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1.What does ICBN stands for?

2.What is flora?

3.Define the terms couplet and lead?

4.What is meant by manuals and monographs?

5.Why are living organisms classified?

6.What is the basic unit of classification?Define it?

7.What is systematics?

8.What is the nature of cell wall in diatoms?

9.How are viroids different from viruses?

10.What do the terms phycobiont and mycobiont signify?

11.What do the terms “algal bloom” and red tides signify?

12.State two economic important uses of hetrotrophic bacteria?

13.Give main critaria used for classification by Whittaker?

14.Name the two diseases caused by mycoplasmas?

15.Name the books written by Parasara and mention importance of

those books?

16.Who is popularly known as father of botany? What was the book

written by him?

17.Mention the taxonomical development by Linnaeus?

18.Mendel considered as father of gentics.Why?

19.Who discovered cell and what was the book written by him?
20.What is paleobotany ? What is its use?

21.Describe lichens?

22.Differentiate fibrous roots from adventitious roots?

23.Comarision between suckers and stolons? Give examples?

24.Define venation? How dicots differ from monocots?

25.What is the morphology of cup like structure in cyathium? In which

family it is found?

26.What is the inflorescence found in fig tree?Why does the insect

Blastophaga visits inflorescence of fig tree?

27.Which organ is modified to trap insects in insectivorous plants?

Give two examples?

28.Comparision between actinomorphic flower and zygomorphic


29.Comparision between apocarpus ovary and syncarpus ovary?

30.What is meant by parthenocarpic fruit? How is its useful?

31.Define scyzocarpic dry fruits? Give an example?

32.Define mericarp? In which plant you find it?

33.What is aggregate fruit? Give two examples?

34.What is meant by scutellum? In which type seeds is its present?

35.Define with examples of endospermic seeds and non endospermic


36.What is self incompatibility?

37.Are pollination and fertilization necessary in apomixis?Give reason?

38.Expain the role of tapetum in the formation of pollengrain wall?

39.What is meant by monospric development of female gametophyte?

40.What is Omega taxonomy?

41.Explain the scope and significance of Numerical taxonomy?

42.What is geocarpy?Name the plant which exhibits this phenomenon?

43.Name the type of pollination mecanism found in members of


44.What is the significance of vacuole in aplant cell?

45.Mention a single membrane bound organelle which is rich in

hydrolytic enzymes?

46.What is osmosis?

47.What is the feature of metacentric chromosomes?

48.What is the function of a polysome?

49.Which part of bacterial cell targetted in gram staining?

50.What is middle lamella made of? What is its functional significance?

51.What are microbodies?What do they contain?

52.Select an appropriate bonds given substances?

(A)carbohydrates (B)protiens (C)fats (D) water

53.Explain the zwitterionic form of an aminoacid?

54.What constituent of DNA are linked by glycosidic bond?

55.Comment on living state of an organisms?

56.Which of the phases of cell cycle is of longest duration?

57.Which tissue of plants and animals exhibits meiosis?

58.Give that the average duplication time of E.coli is20 minutes? How
much time will two E.coli cells take to become32 cells?

59.If a tissue has at a given time 1024 cells. How many cycles of
mitosis had the original parental single cell undergone?

60.An anther has 1200 pollen grains. How many pollen mother cells
must have been there to produce them?

61.DNA replication stage of cell cycle?

62.Mitochondria and chloroplasts are replicated it self.Why?

63.Mention the ploidy of the following different tissues.

(A)bryophyte thallus (B) Pteridophyta plant (C) capsule of bryophytes

(D)pollen mother cells of angiosperms (E)PEN of angiosperms

64.Why are xylem and phloem called complex tissue?

65.Give basic functional differences between phellogen and


66.What constitutes the cambial ring?

67.What type of cells help during water sress in monocots?

