Drop It Like - Squat Challenge

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Jane Mukami's Drop It Like A Squat Challenge

No part of this document may be duplicated, transmitted, resold or reproduced in any form or by
any means without prior written permission from the author and publisher. Unauthorized
duplication of this material in any form is strictly prohibited

The ideas and suggestions shared in this e-book are for informational purposes only based on Jane
Mukami’s experience and opinion. This information is not intended to be a substitute for
professional medical advice, diagnosis, or provider with any questions you may have regarding
your health or any medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking
it because of something you have read in this e-book

Jane Mukami's Drop It Like A Squat Challenge

WORD FROM AUTHOR ........................................................................................................................................... 4

INTRODUCTION TO CHALLENGE ........................................................................................................................ 6

CHALLENGE DETAILS: ............................................................................................................................................ 8

BONUS BOOTY WORKOUT! .................................................................................................................................................. 10

POST CHALLENGE DETAILS: ............................................................................................................................... 11

1. WEIGHT LOSS COACHING .................................................................................................................................................. 11

2. CONSULTATION SESSION ................................................................................................................................................. 12

3. EBOOKS: ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 13

4. MY FREE COMMUNITIES ..................................................................................................................................................... 14

PRODUCTS: ONLY AVAILABLE IN NAIROBI, KENYA ..................................................................................... 17

A. WOMEN’S BODY PRODUCTS:.......................................................................................................................................... 17

B. RESISTANCE BANDS: ........................................................................................................................................................... 18

C. DIGESTIBLE PRODUCTS: ................................................................................................................................................... 20

LET'S STAY CONNECTED .................................................................................................................................... 28

Jane Mukami's Drop It Like A Squat Challenge

Word from author

Welcome To The DROP IT LIKE A SQUAT Challenge!
On January 3rd 2015 I created 21 Days Of
Change, A women’s only, private Facebook
Community. The premise of the group was:
1. To allow me to share health and fitness
information with women that are on a
quest for better health.
2. To help women stay inspired, and
motivated to get healthy, lose weight
and live a better life
3. To create interaction between women
on the same quest by them sharing
their challenges, victories, while
inspiring and supporting one another.
I’ve served and natured 21 days of change the
last 3 years by running FREE monthly 21 day
challenges that when followed, supports
better health and weight loss. It’s from the
challenges, and member interaction that the
group has gained fame and become home to
women from over 20 African countries.
On October 2015, with only 55,000 members at the time, 21 Days Of Change was
acknowledged as a community that made a positive impact in my home country,
Kenya, and won an award at the OLX Social Media Awards (SOMA) Awards.

Jane Mukami's Drop It Like A Squat Challenge

In a little over 3 years, the group is home to 295,000++ women in over 32 countries
worldwide. We hold each other accountable, as we walk the healthy living journey in
hopes of bettering ourselves, our families and communities.
Although the 21 Days Of Change Is Still a Women’s only community, the tips shared
in this e-book are for both men and women.
If you adhere to the 12 tips shared in this guide, I guarantee you will shift your weight,
feel better and look great.
Feel free to join the women’s only community by visiting the facebook group 21 Days
Of Change.
To your health,

Jane Mukami

Jane Mukami's Drop It Like A Squat Challenge

Introduction To challenge
Are you ready to build, tighten, tone and lift your butt? If YES then you’re in the right
Booty, butt, derriere, backside, rump, fanny, keister, caboose, ass, tush. So many
different names for the one body part everyone wants to build, tighten and tone.
Before we get started…
FACT - Scientifically known as the Gluteal Muscles or Glutes, Did you know that they
are by far the largest and strongest group of muscles in your body?
There are so many different ways to work on glutes and squats is one of the most
common way.
What’s the craze about squats?
The answer is pretty simple – They are the ultimate booty building and toning
exercise and then some! We all want tight, toned, perky asses….don’t we?
Squats help build or create non existing butts and also helps big butts get less jiggly,
cellulite free and toned.
But that’s not all. There are so many other benefits:

◉ They are a functional exercise that helps in performing real-life activities and
promote balance, mobility, posture, and such
◉ Their ability to burn the most number of calories considering the number of
large muscle groups targeted such as hips, glutes/ass, quads/front of thigh
above the knees, hamstring/back of the legs below ass, calves/squembes
and core.
◉ They shape and tone the entire lower body (thighs and butt)
◉ They strengthen the lower back
◉ They help build muscle, for those wanting bigger butts, even if performed with
only body weight

Jane Mukami's Drop It Like A Squat Challenge

Let’s talk about the much coveted toned butt!

