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Republic of the Philippines

Department of the Interior and Local Government
Camp General Mariano N. Castañeda, Silang, Cavite

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Leadership

Journey of PSOBC CL 2019-05


Submitted to:


Director, NPC

December 2, 2019



Leadership Portfolio
What is Leadership? How do we define Leadership?

According to Steven M. Smith, Leadership is the ability to adapt the setting so

everyone feels empowered to contribute creativity to solving the problem.

Leadership is ability, meaning a leader has a capacity to do something through

talent and skill. Talent is natural ability and skill is proficiency gained through training
and experience. Talent certainly helps, but it isn’t required. I know many people
whose natural leadership ability was close to zero but through training, experience,
and most of all, persistence, became great leader.
Leadership is adaptive, meaning that the leader makes adjustments. A leader
who fails to adjust to the territory will lose their way. Only fools willingly follow
someone who is lost.
Leadership acts on set, meaning a leader adjusts the state of the surroundings
and people. A leader carefully observes those states and discerns significance
looking for how to adapt the setting most effectively.
Leadership empowers, meaning a leader inspires confidence and self-esteem.
And that inspiration comes in many flavors. Some leaders inspire by bold talk; other
by soft talk; and other by their example. There are many ways to empower rather
than a single way.
Leadership acts on people’s feelings, meaning a leader finds ways to link to
people’s instinct or intuition. Leaders help everyone feel empowered, which in many
organizations with bad histories is a leap of faith. If a leader can provide concrete
evidence that helps the empowerment, wonder. But evidence usually comes after
the leadership actions produce the desired results.
Leadership creates contribution, which means every member give something.
Sometimes that may be sharing an idea. Sometimes that may be holding an ideas in
reserve and allowing someone else to arrive at the same idea and share it.
Leadership is about solving the problems, which means closing the gap between
things as desired and things as perceived. Everyone works on the solution to
intermediary problems while keeping in mind the ultimate problem—closing a gap for
the client or customer.
Leadership fosters creativity, meaning imaginative use of limited resources. A
leader that enables people to use their imagination is to step closer to solving
problems faster, better and cheaper.
Leadership is often attributed to a single individual. It’s easier to communicate
success stories that way. People like simple stories that contain cause and effect
even when they are wrong.





Doing things that bring joy and happiness to my family, friends and community
will keep me motivated and productive. My strengths and talents will allow me to
maximize my contribution to society as a whole.

To be the person who is respected by family, friends, loved ones, colleagues
and the community. To be the person who speaks for the one that cannot, to listen
for the one that cannot hear, see for the one without sight. To have my deeds
always match my words through the grace of God.
To have a career/life that includes constant learning and improvement for
myself, but that also creates an atmosphere of pleasurable learning and
improvement for others.

Core Values
I will still align my personal core values as to the PNP core values:
MakaDiyos, MakaBayan, MakaTao at MakaKalikasan. It is the complete embodiment
for a Law Enforcer.


Before he recruited in the police service, he was applying for Call to Active Duty
(CAD) in the Philippine Army right after his commisionship order was released on
April 16, 1996. Due to financial problem and long processing of his application for
CAD in the Army, he did not hesitated to apply when he learned that there was a
replacement quota for Police Officer 1 even though it was a non commissioned
officer in the PNP he did not bothered to apply.
Police Lieutenant VICTORIOSO SULPICO YULDE entered the police service
on March 7, 1997 as a police non-commisioned officer at Phillipine National Police,
Special Action Force. He finished his Public Safety Basic Recruit Course (PSBRC)
on July 31, 1997 at Institute Training Group (ITG), Police National Training Institute
(PNTI), Camp Vicente Lim, Canlubang, Laguna. After the graduation ceremony of
PSBRC, the newly graduated PO1's brought to Fort Sto. Domingo, Sta. Rosa,
Laguna for their Militaristic Training. After four (4) months of endless physical
exercises, the Higher Headquarters issued an order to take Police Tactics instead of
Militaristic at PNTI-ITG. On the last week of January 1998, he finished the Police
Tactics Phase. On February 09, 1998, he reported for duty at the office of Force
Operation (F3) as duty PNCO. After six (6) months, the Headquarters ordered him to
undergo the SAF Commando Course together with the graduates of PNPA Class
1998. After six (6) months of rigid training of Commando, he graduated on December
08, 1998.
On December 09, 1998 right after his graduation of Foundation course, he was
ordered to report at Special Operation Battalion (SOB) with special order number
SAF SO # 703 dated December 09, 1998. He stayed in that Battalion for 10 years
and he was designated different positions like admin PNCO, Assistant Finance



PNCO, Operation PNCO, Battalion Chiefclerk and the last but not the least, the
Battalion Executive Senior Police Officer.
Aside from his office duty, he has been involved in different significant
operations and accomplishments of the Battalion: Encountered with Dissident
Terrorists resulting to the recovery of Four (4) lifeless bodies of suspected rebels,
two (2) M16 rifles, one (1) garand, one (1) carbine, three (3) shotguns, and one (1).
38 revolver.
Major operation against Abu Sayyaf in the Sulu archipelago.
Arrest of former President Entrada after his impeachment.
Kidnapping incident on October 22, 2001 resulted to the arrest of the suspected
On December 31. 2008, he was reassigned at Force Support Battalion, Light
Armor Unit and he was designated as Tank Commander.
He was reassigned at Base Police Unit and he was designated as the Sergeant
of the guard at SAF Headquarters.
He was reassigned at Search, Rescue and Recovery Unit and designated as the
Company Executive Senior Police Officer.
He was reassigned at Headquarters Force Support Battalion and designated as


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