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WHAT IS SOIL? The soil pH is a measure of soil acidity or al-

Soils are complex mixtures of miner- kalinity. pH can range from 1 to 14, with val-
als, water, air, organic matter, and ues 0-7 being acidic, and 7-14 being alkaline.
countless organisms that are the de- Soils usually range from 4 to 10. The pH is
caying remains of once-living things. one of the most important properties involved
It forms at the surface of land – it is in plant growth, as well as understanding how
the “skin of the earth.” Soil is capable rapidly reactions occur in the soil. .For exam-
of supporting plant life and is vital to ple, the element iron becomes less available to
life on earth. plants a higher the pH is. This creates iron de-
Soil, as formally defined in the Soil ficiency problems. Crops usually prefer values
Science Society of America Glossary between 5.5-8, but the value depends on the
of Soil Science Terms, is: crop. The pH of soil comes from the parent
material during soil formation, but humans can
The unconsolidated mineral or organ- add things to soils to change them to better suit
ic material on the immediate surface plant growth. Soil pH also affects organisms.
of the earth that serves as a natural
medium for the growth of land plants.
The unconsolidated mineral or organ- ION EXCHANGES
ic matter on the surface of the earth
that has been subjected to and shows
effects of genetic and environmental
factors of: climate (including water
and temperature effects), and macro-
and microorganisms, conditioned by
relief, acting on parent material over
a period of time.

Ion exchange involves the movement of cati-

WHAT IS SOIL ons (positively charged elements like calcium,
CHEMISTRY? magnesium, and sodium) and anions
Soil chemistry involves the chemical (negatively charged elements like chloride, and
reactions and processes between compounds like nitrate) through the soils. In
these components and particularly fo- the United States, cation exchange is much
cuses on investigating the fate of con- more common.
taminants and nutrients within soils.
Cation exchange is the interchanging between
a cation in the solution of water around the soil
SOIL PH particle, and another cation that is stuck to the
clay surface. The number of cations in the soil
water solution is much smaller than the num-
ber that is attached to soil particles.
The total amount of positive charges that the
soil can absorb is called the cation exchange
capacity (CEC). CEC impacts how the pH. Changes in pH can affect plants in a
quickly nutrients move through the variety of ways, especially by diminishing the
profile. A soil with a low CEC is fraction of nutrients in soil that are available to
much less fertile because it cannot the plants and increasing uptake of undesirable
hold on to many nutrients, and they minerals like aluminum.
usually contain less clays. If your soil
has a low CEC, it is important to ap-
ply fertilizer small doses so it does PARTICLE SIZE
not infiltrate into the groundwater. A
soil with a low CEC is less able to
hold spilt chemicals.