The gluteus maximus/gluteal muscle - referred to as glutes, ass or booty - is made
up of 3 parts
1. Gluteus Medius is the top part of the
2. Gluteus Maximus is the middle and
largest part of the glute that gives
the perky crescent shape
3. Gluteus Minimus is the smallest part
of the glute at the bottom that gives
the lifted look.

Benefit of strengthening Gluteal muscles:

A well-trained butt isn’t just nice to look at… Strong glutes can

◉ help improve posture

◉ alleviate lower back, hip and knee pain
◉ enhance athletic performance
◉ reduce bone density loss
◉ eliminate that stubborn abdominal pooch because muscle burns more calories
at rest than fat does. Increasing lean muscle mass by glutes training can
accelerate fat loss and help to keep it off.

Although squats are super effective, they cannot be the ONLY thing you do if you
goal is toning, and killing cellulite to have a firmer, tighter booty. Some consistent
cardio will be needed to help increase fat burning and of course your nutrition needs
to be on point.

Jane Mukami's Drop It Like A Squat Challenge

Challenge Details:
This challenge is supposed to introduce beginners to squats while challenging those
who already workout.

Due to the different fitness levels, please feel free to break up the numbers in sets,
for example, Day 1 - 50. If you cannot do 50 all at once, break them up into sets of 10
and do 10 reps, 5 times for 50"

Jane Mukami's Drop It Like A Squat Challenge

1. Commit - As part of this challenge, You will need to commit to certain days of
physical activity. The calendar shows 30 to accommodate rest days.
2. Warm up - It is also important that you warm up by partaking in 30 minutes of
cardio before squatting. The cardio could be swimming, walking, jogging,
cycling, etc. This cardio is super important because it will warm your body and
muscles up to prevent injury as well as incinerate calories.
3. Click to watch the video below to learn how to perform squats and feel free to
leave a comment.
4. If in the Transform 21 page or 21 Days of change post a video of you performing
the squats to motive others.
5. Share pictures or videos on social media during the challenge and tag me on
IG and twitter @fitkenyangirl. Use the hashtag #squatwithjm and I will drop a
comment, a hi-5 or you just might win a gift.

It very important you note the following:

1. Start with feet shoulder width apart
2. Move your butt back as though about to sit on a chair or hovering your butt
over a dirty toilet seat.
3. Your knees should not go forward if your butt is going back by bending at the
pelvis. Watch for your knees not to come over your toes

Jane Mukami's Drop It Like A Squat Challenge

4. Go down as low as you possibly can then come back to starting position and
5. Do not hold your breath while doing this. Breadth in
6. Push yourself - The burn is a sign of activating the gluteus muscles. Follow the
daily count on the calendar and do your best by reaching the highest count
without stopping. If you must, take a short 15 to 25 second breather then
continue. Feel free to break up the numbers for example instead of 50, try 10
repetitions 15 second rest then another 10, until you’re done with 5 rounds. The
goal is to do all.
7. Find accountability - Pick a partner who you can keep you accountable and
cheer you on! Tag them on social media and make it a habit to tag them every
single day when you do your squats. Tag me too @fitkenyangirl and I will come
give you some support :-)


Fire-Hydrants - Do 15 of these per leg X 3 after the squats for an extra burn.

Happy booty building!!

Jane Mukami's Drop It Like A Squat Challenge

Post Challenge Details:

What happens after the challenge is over?
My hope is that you will continue finding ways to stay active and take care of your
body. I offer a wide range of services to support you to achieve your goals.

1. Weight Loss Coaching

Body Transformation Program (BTP)
BTP Is my sustainable, custom, weight loss coaching program targeted at losing
weight and keeping it off. BTP is for serious and committed individuals that are ready
to invest in themselves, reclaim their health, and transform their bodies.

What type of results are expected with BTP?