68.Mention the vascular bundles (A)Dicot root (B)Monocot stem (C)

Dicot stem (D)Leaf midrib

69.Climax stage achieved quickly in secondary succession as

compared to primary succession.Why?

70.Hydrophytes show reduce xylem. Why?

72.Name the type of land plants that cantoierate the salinities of the

73.Define population and community?

74.Define heliophytes and sciophytes with examples?

75.Why bryophytes are called amphibians?

76.What is the basis of classification of algae?

77.Differemtiate between antheridium and archegonium?

78.Differentiate between syngamy and triple fusion?

79.Name differeni methods of vegetative reproduction an bryophytes?

80.Mention the fern characters found in cycas?

81.Name the gymnosperms which contain mycorrhiza and corolloid

roots respectively?

82.Give examples for unicellular algae and colonial and filamentous



1.What are taxonomic aids?Give the importance of herbarium mand


2.Explain binomial nomenclature?

3.What are the characteristic features of euglenoids?

4.Write the role of fungi in our daily life/

5.Give the salient features and importance of chrysophytes?

6.Explain the scope of botany in agriculture and horticulture and


7.Explain the scope of botany taking olant ohysiology as examples?

8.Differentiate between red algae and brown algae?

9.Differentiate between liverworts and mosses?

10.What is heterospory? Briefly comment on its significance?

11What is meant by homosporous and heterosporous pteridophytes?
Give examples?

12.Give brief account of prothallus?

Explain different regions of root with neat labeled diagram?

13.Explain different types phyllotaxy with suitable examples?

14.How do leaf modifications helps in plants?

15.Describe the types of flowers insertion on thalamus?

16.Describe the two special types of inflorescences?

17.Describe any five types placentations found in angiosperms?

18.Describe in briefly in fleshy fruits?

19.Describe post fertilization changes in angiosperms?

20.Describe contrtivances in bisexual chasmogamous flowers for cross

pollination?(adaptations in cross pollinations)

21.What is polyembryony?Explain its in angiosperms with examples?

22.Are parthenocarpy and apomixes different phenomena?Discuss their


23.What is bagging technique?How is it using plant breeding


24.Describe non essential floral parts of fabaceae family plants?

24.Write brief account of Bentham and Hooker classification?

25.Describe essential floral parts liliaceae?

26.Give economic importance of fabaceae family plants?

27.Mention the chemical nature of plasmamembrane?Explain its

28.What are plasmids? Describe their role in bacteria?

29.What are nucleosomes? What are they made of?

30.Describe the characters of mitochondria and chloroplasts?

31.Whare the characteristics of prokaryotic cell?

32.What are nuclear pores/State their functions?

33.Write the types of chromosomes based on centromere position?

34.Explain secondary structure of nucleic acid(DNA)Watson Crick


35.What are secondary metabolites?Discuss it?

36.Explain cell cycle(Mitosis)?

37.Explain detailed account of prophse-I in miosis-i?

38.State the location and functions if different types of meristematic


39.What are the differences between lenticels and stomata?

40.What are hydrophytes?Briefly discuss different types of hydrophtes?

41.Morphological adaptation in hydrophytes?

42.Anatomical adaptations of hydrophytes?

43.Write brief account on classifications of xerophytes?

44.Anatomical adaptations of xerophytes?

45.Define ecological services? Explain in regard with pollination?

46.What measures do you suggest to protect pollinators?

47.Define plant succession. Differentiate between primary and

secondary succession?
48.Ecosystem services (I) Corbon fixation (II)Oxygen release


1.Root modifications

2.Stem modifications

3.Recemose inflorescences

5.Embryosac development

6.Microsporangium development

7.The process of fertilization in angiosperms

8. DICOT ROOT primary structure

9.DICOT STEM primary structure

10.MONOCOT STEM primary structure

11.DICOT LEAF structure

12.SECONDARY GROWTH in dicot stem

13.Labelled diagrams of zygote and embryo development of


Prepared by D.VYKUNTA RAO


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