o calcium (Ca2+)
o magnesium (Mg2+) Soil particles vary greatly in size, and soil sci-
entists classify soil particles into sand, silt, and
o sodium (Na+)
clay. Starting with the finest, clay particles are
o potassium (K+) smaller than 0.002 mm in diameter. Some clay
o NH4+ particles are so small that ordinary micro-
scopes do not show them. Silt particles are
from 0.002 to 0.05 mm in diameter. Sand rang-
SOIL BUFFERNG es from 0.05 to 2.0 mm. Particles larger than
In chemistry, buffer capacity is the 2.0 mm are called gravel or stones. Most soils
amount of acid or base a buffered so- contain a mixture of sand, silt and clay in dif-
lution can soak up before its pH will ferent proportions. The size of soil particles is
start to change significantly. The important. The amount of open space between
buffer capacity of a soil is important the particles influences how easily water
in determining how its pH will moves through a soil and how much water the
change. A higher buffer capacity soil will hold. Too much clay, in proportion to
means that the soil can absorb more silt and sand, causes a soil to take in water
acid and/or base without a significant very slowly. Such a soil gives up its water to
change in pH. In general, clay soils plants slowly. These soils are sticky when
have higher buffer capacity than wet.
sandy soils, and a higher organic mat-
ter content tends to increase buffering
capacity. Buffering capacity is im-
portant because it helps to stabilize
AQUEOUS SOLUTIONS the solubility rules for common ionic sol-
ids. Because not all aqueous reactions form
A solution is a homogeneous mixture of precipitates, one must consult the solubility
rules before determining the state of the
two or more substances. products and writing a net ionic equa-
The solute is the substance present in a tion. The ability to predict these reactions
smaller amount, and the solvent is the sub- allows scientists to determine which ions
are present in a solution, and allows indus-
stance present in a larger amount. tries to form chemicals by extracting com-
A solution may be gaseous (such as air), ponents from these reactions.
solid (such as an alloy), or liquid
(seawater, for example). All solutes that ACID-BASE REACTION
dissolve in water are either : An acid–base reaction is a chemical reac-
tion that occurs between an acid and a base.
o Non-electrolyte- does not conduct elec-
Several theoretical frameworks provide al-
tric current when dissolved in water
ternative conceptions of the reaction mech-
o Electrolyte- when dissolved in water, anisms and their application in solving re-
results in a solution that can conduct elec- lated problems; these are called acid–base
tricity; solution is a good electrical con- theories, for example, Brønsted–Lowry ac-
ductor ; Strong/weak electrolyte id–base theory. Their importance becomes
apparent in analyzing acid–base reactions
for gaseous or liquid species, or when acid
or base character may be somewhat less
ACID a substance that provides hydro-
gen ions (H+ or H3O+) in aqueous solu-
tion. Aqueous acid solutions conduct elec-
tricity. Acid is derived from the word
acidus (sour)
-sour taste (e.g. citric acid makes citrus
fruits sour)
-reacts with some metals (Zn, Mg, Fe) to
form hydrogen gas 2HCl(aq) + Mg(s) →
MgCl2(aq) + H2(g)
-Reacts with carbonates to produce CO2(g)
2HCl(aq) + CaCO3(s) →CaCl2(aq) +H2O
Precipitation reactions occur when cations -Changes litmus paper from blue to red
and anions in aqueous solution combine to BASE is a substance capable of produc-
form an insoluble ionic solid called
a precipitate. Whether or not such a reac- ing hydroxide ions (OH-) in aqueous solu-
tion occurs can be determined by using tions .Aqueous base solutions conduct elec-
It has a bitter taste, slippery feel, and it Oxidation numbers or oxidation states al-
changes litmus paper red to blue. low us to identify elements that are oxi-
 Strong base : dissociates completely dized and reduced at a glance.
in water solution and yields OH- ions o Increase in oxidation state → element is
o NaOH(aq) → Na+(aq) + OH-(aq) oxidized
o KOH(aq) → K+(aq) + OH-(aq) o Decrease in oxidation state → element is
 • Weak base: not completely ionized
in solution o NH3(aq) + H2O ↔ RULES FOR ASSIGNING
NEUTRALIZATION The oxidation state (OS) of an element cor-
responds to the number of electrons, e-, that
A neutralization reaction is when an acid an atom loses, gains, or appears to use
and a base react to form water and a salt when joining with other atoms in com-
and involves the combination of H+ ions pounds. In determining the oxidation state
and OH- ions to generate water. The neu- of an atom, there are nine guidelines to
tralization of a strong acid and strong base follow:
has a pH equal to 7. The neutralization of a 1. The oxidation state (OS) of an individual
strong acid and weak base will have a pH atom in a free element (uncombined with
of less than 7, and conversely, the resulting other elements) is zero.
pH when a strong base neutralizes a weak 2. The oxidation number of a simple ion is
acid will be greater than 7. equal to the charge on the ion.
acid + base → salt + water 3. For an electrically neutral compound, the
sum of the positive and negative oxidation
numbers of all elements in the compound
REACTIONS equals zero.
o HF(aq) + KOH(aq) → KF(aq) + H2O 4. For a complex ion, the sum of the posi-
o H2SO4(aq) + 2NaOH(aq) → Na2SO4 tive and negative oxidation numbers of all
(aq)+ 2H2O(l) elements in the ion equals the charge on the
o HNO3(aq) + NH3(aq) → NH4NO3(aq) ion
5. In their compounds the Group 1A metals
have an OS of +1 and the Group 2A metals
REDOX REACTION have an OS of +2
An oxidation-reduction (redox) reaction is
6. In its compounds, the OS of fluorine is –
a type of chemical reaction that involves a
1. ,, .
transfer of electrons between two species. 7. In its compounds, hydrogen has an OS of
An oxidation-reduction reaction is any +1.
chemical reaction in which the oxidation
8. In its compounds, oxygen has an OS of -
number of a molecule, atom, or ion chang-
es by gaining or losing an electron. Redox
9. In their binary (two-element) compounds
reactions are common and vital to some of
with metals, the Group 7A elements have
the basic functions of life, including photo-
an OS of 1; the Group 6A elements, -2; and
synthesis, respiration, combustion, and cor-
the Group 5A elements, -3.
rosion or rusting.
Biogeochemical cycles are pathways that
let elements move through ecosystems.
Because you cannot create or destroy mat-
ter, they help explain how all living and
nonliving things cycle through nature.
Earth acts as a closed system for the move-
ment of matter, and a biogeochemical cy-
cle includes the chemical, geological and
biological pieces of this pathway. There
are many different types of biogeochemi-
cal cycles, but the most common ones in-
clude water, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and
phosphorus. The carbon cycle is the series of processes
by which carbon compounds are intercon-
verted in the environment, involving the
WATER CYCLE incorporation of carbon dioxide into living
tissue by photosynthesis and its return to
the atmosphere through respiration, the de-
cay of dead organisms, and the burning of
fossil fuels.


