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Dosen Pembimbing :Jothika Purnama Yuda,S.S.


Kelompok 5


2. INDAH PUSPITASARI (P27240018017)
3. NILA SARI KUSUMAWATI (P27240018025)
4. NISA SUKMAWATI (P27240018026)



1. Ferista : Receptionist 2

2. Indah : Receptionist 1

3. Nila : Patient

4. Nisa : Therapist

5. Ochita : Doctor

Indah :” Good Morning, Bagas Waras Clinic, Can I help you?? "

Nila :” Good morning. My name is Nila, I want to make an appointment with Dr.
Ochita, for acupuncture therapy. "

Indah :" Are there any prior appointments with Dr. Ochita? "

Nila :” No prior appointment, miss,”

Indah :” Yes, miss, may I know your name, age and address??”

Nila :” My name is Nila, I am 20 years old, and my place of residence is in

Kartasura Sukoharjo.”

Indah :” May I know what complaints you feel now??”

Nila :” The complaint that I feel is that I have a sleep disturbance and often wake
up at night and can't sleep again. "

Indah :” Alright Ms. Nila, when will you make an appointment with Dr. Ochita?”

Nila :” May I know about Dr. Ochita's practice hours??”

Indah : ” Dr. Ochita's practice schedule every Wednesday at 17:00 to 20:00”.

Nila :” Can I make an appointment Wednesday, at 18:00?”

Indah : ” Yes, miss,”

Nila :” Alright miss, I will take the day and hour”

Indah :” Alright miss, thank you for contacting our clinic, Good Morning and Good
Activity Back”

Nila :” Yes miss, good morning”

Part 2

Ferista :” Good Morning, Can I help you??”

Nila :” Good morning, I want to confirm that I have an appointment with Dr. Ohita

Ferista :” Alright miss, sorry for whose name”

Nila :” Nila, 20 years old, Kartasura sukoharjo”

Ferista :” Wait a minute, miss”

Nila :” Yes miss”

(Receptionist is looking for patient data, 5 minutes later)

Ferista :” With Ms. Nila”

Nila :”Yes I’m”

Ferista :” Okay, you are scheduled for 18:00 today”

Nila :” Yes miss”

Ferista :” Alright miss, please wait in room B, the therapist will call you to meet with
Dr. Ohita. "

Nila :” Alright miss, thank you”

Ferista :” Yes, you're welcome”

Part 3

(Queue number 2, Ms. Nila, Nisa therapist, carrying a file and opening the door of Dr.

Nisa : “ Ms. Nila”

Nila :” Yes, me”

Nisa :”Please go inside miss”

Nila :”Yes, thank you”

(Nisa therapist puts the file on the table Dr. Ochita)

Nisa :” Doc , this is files the patient in the name of Ms. Nila, who wants to consult
with a doctor”

Dr.Ochita :” Okay thank you”

Nisa :” You're welcome, doc”

Dr.Ochita :” Please sit down, miss”

Nila :” Thank you doc”

Dr.Ochita :” Hello, with Ms. Nila yes?”

Nila :” Yes, doctor”

Dr.Ochita :” May I know what you are complaining about right now?”

Nila :” Well, doctor, I have recently experienced sleep disorders and often wake up
at night and can't go back to sleep.”

Dr.Ochita :” Oh, that's a symptom of insomnia”

Nila :” Umm, can it be cured with acupuncture therapy doc?”

Dr.Ochita :” Of course you can, but it also must be with regular therapy.”

Nila :” Alright doctor”

Dr.Ochita :” Please wait in the waiting room while waiting to be called by my therapist,

Nila :”Okay doc thank’s”

Part 4

Nisa :”With Ms. Nila ?”

Nila :” Yes i’m”

Nisa :” Okay Ms. Nila, I am a therapist Nisa, I will be your therapist”

Nila :” Okay miss Nisa”

Nisa :” Please sit comfortably, I will start therapy around the face and hands area,
okay? Are you ready?”

Nila :” Yes, I'm ready”

Nisa :” I will start therapy starting from the face, releks miss, okay good. Next
hand, good. Wait for fifteen (15) minutes, okay?”.

Nila :” Okay miss”

(15 minutes later)

Nisa :” Alright, it's been 15 minutes, I'll pull out the acupuncture needle, miss”

Nila :” Okay”

Nisa :” Do you feel better, miss?”

Nila :” Thank you, I feel better”

Nisa :”You’re welcome miss , get well soon”

Nila :” Thank’s”

(Nila walked into the administration room to make payment)

Nila :” miss, I want to pay for treatment today”

Ferista :”On behalf ?”

Nila :” Nila, 20 years old, Kartasura Sukoharjo”

Ferista :” Payment bill, 150,000”

Nila :” Here's the money”

Ferista :” Well i accept the money”

Nila :” Yes miss”

Ferista :” Payment is complete and this is the receipt, and if you need help, please
come to our clinic, thank you, and hope you get well soon.”

Nila :”Okay , thank’s”

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