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ee = Haryana State Pollution Controt Board Nobu boom} = 6-1, Sector, Panchkula Website - E-Mail - hspcbho@amai Laas Ee oite zsrre70-73 TT toulbe No. HSPCBI2018/ ated To ‘The Director General, Information, Pubic Relations 4 Cultural Afar Deparment. Haryana, Chandigarh Sub; Regarding Public Hearing for project of Integrated Municipal Solid Waste |... pit Management (IMSWM) processing facility for Faridabad and Gurugram Urban | Uocal’Bodies at Vilage. Bhanchanwar, Tehsil & District Gurugram (Haryana) M4), Ec «sv Skratch the Executive “agineer (SMM) for Commissioner, Municizal Corporation ane Gurugram by Mis Directorate of Urban Local Bodies. Terms of reference as per TORS issued by Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Indira Paryavaran Bhawan Jor Bagh Road, Now Delhi3 vide letter No.10-74/2016-14:I diated 27, March 2017. {nave been dected to enclose herewith an advertsement regarding Pubic Hearing notice o bo eid on 21.08 2018 at 10:00 AM in respec ot hvrorment Clearance ane conducing of Puble Heanng gps Te ncpat Sond waste Management (MSWM) processing Taciy for Fandabad and Gurgaon Urban esac Sa age: Brandronwan, Tenet & Detrct Gurugram (Haryena) through the Executve octet) tor Commissioner, Municpal Corporation, Gurgram by (Mis Drectcao of Urban Local Car i reference ao per TOR sued thvaugh Minty of Envronment, Forest and Cimate Sete)“ [a Panjaveran Bhawan Jor Bagh Road, New Dedr3 wide ltr No.10-472016-Wl dated Fr Ntren 3047 at se fo pubeaion m the folowing cading newspapers on DAVP rates 1 One majrnatona daily newspepe. 2. he Regonal Vernacular say Newspaper in Hind: Ts adveriéoment shoul appear on or before 18.02.2018 jn ine above said two newspapers conly and bls of above Iwo newspapers on DAVP rales may be sent 10 this office atthe eariest, te bil payment of above said notice wil be made for wo newspaper only. bhadreomet | Endst. No, HSPCB /2018) |) 6 7 6 Dated: efor /pe ‘copy ofthe above is orwarded tothe folowing fr information and necessary action 1. The Deputy Commissioner, Gurugram 2.-The Chairman, Zia Parishad, Distict Gurugram «3° The Municipal Corporation Disine! Gurugram for dspiay on Notice Board santedageroue Dette Stn” dsrscient For Member Secretanly_ Endst. No. HSPCB/2018/ 2 Dated: ‘A copy of he above is forwarded tothe folowing 1 “The Regional Officer Gurugram (North) Haryana Stale Polution Controt Baro, Vikas Sadan, Opposite. New Cour, Gurugeam alongwith Copy of EIA report and Executive Summary and eter sencing the same tothe conceined authoriles mentoned above to place the same in their offs for consultation ofthe generel public dunng office hours. 2. The Integrated Municipal Sold Waste Management processing facility for Fenéabad and Gurugram 3. Sh Sondeep Sharma, Jr Progremmer (HQ) to upload the public notice on website of the ‘se-Scientist (HQ) For Member Secretary Endst. No. HSPCB/2018) Dated: ‘Aeopy ofthe above is forwarded to he flowing for information please 4 “ime Asitonal Che! Sec'etary to Gov. Haryana, Enuvonment Deparment, Chandigarh 2. The Director General Enveonment Department, Haryana. 5, ‘The PS to Charman / PA to Member Secretary, HSPCB, Panchkula bAkdarieoen seseyan 0 peste = = Haryana State Pollution Control Board — C-11, Sector-6, Panchkula famcin Website - E-Mail - hspebh Tele No. ~ 0172-2577870-73, Notice for Public Hearing itis for the information of all concerned that Integrated Municipal Solid Waste Management (IMSWM) processing facility for Fandabad and Gurugram Urban Local Bodies at Vilage- Bhanghanwarl, Tehsil & Oistnet Gurugram (Haryana) through the Executive Engineer (SWM) for Commissioner, Municipal Corporation. Gurugram by (M/s Directorate of Urban Local Bodies) & ‘Terms of reference as per TORS issued by Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Indira Paryavaran Ghawan Jor Bagh Road, New Delhi3 vide their letter No.10-74/2016-1A.tI iJated 27, March 2017, The project is covered under the ambit of Environment impact Assessment Notification No. S.0. 1593 (E) dated 14” Sep, 2008 issued by Ministry of Environment & Forest Govt of india, New Deihi and thus Environriental Claarance te mandatory for the proposed project for siting up of IMSWM processing facilities. Accordingly. the project proponent nas Epolied to the concerned authority for obtaining Environmental Ciearance and the public hearing has been fixed by the concemed authority as per details given below:- [ StNo, | Name of Unit [Date of | Time of | Venue of | me | pume | pute | ee Hearing Hearing _| Hearing nf jintegrated Municipal Solid We Management (IMSWM) Processing Facility | 21.03.2018 | 10:00AM | At site | for Fadabad and Gunugram Urban Local | | Bodies at Village- Bhandhanwari, District | | | |Seee eae iecare eect | |ecter “enn ioe cormnesorer | | | So OO eee | Directorate of Urban Local Bodies}- Terms | | Se spe toneena Re | [See eon cereal ee eee eee | |e tatSce tar No iaabi6sai | [ee [As a part of procedure for seeking the Environmental Clearance, as notified by the Ministry of Environment Forest & Climate Change Govt. of India, New Delhi vide Notification No.S.0. 183 (E) Gated 14.09.2008, the project proponent mentioned above has applied integrated Municipal Sola Waste Management processing. Accordingly, the Public Hearing for the above said project has been fixed on 21.03.2048 at 10:00 AM for the project site mentioned above at the venue ie. at the proposed site mentioned above. Copies of the executive summary of the project and EIA study Fepor, submitted by the project proponent are available in the Head Ofice of the Board as wel asin the folowing offices, which can be visited during office hours, on any working day +) The Deputy Commissioner, Gurugram 2. The Regional Officer, Gurugram (North) Haryana State Pollution Control Board, Vikas Sadan, ‘Opposite, New Court, Gurugram. 3. Ola The Zila Parishad, Gurugram 4 Ola The Municipal Council, Gurugram 5 The Joint Director/GM, District Industries Centre, District Gurugram, ‘The Notice is hereby given to all the concemed to file suggestions, views, comments and objections, if any, on the proposed project, to the Member Secretary, Haryana State Pollulion Control Board, G-11, Sector-6, Panchkula as well as the Regional Otficer, Haryana State Pollution Control Bosra, Vikas ‘Sadan, Opposite, New Court, Gurueram within 20 days of the publication of this notice. Besides, a Pubic Hearing wil also be held on the Date, Time & Venue Frentioned above at the proposed site of the project, which can be attended by any person treluding Environmental Groups, bonafide residents and others, located at the project sitelstes of splacemertisites likely to be affected, OralWriten suggestions, if any, can also be made during the Public Hearing No TAIDA willbe admissible for attending the Public Hearing Keep Haryana Clean And Pollution Free

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