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Class VIII Studying Students

Based on CBSE School/Board Exam


Registered Office: Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Ph.: (011) 47623456
Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Ph.: 011-47623456

MM : 80 Model Test Paper (Science) Time : 3 Hrs.

(for Class VIII Studying Students)


1. All questions are compulsory.

2. The question paper consists of 31 questions divided into three Sections A, B and C.

3. Section A comprises of 20 questions of 1 mark each, Section B comprises of 10 questions of 3 marks

each and Sections C comprises of 6 questions of 5 marks each.

4. There is no overall choices in this paper. However, internal choice is provided in 3 questions of 3 marks
and 3 questions of 5 marks.

5. Use of calculator is not permitted.

6. It is mandatory to use Blue/Black Pen to write the answer.

Very Short Answer Type Questions : [9×1=9]
Q1. Define carbonisation. [1]
Q2. Define ignition temperature. [1]
Q3(a) At what angle the equatorial and orbital planes of Earth are inclined? [1]
Q3(b) What is the name of safety device which is used to protect buildings from the effect of lightning? [1]
Q3(c) What is earthing? [1]
Q3(d) What is electroplating? [1]
Q4(a) Name any two endemic flora of Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve. [1]
Q4(b) Give any two advantages of preserving food. [1]
Q4(c) Define fermentation. Who discovered it? [1]
Multiple Choice Type Questions : [8×1=8]
Q5. We use grease on cycle chains to [1]
(1) Increase friction
(2) Decrease friction
(3) Increase rolling friction
(4) Keep it clean

Model Test Paper - Science Class VIII Studying

Q6. Choose the incorrect statement about fluid friction.

(1) It depends upon the speed of the body
(2) It depends upon shape of the body
(3) It exist both in liquids and gases
(4) It decreases with surface area, so more is the surface area, less will be the air resistance
Q7. The abbreviated form of ‘LED’ is [1]
(1) Light ejecting diode
(2) Light emitting diode
(3) Light evolving diode
(4) Light emerging diode
Q8. Which of the following organisms promote the formation of curd? [1]
(1) Yeast (2) Penicillium
(3) Lactobacillus (4) Rhizobium
Q9. Pigment necessary for photosynthesis is present in [1]
(1) Mitochondria (2) Cell membrane
(3) Nucleus (4) Chloroplast
Q10. Which of the following is a biodegradable material? [1]
(1) Metal can (2) Plastic bag
(3) Aluminium box (4) Wooden box
Q11. Which of the following is not made by mixing two types of fibres? [1]
(1) Polywool (2) Polyester
(3) Polycot (4) Terrycot
Q12. When a copper vessel is exposed to moist air for long, it acquires a dull green coating. The green material
is a mixture of [1]
(1) Cu(OH)2 and CuO
(2) Cu2S and CuSO4
(3) Cu(OH)2 and CuCO3
(4) Cu(OH)2 and Cu2S
Assertion & Reason Type Questions : [3×1=3]
In the following questions, a statement of Assertion (A) is followed by a statement of Reason (R).
(1) Both A and R are true and R is correct explanation of the assertion
(2) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of the assertion
(3) A is true but R is false
(4) A is false but R is true
Q13. A : Blue colour of copper sulphate solution turns colourless on adding few zinc granules to it. [1]
R : A more reactive metal displaces the less reactive metal from its salt solution.
Q14. A : Metals are good conductor of elecrtricity. [1]
R : Metals does not have free electrons.
Q15. A : Parents transmit their characters to offsprings through genes. [1]
R : Genes are located in vacuole.

