.7
Scaled mass flow
0.8 0 a
Figure 4: Solution of a Le flow with or without discontinuity
modelling. Figure 5: 3 stage fan overall performance using normal and
standard blockage.

downstream cells respectively and projected in the coordinate

system normal to the I.e. When deriving the solution, we obtain TEST CASES
a quadratic polynom in density 192. The other variables are then The computations performed on two cases will be used to
computed from p2 and projected back in the (x, r, 0) system. Fi- illustrate the validation of the different models.
nally, the new fluxes can be applied to the I.e. cells. The forces The NASA 67 transonic fan rotor test case has been com-
are periodically applied using a time-marching approach based puted (Strazisar et al., 1989). The rotor has a tip velocity of 429
on the three stage Runge-Kutta method. m/s and an inlet tip relative Mach number of 1.38. The rotor
Figure 4 is an example of a case where the discontinuity design pressure ratio is 1.63 at a 1018-SS 110‘9 of 33.25 kg/s. Its as-
• method has been applied to correct the incidence. The case is a pect ratio is 1.56 with 22 blades. Only the near peak efficiency
stator with no turning (flat plate). The upstream flow is subsonic condition has been computed. The computation was in good
with a large incidence. No total pressure losses were specified agreement with the experiment both in terms of radial profiles
at the I.e. The figure shows that a perfect discontinuity was of flow quantities and overall performance. This is fully detailed
obtained at the I.e. both in terms of total pressure and blade in a previous paper of the same authors (Baralon et al., 1997).
angle. The dashed line curves correspond to a solution with The second case is a three stage transonic fan of a military
no I.e. singularity treatment. Oscillations occur leading to the engine. The engine is rather similar to the GE F404 turbofan.
generation of entropy of numerical nature. Few measurements were available for that case. Only the overall
When using this technique, a few problems arise in the con- performance for the speed line corresponding to 95% of maxi-
text of quasi-three dimensional computations. At the first level mum speed and some measurements of tip wall static pressure
of the technique when iterating for n, the Newton-Raphson pro- for one operating point were provided.
cedure has strong difficulties to converge for flows with a Mach
number very close to one. This flow condition corresponds to
an extremum for the polynom. This problem is of importance
in transonic applications where, by definition, such conditions For the rotor 67 test case, the computation showed signifi-
occur. Therefore, we have been unable until now to use this cant differences in chokedmass flow when using either the stan-
method in a multistage case. Further improvements are glob- dard or the normal blockage. When lowering the outlet static
ally required in the numerics of this technique and are currently pressure, the computation performed with standard blockage
under study. yielded a chokedflow rate of 33.93 kg/s whereas the one per-
It is recognized that the use of the discontinuity approach formed with normal blockage led to a chokedmass flow of 34.7
to solve the singularity problem requires some additional mod- kg/s. This gives a difference with the measured choked flow rate
elling if the throughflow method is considered on its own. Some (34.96 kg/s) of 3% and 0.75% respectively.
correlations must be developed to specify realistic losses at the Figure 5 shows the effect of using the standard blockage in-
1.e. On the other hand, if coupled with a blade-to-blade calcula- stead of the normal blockage on the overall performance of the
tion, this approach may be a good alternative for the meridional three stage fan. For each computed operating point, the models
modelling of the transonic I.e. flow features, such as bow shocks. that had been tuned when using the normal blockage were kept
The prediction of the meridional flow in the blade region would the same and only the blockage was modified. It can be seen
thereby be improved as regards the passage shock position and that, when using the standard blockage, the speed line is shifted
strength. to lower mass flows in the compressor map. For a same operat-

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Math 9-63.0
Math !Aught 79000
- -6- - &amp. 04343

0.6 0.025 0.05 0.075

X axial coordinate

Figure 7: Rotor 67: comparison of entropy and relative mach

number axial distribution between throughflow and averaged
Figure 6: Rotor 67 Blade-to-blade Mach number contours. blade-to-blade solutions at 10% span from tip.