Liz shifted 27 kilos/ 60 pounds Susan shifted 16 kilos/35 Liz shifted 20 kilos in 4.5
In 4 Months using BTP pounds in 4 months using BTP months

“I am packing for vacation and to “My doctor was shocked to see my “I am so so happy. I now enjoying
my surprise all my small sized progress! I told her about you, and shopping, today I walked into a
jeans and tops are fitting. I began she told me to keep it up. She store at the mall and for once they
crying and my hubby asked why...I couldn't believe I had lost all that didn't say “we don’t have your size”
was crying because of joy. If i was weight by simply eating right. I told I have so much variety at this
near you I would give you a big her, well, my coach is the best” smaller size it’s unbelievable. I can
hug. Thank you for all your help” now also wear nice shoes without
feet swelling. God bless you Jane,
you have changed my life”

To learn more about BTP visit btp.janemukami.com

Jane Mukami's Drop It Like A Squat Challenge

2. Consultation Session
Consultations are great for people that need to discuss their goals and leave the call
with clarity on what their next steps are.

Click https://meetme.so/janemukami to schedule your

consultation session call today!

Note: Prior to the call I require completion of a health assessment to better

understand your needs and provide great value during our time together.

To schedule a consultation please click

Consult With Jane

Jane Mukami's Drop It Like A Squat Challenge

3. Ebooks:
My ebooks provide a general guide on things you can do to keep making progress in
your journey.

To purchase ebooks globally use Visa, MasterCard or PayPal by clicking "BUY NOW" to
complete your transaction on the website

For Mpesa send payment to buy goods 995207

10 Day Detox - Price $10 Eat Clean Get Lean - Price $35 Workout 101 - Price $20

Want to lose up to 7 kgs, feel Caroline lost 6 kilos/ 12 pounds Workout 101 outlines the best
great and have more energy in in 16 days of following this workouts for your body type
just 10 days? program… and the best workouts to lose
Over 40,000 people have Eat Clean Get Lean Is my 30 day
experienced amazing results clean eating guide that has 30 It also demystifies working out,
using my secret weapon to fast breakfasts, lunches, dinners + addresses common weight loss
weight loss and body cleansing 60 snacks. It takes the guess myths, and provides both at
in just 10 days. out of out clean eating and home and gym workouts.
supports your weight loss.

To purchase ebooks globally use Visa, MasterCard or PayPal by clicking "BUY NOW" to
complete your transaction on the website

For Mpesa send payment to buy goods 995207

Jane Mukami's Drop It Like A Squat Challenge

4. My FREE Communities
For motivation and support during the challenge join my Facebook communities.

1. 21 Days Of Change
Share pictures or videos on social media during the challenge and tag me on IG and
twitter @fitkenyangirl. Use the hashtag #squatwithjm and I will drop a comment, a hi-
5 or you just might win a gift.

At 21 Days of Change we support, empower, encourage and challenge each other

to get into the best shape of our lives and lead a healthy lifestyle. Come join us if
you want to have fun while transforming your body.

Jane Mukami's Drop It Like A Squat Challenge


Share pictures or videos on social media during the challenge and tag me on IG and
twitter @fitkenyangirl. Use the hashtag #squatwithjm and I will drop a comment, a
hi-5 or you just might win a gift.

"Being in this group is the best thing

ever! The encouragement, recipes,
testimonies keep me going."
~ Member ~

"Thank you Jane Mukami for giving

so many women hope. I'm more
energized to when I eat clean
and exercise. I can now run 10km
gracefully. I've trimmed 3 inches. All
my clothes are falling."
~ Member ~

"From 100kg to 81 kg in a span

of one year... Thanks to the
encouragements I got from this
~ Member ~

"On my third week and am down to

106 kgs from 120 kgs"
~ Member ~

"One week of eating clean and

working out, I can see some results"
~ Member ~

"This is exactly what lifestyle

change in four 4 months has done
October 2015 with Jane Mukami’s
10 day body detox, then got to the
No Wheat Challenge, and coupled it
up with No Carbs after 3pm. I have
so far lost 18kg and still counting...
the size 18/20 clothes are history!
To be honest, it's not been easy, but
obviously POSSIBLE"
~ Member ~

Jane Mukami's Drop It Like A Squat Challenge

2. Transform 21
Transform 21 is A fitness community for both men and women to keep each other
motivated and inspired.

3. 10 Day Detox Community

10 Day Detox is a community for both men and women that are participating in the 10
Day Detox Program. We run monthly challenges in the group to keep participants
motivated to complete the detox process.

Jane Mukami's Drop It Like A Squat Challenge


A. Women’s Body Products:
Body products are “helpers” of the weight loss journey and NOT items that cause
weight loss. For this reason they solely cannot be relied on to shift weight any weight,
but can cause magic when combined with a clean diet and physical activity.

