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What is Dementia and why you need Dementia care at

home Solihull

Dementia is a group of mental disorders that are triggered by age, accident, or heredity.
The overall term of these disorders is called Dementia, and abnormal brain changes
cause it. With the occurrence of dementia thinking skills, also known as cognitive abilities
are adversely affected. One of the significant causes of Dementia is due to damage in
brain cells that interfere with the capability of brain cells to communicate with each
other. Human brain has many distinct regions, and these regions are responsible for
different functions such as memory, judgment and movement. If the cells in any area are
damaged, that region cannot perform its functions regularly and is unable to
communicate with other areas too. Effect of this damage are severe enough to create
problems in daily life and independent functioning of the person. In many cases these
changes also affect behaviour, feelings and relationships

Alzheimer's disease is one of the primary disorders of Dementia, and it affects more
than 80 percent of cases around Solihull. Also known as vascular Dementia, it occurs due
to the microscopic bleeding and blood vessel blockage in the brain. These disorders the
second most common cause of Dementia. Other than Alzheimer's, many different
conditions can cause Dementia at an elderly age that may include some reversible
conditions, for example, thyroid problems and vitamin deficiencies. Often Dementia is
known as "senility" or "senile Dementia. These terms reflect the belief that Dementia is a
severe mental decline, and it is a normal part of aging, but it is not true at all.

Most of the Dementia is progressive, which means that symptoms start slowly, and these
symptoms get worse gradually. The very first thing about Dementia requires immediate
attention. One should never underestimate this problem and do not ignore the patient-
facing of this problem. The patient should be taken to the doctor immediately because
only he can detect a treatable condition and provide him with proper care. Early
diagnosis of a person can allow the maximum benefit of treatment. Dementia Care at
home Solihull can help improve the health of patients if early diagnosis is made.
Symptoms include:

Changes in short term memory or forgetfulness

The problem is finding the right words while talking.
Mood swings and mood changes
Difficulty in doing simple tasks.
Confusion in memory.
Difficulty in understanding the storylines of films and tv due to a lack of
understanding of work.
The person starts to forget directions and cannot remember landmarks.
He starts to become repetitive.

The person who has Dementia has a problem in adapting changes.

Dementia is one of the hazardous diseases, and leaving the person with Dementia can
result in severe accidents, and they need dementia care at home Solihull. Many times it
is reported that people who are suffering Dementia are lost and cannot make it home.
They face many challenges in doing everyday tasks, and thus, they need dementia care at
home Solihull.


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