ing point, a typical difference of 13.7 % in terms of mass flow is shock in the meridional plane. It is visible, in that figure, that
obtained. This shows that the standard blockage substantially both shocks yield a similar downstream Mach number. Thus, it
overestimate the blade blockage which is a critical feature for can be concluded that the blade-to-blade and throughflow shocks
compressors operating at high speeds. A further investigation have the same strength.
was performed regarding the influence of the specified loss level In figure 7, the curve of entropy for the blade-to-blade com-
for the flow computed with standard blockage. For a choked op- putation shows first a slight increase due to the weak bow shock
erating point computed with standard blockage, the losses were followed by a smooth jump caused by the stronger passage shock.
removed, yielding a choked mass flow increase of 0.15% when Since at present the effect of a bow shock is not included in
compared to the same choking point computed with standard the throughflow computation, only the entropy jumps associ-
blockage and losses. In order to obtain the same choked mass ated with the strong passage shock should be compared. Fig-
flow as when using the normal blockage, an increase of approx- ure 7 shows that the difference in entropy between the flow up-
imately 14% should be necessary. This remark shows that the stream and downstream of the passage shock is the same for
difference in mass flow obtained when using the different blade both computations. It should be pointed out that no additional
blockages can only be associated with the discrepancy in passage losses have been applied to the last 50% of span from hub in the
areas and is not influenced by the specified loss level. throughllow calculation. Since the blade-to-blade calculation is
In light of these analyses, the standard blockage should be based on the Euler equations, it can be stated that the entropy
used in transonic throughflow calculations with care. increase observed in both solutions is due to the shock only.
From figure 6 it appears reasonable to consider the com-
puted blade-to-blade passage shock to be normal to the flow.
Therefore, the former conclusion that a shock located in the
The following analysis of the axisymmetric shock structure blade row is treated by the blade model as a normal shock seems
consists of a comparison of the rotor 67 throughfiow calculation to be verified. It has the same strength with the corresponding
with a circumferentially averaged 21) Euler blade-to-blade solu- entropy increase.
tion, for a section at 10% span from tip.
Figure 6 shows the shock pattern in the solution of a 21)
Euler blade-to-blade calculation performed at 10% span from tip, THREE STAGE FAN SOLUTION
with boundary conditions specified according to the throughflow This solution does not correspond to a full prediction in the
calculation. The Mach number upstream of the passage shock sense that the various models have been tuned in terms of mag-
is approximately 1.7. A pitchwise mass-weighted averaging has nitude in order to match the overall fan performance. The com-
been applied to the blade-to-blade solution, which is consistent putation of the three stage fan was aimed essentially at further
with the x-constant axisymmetry assumption. calibrating this models and at testing whether it was possible to
It can be seen in figure 7 that the same upstream Mach num- compute an entire speed line for such a complicated flow.
ber has been obtained for the throughflow solution at the same The approach chosen for the computation was first to spec-
radial location. The difference in the two curves is only due to ify for each blade row some radial profiles of deviation similar to
the pitchwise averaging which gives a damped out blade-to-blade

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to be of major importance for obtaining a good overall perfor-
mance in the context of transonic flows.
M2ff!Ef A theoretical and numerical study of the axisymmetric
.1.5 =103 rarran1 shock showed that it is treated as a normal blade passage shock
by the present model.
The leading edge singularity problem has been investigated
and two different techniques were proposed. One is based on
the modification of the blade geometry at the leading edge and
the other one introduces discontinuities in the momentum flux
normal to the Le. The first approach has its limitations in the
case of a supersonic flow with high incidence whereas the second
method works perfectly theoretically but its numerical robust-
ness needs to be improved.
The computation of the entire speed line of a three stage
01 0.4 00 0.4 I 12 1 4 1.0 transonic fan case was described. A reasonable picture of the
transonic flow was obtained which shows the potential of the
Figure 8: Relative Mach number contours for the 3 stage fan throughflow time-marching method for multistage calculations.
at near choking flow condition.

those developed in previous calibrations (Baralon et al., 1997) This project was supported by an NFFP (National Flight
but further tuned in order to match the loading of each blade Research Program) funding and performed in Sweden at the
row. The loading was assessed from the static pressure measure- Chalmers Univerty of Technology, in cooperation with Volvo
ments at the shroud. Next, some losses were introduced also Aero Corporation.
based on preceding calibrations which provided us with typical
loss profiles. The magnitude of the loss coefficients was estimated
from the overall performance data. Regarding the spanvrise mix- REFERENCES
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believed that a reasonable picture of the transonic flow has been 9970-1162, Volvo Aero Corporation, Trollhattan, Sweden.
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Figure 8 shows the meridional shock pattern for the near Biederman, B. R, Lejambre, C. R., and Spear, D. A., 1994,
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hardly supersonic. It can also be seen from the figure that the Spun, A., 1980, "The prediction of 3D Transonic Flow in
second rotor is likely to be the first one to be choked for that Turbomachinery Using a Combined Throughflow and Blade-
speed line. to-Blade Time Marching Method," Int. J. Heat El Fluid Flow,
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CONCLUDING REMARKS K. L., 1989, "Laser Anemometer Measurements in a Transonic
In this paper, various problems inherent to the throughflow Axial-Flow Fan Rotor," NASA-TP-2879.
time-marching finite-volume method were investigated and some Yao, Z. and Hirsch, C., 1995, "Throughflow Model Using 3D
solutions were proposed. Euler or Navier-Stokes Solver," in: Proc. 1st European- Confer-
An alternative blockage factor based on a streamtube ap- ence on Turbomachinery Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics,
proach rather than a conventional axisymmetric one was found Erlangen, pp. 51-61.

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