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1. Accordingly, effective dose equivalent was developed in order to relate exposure to

risk. Relatively, what is the effective dose equivalent resulting from a chest
radiographic examination?
A. 0.06 mSv
B. 6 mSv
C. 0.6 mSv
D. 6 Sv

2. Which statement is thought to be true about law of Bergonie and Tribondeau?

I. With increased cell maturity, the cell is more resistant to radiation;
II. Stem cells are radiosensitive;
III. Younger cells and tissues have more radioactivity
IV. A high metabolic rate increases the radiosensitivty of cells;
V. An increased proliferation for cells and an increased growth rate for
tissues increase the radiosensitivity of cells
A. I & II only
B. IV & V only
C. II, 1V, V only
D. I, II, IV, V

3. X-RAY interaction with matter that occurs above 10 meV is:

A. Compton Scattering
B. Pair production
C. Photodisintegration
D. Photoelectric effect
4. Which statement is not true about the link of electric and magnetic phenomena
which was actually based from the extensive investigations made by Hans Christian
A. Any charge in motion induces magnetic field
B. Electrons that flow through a wire produce a magnetic field
C. A charge at rest produces magnetic field
D. Electric current eveidnetly produces a magnetic field
5. Which statement does not belong to the three basic obligations of the radiologic
A. To promote camaraderie among other health professionals
B. To provide highest level of patient care possible
C. To promote the diagnostic and therapeutic efficacy of the examination
D. To provide radiation protection
6. The earliest radiation detecting device as stated in the medical imaging history and
still the primary means of radiation detection and measurement is:
A. Proportional counter
C. Gas-filled detector
D. Photographic emulsions
7. Which statement is not correct regarding kinetic energy and velocity of projectile
electron in an x-ray tube?
A. As electron kinetic energy increases, mAs intensity is also increases
B. Electron kinetic energy is increased by raising kVp
C. As electron kinetic energy increases, the energy of kVp of the x-ray beam
D. As electron energy is increased, the energy of both mAs and kVp decreases
8. Adequate shielding design and operational procedures will aid radiologic technologist
in maintaining ALARA. The minimum requirement for the heigh of the control booth
A. At least 9 feet high
B. At least 6 feet high
C. At least 7 feet high
D. At least 8 feet high
9. If the half-value layer (HVL) quantifies the ability of an x-ray beam to penetrate
tissue and is described as the thickness of material that attenuates an x-ray beam by
50%, what percentage does the tenth-value layer attenuates an x-ray beam?

A. 10%
B. 90 %
C. 50 %
D. 100%
10. A linear dose-response curve exhibits some effect, no matter how small the dose
that even on ephoton could cause the effect to occur. Relatively, the linear dose-
response curve can be summarized as follows, except?
A. There is usually no threshold
B. The response to radiation in terms of frequency or severity of effect at small
dose rates
C. There is no dose rate-rate effect which means that there is no reduced effect
at small dose rates
D. There is usually threshold
11. The following are the three important aspects of the heel effect, except:
A. The intensity of film exposure on the anode side of the x-ray tube is
significantly less than that on the cathode side of the tube.
B. The heel effect will be less for smaller films
C. The heel effect is less noticeable when larger focus-film distances are used
D. The heel effect is more noticeable when larger focus-film distance are used.
12. Which management protocol for acute radiation syndrome, described as
management protocol is rendered when final disposition and therapeutic regimens
are established?
A. Definite care
B. Triage
C. Calculation care
D. Emergency care
13. It is defined as an outward flow of energy from a source of energy. It is also
pictured as rays fanning out form a source, or as a beam. This term that is also
capable of converting atom to ion is called .
A. Forces
B. Energy
C. Radiation
D. Sound
14. It is an x-radiation with energies below approximately 10 KeV. In here, the incident
x-ray interacts with a target atom causing it to become excited. This description is
pertaining to what type of x-ray interaction with matter?
A. Pair production
B. Coherent scattering
C. Compton effect
D. Photoelectric effect
15. A general terminology related to the interaction of various constituents of matter
A. Binding energy
B. Force
C. Electromagnetic radiation
D. Energy
16. The minimum amount of energy necessary to free an electron from an atom is
A. Electron binding energy
B. Thermionic emission
C. Pauli energy
D. Ionization
17. How much radiation does is needed to produce either permanent or temporary
sterility in male population?
A. 500 rems or greater
B. 400 rems or greater
C. 100 rems or greater
D. 1000 rems or greater
18. Which among the following statements listed is not true about atomic description?
A. Atoms are not divisible
B. Atoms are the smallest part of an element
C. Atoms are divisible
D. Atoms are electrically neutral
19. The following are the purposes of adding filtration to an x-ray beam. However,
among the purposes listed below, which one is the primary goal of adding filtration?
A. To retain the high energy x-rays
B. To improve imge contrast
C. To selectively rmove image contrast
D. To reduce patient dose
20. Accordingly, x-rays are form of electromagnetic radiation capable of causing
ionization. Once emitted, x-rays have an ionization rate in air of approximately 100
ion pairs per centimeter. Relatively, where is its origin?
A. Nucleus
B. Atom
C. Electron cloud
D. Orbits
21. It is one among the x-ray interactions with matter having energies below
approximately 10 keV. In here, the incidental x-ray interacts with target atom
causing it to become excited. This x-ray interaction is called ?
A. Photoelectric interaction
B. Photodisintegration
C. Compton effect
D. Coherent scattering
22. The International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) and the National
Committee on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP) are two cooperative
entities with the following common objectives except:
A. Cooperate with other national and international organizations, governmental
and private, concerned with radiation quantities, units and measurements
and radiation protection
B. Provide a means by which organizations concerned with scientific and
related aspects of radiation protection and of radiation quantities, units, and
C. Develop basic concepts about radiation quantities, units, and measurements
and radiation protection
D. Collect, analyze, develop and dissociate in the public interest information
about protection against radiation, measurements and radiation protection

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