Class VIII Studying Model Test Paper - Science

Short Answer Type Questions : [10×3=30]
Q16. Name any three constituents of petroleum and write one common use of each of them. [3]
Q17. Name the following :
(i) A flame resistant plastic. [3]
(ii) A synthetic fibre known as artificial silk.
(iii) A branched chain polymer.
Q18. Define the following :
(i) Combustible substance [3]
(ii) Calorific value
(iii) Fire extinguisher
(i) Name the compound added to LPG in order to detect its leakage. [1]
(ii) Write the main constituent(s) of the following : [2]
(a) LPG
(b) CNG
Q19. With the help of diagrams, explain the process of budding occurs in Hydra. [3]
Mention any three functions of plasma membrane. [3]
Q20. Write any three secondary sexual characters of boys and girls each that start to develop at puberty. [3]
Q21. Write any three harmful effects of global warming. [3]
Q22. Define the following terms and give one example of each : [3]
(i) Endangered species
(ii) Vulnerable species
Q23. (i) What is reflection of light? [1]
(ii) What are the characteristics of image formation by plane mirror? [2]
Q24. (i) Give a brief working of lightning conductor. [2]
(ii) What measures should be taken during lightning inside the house? [1]
(i) What is an electric charge? [1]
(ii) Illustrate with an example that opposite charges attract each other. [2]
Q25. (i) A ray incident on the plane mirror making 25° angle with it. Find the angle between incident and reflected
ray. [2]
(ii) What do you mean by lateral inversion in plane mirror? [1]

Model Test Paper - Science Class VIII Studying

Long Answer Type Questions : [6×5 = 30]
Q26. (i) Write the property of the metals due to which they can be [5]
(a) Stretched into thin wires
(b) Beaten into thin sheets
(ii) Give chemical equations to show the reaction between [2 × 2]
(a) Zinc metal and aqueous solution of copper sulphate
(b) Potassium metal with cold water
Also write the names of the products obtained
Q27. (i) Define : [5]
(a) Refining of petroleum
(b) Power alcohol
(ii) Write any two ways to conserve exhaustible natural resources.
(iii) Write the full form of ‘PCRA’.
(i) Give reasons :
(a) Burning of coal and petrol causes acid rain. [2]
(b) Water is not used as a fire extinguisher for the fire caused by petrol. [2]
(ii) Name the chemical which is used in the coating of the head of matchstick nowadays. [1]
Q28. Write any five points of difference between manures and fertilizers. [5]
(i) How grains are stored at [2]
a. A small scale?
b. A large scale?
(ii) Name any two diseases caused by viruses in humans. [1]
(iii) Why is weeding necessary? Give any two reasons. [2]
Q29. (i) What are hormones? Write any three characteristics of hormones. [2½]
(ii) Name the sex of the human child produced when a sperm containing Y chromosome fuses with the
egg. [½]
(iii) Name the hormones produced by pancreas and adrenal gland respectively along with their function. [2]
Q30. (i) A cubical object of mass 400 kg and edge length 2 m is kept on the ground on one of its faces. Find
the pressure it exerts on the ground. [Take g = 10 m/s2] [2]
(ii) Define : [1 × 3]
(a) Balanced force
(b) Unbalanced force
(c) Inertia

Class VIII Studying Model Test Paper - Science

Q31. (i) Draw a labelled diagram of human ear. [3]

(ii) Displacement versus distance graph for a wave is given below. If wave speed is v, find the frequency of wave. [2]


Define :
(a) Asteroids [1]
(b) Comets [1]
(c) Meteoroids [1]
(d) Meteors [1]
(e) Meteorites [1]

‰ ‰ ‰

Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Ph.: 011-47623456

MM : 80 Model Test Paper (Mathematics) Time : 3 Hrs.

(for Class VIII Studying Students)

1. All questions are compulsory.
2. The question paper consists of 40 questions divided into four Sections A, B, C and D.
3. Section A comprises of 20 questions of 1 mark each, Section B comprises of 6 questions of 2 marks
each, Section C comprises of 8 questions of 3 marks each and Sections D comprises of 6 questions
of 4 marks each.
4. There is no overall choices in this paper. However, internal choice is provided in 2 questions of 1 marks,
2 questions of 2 marks and 3 questions of 3 marks and 3 questions of 4 marks.
5. Use of calculator is not permitted.
6. It is mandatory to use Blue/Black Pen to write the answer.

Multiple Choice Type Questions : [10×1=10]
Q1. Which of the following is not true?