Waist trimmer Waist Trainer

Worn during workout to raise body Help reduce waistline. Read blog to
temperature, increase sweat in the learn more -> bit.ly/WaistTrainingByJM
tummy area and assist to reduce
stomach. The tummy trimmer works
when combined with good nutrition

Price 10,000/=
Price 5500/=

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Jane Mukami's Drop It Like A Squat Challenge

B. Resistance Bands:
The only way to tighten and tone bye bye arms, and other upper body parts is by
including resistance training to your program. Resistance bands provide one of the
cheapest and versatile way for effective at home workouts.

1. Mini resistance bands come in a set of 4 or 5 and are great for

lower body/leg workouts.
Mini resistance bands price is 5,000/=
watch the video below for a demonstration

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Jane Mukami's Drop It Like A Squat Challenge

2. Strength Resistance Band

Say bye bye to the bye bye waving arms because this long
resistance band is the solution to upper body toning.
Resistance band price is 3000/=
Watch Video for demonstration

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Jane Mukami's Drop It Like A Squat Challenge

C. Digestible Products:
Disclaimer: The products presented below are not intended to be a substitute for
professional medical advice, diagnosis, or provider. Consult your medical
practitioner with any questions you may have regarding your health or any
medical condition. Discuss the use of products below with your doctor prior to use.
Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it because of
something you have read in this e-book

1. Stevia
Is sugar and sweet things your weakness?
Regular sugar and alternatives such as splenda, canderel quickly raise our blood
glucose which leads to insulin spike. Diabetics are asked to avoid sugar for this very
The only healthy form of sugar that supports weight
is Stevia. Stevia is derived from a plant, has no
calories, and is 200 times sweeter than sugar in the
same concentration. It doesn’t raise blood sugar
levels like sugar and other artificial sweeteners.
Studies show that stevia could benefit people with
diabetes, hypertension and assist with weight loss.
My preferred type of stevia is liquid form where 2 to
3 drops can sweeten a cup of coffee or tea. The little
bottle lasts about 3 to 4 months.

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Jane Mukami's Drop It Like A Squat Challenge

2. DIM - Hormonal balance pills (60 - taken once a day)

DIM provides natural hormone balance for both men
and women.
DIM is an extract from nature's healthiest foods:
Cruciferous vegetables. This powerful natural
solution has finally given women and men a natural
way to balance their hormones.
For women DIM promotes the metabolism of excess
potent forms of estrogen. Restored estrogen
balance means the reduction or elimination of pms,
menopause symptoms, weight loss, restored
energy, hormonal acne reduction, helps in the
management of PCOS, and the promotion of healthy breast tissue.
Men Benefit from DIM too because DIM metabolizes excess estrogen, it's a crucial
weight loss tool. Less estrogen means a greater ability to gain muscle mass.
Additional benefits for men include: increased libido, improve prostate health, and
acne control. DIM can also improve the effectiveness of testosterone by eliminating
excess estrogen.

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Jane Mukami's Drop It Like A Squat Challenge

3. Vitamins + Supplements
A supplement can be defined as any product that you use along with your existing
nutrition and exercise program to improve your nutritional status, performance, fat
loss results, or a combination of these things.
Why should you supplement?
1. Standard eating habits do not account for huge portions of healthy, vitamin and
mineral filled foods such as green vegetables. Supplementing them becomes
a great way to consume these micronutrients and trace elements.
2. Current agricultural practices leave soil deficient of nutrients which then yields
food that's devoid of nutrients. You need soil rich in nutrients to get food rich in
3. Even with the perfect nutrient rich soil, many fruits and vegetables are
hybridized or genetically bred/modified to improve visual appeal, yield higher
returns leading to lesser nutritional values than our ancestor’s food supply.
4. Organic foods are becoming rare commodities. The public at large relies on
produce from sources that cannot be determined. For this reason,
supplementing would be the ideal way to ensure you’re getting all the
necessary micronutrients despite food source.
5. Depletion of nutrients due to extended shipping and preservation methods.
6. Cooking of food for better taste usually degrades quality of nutrients leading
to reduced nutritional value
7. As we age, our bodies provide fewer enzymes, including those needed to
assimilate food as we eat. This leads to common issues such as indigestion,
reflux, heartburn, constipation etc.

