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There are two Coal leases (IUPs)

are now actively being mined

which are located about 30km
West of MEP cluster. They are IUP
Nantoy Bara Lestari (NBL,
producing coking coal) and IUP
Bara Prima Coal Indonesia (BPCI,
producing coking coal), both of
them operated by foreign
companies. The hauling road along
± 30km which is designed for
double tracks with 35 ton capacity
trucks has been constructed and
actively used to transport coal
from mine sites to their jetty at
Pendreh Port.

The other coal mine (IUP Duta

Nurcahyo, producing thermal coal)
where is located Eastern area of
Barito River and North East of MEP
cluster is now being mined by
PAMA group.
By referring to Regional Geology Map
produced by Indonesian GRDC that
area has sedimentary stratigraphy
from Eocene to Miocene, there are
Tanjung formation (Eocene),
Karamuan & Berai formation (Oligo-
Miocene) and Warukin formation
(Miocene), however it could be
different with the sediment
characteristic in the real field. Geology
In The Market structures are dominated by
To Find Investor
anticlinorium NE-SW trends.

Note: Visited the Regency Mine Dept

in Muarateweh last month, was
obtained a data of one of a potential
coal mine offered to investors for sell,
In The Market
that is coal outcrop list of IUP
To Sell 100% Adhidaya Karya Manunggal (AKM),
there are some coal outcrops have
3.5m up to 5m thick but steeply
dipping upto 30 degrees.
Bridge crossing Pendreh River at Hauling Road belong to Nantoy Mine Coal Stockpile & Jetty belong to Nantoy Bara Lestari Mine

~30km Coal Hauling Road belong to Nantoy and BPCI Mine Coal Stockpile belong to BPCI Mine, nearby Nantoy Jetty

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