2 2 2 2
(1)  1  1 (2)  1  1
5 5 7 7
3 7 7 3  1
(3)    (4) 9     1
5 8 8 5 9

Q2. In a pie chart, the total angle at the centre of the circle is x then equals
(1) 480° (2) 360°
(3) 135° (4) 270°
Q3. Three natural numbers a, b, c are said to form a Pythagorean triplet if
(1) a2 + b2 + c2 = 0 (2) a2 – b2 + c2 = 0
(3) a2 – 2b2 – c2 = 0 (4) a2 + b2 = 2c2
Q4. Cube root of 2.197 is
(1) 13 (2) 0.13
(3) 1.3 (4) 1.9

Class VIII Studying Model Test Paper - Mathematics

1 7
Q5. The value of S in  2S  is
3 5
8 16
(1) (2)
15 15
16 8
(3) (4)
15 15
Q6. If B3A + 24A = A84, then values of A and B are respectively
(1) 2, 1 (2) 2, 0
(3) 7, 5 (4) 7, 4
 7 
Q7. Multiplicative inverse of   is
 13 
 13   7 172
(1)   (2)  
 7   13 
172 172
 7   13  1 
(3)   (4)   
 13   7  
Q8. 400% of [100 – 10% of 900] is equal to
(1) 4 (2) 40
(3) 400 (4) 36
Q9. The volume of a cube whose edge is 15 cm, is
(1) 3375 cm3 (2) 5625 cm3
(3) 2250 cm3 (4) 3357 cm3
Q10. Smallest perfect square divisible by 4, 6 is x2, then x equals
(1) 144 (2) 48
(3) 12 (4) 216

Fill in the Blank Type Questions : [5×1=5]

Q11. _______ is a quadrilateral which has two pairs of equal consecutive sides. [1]
Q12. 672 will have ________ at the units place [1]

R 
Q13. Amount when interest is compounded ________ is A  P  1   [1]
 400 

Q14. The representation of an expression as the product of its factors is called _______. [1]
(x + a) (x + b) = x2 + _______ x + ab
Q15. A pyramid is a polyhedron whose base is a ______ and lateral faces are _______. [1]

Very Short Answer Type Questions : [5×1=5]

3  7 
Q16. Find the reciprocal of  . [1]
7  13 
Q17. What is the sum of all interior angles of a heptagon? [1]

Model Test Paper - Mathematics Class VIII Studying


32 2
Q18. Express :  4 
as a power with the base . [1]
 2x  x

Q19. Find the ratio of 60 paise to `6. [1]


If marked price of 110 shirts is equal to selling price of 50 shirts, then find the ratio of SP and MP.

Q20. Name any two solids that are not polyhedrons. [1]

Short Answer Type Questions : [6×2=12]
Q21. Find a number whose sixth part is increased by 18 is equal to its fourth part decreased by 27. [2]
Q22. If two different angles of a parallelogram are in the ratio of : 1 , then find all the angles of parallelogram. [2]
Q23. Listed below are the temperature in °C. [2]
–6, –7, 3, 0, 2, –4, 5, 0, –4
What is the range of the data?
In the pie-chart shown below, the total number of viewers who watch different news channels is 1000. Find
the difference between the number of viewers who watch Hindi news channels and English news channels.

a l N ls
n e
gio nn
Re Cha
Hindi News
English News 50%

Q24. Evaluate the value of 3.17 × 2.83. [2]

Q25. Area of a rhombus is (8x2 + 50y2 + 40xy) cm2. If both diagonals are equal, then find the length of one diagonal.
Q26. If 712a4a1 is a multiple of 9, where a is a digit, then find the value of a. [2]

If 345a7b is a multiple of 3, where a and b are digits, then what might be the minimum value of
a + b?