Jane Mukami's Drop It Like A Squat Challenge

Multivitamin For Him Multivitamin For Her Fish Oil

● Made With D3 With Iron ● Purified to remove

● Made with D3
and Calcium 300 mercury
● 22 Key Nutrients to Tablets Per Bottle
● Nature Made fish oil
Support Men's Health
● 23 Key nutrients in a supply only comes
● No Iron single Pill to support from deep ocean
Women's Health. waters, not farm
● Taken 1 tablet a day raised fish
300 count can last 300 ● USP Verified Dietary
days, almost a year! Supplement. ● United states
pharmacopeia (USP)
Price 7000/= ● Formulated for easy verified
● Taken 1 tablet a day
● Taken 1 tablet a day 320 count can last 320
300 count can last 300 days!
days, almost a year!
Price 6500/=
Price 6500/=

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Jane Mukami's Drop It Like A Squat Challenge

Vitamin C Vitamin E Coq10

● Antioxidant - Helps
Support the Immune ● Vitamin E is an ● STATIN USERS: Certain
System antioxidant and statin drugs can reduce
protects the body from CoQ10 levels in the
● Vitamin C helps free radicals which body. Nature Made
neutralize free radicals harm body tissues and CoQ10 can help
and helps iron get cells. replenish this important
absorbed in the body nutrient.
● Vitamin E is an
● No Color Added essential nutrient for ● CoQ10 is naturally
many cells, including orange in color. Found
● No Artificial Flavors heart muscle cells. in most cells in the
body, CoQ10 helps
● No Preservatives ● No Color Added support heart function
● Taken 1 tablet a day ● No Artificial Flavors
and cellular energy
300 count can last 300 production.
days, almost a year! ● No Preservatives ● No Color Added
Price 6000/= ● 100 Tables to last over ● No Artificial Flavors
3 months.
● No Preservatives
Price 6000/=
● Taken 1 tablet a day 80
count can last 80 days.

Price 6000/=

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Jane Mukami's Drop It Like A Squat Challenge

Glucosamine Chondroitin Milk Thistle Calcium, Zinc,


● Relieves arthritis and ● Natural liver detox ● This product has key
any joint pain and nutrients that help
discomfort ● High potency for support strong bones
ultimate liver support as well as aid in nerve,
● Nourishes joint and muscle and metabolic
connective Tissue ● Non-GMO, gluten free
and free of artificial functions. Zinc also
● Supports joint ingredients, chemicals, participates in
cushioning colors, additives, trans antioxidant processes.
fats, or lactose.
● Taken 2 per day for 110 ● Vitamin D helps
days! ● Taken 1 per day for 200 improve calcium
days! absorption.
Price 8500/= ● Color Derived from
Price 7000/=
Natural Sources - No
Synthetic Dyes

● No Artificial Flavors
● No Preservatives
● Taken 1 tablet a day
300 count can last 300
days, almost a year!

Price 5500/=

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Jane Mukami's Drop It Like A Squat Challenge

4. Protein Powders
Low carb, low sugar and salt Protein Shakes support are great because…

◉ It’s a meal in a cup that’s easy to take on the road, while travelling. All you need
is a shaker cup and water to mix.

◉ They are an excellent source of high quality protein since the have a wide
range of amino acids

◉ Support weight loss for the types since they are low in calories for those with
low carbs and sugar

◉ May lower blood pressure

◉ May help treat diabetes since they keep blood sugar stable
◉ Best when taken right after workouts to speed up lean muscle building and

◉ Can be used as a meal replacement to support weight-loss or fat-loss diets

Jane Mukami's Drop It Like A Squat Challenge

Vpro Raw Plant Protein UMP Whey Protein

● 130 calories 23g Protein 4g Carbs 2g ● 130 calories 21g Protein 3g Carbs 1g
sugar 10 fat sugar 30 fat

● Pure Plant protein ● Super lean and clean: Low in carbs and
sugar, and almost zero lactose.
● Hypoallergenic
● Take UMP right after workouts to speed
● Helps build and maintain muscle up lean muscle building and recovery.*
Use it as a meal replacement to make
30 servings in 1 tab
weight-loss or fat-loss diets a snap.*
Available in Chocolate, Vanilla or Moccachino
● Best tasting milkshake type taste
Available in cookies and cream, chocolate,
Price 7500/= strawberry, graham cracker.

Price 11,000/=

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Jane Mukami's Drop It Like A Squat Challenge

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Checkout my blogs at janemukami.com/blog

To receive my weekly emails, visit Janemukami.com, scroll to the

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