The water cycle describes how water evap-

orates from the surface of the earth, rises
into the atmosphere, cools and condenses
into rain or snow in clouds, and falls again
to the surface as precipitation. The water
falling on land collects in rivers and lakes,
soil, and porous layers of rock, and much
of it flows back into the oceans, where it
will once more evaporate. The cycling of
water in and out of the atmosphere is a sig- Getting nitrogen into living organisms is
nificant aspect of the weather patterns on difficult. Plants and phytoplankton are not
Earth. equipped to incorporate nitrogen from the
atmosphere (where it exists as tightly bond-
ed, triple covalent N2) even though this
CARBON CYCLE molecule comprises approximately 78 per-
cent of the atmosphere. Nitrogen enters the
living world through free-living and sym-
The oxygen cycle is the cycle that helps
biotic bacteria, which incorporate nitrogen
move oxygen through the three main re-
into their organic molecules through spe-
gions of the Earth, the Atmosphere, the Bio-
cialized biochemical processes. Certain
sphere, and the Lithosphere. The Atmos-
species of bacteria are able to per-
phere is of course the region of gases that
form nitrogen fixation, the process of
lies above the Earth’s surface and it is one
converting nitrogen gas into ammonia
of the largest reservoirs of free oxygen on
(NH3), which spontaneously becomes am-
earth. The Biosphere is the sum of all the
monium (NH4+). Ammonium is converted
Earth’s ecosystems. This also has some free
by bacteria into nitrites (NO2−) and then
oxygen produced from photosynthesis and
nitrates (NO3−). At this point, the nitrogen-
other life processes. The largest reservoir of
containing molecules are used by plants
oxygen is the lithosphere. Most of this oxy-
and other producers to make organic mole-
gen is not on its own or free moving but part
cules such as DNA and proteins. This ni-
of chemical compounds such as silicates and
trogen is now available to consumers.
Organic nitrogen is especially important to
the study of ecosystem dynamics because
many ecosystem processes, such as prima- PHOSPHOROUS
ry production, are limited by the available
supply of nitrogen. As shown in Figure 4 CYCLE
below, the nitrogen that enters living sys-
tems is eventually converted from organic
nitrogen back into nitrogen gas by bacte-
ria. The process of denitrification is when
bacteria convert the nitrates into nitrogen
gas, thus allowing it to re-enter the atmos-

The phosphorus cycle refers to the biogeo-
chemical cycle by which phosphorous
moves through the biosphere, hydrosphere,
and lithosphere. The atmosphere doesn’t
play a substantial role in the cycling of
phosphorous. This is because phosphorous
and phosphorous-based compounds cannot
be found in the air in the gas state.

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