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Name(s): __________________________________

Student Directed Study (SDS) (adapted from Rioux)

SDS 1 – Create and carry out a plan to explore one of more topics of personal interest that are
relevant to Health Science 20
In this class you will be asked to investigate a topic of your choice in greater depth in any unit of study in this
course. The intention is that you will develop a greater understanding of a topic of interest and become a more
scientifically literate citizen. At the end of this study you will submit and share evidence (written and “hands-”)
of your learning.

• Your topic must be connected to the HS curriculum (choose an outcome to focus on)
• You must have a personal connection to the topic
• You must hand in this booklet to complete the SDS
• You will be required to demonstrate progress on your topic on designated check- in dates
• You will be required to complete a “hands on” or “hand in” or “hand out” portion

FINAL SUBMISSION DATE: _______________________________________________

Step 1: Submit a Proposal DUE: _______________________ Total: /5

What is your Focus Question?: (1)

What are you hoping to Learn?: (1)

How does your focus question specially relate to the course? (1)

In what format will you demonstrate your learning? *Remember you need both written and hands on/in/out! (2)

Research Paper AND  Video  Scrapbook  Diary/Log

Powerpoint  Experiment  Poster  Other?
Investigation Step: Research Logs

- Students must complete five research logs, one log per information source.

- Students must have at least two research logs completed from Academic Journals (Found on Miller
Homepage  Resource Centre  Resources Online)

- Each log is worth 6 marks – for a total of 30 marks.

- The 5 research logs are due with the rest of the completed SDS.


DUE: ___________________________________

There are several aspects to develop when becoming a scientifically literate person; they include
developing a scientific attitude, a set of scientific and technological skills, scientific knowledge and
recognizing and understanding the interconnectedness of science, technology, society and
environment (STSE). There are also several learning methods in which we can develop our scientific
literacy; Scientific (Experimental) Inquiry, Technological Problem Solving, Cultural Perspectives, and
STSE Decision Making.
- One – page (1)
- Clear explanation of why you should receive the mark, including:
- How have you grown as a scientifically literate citizen? (2)
- Steps you took to organize, research, experiment or analyze data (2)
- Critiques of your final project (2)
- “I” statements are to be utilized to indicate where learning has occurred. This may include
reflection of the learning that took place. (3)
Self-Assessment Total: /10

Health Science 20 – SDS Outline

DUE: Friday, October 11, 2019

In class/Computer Time: Check in Due Dates:

#1 – Wednesday, September 25 Step #1 – Wednesday, September 25
#2 – Tuesday, October 1
#3 – Wednesday, October 2
#4 – Thursday, October 3 Final Due Date – FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11
SDS Rubric Total Student Teacher
Score Score

Category: Organization (11 points)

Has met all progress check-in dates. The submission requirements have been met on time and were completed
precisely and properly.
 Step 1 – Submit a Proposal 6
 The focus question is clear. Project is related to at least one major
curricular outcome (topic).
On time (1)
Completed Outline (5)

 Final Submission 5
On Time (1)
Includes EVERYTHING: proposal, research, final copy, assessment (5)

Category: Research (43 points)

**Makes detailed and relevant observations through experimental processes

and/or research.**
 A variety of sources have been used (internet, scientific journals, people,
 A detailed collection of research/evidence has been provided!
 A minimum of 6 hours has been spent on the research
**Research log has been completed and submitted for each source**
*6 marks per source*

APA Formatted Reference Page (Works Cited)

Five (5) APA formatted (NOT MLA) sources

 You explain how this information impacts the areas of science, technology,
society, and the environment. (2)
 Your Focus Question has been answered with supporting evidence (2)
 Communicates findings effectively and appropriately with a high degree of
clarity (accuracy) and precision (attention). (2)
 Personal growth and personal connections to the topic are evident. How
is this topic relevant to you? (2) 8
Category: Product (36 points)

The product is free of any grammatical or spelling errors. (2) 4

Written in student language with student explanations and narration. (2)

Has at least three original, inquiry questions about the topic and has 6
ANSWERED the questions with research done (6)
The product is neat (2) clean (2) and attractive (2) 6

The product shows creativity (2) 5

Presented in an innovative fashion (1)

Product is engaging (2)

Hand In/Hands On/Hand Out

 Completed a “Hands On” OR “Hand In” OR “Hand Out” portion

Includes a demo done in front of class/experiment/etc. OR
complementary hand-in product 15
- Connects to project (2)
- Prepared materials (2)
- Clearly Explained (2)
- Effort is clearly present (3)
- Well thought out and developed (2)
- Shows a greater understanding of the topic covered (2)
- Able to answer questions/clarify learning taken place on topic (2)

Category: Self – Assessment (11 points)

- One – page (1) 11

- Clear explanation of why you should receive the mark, including:
- How have you grown as a scientifically literate citizen? (2)
- Steps you took to organize, research, experiment or analyze data (2)
- Critiques of your final project (2)
- “I” statements are to be utilized to indicate where learning has occurred. This
may include reflection of the learning that took place. (3)
- Self-evaluation made on the rubric. Use the checklist; mark yourself under
the student column. (1)

Total Points 101

SDS Research Log (Remember you need 5!)

Resource Title (Article Title, Book Title, etc.)

1. Today’s Date:

2. Date on Resource (date published):

3. Source/Citation (APA Citation):

4. Key Points from Source:

5. Notes/Connections/New Questions (Inquiry Questions):

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