Short Answer Type Questions : [8×3=24]

3 1
Q27. There is an aluminium strip in the shape of rectangle, whose dimensions are 8 cm and 1 cm . How many
4 4
full circles of diameter 1 can cut from it? [3]
Class VIII Studying Model Test Paper - Mathematics

Q28. Solve the following [3]

x 1 1 1 1
  x     x  1 
3 4 2 5 15
Q29. In the given figure, PQRS is a Kite (QS > PR) and QRTU is a parallelogram. If PRT is a line segment, then
find the value of 3y – x. [3]

(9)  27  t
3 4
Q30. If  (3 t )1 , then find the value of t. [3]
(3)3  (3)4  t 2
Q31. The given data shows the number of accidents by truck drivers in various years of a city. [3]

Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Number of accidents 1500 1700 2000 2300 2500
Represent the data in the form of a line graph.
Q32. Selling price of 20 articles is equal to cost price of 15 articles, so in this transaction how much percentage
loss will have to bear? [3]
Present cost of a piece of land is `44100. Its price increases at the rate of 10% compounded half-yearly,
then what was the price of the same land before one year.
Q33. The dimensions of a closed rectangular box are in the ratio 2 : 3 : 4 and the difference between the costs
of covering it with a sheet of paper at the rate of ` 8 per square metre and ` 9 per square metre is `832.
Find the dimensions of the box. [3]
Find the area of a rhombus whose side and one diagonal measures 13 cm and 10 cm respectively.

Q34. Factorize : 1  2 ab  (a  b ) [3]

 
Divide (x + 2)2 + 2x2 + x – 6 by (x + 2)

Long Answer Type Questions : [6×4=24]
Q35. Construct a rhombus ABCD whose side AB = 4.5 cm and ABC = 60°. Also, write the steps of construction.[4]
Construct a kite ABCD with diagonals AC = 8 cm, BD = 6 cm and side AB = 5 cm. Also, write steps of
Q36. (i) A dice is rolled once, find the probability of getting [4]
(a) A composite number
(b) A factor of 15
(ii) If a coin is tossed three times, then find the number of possible outcomes.
Model Test Paper - Mathematics Class VIII Studying

Q37. What price should a shopkeeper mark on an article that costs him ` 1600 to gain 30%, after allowing a
discount of 20%. [4]
Two numbers are less than a third number by 20% and 40% respectively. By how much percentage is the
second number less than the first number?
Q38. Simplify :
4 3  4 3  4 3  9b  32a 
(i)  a  b a  b   a  b  b   [3]
3 4 3 4  3 4  16  9 
(ii) (a + b)(a – b)(a2 + b2)(a4 + b4) + b8 – a8 + a + b [1]

(i) If a2 + b2 = 625, a + b = 31 (a > b), then find the value of a – b. [2]
(ii) The area of a square is (9x2 + 42xy + 49y2) sq. unit, then find the perimeter of the square. [2]

Q39. (i) 3
 3

27  3 21952  3 64  1000 [2]

(ii) Find the volume of a cube whose total surface area is 384 m2. [2]
Q40. The area of the base of a right circular cylinder is 154 cm2 and its height is 15 cm. Find the total surface
area of the cylinder. [4]

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Our Result in Medical & Engineering Entrance Exams-2019

80081 688 7879 1633

69826 Classroom 576 Classroom 7250 Classroom 1441 Classroom
10255 Distance & Digital 112 Distance & Digital 629 Distance & Digital 192 Distance & Digital
in NEET-UG for AIIMS in JEE (Main) in JEE (Adv.)

Our Result in Olympiads / Scholarship Exams 2018-2019

1421 90 751 366 576

1381 Classroom 89 Classroom 715 Classroom 317 Classroom 548 Classroom
40 Distance & Digital 1 Distance 36 Distance & Digital 49 Distance & Digital 28 Distance & Digital
in PRMO in RMO in NTSE in NTSE in NSEs
2019 2018 Stage - I 2018-2019 Stage - II 2019 2018

12 585 445 791 481

11 Classroom 457 Classroom 337 Classroom 776 Classroom 466 Classroom
1 Distance 128 Distance & Digital 108 Distance & Digital 15 Distance & Digital 15 Distance & Digital
in INO in KVPY in KVPY in NSO in IMO
2019 Aptitude Test 2018-2019 Fellowship Award 2018-2019 Level-I 2018-2019 Level-I 2018-2019

Registered Office / DLP Division: Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. TOLL FREE NUMBER

Ph.: (011) 47623456 | E-mail: 1800-102-2727

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